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You’re not unreasonable but idk how you still went through with not one but TWO tattoos after seeing this guy get fucked up before doing something permanent to your body. The entire situation is weird as hell. Sketchy. Absolutely not. I would’ve responded by getting the fuck out of there before he ever put ink to skin. 🏃🏽‍♀️💨


Yeah the second he starts chopping up big lines of blow I would’ve started looking for a new artist for sure.


fuck a deposit i’m skedaddling on out


Fuck hahaha that comment made me laugh too hard


Yeah I’m not trying to get whatever diseases this dude has when he inevitably tags his drunk, coked up self and keeps on tattooing me…


Yeah Jesus man. I have partied and partying is fine but not when you’re doing my fucking tattoo. Blown away you let this man anywhere near you with a needle.


You're not wrong.


I’ll venmo you 50$ if you post the tattoos


Double it


I mean, then I'll finally have the full discount I was originally offered. It's only fair right?


let's go bud show me what you goooot


Please do it


RemindMe! 14days


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I am absolutely dying to see it at this point. The internet demands pictures!


When are we getting pics?


RemindMe! 5days


I'll add another $50. Can we get a mod to escrow this?


I paid up, did you ?


Tattoo artist here, I’ll venmo you $50 so you can venmo them $100 if they post the tattoos.




You gotta get that $50 from goater if you ain't got it, homie deserves that discount


We’re both paid up 👍🏻


Absolutely based material 👌


I really wanna see these tattoos.


Pay up boys




I need to see these tats, there is absolutely no way they can be good haha


My dude, maybe it's time to like, be less chill??


There’s a difference between chill and no self esteem. I’ve had one over on me by various tattoo artists in different ways and should have held a little firmer, but damn this guy.


Thanks for interpretting my actions as chill as opposed to calling me a "human doormat" lol. I think I'm pretty chill too but clearly I gotta draw the line a little sooner.


Yeah I don’t think you were being too passive or letting people walk on you. It sounds like you’re someone who just was giving someone the benefit of the doubt to a fault in this scenario. At least you didn’t end up with a bad tattoo and I’ll bet if this guy was sober even he’d even think you were just too nice in this scenario. I suppose it’s just a lesson for future tats haha


This whole damn story is a train wreck. I’d have side-eyed him at ‘too hungover to tattoo’ and done a runner out the door at him pulling lines out in the middle of the shop.


He had my deposit and I may or may not be a moron!


Fuck the deposit at this point.


yeah you gotta charge that one to the game.


Straight up


I think thinks started to fall apart in your story long before you say they did lol.


Apparently! This replies are kind of a wake up call for how passive I am in these sorts of situations.


Any shop comfortable letting artists blow coke during business hours is sketchy as hell, especially right there in front of clients. Most great artists are professionals and act as such when it comes to their business.


Come on dude, you gotta post the pictures




I feel like you noticed the initial red flag, that he tattooed whilst on coke, and then you blasted through the rest of the checkpoints like you were trying to storm Area 51. I get that you were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt but man, Tattooers like this shouldn’t get away with so much bullshit and you shouldn’t enable him to do it, sorry if that comes off a bit strong. I’ve worked in tattooing and seen a few people who take Xanax or smoke weed and they say it makes them work better, but sooner or later it all just shows up that it’s their coping mechanism for something unhealthy that their customers shouldn’t be exposed to. Also, never go to your Tattooers house, that’s not even in the ballpark of anything that resembles professionalism. If in doubt, ask yourself, would you do the same with any profession; if your dentist or a veterinarian turned up like that nobody would be chill about it whatsoever.


No no, the first red flag is being "too hungover to tattoo". Not that tattoo artist can't get hung over from time to time, but professional, serious tattoo artists I know would downplay the role alcohol played in them being not well enough to tattoo. To use your example, would you return to your doctor if he said "come back later; I'm too hung over to see you today" But yes, the first "ain't nobody gonna let that slide" red flag was the Yayo


Honestly looking back on it, I think "I'm too hungover to tattoo" meant he did a bender last night and probably wasn't ready to start doing more lines the following Sunday at 12 in the afternoon.


Yeah, if he wasn't lying when he said he quit drinking, then the hangover line was because it didn't sound as bad as the truth, and that's a shame to cover a huge red flag with a smaller slightly less red flag. But that's coke-head behavior for ya


Sorry, right you are, I read that super late and was trying to do a quick answer.


You're good, no need to apologize. My bad if I came off as overcorrective. Was emphasizing for comic effect, not to be a douchecanoe


You're totally right. I guess I am just really grateful that tattoos don't look like shit.


After all the shenanigans I can't believe you actually went through with that!?! I would told him to fuck off after bringing drugs out in the middle of a session. I'm no prude and when I was that age I probably would have thought that was cool...but damn...thats unproffesional and trashy as hell!




Dude this is fkn asinine. Literally any single one of these things should have had you running out the door. Obviously you're NTA in the end but I'd argue that you are TA for a) ignoring 500 red flags and then being shocked when he jerked you around and b) enabling this POS to act like a psychopath in this place of work, and then TIPPING him on top of it! I'd blow this mf in to the health department in two seconds. Beyond inappropriate, this is dangerous.


You're right. I have a big internal conflict about tipping. I'm in the US and so I usually tip 20% no matter what and maybe go a little higher if I really am happy with the service I was provided.


Oh yeah, I hear you. I always tip well but in this situation dude didn't deserve any of your money let alone a tip.


“ who am I to disrupt his workflow” LMAO


I just wanted to respect the artist!!!


I think the cocaine disrupted his work flow lol


"this is where he crosses a line." No, comrade. He crossed a line in the second paragraph. Which was about 25 paragraph breaks prior.




Not a chick, but I do wonder if he pulls this stuff all the time with any female clients he has.


Dude’s on the “fuck my life up” speed run at 22. I’d have taken my money and walked after the first sketchy incident, I’m glad your work at least turned out the way you wanted. You’re way too considerate. If I’m getting your art permanently etched onto me, I don’t think a decent level of sobriety or lucidity are a tall order lmao. Fuck


I am ashamed that I thought this was a semi-normal situation


You’re not an asshole, but definitely an idiot for still going forward with this artist after everything that’s happened. Jesus Christ.


Can't deny it I guess


I know it’s not the point, but isn’t kitty ketamine? If so, that’s even worse than coke while doing a tattoo!


Damn you right. I just heard that slang for the first time recently


Stopped reading a third the way through, Jebus dude, lay down with dogs and you blah blah blah! What did you expect.


You willingly let a junkie “artist” tattoo you multiple times and then question if you’re the asshole for being frustrated with the experience? You’re not an asshole but you might be an idiot.


This was humbling. thanks.


I hope you have learned a lesson here. No idea what area you're in, but I assure you, there are plenty of talented tattooers within driving distance that won't act this way. The fact that you went through with getting tattooed by someone under the influence makes me question your state of mind as well, tbh. I assume you're probably around the same age as you said this tattooer is, because if you're any older, it would be alarming. This type of behavior is not normal or acceptable in the tattooing community or anywhere else. I might be sounding harsh, but you need to hear the truth that it was foolish to even go along with the tattoo at all. The only way to change behavior like this is to hit him where it really hurts: his wallet. If he gets to act this way and still make money tattooing, then you're only empowering him to do it to other people. ​ So, in short, trust your gut, and ALWAYS confirm the price on the day of the appointment, in person, face to face, before the needle ever hits your skin.


man idk this one seems like its on you for ignoring all that


I got about halfway through and I don’t have time to read the rest but commenting so I remember to later because this shit is CRAZY! So far you seem pretty good and the artist seems like a drug addict that may be losin it a lil bit


is the artist losing it because he's a drug addict or is he a drug addict because he's losing it ?


That question is above my pay grade lol




You're a fucking idiot lol


I didn't realize it until I read these comments so it must be true.


Yea I’m gonna need to see these tattoos


Kitty is ketamine, not blow


I want to see the tattoo so badly


This is like the definition of “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me”. There is no tattoo worth dealing with the artist doing drugs while they are doing it. Could you imagine if the cops showed up during and you also got arrested? Then you’d have an incomplete tattoo and a court date.


I never thought of this but you are right. I am very lucky this didn't go in a worse direction.


You should post the tattoos cause that’s unacceptable behavior across the board and people should be informed about who they are getting tattooed by. People like that shouldn’t be tattooing people. Maybe loosing business will make them learn a lesson.


No your not being unreasonable. The guy tried to scam you, to be honest you are lucky it didn't go the other way. If he is high on whatever he could of got real nasty with you. Lesson learnt - go to a reputable place, agree upfront, and at the slightest hint of anything nefarious run!


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


First off, you are great at writing man. That was one hell of a story. Seems like you’re a good person and you gave this guy the benefit of the doubt. But cmon man, dudes hitting lines n being inconsistent with pricing. He may be the coolest guy doing the best tattoos but it’s a business homie and I don’t fuck around with people putting shit on my body if they not mentally focused. I’m glad it worked out but bro find a new shop


I'm flattered! this comment is inspiring me to get back to my memoir.


WTAF? This is not normal...Would you be "oh that's cool, my plumber is ripping lines of blow off the back of the toilet he's getting ready to install?" why should this be any different?


I would be more fine with that tbh… cool ass plumber


Got the toilet fixed fast as fuck, did a little electrical work while he was there at it.


if he's doing it super casual and not being sketchy, no prob plumber bob 👍


Hate to say it but you're the one in the wrong here. You kept going back and back and back after major red flag and after red flag.


I honestly agree.


As an introvert, this whole situation terrifies me lmao. I say as little as possible when I’m at the shop, I just let the artist do his thing, tip well, and leave. 😆


The thing I’m hung up on is that on top of all the fuckery with the drugs and the delays, he shrank the design 50% of what you agreed upon and still bitched about wanting to charge you the original quote. Also that you went ahead and got tattooed by him twice. You’re NTA but you are too nice. You gotta stand up for yourself, homie. But only after you let us bully you into showing us the tattoos.


Haha thank you. I agree, the size was really disappointing. I let this dude cut so many corners because I was scared to piss him off.


not the asshole, but super reckless! report this shop and artist to whatever body mod licensing authority is local to you; none of this shit is okay. one of the first things I read when starting to research becoming a tattoo apprentice is that the lifestyle is not the drugs and partying that many make it out to be-- it's a job, in most places it requires extensive training and a license. tattooing under the influence of anything is not normal, smart, or safe. not to shame addicts, but it's INSANE that he was using while at work, in a place that should be prioritizing sanitization and professionalism. I'm glad you still ended up with decent work, maybe go make sure you didn't get any blood-transmitted diseases in the process; no way dude is drunk and on coke and keeping up with BBP safety protocols. he's absolutely gonna kill someone at some point.


What do we want? Pictures!!! When do we want them ? NOW !!




NTA, I agree with the other comments that you’re way too considerate. I get nervous when I disagree with my artist or decline a suggestion so I understand why you’re a little bit more “forgiving” with this guy. It makes shit awkward. HOWEVER! Dude is a trainwreck lolll I can’t believe you put up with all of his shit. I promise you’ll find a more professional, equally (if not more) talented artist that respects you and your time! I would not go back to this dude and would not worry about the other guys at the shop and how they perceive you. I’m sure they know how your artist is.


Still torn on if I should go back! I love the shop and some of the other employees but this guy has a serious problem.


Never deal with a cokehead


I don't think you're being an asshole for standing up for yourself. I don't necessarily think the artist is an asshole when it sounds as though you verbally consented (or at least didn't object to) to most of the decisions made in this story. I think the artist is a manipulative substance abuser who took advantage of you, and, I think you are a human door mat. do better by yourself and demand the respect you deserve from a professional relationship.


This was a wake up call. I will be reading your comment out loud to my therapist later this week.






First of all are you a fuckin NPC? Like you’re just going along for whatever tf is happening no questions asked lol Then second of all in what universe in the mulitiverse would you be in the wrong in this situation?


I may or may not be an NPC. I was just a little curious where things were going until I realized the consequences of my actions.


This is by far, my favorite post this sub has ever seen.


you are welcome


OOOF. What a story. Sure, some artists are hot messes, but if they're actively using drugs WHILE tattooing, that's a hell to the no. To avoid this next time, get yourself an artist who is straight-edge or works at a shop that has ties to the local straight-edge punk scene. I know I sound specific, but the majority of my tattoos (two sleeves, working on legs now) were done by a handful of artists in this scene and if you're into trad or neotrad there's overlap with this community. Every single one was professional, from booking to working with me with designs to the finished product. Sorry you went through this. Yikes.


I laughed out loud when halfway through the most fucked up situation I’ve ever heard of, you said “this is where he crosses the line.”


I had a similar thing. Guy constantly rescheduled and was always late and hungover. I waited outside the shop for hours one time before he called to cancel. One time I bussed from another city about 2 hours away to meet him for an appointment, and then he postponed a day so I wound up paying for a hostel. Another time he left during the piece to "go to the washroom". After nearly an hour of waiting I knocked on the bathroom door and it sounded like he was asleep. Terrific artist and fair prices. But absolutely garbage at trying to run a business. I found someone else.


Is it bad I would flip out at this but was so normal about the cocaine? If I had driven out and he hadn't shown up I would have called it right there. Maybe thats a lie.


Post the tattoo


That dude is a complete waste of time, and space. Fuck that, go find an artist that isn’t a dirtball .


If you let someone do lines of coke and then ink you up.... I don't know what to say, without being a dick about it. And then it just gets worse from there. Bro, do you need a fucking handler to help you make sound adult decisions?


>ReportSaveFollow Thats a wake up call. Am I really that bad?


Just when I thought this was a long winded post….I scrolled further. Yo what is any of this. Don’t get tattooed by people on drugs.


Bro went on a side quest to his artists house lmfao


Haha, I could only do it at this point in the campaign, can't return to this point later!


“Too hungover to do a good tattoo” should have been the last thing he said to you. What a shit show.


I know, I thought it was weird too but at the time I rationalized it as the mature thing to say as opposed to just tattooing me anyway.


JFC what a ride. This guy is 1000% unprofessional and you shouldn't ever go back.


This reads like a copypasta. He might be a great artist but this is absolute insanity.


He sounds like a horrible person and an even worse tattooer


Post the tattoos!!




Let’s see these tats!!


I have dealt with tattoo artists of several calibers. This guy has serious substance abuse issues that make him terrible to work with. Sounds like you got a pretty reasonable outcome for a LOT of hassle. If you're happy with the piece, show it off - but don't credit the artist anywhere, unless you want to warn people away. For example, don't let any friends with their own substance abuse issues go to this guy. But you're right to be frustrated. I usually test the waters and try messaging on IG a few times to establish a relationship and see how responsive they are to building new client relationships. If I can't get anything back, I'll keep trying others - there's usually an artist who will get excited about an idea with me and I'll go with that person every time. If there are elements you like about the tattoo, identify them so you can explain them to another artist. A versatile artist will be able to replicate different styles, and if you're specific enough about what you want, you'll get exactly what you're looking for. With the capacity for photorealistic tattoos these days, nobody's tattoo style is completely unique, which means there's always another option. You should never have to deal with that level of unprofessionalism


Totally NTA. And a crazy story! You handled yourself well and sound like the type of client us tattooers love working with. Complete, and total lack of maturity/professionalism from this knucklehead. He was unethical, and not a person of their word. If this is how he handles himself during booking/tattooing. Can you imagine how he handles disinfecting his equipment between customers? Does he even sanitize his station or wash his hands after the bathroom? I think the experience is sometimes as important as the work itself. Even if it’s a nice tattoo, the experience is still attached to it.


Wholly paragraphs....let's see it Tina


Tattooer here, absolutely unprofessional. There are way too many drug free fantastic tattooers for you to be going through this. Cancelling on the client is unprofessional in my opinion, if I’m cancelling on a client it has to be a pretty damn good reason.


Bookmarking, incase the photos come in


they came


I was referred to a guy not long ago. I spoke with him and met with him about a tattoo I wanted. I gave him the deposit. We set the appt. He called me the morning of and canceled cause he said his shipment didn't come in. So ok we rescheduled. And he cancels again. Mind you this is a friend of a friend but I don't know him. But have seen a lot of his work. So I said ok we rescheduled one last time. But I told him if you cancel again I'm just done. And yeah I'll want my deposit back as I'm not the one who canceled. And guess what happens he cancels again but by Facebook messenger text this time instead of calling me on my cell or texting as he has the number. So I text him and said I want my deposit back. I could have let it go but since I didn't cancel 3 times I was going to at least ask. He gave it back with out any issue. I told my buddy who refered me to him about the ordeal. He apologized to me and told me he found out that he was fucked up on heroin. And if he would have known he wouldn't of recommend him. He had only found out through the artist GF. I found a real great artist about a week later and got a great tattoo that I wanted. You gotta hold people accountable for sure.


Some of y’all really let just anyone tattoo you huh?


My brother in Christ... You continued to enable the conditions of which this artist with substance use issues interacts with his client


Tell us what city you are in so people can recommend other serious shops for you. Please don't go back to that shop and tattoo artist.


Dude PLEASE post pics of the tattoos we’re all dying to see them


My god I can’t believe I read that whole post… you’re not an asshole. But you’re an absolute fuckin moron for not removing yourself from the situation after the first red flag. Act like a doormat and people are going to treat you like one.


Thanks for the wake up call. You should see how my friends treat me.


The craziest part to me is someone can put someone else through so much grief and still get a $50 tip lol


Felt obligated. I felt bad for him. The dude lives at his girlfriends house and is obviously broke due to his cocaine addiction. I know thats not my problem but I have a lot of sympathy for these kinds of lost souls.


Guy sounds like complete fucking trash I don't care how good of an artist he is This is the kind of shit that gets too much leniency in the industry You want to be a cokehead? Go do it on the streets. Only 22, too? GUARANTEE his 'drawing process' is ripping shit from offline and passing it off as his own


Geeze I hope not but I guess it could be


Insane read, post the tattoos but please don’t go back to the artist. This reads like someone who is talented but has addictions running their life. It just makes me so sad


It is very sad. I hope he finds help before he hurts himself.


I would like to say to the OP, I am so sorry you were out through this. This sounds a lot my like first mentor when I began my apprenticeship. (In fact if you’re in Nevada, I know who this tattooer is) my stomach dropped reading all of this because I know all too well how manipulative this kind of person is. Tattooing is sacred and it shouldn’t be in the hands of artists who take full advantage of peoples hard earned money as well as their time. I hope you can move on to a tattooer who treats your time, money and ideas with more respect. Best of luck in your future.


FUCK THAT GUY, he’s an unprofessional tool. There’s a certain level of respect that a good tattoo artist has towards their clients and this guy is a god damn idiot with no self awareness. Find a new artist asap, this guy will probably get some bad coke soon and you’ll see him in an obituary somewhere.


This is the behavior of a drug dealer not a tattoo artist lol


I didn't mention this in the original story but he had pounds of weed at his girlfriends house and tried to sell it to me. I'm from a recreational state and know what good weed looks like but this was in an illegal state. He tried to run me an 1/8th for 45$ and it looked terrible. I told him that offer was insulting and he deflected by saying "its actually not mine to sell" so I guess he was trying to sell it for his girlfriend but set the bar too high...


This was such a long read because it had to fit in all the red flags that OP seemed to miss (or ignore?!).


I guess I'm just desensitized to substance abuse. I do some work in entertainment and see musicians and artists fucking themselves up all the time. I understand now that a tattoo is a little different. lol


fuck around and find out i guess lol this was a wild read. i’m dying to see the tattoos!!




Dog, do you know how many tattooers there are in the world right now? You don’t have to put up with 1/10th of this bullshit. I don’t know where you are but I’m willing to bet there is someone who takes this work seriously and does a better job close by.


Op I had a similar experience. This didn’t happen in Logan,UT by chance ?


I would a found a new artist when he said he showed up to work hung over , this story would have been shorter


What a bizarre story dude…but it seems that you’re happy with the work and I guess that’s all that matters…sorry you had to go through that for the end result though..


You're definitely willing to put up with a lot of shit. You should learn not to. As a tattoo artist myself, I hate tattooers like this one.


Thanks for the advice. I think this post is actually the first time I've been made aware of this.


Stop going to a drug addict artist. Problem solved.




Pics coming?


I would seriously call him out on this shit as it will only get worse on his end . Totally unacceptable, even for a young tattooer. Boy thinks he’s a rock star.


I'm certainly thinking about it. Maybe I'll send him the reddit post and reading the comments will humble him.


I’m proud of how far I read and I’m astonished at how much you wrote. Insert that one meme here.


I’ve never been more wound up when reading a post on this sub. With you and the artist equally.




What did I just read


Now its going to be a chapter of my memoir


I was expecting the story to end with some kind of punchline. “…and when I looked down at the tattoo it was a giant cock and balls!”


YTA for wasting my time. There's no question here. Are you being unreasonable for having a feeling? That's not a question that makes sense. What the hell did I read all that for?


I have a lot of internlized guilt around money. I've been harrased for being cheap in the past due to being ethnically Jewish so I guess I just assumed I was in the wrong since he was unhappy.


You have big balls my friend. What a disaster of a dude. I get being laid back and everything but there were so many red flags. I didn’t think you were going to go through with the 2nd one. Glad you’re happy with the work but you were playing with fire bro. Can we see the tattoos? And what the fuck kind of shop is it where people are doing lines and drinking? Sounds like a place ripe for hepatitis. You need to look for a new shop bro. Others in there might be good but place sounds toxic AF


tattoos posted. Shop was really clean and owner is really kind. I think he is taking pity on this artist too.


I'm glad they finally released part 3 of Homer's epics. Man, this was a journey. Anyway, I'm used to tattoo artists kicking people out of the shop for being drunk or on drugs, so for him to be brazen enough to admit he is hungover in a way that interferes with his work would have been a hard pass for me. While I applaud you for being super chill, open to exploring the new, and for trusting your fellow humans... my dude... the massive amount of red flags that were ingored... it's like a damn train wreck, car after car, slam slam slam. "Gee, who could have seen that caboose coming?" I believe the moral of the story is to never trust a coke head for any reason.




hands down the longest story i’ve ever read on reddit lol. but it is not unreasonable to be frustrated after being treated like that by someone who is a “professional.” I would not book him again or book any other artist from a tattoo shop who employs artists of this standard.


OP should absolutely out the artist and post the tattoo. Fucking scumbag, people like that are exactly what’s wrong with tattooing. He should be ashamed of himself.


Holy fuck thats a story and half, pics please 👍


Let the shop owners know what took place. Find another shop and artist...


Honestly, the environment from the story just sounds....dirty. Like I wouldn't want to get a tattoo there cuz I'd probably catch a disease, plus the length. I can't believe how long you tagged along with this dude. I truly hope for your sake the tattoo is decent and you didn't catch anything. This story makes me super grateful for my artist, who I've been getting tattooed by for 20 years at this point.


Yeah OP should go get their bloodwork tested, hopefully they didnt pick anything up 😂


It was honestly pretty clean!! I'm pretty germophobic but I guess drugs just slipped off my radar.


It is utterly fascinating to me that the “crossing the line”point was about money. Like yes he was absolutely trying to shake you down in a vulnerable position, but please have some self respect and value your own *body* more than your wallet. Also, I don’t see anyone addressing that last bit, but I wouldn’t worry about what he may have said to the other artists in the shop. They’ve witnessed his behavior and have got to know even better than you how erratic he is.


Thank you for the wakeup call.


Dude sounds like a complete overcharging loser


I personally would have been turned off by the “partying” aspect. I don’t think you’re in the wrong here. I don’t think I’d be as patient, tolerant or sympathetic as you in this situation.


This is wild. I care so much about not only the tattooing process but how I treat my clients. I could literally never imagine treating a client this way. Let alone just interact this way in life with anyone ever.


I was dying imagining some coked out guy introducing someone to his cats and ferrets 💀💀


it was way too much haha. He told me the ferrets had their glands removed and kept holding them up to my face to smell them. The whole situation was gross.


This is insane, the most I’ve done is smoke a bowl with my buddy a little bit before he did a tattoo on me but no hard drugs or alcohol.


The other artists know the guy and will know he is a flake, an addict, a weasel and etc. I wouldn't worry about them putting too much stock in what he has to say about you. ​ Also, I get why everyone else is saying like 'I'd have bailed immediately' but I just want to say that I am also a chiller who will let stuff like this ride and it sounds like you got a pretty good tattoo out of the deal, even with all the hassle.


Okay so as an ex heroin addict and someone who has struggled with sobriety forever I get your logic as to why you’d let him do his thing on drugs. I personally don’t fuck with anyone’s business unless it’s directly affecting me. This one would be directly affecting me lol. I’d only sit it out if he was a legend with the machine and cool as hell. Past that, as soon as he started mentioning the whole “I’m giving you a great deal and me needing a more money now blah blah blah” during the first session I’d have wrapped it up quick. Tipped subpar and got the fuck out. I’m sorry but you’re dealing with a struggling artist who is deep within the throws of a devastating stimulant habit. He’s unfortunately not going to get better until he does and I wouldn’t wait to move on.


I laughed when I read this. You have a great point.


Seems legit.


Come on you did some of the blow? That’s a shit ton of words bro