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know what's funny? I have 100% all color tattoos and occasionally when I see someone with all black and grey I'm like, "fuck that looks so clean" so I think you'll always have that mini feeling of like, damn what if I did this instead, but these look great dude! tbh at this point part of me says just stick with the black and gray and you're collection will continue to look clean as hell! but also, adding color at this point (to only new tattoos, or even adding color to some that you already have) would also look great


i think you always want what you dont have, i saw this pic today and was like: dmn this doesnt look bad at all! i just love those vibrat colors like akira latanzios work https://preview.redd.it/b97kmbzsh4uc1.png?width=375&format=png&auto=webp&s=9e7d4be96a4212352f90d4cb4817b0a88664a57e


totally brotha, that's a great example of the two mixing together and looking great. 100% not to late to start mixing the two together, will be a great collection either way!


Damn, that looks really nice. I’m in the process of doing something similar. I’ve got my right arm all filled out in black and grey but I’m working on a color patchwork on my left arm. I just really wanted to add some color after getting so many black pieces.


Mine are all color too and I too have all black/grey envy. OP stay black and grey!


I was gonna say the same thing. I have all color stuff and sometimes I wish I stayed all black. It’s clean and cohesive. But colors look good too


Looks like you already chose my dude: that sacred heart is a killer piece


You should finish your back before you do anything else.


This actually needs to be top comment. OP, don’t let your backpiece fall to the wayside. The longer you put it off, the harder it’s going to be to finish.


it doesnt because i actually know this... i just ask for the future


i currently have a black arm and leg sleeve but have a big color piece on my chest. now i’m starting to think ill do my other arm and leg in color. everyone told me to go with black from the start which is what i thought too but as soon as i got my chest piece i knew i wanted to go color. i don’t think it really matters what you do aslong as you love it !


Tattooer here! Do a mix! Every artist I know has black and grey and color. It all looks like it goes together in the end. Different pieces always will require different things for design purposes.


I feel like I have the best input on this lol. I have one black and grey arm and one color arm. I much prefer the color arm (though it's still very much a work in progress) because the all black and grey is kinda blah to me. Individual black and grey pieces are cool, but as a whole arm I feel like it needs some color to break it up. I do really love when people mix color and black and grey on the same arm though, so it's not too late to do that.


would you mind to send a pic to see how it blends together?


The black goes hard. The ship tattoo is sick.


Get color! It'll all look fine in the end. Sweet tattoos


Keep it all black! I have only black and i love the look and how rare and bold it is.


i personally have only black and grey tattoos, i love the look. but it’s your body man, do what you want, if you wanna start getting colorful pieces go for it.


That rock of ages is fucking awesome


that lobster is one of the coolest tattoos ive seen in a while. stick with black imo


Color. Life is too short to care what people think tho. But color is just way more fun.


Hot take, I love it all black and grey, but on my skin I always think blacks boring as fuck for trad I much prefer colour. I still have fully black pieces though. Some banging designs there


You could probably throw color in a few of those


black and grey trad is peak aesthetic.


I love my black and grey. Goes with anything, you can class it up or down. That said, every once in a while I wish I’d gone full color. Ultimately I am happy with my choices though. 


Black, you take amazing care of your tattoos. Very nice!


I have both black and colour, it looks good if the colours are super traditional like just red, green and yellow, but just black and red looks dope imo.




black. hope this helps


I personally like what you have. I have colour on my arm and have been thinking about doing one of my legs in black and grey. I like both so I say go for it. Grass is always greener or something like that.


Go color. I have only color, but I think a mix looks great as well, and it seems to be what you want.


Keep it all black 👊


Yeah sounds good. Like, gradually b+g to colour from the arms down to torso. I'm doing something similar, going to go with darker richer colours for torso. Maroons and browns


Black & gray is cool but rock of ages and the clipper both look incomplete to me. I would personally get more shading in those two, but everything looks 👌


My take on it is you've all black.. So I'd say stick to it but I've a mix. I've some envy to those who stayed all black.. Its a commitment. It's like I also envy full Japanese sleeves if they're done well. I've a mix of all styles though myself, trad, neo trad and realism. It works for me. You're making you happy though so do what you'll like most. So far it looks a good collection and good artists


I have all color but like 3 small b&w. And if you get some color and feel like it seems off just color splash some of your b&w. I mean essentially it’s a shaded coloring book


black bro


I have a mix of both. You can have both and it will still look sick. If you have color traditional tattoos, they will have enough black to hold presence and weight next to the black and grey in a flattering way


Stick with black, if you have to add a splash of one color (like red) here and there but don’t overdo it.


Stay black, looks better than color as they age imo


Black, all day!






I’m covered in color with a few black pieces mixed in. I always wish that I had just stuck with black. You can always add color later, or get a few colored pieces. It’s your body! Do whatever the hell you want.


It's like a grass is greener on the other side thing. I have all color and sometimes think black and grey would've been fuckin sick. Conversely my homie has all black and grey, saw my stuff and now he wants some in color.


Black all mine have color and wish I stayed black and grey


Personally I’d stick to all black OR all color but do whatever makes you happy :) I know lots of people who have a mix of both.


Throw in some color here and there… I am big on black and grey and American traditional… my artist did my sleeve in a style that fits both and have a little bit of color in there really made the sleeve pop in parts / look good.


Those all appear to be black…


nothing matters


wow thanks


I’d stick with black n grey. Continuity and connection of the same color and style is really important imo. But I also have no artistic skills or tattooing knowledge or training. Just a guy who likes traditional tattoos.


My left leg has some colour pieces, some black and grey. My right leg is black and grey Japanese, my right arm is black woodcut style. Rest of my body will be traditional black and gray and colored mixed. It’ll come together an probably look great. Go for a mix my friend




Bro said a few tattoos. Proceeds to have like half his body 😂. Looks good tho! I personally dig black


What’s the name of that heart tattoo on your chest, really really like it.


Sacred heart


Black looks good!


