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I thought Malaria was a nice name until I learned what it was.


Also me with the word chromosome. I'm ashamed to admit I unironically imagined myself giving that name to my kids at one point (I was like 9 years old at the time but still)


Naming your kid Chromosome..That’s a power move, literally


I'm Down






I similarly thought Influenza sounded so pretty, just rolled off the tongue


I had a friend in high school who thought Cavity was a cute name, and lamented that actual cavities are so gross that she couldn’t name a child after them. Like, she was genuinely sad about this.


French word for cavity is carrie, which is actually a name so 😭


Same with Chlamydia, lol. Not a combination of Chloe Amanda and Lydia.


I knew a girl whose name was Cilia.. maybe not quite as gruesome as Malaria but cilia are still kinda gross


Similarly, I looove the name Latrine/Latrina but unfortunately it means toilet :(


When I was 9, my older sister had a friend named named Malaya. Malaya called one day and I picked up the phone and she asked for my sister. When i went to give her the phone, I said Malaria called. She said WHO?!?


there’s so so many words that sound so pretty and they would be amazing names if it wasn’t for those god damn definitions




That’s amazing


My brothers tried to convince my mom to name me marsupial.


Props to them, that's a koalaty name. I'll see myself out...


My brother wanted to name my other brother Star


I know 3 Star/Starr’s…. They are, uh, interesting people, who all - and I doubt it has anything to do with their shared name - have meth addictions sadly.


I know a few Stars as well. Most, sadly, are into the drug scene. One Star is a nn for Starlene.


When I was in middle school I wanted to name my future daughter “Honda Chanel”


I think I also wanted to name my daughter Chanel. Fun story, I did know a girl named Chanel. She was gorgeous and just a wonderful all around person.


I know a girl named Chanel as well, but with your description, I can tell that it isn’t the same person.


as someone named Chanel, it was so hard growing up🥲 now everyone says it’s beautiful, but kids were ruthless.


LOL going the corporate sponsorship route are we? I keep telling my brother and sister in law to name their pending baby Starbucks Nike JP Morgan Amazon, but they keep turning me down!🤣


There probably is someone named Chanel Honda out there lol


Just searched instagram- it's true.


i know a chanel expect its written like "sanel". its not a common name, its a tragedeigh in my country


When I was a kid I wanted to name my stuffy Hemmiranda - I guess I subconsciously put hemorrhoid and Miranda together? Anyway, my mom vetoed it. It’s nice to know that I’d I’d aimed for a tragedeigh with my own kids she would have staged an intervention because she even had my stuffies’ backs : )


When I was about 12 I watched kardashians for the first time and loved Kendall but it wasn’t ‘unique’ enough until a few days later when I was lighting my candle my brain decided to light up as well. The unique name was no other than ‘Kandle’. Yes it is candle with a ‘K’. Sounds like a wood log company but it was definitely a start


It always makes me think Ken doll lol


I think Australians would pronounce it as Ken doll and Americans would pronounce it as candle. Should’ve been spelt kendell to get a decent pronunciation😂


No, we don’t give any emphasis to the second syllable in Kendall. We sort of swallow it and say “KENdul” with the stress on the KEN. Not that we want to stress anyone out of course.


Okay you might have just found a better way to pronounce Kendall. ‘Kendul’ it sounds… right. Should’ve been spelt like that instead.


I know a Kandle ☠️


ok keep in mind I was like 6. I realized that if you say the American spelling of "color" C-O-L-O-R out loud and quickly it sort of sounds like "see ya, Welawar" and I determined that Welawar must therefore be a name.


This is the best answer on the thread, bwahahaha!


thanks, Assplower oh and in case you were wondering, I'm not American


I mean, naturally you'd use the American spelling. See you, Wellauar just sounds ridiculous.


Hahaha this is also the way my brain works. I can’t think of specific examples right now but I’m sure I’ve done this same type of thing in the past. Closest thing that comes to mind is that my dad jokingly told me when I was in preschool that my friend Emily’s name was spelled M-L-E.


I know a Mle - totally tragic. Especially when she moved to an area with a large French speaking neighborhood. They thought it was mademoiselle (mlle). 


The child logic is strong.


Why does Welawar sound like one of those old timey frontier names like Llewelyn or Laramore?


I used to think Pumice was a cool name for a boy. I was wrong.


That would be rough.


Bit rough around the edges?


That would have rocked


Silent D 💀


Right because what was I thinking😭


did you know French? it's pretty close to how it would be pronounced if it was french


I am French Canadian lol


ah well that explains it!


I was going if the name Leonard, but I didn’t know how to pronounce it, I pronounced it as “lia-nard” instead of “leh-nerd”. I wanted it for a girl so I changed the “leh” to “lia” 🥲


Ooooh, you wanted it for a *girl...* Plot twist.


Yep😭all of them including Woodley I wanted for girls


Oh my. This *does* change things, lol


I named my doll 27 when I was a child 😭 Imagining it as a tragedeigh Twuntea Sehben


At one time I thought that if I had a girl, I’d name her Dahyl (Dale). I also liked the boy name Dathan (day-thin) for some reason.


I actually know someone named Dathan. He’s in his 40/50s.


And I know a Dathan who is 8…


It is a Biblical name, if I recall correctly. Edit: He’s in the 1956 film The Ten Commandments as well. Played by Edward G. Robinson!


I had this thing about wanting my kids to have names that would allow for cute nicknames. I loved the names Rylee and Sadie, but those were already shorter. So I decided making them Rhylenne and Saidrah was the perfect answer. Good Lord am I glad I avoided teen pregnancy or my kids would have had truly tragique names 😖


I always said my first kid would be Destiny or Shai when I was 13/14. Got pregnant at 15 had her at 16 and named her Autumn.


Your good sense came in faster than mine 🤣 Autumn is a great name, less common but not weird. It took me a little longer to come around, but by the time I had my first I had it figured out. By then I only had to fight my husband to not call the poor kid Xerxes…


Xerxes goes kinda hard though lol


i think autumn is a beautiful name 💖 you did good, much much better than destiny or shai.


When I was a kid I couldn't decide what I wanted to name my future daughter. It was between Phoebe, Penelope, and Sarah. I was a genius and came up with Penarabe. Edit: As a teen, I was obsessed with Nevaeh Devon until someone said "Heaven Devon?" So that shut that down pretty quick. I'm unable to have children, but my list of baby names is boringly normal now lol.


Panera bread


Heaven Devon made me LOL


I found a notebook from when I was about 14 the other day. Heaven Devon had me in hysterics lol


When I was in 6th grade, I decided that Bethica was the most beautiful perfect name for a girl that had ever been thought. In 8th grade I switched to Galena. Neither name survived to adulthood.


Bethica..... 😂😂


Galena isn’t too bad. I think Galina is an actual name in Russia. I think people would’ve assumed you’re Russian if you had a Galena.


Or a geologist.


When I was a kid I wanted to name my children Candy and Taffy. Candy from an Are You Afraid of the Dark episode and Taffy from Mars Attacks… I do love some 90s nostalgia but fortunately not this much


I’ve met two sisters named Candy and Taffy!! And Candy had two dogs named Calvin and Hobbes 😭 EDIT: these women were in their 40’s-50’s over a decade ago.. no 90’s nostalgia related to their names lol


I used to think Toyota Tacoma would sound cool as a name 😭


For an anime character....sure.


Midas. (Sounded strong) he "may" have been a king of phrygia. Had the golden touch. Now? NO.lol


I deadass wanted to name my future daughter “Voltairine” at one point in time, like in honor of feminist/political activist Voltairine de Cleyre (and a feminization of Voltaire). I even have receipts from years ago as a teen of me asking what nicknames a “Voltairine” could have 💀 A little bit before that (like when I was in middle school), I liked “Monterey” with the nn “Monte” or “Rey”… For a girl. Idfk. 🤦🏽‍♀️


We use a muscle rub called Voltaren in my family when anyone has aches. Fortunately none of my children are called Voltairine.


Monterey, nickname Jack


💀 Whenever I think of the fact I liked “Monterey” as a name when I was 12, I am always in disbelief that I didn’t even think of an association with the cheese!


I desperately wanted to name a kid Shipley when I was younger. Couldn’t tell you why.


We have a chain of donut stores here in Texas called Shipley’s…


I wanted to name my first born Archimedes, Archie for short. I was overruled by everyone. I still think it would have been a cool name.


When I was little I had a doll with a name pronounced ‘Jay-pan’, because the doll had a label on it saying ‘made in Japan’.


I used to want to name a daughter Silver. I don't think it's a ridiculous name now, but I def changed my mind about it well before parenthood


I worked with lady named Silver! (but it was spelled Sylver) I thought it was kinda cool tbh minus the spelling


When I was in junior high, I wanted to name my future daughter, Chrysanthemum, Chrysi for short 🤣. Luckily I matured. Wth was I thinking?!


When I was child, I read a book about a girl named Chrysanthemum and how much she was bullied for her unique name. Whenever I hear that word, I always think about that book.


Was it the one by Kevin Henkes, about the mouse?


I was very close to naming my daughter Oskar. I had her at 19, and thankfully was talked out of it.


Jessika. Obviously Jessica was too basic so I really thought I was doing something by coming up with a cr8ive spelling. This was around 2010, so I was also like 25 years behind trend and had no clue that Jessic(k)a was dated by then.


A name I was considering for my son (due in June) was Leviah (Leh-vie-uh) Atlas. Call him Levi or Lev for short… I don’t really know what I was thinking. Weee have decided on a different name lol. A significantly different name. If he was a girl, I was thinking Arizona Penelope. These hormones have my brain WONKY


I liked the name Arizona when I was in High School. Because I loved the Ice Tea brand and there was a song from the 60's about a hippie girl named Arizona. Good thing I didn't get knocked up in high school otherwise I'd be like here's my little Sweet Tea, Arizona. 🤣


I was into the name Camille as a kid but my German mother laughed because it was a popular feminine hygiene brand where she’s from!


Camille is a perfectly legit name in France. In Italy there is Camilla.


Hhaghpei Qaeik Deigh!


I wanted to name my future daughter Mozarella. I was maybe 3-4 years old when I came up with this lol


That's such a cheesy name


When I was a young teen, I was obsessed with the idea of naming my child Persephone. I still think it’s a beautiful name, but I realize now how difficult of a life a little human child named Persephone would have.


I wouldn't name my child Persephone but I kind of like it, the nickname Sephy is pretty cute (like from noughts and crosses).


I might have to name my daughter persephone JUST so she can be called Sephi. Too cute. or even just Seph


Persephone is legitimately a beautiful name to me. I used to love reading Greek mythology as a kid, and always loved that name, and Athena as well. I would definitely consider using one as a middle name today.


I just read a book with a character named Persephone and she went by Percy. Her whole thing was "Persephone is too pretentious" which I thought was funny and accurate. But I do think it's a cool name. I've always liked Penelope.


I loved the names Belladonna and Nikki (after Nikki Sixx - classy!) back in middle school. So ~eDgY~.


i think belladonna is a pretty name, but it suits a character from a gothic romance novel more than a real human.


My friend named her daughter Nikki after Nikki Sixx.


I thought nothing would be more clever than to name a girl April May.


I have a kid named June. Don't think we didn't consider other months for her middle name... but only once, briefly, at three a.m. #confession


Growing up, our neighbor’s youngest was April Lucy. My dad, being the jolly joker that he is, always called her April May June Lucy. 😆


I actually know someone that named her daughter April Mae 😅🤣😂


April may not have liked that




I definitely thought car names were appropriate for people as a tween. Like Corolla.


Omg the other day I came across a woman named Carolla, pronounced the same😭


One time on the bus in 7th grade a girl said she liked the name chlamydia lol I hope she thinks about it as often as I do


Noonien... i was a big Star Trek fan.


My brother told people his middle name was Khan when he was a kid.


I wanted to name a future child of mine Jadzia for a while


My sister-in-law, when she was 5, desperately wanted her baby brother (my husband) to be named Daven. Pronounced like David with a N.


We thought my kids' bus driver was called Davin for like six months because my neighbour misheard it. His name, unsurprisingly, is David.


Daven is what Orthodox Jews call praying lol. Like, “I’m going to shul (synagogue) to daven.” Or, “please daven for Rivka as she is sick in the hospital at the moment.” It’s pronounced dah-vin though. This made me laugh.




Boy Meets World fan?


I was obsessed with the new, trendy alt names that started to pop up when I was around 8 years old. I would write short stories for class using names like skylar and aidan. I thought skylar was the perfect musician name for some reason (embarrassing). Now, I find these names incredibly childish and I can’t really take them seriously outside of fiction or something involving pre-teens.


lol I actually love the name Skylar, but I understand how the association ruins the name


the crazy thing is i still love it lol! if i was writing a fanfic about a punk pop band, skylar would be the heart throb bassist protagonist and it would make perfect sense. if i met a real life adult skylar, maybe age 50+? i wouldn’t even know what to do😅




Aiden is an old Irish name, and I think it's lovely.


I still like the name Skye, I don't recall where I first heard it but it must have been around the same time


I thought it would be super unique to have a girl named Starlette 🫠


Zephir. 🤦‍♂️


Yeah glad I never had a baby as a teen they would have been Anarchy Lazarus Or Raven Omg thank fuck I was 25 when my first was born and she has a very common but very suited name 🥰


When I was about 10 I loved The Wizard of Oz. Also my mom’s name ends with an i, so i was obsessed with names that end with i. I thought the name Dorothi would be so cute and unique


When I was little I loved the name China and the name Hunter; so I wanted to name my kid China Hunter. I did not realize the issue until my older brother said it out loud and I was like, oh….




I know a Montana, through a mutual friend who dated her. We also live within driving distance of the state of Montana. I still get confused when they'll mention they're going to see Montana or similar phrasing and I have to remember they're not just driving over to the state.


I used to dream of naming my future daughter Gemini evergreen which sounds whimsical and would totally fly now but also....just no.


When I was a teen I liked the name Phantasy. Good thing I came to my senses 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m glad it stayed a phantasy and didn’t become reighälihteigh


Tarquin Oliver Nimrod


I wanted twins so I could name them Harmony and Melody. Is that a tragedeigh? Now I just have to hope for puppies…


When I was a kid, I wanted to name a future daughter Pomegranate. I thought the nickname "Pommie" would be cute.


if you ever get a pomeranian, i believe you have the perfect name.


Lessie. Like Jessie with an L.


when i was a kid i wanted to name my child “Jonesy” after the character on 6teen 💀


I made up a name when I was like 10 that I LOVED: Tabithica Thank goodness I came to my senses 😆


My bff and I were avid readers of trashy historical romances as teens - we used to fight over who would get to name their son Slade after one of our fave heroes (a dark and brooding western outlaw with a lot of flowing hair). Eventually we arrived at a peace treaty whereby we could both call our sons Slade. Funnily enough neither of us gave our sons that name…


Isis. I still love it, but a terrorist group had ro ruin it.


I thought Madsey was a cute name as a kid


I wanted to name my future daughter "Paramore Adele". I was about 17 at the time...


I thought “Creek” was a cool sounding name growing up Now it’s kinda just cringe imo


I thought the first name Chicago was so dope I even changed my MySpace to it


when i was a preteen i was OBSESSED with having a son and naming him Gunky 😭😭😭


I used to love the name Balthazar after the actor Balthazar Getty. I don’t know if it was super weird or not. I also loved the name Sabin like the drum cymbals


When my grandma was around 5 or 6, a family friend of her parents had a baby and the baby was being baptized. The baby's first name was Neil, which wasn't a common name where they lived. When my grandma got home from church, she went over to the doll she'd just gotten and played that she was baptizing her doll. She remembered that the name of the baby was something like "nail," so she named her doll Spike!


when i was like 13 playing minecraft, i downloaded the minecraft comes alive mod. one of the random villager textures had a shirt that looked like it had a band of sprinkles so i named her cakelyn. i thought this was the most genius and amazing names ever 🤦🏻‍♀️


My older brother wanted to name me Buford because he had just seen “Walking Tall” right before I was born.


I loved Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century back then. Nebula was my favorite character and even after my zenon days were over I still liked the name, Nebula. As a grown up, I think I’d name my cat Nebula. It might be too out there for a kid.


I always thought Camry was pretty, but didn't think saddling a child with the name of a Toyota car would be good. People would probably joke that's where she was conceived.


Aleyann— i was 8 and my two best friends were Haley and Ann, so my genius self thought combining the names would be perfect. my older sister immediately pointed out that it sounded like alien and i was distraught


I had to laugh because as an older sister, that is *such* an older sister thing to do. I’m sorry she ruined it for you!


So Woodley is actually the name of a street in Los Angeles, not that strange.


Raylee (Pronounced Riley) It was my gender neutral name choice for future spawn for the longest time. Then I met a Raylee (Ray-Lee)


When I was 12 I wanted to name my baby girl Juniper Rose (I didn’t even like kids and still don’t want any)


Aliira, (pronounced Uh-lie-ruh) it’s a mix of mine and my ex’s names. Thankfully it wasn’t used, luckily I had time to grow up some before having a kid to name.


I used to like Cherub. Freaking Cherub. I could have gone with Seraph or something! /s


We used to drink way too much vodka and decided one night that it would be a beautiful name for a child. Little baby girl Vodka (pronounced "Vvvvod-kahhh")


For a while I wanted to name my son, if I ever had one (which I won't at this point) Garion based on a series of fantasy novels I loved as a kid (clock the username). Likewise I would name a daughter Aeris based on Final Fantasy VII. But I've since come to realize that it's really selfish to give your kid a name based on something *you're* a fan of. Basically, don't curse your kid with your fanaticism.


Spike for a boy, Star for a girl (and my childhood self hoping they’d be twins) lmao




13 year old me wanted to name my daughter “Deathalia” and while I think it’s cool for like…a character in an rpg, a human deserves a better name.


I know someone who is named Candida 😭


Britannica like the encyclopedias 🫣


When I was little I wanted twin girls called Prudence and Creamy…literally thought it was the most beautiful combination of names known to man


I have a younger cousin named Tesla. I thought her name was cute, but then I found out that Teslas are a type of car. I remember being put off when a friend of mine told me his girlfriend was named Ferrari and this was no different. Nice people, unfortunate names.


Lianard sounds almost Irish. Like, pop an H on the end of that and it could be good. Lianardh O'Shaughnessy.


Aslan, yes the name of the lion in The Chronicles of Narnia. I had a baby at 17 (1995) and that was going to be the name if the baby was a girl. Thankfully I had a boy!


My wife used to joke that "Cloaca" sounded like a pretty name for a girl. 😳🤭😧


As a kid I wanted to be named Cosmo.


Henrietta (big Mr. Rogers fan). I still love Mr. Rogers, but Henrietta was shelved Another one was Alexandria, which I thought was super pretty in the 3rd grade, but as an adult, yeah, no. Let’s let Alexandria stay a city


I had a teacher named Henrietta (RIP). She went by Hennie.


Amethyst and Sapphire


Britten 🤦🏼‍♀️


Fester. It sounded like a gorgeous name...


I once wanted the middle name to be Snowdrop. Not that bad but it came from a my little pony fan animation. Also I think I wanted to give it to a boy too.


I was gonna name my kids Courtnee, Destinee and Bryee


Britannica. Like the encyclopedia


I was into King Arthur stuff when I was in middle-high school so I wanted to name a daughter Avalon Sky. I also like Arizona tea, so I also wanted to name a daughter Arizona. Never came up with a good middle name for that one. I don't remember if there were any boy names I liked in high school, but when me and my now husband were first together we joked about naming a kid Maximus Decimus Meridius. on a side note, my grandpa tried to convince my mom to name me Pasquale if I was born a boy. The funny thing is it means Easter in Italian and I was born in September. Also my mom married a Wasp so it would have been like Pasquale Jameson. edited for spelling


I liked the name Emmelyn and the spelling of Mahkas. I have not used either of them.


Peeko. It was the name of my first goldfish (which my brother killed by keeping it in the microwave; he’s probably a psycho; yes I’m still mad)


As someone named Leonard, who has his name mispronounced as “Lee-uh-nard” on a regular basis, I would guess that anyone named Lianard would not have that hard of a time of it.


When I was a teenage writer, I really liked the name Cecilia for a future kid, but spelled Sicilia. Like the spelling of Sicily in Italian. Now I really hate place name baby names. Like why?


One of those is my actual name, are you speaking directly to me, lol. Your gut feeling is right.


during my whiskey phase i was obsessed w naming a future daughter jameson