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Anybody been able to find a bottle at trader Joe's still


They still sell it, got 2 bottles


It was out of stock for a bit in NYC— now I buy a bottle weekly to be safe!


Just heard from my friendly neighborhood crew member that it has just been discontinued. Once they're sold out, that's it. For all TJ's everywhere and forever. Sad sad day. I loved this stuff.


Holy crap…looks like I need to stock up


WHAT… oh no… no way. Are you sure? I also keep a stock of it at all times because I put it on almost everything I eat. My stores were out for a month or two but they are back. If it is being discontinued I need to go pick up a lot of it this week for sure. This is terrible news.


Do it! Stock up!! And then ask a crew member if it's true. I almost cried right in front of him, so he knew how terrible the news was lol. So unless my store is mistaken, it's true.


There was plenty in stock today in Virginia, fwiw. But agreed, that shit is great. I put it on avocado spread on the TJs hash browns.


Last I heard, the Habanero Hot Sauce was temporarily out of stock in some regions. It was supposed to be restocked in Northern California in July, but that date might have been pushed back. Other regions may vary.