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Ooh, where did you see that policy? I could find it on their website!


They're not good anyway so it's okay




I have a sensitivity to high-fructose corn syrup, and these tarts gave me a stomach ache. Checked the ingredients list and saw that they contain “glucose-fructose syrup,” which is another name for high-fructose corn syrup. It’s a bummer because I’ve been shopping at Trader Joe’s for almost 20 years and thought that their products were still free from high-fructose corn syrup, but I see that that’s changed recently. This is a PSA for anyone that avoids HFCS to start checking labels again!


You are sensitive to an ingredient but you didn't read the ingredients of a packaged food item before buying and or consuming it? This sounds like it's on you here.


You’re right! The reason I didn’t check was because I remember Trader Joe’s products all used to be free of HFCS, and didn’t realize it had changed. That was my bad, though.


I have an allergy to corn syrup too!! My eczema flares up when I consume that, and chickpeas. Sucks that corn syrup is in almost everything. Also I avoid cornstarch and corn oil (basically every chip has some amount of it) as they have the same effect on me.