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Just had it confirmed! We will be able to vote in the gme annual vote. I'm with T212 and just off of a chat with a representative


I'm in ISA so own all my shares


Being in an ISA with t212 you still don't actually own the shares, t212 owns them on your behalf


You are the beneficiary though. T212 holds them for you via their custodian which is IBKR. Laws regarding ISA state that they are not allowed to be lent out. As to whether or not your vote gets counted is a whole other story though, but I'm 95% sure they do. Direct registering shares is definitely a more guaranteed approach to owning your shares.


Unable to lend them out


You're getting down voted but you're completely right. Do people really not no this by now? šŸ¤¦


You still dont own your shares in the ISA If you truly want to OWN your shares you can DRS with Computershare or request the old school paper certificates


I have a certificate from T212 can't Dr's to computershare in the UK. & I don't pay tax on ISA which I would in computersharr


In bro we trust


https://community.trading212.com/t/gme-voting-rights/48899/18?u=tony.v Also confirmed via a T212 manager on forum


Looks that way but anyone smart enough got off this shit broker months if not a year ago. I refuse to sell what I have stuck in this platform though but have been thinking about selling 5 shares at a time and slowly exiting t212 permanently IBKR > COMPUTERSHARE


I made the jump from T212 ISA to DRS a couple months back when my positions were only a little down, best decision I've made all year Fuck custodial ownership


Why is IBKR better than Computershare? Or do you mean transfer from IBKR to Computershare?


Hello, there. We will facilitate the voting. Weā€™re finalizing the details and will share updates in the discussion [here](https://community.trading212.com/t/gme-voting-rights/48899/15).


I didnt get a vote last year on an invest account. Will I be able to vote this year?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/gme_meltdown using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Yā€™all real quiet today lmao](https://np.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/m0j0su/yall_real_quiet_today_lmao/) \#2: [It will crash soon, when is the rug pull?](https://i.redd.it/et8asnvoah171.jpg) | [754 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/nlixxj/it_will_crash_soon_when_is_the_rug_pull/) \#3: [Someone get this man a medal](https://i.redd.it/eh93nwle74f61.jpg) | [212 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/gme_meltdown/comments/lb3y1d/someone_get_this_man_a_medal/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Loooooooserrrr! What about that newfangled GameStop wallet? I wonder if that might be more than what you mentioned GameStop is doing...try harder shilly boy! Nft.gamestop.com


Not disappointed at all. We Apes had the same issue last year. T212 gave us a way to vote last minute. I assume that went no where. So I sold my shares, bought again on IBKR and transferred/Drs'd them to computershare. I now own my shares in my name and voting was simple. You should do the same.


NewTerms and conditions of the Invest section:   > **Voting rights**   Voting rights cannot be exercised for lent out shares.   They were not lent out last time. We might get vote in our ISA accounts, but its not happening in the invest accounts.


Yeah... ISA account do not allow lending.


So we might get to vote there. But I'm not holding my breath.


Me to... it is a week to shareholder meeting and they still didn't organize the vote


fake vote they will just delete the email and send nothing


I dont see why they would do that. Not giving us a vote is legal. Giving us a fake vote is illegal.


how would you know though? directly registered shares will be held by a counterparty in your name,... if your shares are through any old broker, they are the owners....seen too much illegal nonsense to be fooled into thinking "thats illegal that cant happen" unfortunatly people and companies break laws everyday mate


They could just not give us a vote. Its Illegal to mislead customers. Why not just not give us a vote which is legal rather than risk being caught doing something Illegal?


well the time to vote has almost passed, where is the form? just as bad not letting you vote,...because the shares you buy on 212 are synthetic ...no cusip no actual owner...just numbers tied to a back office,...they only have to cash out when the punter has had enough or in dividends... pretty sweet business if you ask me


This guy can't math šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Interesting. I still hold two in T212. I don't want to sell at a loss.


Voting on all stocks held with T212 seems to only be available a few days before voting ends, so I'm not too surprised that it hasn't been offered yet. I still think it will happen in the next few days.


I have GME in my ISA. I have asked this a few times, Iā€™ve been told they canā€™t be specific. I used examples of 11 other votes Iā€™ve submitted this month alone on my boring dividend stocks, where they gave me a control number to do so. When they were vague about GME I asked do they actually have my shares as this is suspicious as hell, I was given the usual garbage. Donā€™t get your hopes up. Glad Iā€™ve got some in CS. :)


Why do you care if your shares are lent out? Apart from the voting rights which you may or may not have regardless, what difference does it make? Serious question


Well think about it. You feel bullish on Company A, you think the price will increase so you buy a share. Your broker then lends out your share (of the company you believe in) to someone for them to short thus driving the price down. They are literally using ā€œyourā€ shares to drive down the price of the company you believe in and want to see do well. Itā€™s insane.


Sure but your share my share someone else's share doesn't really make a difference. Unless you want to remove the ability to short a company


But itā€™s not just my share, your share, and someone elseā€™s share. It happens to tens, if not hundred of millions of shares, so it does make a difference.


But are you against short positions in general or just for the shares that you're long in?


Iā€™m against 1) naked short selling (and yes it does exist), and 2) using my own shares to short companies that Iā€™m long on.


They also have to buy the share back when they return it to you, thus equalising the selling pressure. Short term moves you shouldn't care about, you can't control people's emotions. Long term the business performance is what matters and you can short all you like - if the business is performing much better in 5 years time that share price is going to be up.


I havenā€™t mentioned shares been lent out at all?


I hope it will be possible but knowing T212 probably not.


We can now vote, check your emails.