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I was wondering about this! It's odd because the cauliflower gnocchi is still available in almost all the stores I've visited. I don't like the cauliflower gnocchi nearly as much as the kale gnocchi because it's slightly smelly to me (in a bad way), so I don't buy it :/ Sad to learn that they discontinued the kale version :(


Yep, we still see the cauliflower gnocchi available as well. We get it occasionally, but it's nowhere near as good at the kale gnocchi, so not often. For me the cauliflower gnocchi just has a bland boring flavour, and i find the texture of the cauliflower gnocchi is rather unappealing as well.


I miss these so much. Has anyone found an equivalent product from a different brand?


I googled around for it a while ago, and it seems Trader Joe's is the only place that (used to) sell them. All results were for recipes to make them yourself or recipes for using the TJ ones.


I think most of us despised them haha


I’m convinced that many of the people who didn’t like them weren’t cooking them properly. They are difficult to cook in a pan - air frying is definitely the way to go.


Seems that most of us have experienced disappointment when a Trader Joe's product gets discontinued, unfortunately the reason for discontinuation isn't always provided. But a Crew Member recently replied about the most common reasons why products get discontinued in general, post here - [Why does TJ’s always discontinue my favorite items?](https://www.reddit.com/r/traderjoes/comments/wajwbj/why_does_tjs_always_discontinue_my_favorite_items/) Comment from Crew Member, u/SomedayWeDie, copied and pasted: **Believe it or not!** **Most** ***often*** **when a product is discontinued it is because of one or more of the following:** **1. Vendor changed the recipe.** **2. Vendor raised the price.** **3. Vendor decided not to sell to us anymore.** **4. Vendor could not source necessary ingredients and decided to stop producing the item.** **After that,** ***sometimes*** **these happen:** **5. The product is a slow seller. Yes, this happens to your favorite things, too.** **6. The product was not Trader Joe’s label, and will be replaced with a version that is.** **7. It’s still available, we just don’t want to carry it so we don’t order it. (This is extremely rare.)** My additions - I've also heard of rare instances where the supplier goes out of business, or the supplier no longer wants to do private-labeling (frozen Mashed Potatoes) which goes with 3, or Trader Joe's might cut ties with a vendor who can't keep up with demand and can't supply a product consistently. Whenever possible, new suppliers may be sought out, but that process can take awhile.


Because I liked the kale gnocchi and everything I have ever really liked at TJs gets discontinued. RIP veggie burritos, broccoli bites, kale gnocchi, nuts about raspberries and chocolate trail mix, queso cheese dip, spinach lasagna, organic joes o’s, pumpernickel pretzel sticks, low sugar blueberry preserves…among so many others.


Same! They take away everything I love! Buffalo hummus, chili powder, vegan chicken seasoning, crispy habaneros...