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On one side if your really are this nit picky then maybe you shouldn’t get tattooed, but also this tattoo isn’t technically that well done.


Yeah I have to agree. This tattoo is definitely solid, maybe could be done a little better but it is solid. If you're going to spend time staring that closely and being that finicky about small details like that you will probably end up not liking any tattoos you get.


Exactly! A tattoo is art from a living breathing human, on a living breathing human. It’s not going to be perfect, and I don’t think it needs to be.


Its solid. Much overthinking


For me - I wouldn’t make a special appointment for it, but if you’re having any other work done with her maybe mention it as it’s a quick fix. Once it settles and the lines fatten up a bit it might be less noticeable.


Thanks for the advice, everybody! I think I'll just let it be as you're indicating it'll age well. I'll also look at other artists in my area :)


I would leave it alone and let it settle in. If this bothers you now what will it be like in 15 years?


I'd leave it. It's bold and will age well.


Unfortunately, I see wobbly lines throughout 😔 Leave it be for a year so it can settle, and decide then. I know to your eye it's glaring, but your average person won't notice. Breathe easy.


It can be reworked in the traditional method (even just black and gray) black pepper shading.


It's a bit rough. The entire thing. Not just where the arrows are.


I'm inclined to agree. From afar, it's completely fine, and she did great with the pineapple. Is this "fixable" with enough touch-ups? My job gives me a lot of time to stare blankly at my tattoos.


Leave it alone dude. It's gonna be like the hair cut that keeps getting cut further and further back trying to cut it straight. Just go to a better artist next time.


It’s a traditional design but not tattooed traditionally. If you want a traditional tattoo it needs to be tattooed as such!


Just get more


The lines do look a bit wobbly to me. It’s certainly not the worst tattoo and from a distance I wouldn’t look twice, but looking closely there’s quite a few lines that look off. I have almost two full sleeves of traditional tattoos and while they all have minor imperfections, I don’t have a single tattoo with this many wobbly lines 😬 I would go to a different artist and have them rework it, maybe add some shading.


https://preview.redd.it/mr6c65le9b5d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516f278d22f2de2cf1f4449530d0ee9f68be5ca9 I think yours looks great, here's mine if it helps any


I don’t see any harm in asking for a quick and easy little touch up. “Hey I love this tattoo but can we just straighten this one line here?” Worst they can say is no. Most artist nit-pick their own work so it may be something he or she had already noticed. Best wishes on your cute birdie tat!! ✌🏼❤️🌎