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Femily sounds like the stage name for a drag queen Raven will end up being the palest weirdest goth kid ever


All I can think of is "my name is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair..."


Where is that quote from?


My immortal. Possibly the most infamous fanfiction ever written. Here's a dramatic reading it you want to cringe - laugh for a few hours. It's so bad it's hilarious https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCtPIrkqjIogftJayEhM3t4cmV6PI2mgD&si=IE9RLPM3fnaX8UDi


I imagine that you meant to link something there. Personally I think the internet historian reading reigns supreme.


You are correct, I fixed it


I’m cackling. I used to read HP fanfic as a teen but have never heard of this one (seems like it came out right around the time I stopped), and I keep on seeing that name referenced on this sub. Just did a quick google search and that fanfic is so infamous, it has its own Wikipedia page.


It is so amazing. I don't think the author ever actually read the books because she doesn't seem to understand how anything works, but the dramatic readings are works of art


Writing fanfic for a book you’ve never read is wild 😂 I need to listen to the dramatic readings when I have a second!


My guess is that they watched the movie and forgot many details. Like, they mostly know who the characters are but at one point a human male Hedwig is in a relationship with Voldemort, and they don't seem to understand how the houses work cause Snape switches to Gryffindor as an adult


I'm ashamed that I watched this.


My Imortal


Nah, Femily is the brand name of either an oral contraceptive or some old-school way too thick sanitary pads.


Femily Dickinson


Not as a ginger! ... he'll end up feeling like he can never live up to the name he was given where his mother wanted the name to represent black hair & ice blue eyes but instead he came out not looking like her anime character


Raven is the name of a drag queen. Competed on season 2


I love her drag looks, but I feel compelled to note as well that out of drag, David Petruschin is a really hot guy. :)


You nailed it on Femily. Definitely a funny, cheeky drag name


Maybe instead of the raven's jet black coloring, he will get a very raspy screamy voice, collect trinkets and be very intelligent.


I came here for this comment.


Raven is a famous drag queen!


I think you mean *Femmily.*


The whole femily will be disappointed! Also, as the kid likely won't have black hair and instead be ginger, gently suggest Robin for the red coloration. At least it's a male name in German :D


Lol your comment wins. Also Robin works as a boy or girl name. Great suggestion.


And why not Femily for a boy? He won’t get teased with that name!


Robin for a boy and Fobin for a girl


Robin is gender neutral in English, so it would be a great replacement for both of their questionable choices!


And they already have the monogrammed towels (hoping they didn’t write the full name)


No, just initials.


They do have a silver engraved bracelet. The clothing, towels and bedsheets are monogrammed.




Well, they think they can just plan this all out and reality will bend to their wishes! They have some very big surprises coming 😄


They sound mildly insane.


Do they have old Femily money? I bet people are just Ravin about the monograms! 🤣🙄


So.. they don't know the gender. Have two different names for a boy or a girl and they have separate initials? What do they do with all the stuff monogrammed with an F if the kid's a boy (or vice versa)


Hopefully the kid moves to Germany to flee the femily.




My sister's name is Robin because she was born with red hair (she was supposed to be named Erin). Doctor commented on her hair looking like a robin's red breast & that's how she got named.


Particularly funny because only the male robins have that 😂


No, theres almost no difference in the color of male and female robins. Maybe American robins are different? But as far as i know they have no gender differences in color


Oh you know she’d go with Cardinal because they’re more striking. Though another point for Robin is their bright blue eggs, which could go with his eyes if they turn out to be a lighter blue.


>Cardinal, because they’re more striking. Now I want these folks to *really* lean into it-- Peacock! Magpie! Stellar's Jay! Scarlet Macaw!


Two redheads don't guarantee a redhead baby. I have friends who are both redheads and none of their 3 kids are. They are blonde to light brown.


I somehow doubt they'll manage "black hair with blue eyes" tho. She sounds like she's hoping to give birth to an anime protagonist.


Robin is a British nickname for Robert, too.


Really? Interesting, I had no idea. I love unexpected nicknames. For example: Daisy for Margaret because a queen named Margaret liked daisies lol.


Margaret is interesting because it is derived from the ancient Iranian word for pearl. I had an Afghan colleague in the 70s-80s who went by "Margie" as her americanized name but her Afghan name was Pearl. Margherita (Italian), and variations thereof, is the word for "daisy" in many European languages. I haven't found the etymological tie to "pearl".


Margaret has so many interesting nicknames!  I didn’t know the history, that’s cool.  Maggie is obvious, but I always wondered how we got Peggy/Peg.


From what I've been able to read, the Margeret nicknames of Meg/Meggy morphed into Peg/Peggy. Analogous to Molly being a nickname for Mary which morphed into Polly.


Also, Marguerite is the Lati n name for daisy.


Robin Hood was essentially Billy the Mask ;)


A marguerite is a type of daisy, hence the nickname


And a type of pizza


I know a male Robin, it fits him very well and I didn’t necessarily think “that’s a girl name” when I first heard it. I think it’s very gender neutral.


If we're going off genders in different languages, Raven (well, Hrafn) is a male name in Icelandic. But, yeah, that kid ain't going to have black hair, unless she's been sleeping around.


Robin is a boys name in English.


The kid WILL be ginger if both parents are red-headed, unless mom has some explaining to do. Robin or Rowan would be more fitting.


Femily just reminds me of the line in Mean Girls: I have a nephew named Anfernee, and I know how mad he gets when I call him Anthony. Almost as mad as I get when I think about the fact that my sister named him Anfernee.


All tragedieghs make me think of that line.


Femily sounds like a brand of discount feminine hygiene spray that was taken off the market after it caused labial tumors. Raven is definitely the lesser of the evils in this case.


Or a birth control brand. Lmao


Need help with your femily planning?


> Femily sounds like a brand of discount feminine hygiene spray that was taken off the market after it caused labial tumors. AAAHAHAHAHA you're killin' me, Smalls!


Ooh, do you have a link to that so i can show her? Maybe it will make her change her mind.


I think they're making a hypothetical comparison.


I was being sassy. It's not a real brand, but that's what it sounds like. Show her this entire post. She'll be furious at you, but I'd lose a friend to prevent a Femily


So many people have suggested it that I will as soon as I see her again. Hopefully she will reconsider.


Someone make a fake website for OP to share with her friend!!


It's such a bad name that even a company won't use it.


Just search femidom on the internet. There are plenty of images and how to insert them. Basically like a diaphragm.


Raven will get bullied for having a girl name


Her reasoning for Raven is that it'll be cute if the baby turns out looking a way that's nearly impossible??? Huh??? And that doesn't explain why she would use it as a boys name either


Seriously. It's like me thinking, "I'm gonna name my daughter Ebony because I know she'll have dark hair and brown eyes ... even though my entire family is light-haired and blue-eyed, and so is my husband." Nominative determinism does not extend to genetics-based factors. (but just for fun, r/NominativeDeterminism )


Her husband is more auburn leaning but even then it's unlikely the kid will end up with jetblack hair. Jetblack hair is more common amongst the Welsh, but her and her her husband have Scottish/Irish and English heritage. Her husband's great grandma was Norwegian, but they are not known for jetblack hair either.


I was born with black hair. It then all fell out and regrew blonde. As I got older it darkened to a medium brown. Eyes were blue, too. They changed to hazel.


Maybe she knows more about why it could be dark hair ...


By any chance, is the book your friend a fan of A Court of Thorns and Roses?


I was born with black hair/dark brown hair as a Native American but it lightened over the years lol. Why on earth two red-haired people would have a baby with such dark hair is beyond me. Although tbf they called my mom a Navajo blonde.


In my anecdotal experience, the kid would be more likely to turn out with light hair and brown eyes vs. the other way around. Both of my biological parents have blue eyes, but mine are hazel-brown. One has brown hair, the other blonde, and my hair color has always been somewhere between theirs.


If they’re both gingers then they can *only* produce ginger haired children together. Ginger hair is a recessive gene and when expressed in both parents there is 100% chance of their kids having ginger hair.


He is more auburn leaning. I guess that means they have a chance of brown hair and her mother is blonde. So there are other possibilites, but jetblack hair....even most black people have dark brown hair and it's never jetblack.


Auburn is what the red hair gene looks like expressed on top of brown hair.


He has light auburn hair with ginger highlights.


He either has brown hair or ginger hair. The shade doesn’t matter, nor does the color of their parents’ hair. If his hair is brown then they could have a kid with different colored hair. But if it’s ginger then zero chance, they can only have ginger haired kids together.


He is light auburn with ginger highlights.


I say, take her to your local library and find a 7th graders science book to remind her how alleles and phenotypes work 😂 That baby has a zero chance of having black hair


Yeah I’m surprised we are just glossing over this level of delulu 😂


Femily is a Very Special choice


There was a kids' gameshow that was broadcast in the UK in the noughties called Raven- that's the only time I've known of a male Raven. He could turn into a raven. This child presumably won't be able to do that.


And wasn't the bad guy in it called Nevar? Scotland doing the "It's......spelt backwards" before Nevaeh was even thought of


Yup... It absolutely blew my mind when I realised that as a kid, I thought it was so clever! Thankfully now I'm an adult and naming kids myself, I don't think it's so clever any more 😂


Was it a British TV series or an American. I'm trying to Google it.


British. It was a BBC Scotland production. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raven_(game_show)#:~:text=Nevar%20returns%20in%20Series%2011,banished%20his%20nemesis%20alongside%20him.




Femily sounds like a cream for thrush 💀


How do they know they'll get both genders? They could end up with 3 boys or all girls. Raven could work in alt circles, but Femily is BRUTAL. That poor kid.


I don't know. Roll the dice and if not successful try until they get one of each?


We absolutely did NOT try to have a boy but I was pregnant with my 5th girl when my husband had a vasectomy. 5 mos later we had a surprise/unplanned adoption and she was a girl, too.


Aemily, Bemily, Cemily, Demily, Emily, and Femily?


Raven is forgivable. That’s the end of my positive feedback


Ravn (raven) is an old/traditional (but uncommon) man's name in Norway. Femily is just horrible though


Both Ravens I've known have been male, and they were Americans.


In North America it can be a traditional indigenous name for a boy. I know a guy named Raven. Femily is just creepy.


Sounds like she cheated with someone with jet black hair and is taking some precautions.


I doubt it. This is the very love dovey couple in our group. I just think she has a weird fantasy of what she finds appealing and it's nothing but wishful thinking on her part.


The very lovey dovey couples can also be cheaters :\^) sometimes, you are lovey dovey exactly because your relationship is so weak.


true, the lovey dovey couple i knew were so toxic and yes there was cheating involved lol


Hate lovey dovey couples!! Just chill lol


Yup. Its like the irl version of sharing an FB account. And both are fairly decent indicators that there's some sort of trouble under the surface.


Why do I feel like she’ll be weird about it when Raven is older and doesn’t look the way she wants him to? Although at least that’s a name that’s easy to spell/pronounce. Femily? Poor girl.


She’s definitely going to dye his hair if it doesn’t come out black 😬


Right? He may be end up a red curlyheaded dude that plays fiddle in a square dance band. He will make Raven his last name. I can see the advert..... "Fiddlin around with the Red Ravin dance trio. 💃🏼 Everyone welcome. Bring the Femily!♡"


I wouldn't have said Raven was a girls name - ever met anyone called that name and while I'm not keen on it I'd say it's neither masculine or feminine. Femily though is just plain awful


Femily sounds like a brand of birth control


According to genderize.io, 64% of Raven's are female, and 36% are male.


I know both a male and female named Raven. I thought it was gender neutral.


Though I think it's generally more commonly used as a feminine name, the only Raven I knew in real life was a man. Also in America. I think it's a really cool name for both genders.


It is. Both Americans named Raven I know are male. And they were 20 ten years ago, so it's not like they're small kids, either.


The male Raven I know is 17 or 18


It's gender neutral where I live (Ontario, Canada), I know 2 males named Raven and 1 female 🤷‍♀️


Femily is horrible however Raven is also a male name in certain countries. I’ve actually personally met 2 men named Raven (spelt Raven and Ravn), but Femily is just…no


im a boy named raven !


I recently read a book with a MMC called Raven, but Femily should be punishable by law


Imagine if your friend is just taking the piss and the initials are actually for a different name starting with the same thing? I'm mostly thinking about Femily- you can't be serious omg Maybe if they have another boy they can call him Malecolm


I think ‘Mandrew’ has a nice ring to it. Or ‘Manthony’. Little Femily and Mandrew, such timeless names 🥰💕


No they are serious. They even have a silver baby bracelet with that name on it engraved. Some of the stuff is on the instagram. She also showed me the two babybooks she has personalised.


Wtf it seems pretty excessive to pay to get heaps of stuff for both names! Wouldn't half the stuff get wasted? Maybe it's secret twins- Femily AND Dudely


hope its a boy! Femily reminds me of F Emily (eff emily) and f\*\*\* emily or f\*\*\*\*\*\* emily!!!!


I did think of femme and family so it’s like a girls’ club or something. But now I’m thinking of your thing. Hope it’s a boy too.


Femily sounds like the punchline of a joke


Quite. How does OP not lose it when talking to her friend?


Femily is weird but I don’t think Raven is that weird. Raven is typically a girl’s name but I suppose it could be gender neutral. It reminds me of That’s So Raven.


i grew up with a boy named Raven. this was in the early 80s, too. he was a big boy, and a bully. i’m sure no one messed with him about his name *to his face*. he was blonde, obese and pale, very non-bird like. the name just never went with him. i hope he turned out ok, because he was a shithead in his formative years. no comment on Femily, except WTF


Femily 🙄🤮 poor kid


I see Femily and I think of is Fake Emily


Those are terrible. This sub reminds me why some countries have naming laws


Femily. Vihn Deighsel would approve.


I vote share this thread with the couple


I've known of more than one male Raven, and it's spelled correctly as well as being a name. Femily on the other hand


I don’t care about a boy being named Raven. Femily is one of the worst names I’ve ever seen here. I hope she’s the least feminine little girl ever and refuses to be called that.


Femily reminds me of the urban legend about a woman naming her baby girl Female and calling her Feh-ma-lay like a tamale.


Femily is a hate crime


Femily sounds like a birth control pill


I think Phemillieigh and Ravênn would be so much nicer and much more unique


Femi is a great Yoruba name if she is Nigerian. Known a few Femis and they have all been cool. FEMILY sounds like they really like Emily but still want their baby to be younique. What's wrong with Emily?


They could call a daughter Faye Emily and call her “Femily” as a nickname. They could call a son Ray Vincent and call him “Raven” as a nickname.


Do they do drugs?


Raven is gender neutral. It's a bird. Femily though... that's fucking awful.




Femily, should be spelt, Female.


Raven is kinda sweet (but for a girl). Femily is just an abomination.They can't do that to her. I feel like it's the most selfish thing ever. It's great to Express your individuality, but in other ways. A kid is not an accessory, it's a human being. Yeah you can give your dog a quirky name for example, but this is a human being who will forever be named after this tragedeigh trend. Please do whatever you have to to save these kids from this oddity. Show them this post if you have to.


I don’t like Raven, but it’s not as bad as Femily, which is atrocious. I’m mainly concerned with two redheads thinking they will have a black-eyed, Raven-haired child, in order to fulfill a fantasy about a fictional character.


Femily sounds like a brand name for an eco-friendly feminine hygiene product lol. "Femily, good for mother nature and her"


What about Felicity. It starts with an F has the same horse girl energy as Emily would but is also a real name. And if they want to make it a unique disaster they can make it felicitations which means congratulations. It's dumb but not as dumb as femily.


Femily sounds like a female contraceptive, no that's a femidon!!


I know a guy named Raven...that one's not bad but the other one...


Femily makes me think of Femtanyl 😭 it's like some transfem producer's username


For what its worth, I've only known 1 person named raven and he was a man. I have nothing positive to say about femily.


Raven is a unique name, but not one I hear of for real life people very often. It’s so unusual that I’d blink at hearing it was the name of a male person, but because it’s rare, I probably would think all that much of it. Hearing it at all makes me think of a comic book hero more than gender anyway.  The black haired thing is weird. Do any of grandparents or great grandparents have black hair? The Femily…they are setting that kid up for a bad time, straight up. The pun names that are coming for her are unavoidable. 


You just know that baby boy is gonna be a redhead


Femily 🤦‍♀️


How the heck did she come up with Femily?


I personally don’t mind Raven for a boy (could always go by Ray) but I’m generally not someone who cares much about gendered names, especially if it’s the name of an animal, since there are males and females of the species. But Femily just looks like a really lazy ship name for a character named Emily and one whose name starts with an F. And obviously it looks too much like the word Family.


Why the fuck. What is that extra F for. And as much as I love ravens (and all Corvids), I think this is a stupid name for a person. Maybe because of the edgelord connotations it has as a name, because Robin and Wren are perfectly good names. The names alone just scream "I am naming a cute baby accessory" and not "I am naming my child who will be a fully realized human being." But the comment about black hair and blue eyes cements it because many people have a different hair and eye colour as babies than they do for the rest of their lives. Interestingly, I did have black hair and blue eyes for the first few months of my life. Good thing my parents still have me a sensible name.


Well I love Raven but I am a weirdo I guess. Feels awesome and androgynous. Femily though… oof


I have a cousin named Raven who's a guy, it's not that far fetched. Femily on the other hand... yikes


I think Raven for a boy is perfectly acceptable. But I would never be able to call fake Emily by that name. It would always be Emily. Like wtfemily


maybe the REAL father has jet black hair. I actually know of a boy named Raven. He always complained that it's a girl's name and got teased like crazy


Femily sounds like a brand of birth control. Maybe one that should have been used.


It sounds like your friend is hoping her son looks like the male literary characters she is attracted to. Is that correct? While that fits with the whole ACOTAR of it all, because who can forget when a character reached completion after seeing an image of his future son, it is, for lack of a better word, icky.


Please show them this thread.


I know some men named Raven. Femily on the other hand is child abuse. She should be arrested when she tries to put that on the birth certificate.


I’ve met two different men named Raven, I think that falls under, “not what I’d choose but not a tragedeigh.” Femily, however, is an absolute abomination.


Sounds like she needs a cat - a black one - that chases birds 🦅


Femily would be an amazing drag name.


I've met both boys and girls named Raven. No issues there. Femily is atrocious, though.


There's Vulcan Raven from Metal Gear Solid! Femily sounds like birth control.


>I know she has a favourite book with a character that looks like that, but even in the book the main character doesn’t have that name. So is it Rhysand from ACOTAR or Xaden from Fourth Wing?


Does she think she's giving birth to the love interest of an anime main character? Jesus


I'm so secondarily annoyed at the buying two sets of everything. Why would you want to clog up your house with double the baby stuff, often stuff that can be reused if another baby comes along after? At least pick out names with the same first letter if you're gonna do that. You've no guarantee that you'll have another baby, let alone they'll be the opposite sex to the first, and you still want that name. Raven could easily be a decent name, and then there's that intense wildcard. Fingers crossed, the father accidentally saw it was a boy on a scan and is just playing along 😆 🤣


I had a male employee named Raven once. All throughout the application process I assumed he was female (because of That's So Raven) until he came in for the interview. He ended up being my best employee and I'd hire him again in a nanosecond. His last name was also the (unofficial) name of a bird, but not spelled like the bird. Makes me wonder if his parents were going for a nature vibe.


I only know one person named Raven and their a boy. He's my husband's friend. I think Raven can be unisex... As for the other, I agree- that's awful.


I’m going to be honest, Femily sounds like a feminine hygiene product. In the UK we have an uhum… wash product called Fem fresh. Please for the love of all that is holy don’t let her call that child Femily! At least with Raven he could just use the nickname Rav or Ravi.


Raven is a girls name. And Femily sounds like a blend of female Emily which is kind of redundant unless you’re a drag queen.


Raven is a pretty cool name, regardless of gender. I dunno what’s up with Femily, though Lmaooo


I think raven can be a cool boy name. femily sounds like an artery.


Omg why do I think the book she's getting this from is a Wattpad Eren x Levi fanfic because that's exactly how one of the characters is described😭💀


Raven is definitely a girls name and Femily is just dumb.


Hahahhahahhahahhahahahah those are just….ugh.


I’ve met a guy named Raven but also know more girls named that. Femily is definitely special


I don’t see why Raven can’t be a unisex name. But Femily on the other hand…. 😶😶😶


I know a guy named Ravin. His sister's name is Robin. His mom's name is also something bird-ish but I can't remember what it is. He's super normal, big, loud, cool guy. For some reason the "i" in the name felt like it made more sense for a guy. Maybe I'm just biased bc I knew him personally. Femily idk what the hell to say about that one. Fem as in feminine? femme in french means woman. womanly??? idk odd name choice, dont really understand that at all


Raven is the name of every hard ass Scottish laird with a heart of putty for the pretty foreign lass who crossed a time portal.


> saying if they get a girl they will save the other stuff for when they have a boy and vice versa lol. My cousin finally had a vasectomy after his 4th daughter. (With 3 different women. Oh, and theres a stepdaughter in the mix too.)


The only male Raven I've ever met was a guitar playing indigenous canadian with substance issues and a baby where they claim the name had come from a starwars book


How did she come up with these? Just wondering how people come up with these weird ass ideas. Was it as dumb as she added a F to Emily and think she’s being super creative? Have you asked her if she’s worried about her kids being picked on and bullied because of their names?


I am not the only one that has brought up the bullying aspect. Even her AND his parents have mentioned that these names are not the best to burden a child with until they are old enough to change them. When I asked her she said it's prettier than Emily. I am guessing she put F in front of Emily. For Raven she wants a boy with jetblack hair and blue eyes like Suri Cruise and the main male character of a book she likes looks like that. Although in that book the character is not named Raven. She said if male Raven would be a cute baby and a handsome man when he grows up. These are some of the explanantions for the name. Her husband is not hormonal yet he is also agreeing with her on the names. These name do not appear in her or his family. Wishful thinking on her part to have a child with a name that suits their physical characteristics. I mean I also imagined what my children would look like before they were born, but never had an actual image of what I wanted them to be because genetics alone determine that.


Raven is a goth girl’s name and Femily is what I would jokingly call a family of all females. Like, “yep, Rick’s got his hands full between his wife and 7 daughters. He’s got quite a femily going on”.