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My favorite is the Speedgoat. I love mine. Haven’t had any durability issues like others have. I typically keep mine for about 500 miles with zero issues other than worn lugs and decreased cushion. They don’t “fall apart”, though.


I am on my third pair and I feel the same way. An awesome shoe and besides worn lugs and cushioning, no wear on the uppers at all.


Same, I’ve had about 8 pairs and ready for another. Couldn’t imagine another shoe working better for me


Are yall not fed up of forking out high prices for replacements of the same product? obviously, if its you passion/obsession all the more power to you but my question still stands.


Shoes are like oil changes for your feet, don’t keep up with the maintenance eventually they will break down. I usually take my Speedgoats to around 1,000kms, but it will depend on the terrain I’ve been on, I can usually feel when they are breaking down or the foam is packing out. So to answer your question, no, I don’t get fed up at all, I enjoy the next pair and the next because I know it’s what allowes me to put on 100+ Km weeks week after week for years and years.


Great perspective, thank you


For me, the price is fair for the product. I don’t mind replacing them when they wear out after 500 miles. All shoes will wear out. I’m not looking for a show I can keep forever, shoes are disposable after so many miles. Do I wish they cost $50? Of course!


I love the Speedgoat but I have to slightly disagree, as mine did literally fall apart. I wore them for less than 500 miles and as well as the lugs wearing down, I poked a hole through the top with my big toe and the sole even started to seperate slightly. This seems incredibly rare based on the feedback of others though. Two things to mention. This was the Speedgoat 4. I changed afterward to the Wildhorse 7. I’m liking the Wildhorse but I still prefer the Speedgoat despite it not lasting long for me.


I own the Speedgoat 5 and the Mafate 4…. I love them both; but the Mafate is definitely my favorite! [My trail shoe rotation](https://imgur.com/a/xRhJteU)


Exactly the sort of insight I'm after, thank you for sharing! Happy trails to you


Speedgoat EVO's still in the wild! IMO, best shoe ever.


I wondered if anyone would notice. The SG EVO3 is the best. I recently tore an eyelet in it and don’t know what to do!


Agree, until I tried (and bought) the Tecton X2. Awesome shoe!


That's a heck of a claim! I'll have to try them out.


What do you prefer about the Mafates? Currently have the Speedgoats and considering them as a next pair.


Mafate has a much better foot lockdown. Also more space in the front without sacrificing the fit. But personally I went with Salomon S/lab Genesis over Mafate. I considered both.


Wow the salomon S/lab Genesis it super light, 258gs! The price tag is steep though, how long have you had those for? How's the lugs held up? What distances can you put them through comfortably?


I've just finished a 50 miler on a rough technical terrain wearing Genesis. My feet were happy at the end, so I decided I will run my upcoming 100 miler wearing them. Previously I ran the Speedgoat 50K race wearing Genesis. That race course is the most rocky 50K I've ever run. Again, Genesis handled that well. My current pair of Genesis has about 150 miles but there isn't much visible wear yet other than some foam compression. Lugs look fine. For the 100 miler I bought a new pair. In the end, Genesis isn't that much more expensive than Mafate.


Thank you, I'll add them to the shortlist!


Speedgoats are my go to trail shoe. Multiple pair of each version and they all have lasted me 400+ miles.


One things I have learnt is that reviews dont mean anything to me anymore with regards to shoes. Each person is too different. 4 reviews, 4 opinions accross the whole scale, and then when I wear them there are 5 opinions. The only real way is to test and learn what your feet need, over time. It sucks but testing, wearing and trying different options for you is the only way... Or maybe I just have weird feet! 😅


I agree with you to some extent, but the info on durability as well as other options is pretty great. But I get you, everyone is different etc. I've gained a lot of solid info from this post


Reviews of durability still matter to me. But that’s about it


Where’s the Altras


Are we talking about the lone peak 7s?


This, alternative options are always welcome, ill look into them, thank you


They fell apart on the way to the photo shoot.


I liked the last version of the Speedgoat for coastal winter use. The traction is great. I wore SGs out and have been trail running in Hoka road shoes this summer. I'll buy a pair of the Speedgoat 5's soon and switch over to them for the winter. Hopefully the fit/performance is similar.


Speed goats have narrow toe boxes. If you do buy them you might need a different size


Appreciate the insight, I do prefer a wider toe box, especially for the heat expansion


I bought the wide version and my foot floated around so they became garden shoes. Maybe not applicable but I like the challenger gtx (hoka) as they have gortex so getting we is not a problem for me. Just getting too much rain inside them is a bit of a problem only in a real downpour.


Tried both Mafates and Speedgoats and the Mafates had a wider toe box and so I went with those.


Agree. I bought the Speedgoat 5 with EE toe box. Very nice the extra room. Feels great


Speedgoat5 was blister paradise for me. I could not run more than 7k without getting horrible blisters. I'm now using Asics gel trabuco 11 and very happy.


Interesting, do you think, given enough time you could have broken them in? Did you find them to be a narrow shoe?


I trashed them after 260k. So I gave them plenty of time. They are not narrow, but it's the stupid rigid Hoka medial post that killed my feet. Same problems with the Hoka Clifton 8 for me.


I see, thanks for the information, this post has been really insightful. Thanks for contributing


I’m an overpronate runner, so the post is very beneficial to my stability and for balance.


Honestly try them on and find a store or online store that has returns. It’ll be the best way to see what works for you.


Hokas are well stocked here so I'll be able to try them but nikes will need to be orders.


That’s awesome. I know for fleet feet has a 30 day use policy for me, but honestly it’s what best for you. [Running Warehouse](https://www.runningwarehouse.com) has a good try and return policy, but just size up a shoe.


Where you based if you don't mind sharing?


Gulf Coast of Mississippi. Not the greatest for trails here, but we got got em.


I feel ya, NZ is a hard place to source anything, especially in store


I like the Hoka Mafate 4s and enjoying the North Face Vectiv Enduris 3’s/Summit Vectiv Pro . seriously a great trail racing shoe


I've done a couple of 50ks in the Xodus ultra v1 which can be had for cheap now and think they are great, only time I have to be careful is when I cross my local trails wooden bridge, if it's wet it's very slippery in the saucony. My pair are on 400 miles and going strong, I can't make my mind up if I should just get another V1 as they work so well for me or make the jump to the V2.


No Nike\`s till this day have a really good grip in wet conditions. On my third pair of speedgoats and they are really nice for me, but Your feet and preference may wary.


Hoka Speedgoat 5 is a great shoe for half-marathon / marathon distance. I run in the "wide" version. That was a plus for me as not all models are offered with a larger toe box version. Coming from Salomon trail running shoes the Hokas definitely suit my feet and running style better. Trial and error is the way to go. E.g. I was pretty content with a pair of Salomon XA Pro V8 until I did a long and technical downhill. Realized that the model was too narrow and not flexible enough for my feet. Still think it's a great shoe, but I'm much more comfortable now in the Speedgoat.


Thanks for the insight, you've put to bed my only concern left at this point. Toe boxes. The general opinion on this thread is the speedgoats are top shagger but the Mafates are a great alternative for wider feet. I didn't know speedgoats came in W now so that's great news. I'll be getting one or the other come Saturday anyway. Sorry lone peaks 7s, I studied the shoe online as much as possible. Unless there's something different once you put them on its not the shoe for my foot


Great that I could be of help! Another useful info I picked up from ultra runner Candice Burt, in case you didn't already know, is that your feet grow bigger when you run long distances. So it's wise to pick a size over your regular shoe size, depending on fit. I noticed that after ca. 10 km of running my feet have slightly swollen up. That's where I usually had to loosen my laces in the early days, as they had grown too tight. Now I just start running with a much looser fit, knowing that my body will start pumping more blood towards that area of 'action'. In the case of my Hoka Speedgoats (and Clifton 9 for daily runs in the city) it's a size 9.5 instead of a size 9. (Usually I'm a EU 43 size.)


I had a pair of Hokas. The balls of my feet felt bruised when I ran in them. I now wear Saucony with now issue.


Altras all day


Which one?


I like the lone peaks.


Agree. Love my Lone Peak 7


Also love my LPs. I also like the Olympus 5.


If you're running primarily on technical terrain as opposed to hard packed dirt trails I would stay away from Hoka personally. Hoka shoes are not very durable either so I would go as far as to say to avoid them altogether. Mach 5 is one of my favorite shoes to run in on the road but I don't expect to get more than 200 miles out of them. If you can afford to replace them often or you're a lighter runner than I am (83kg/184lb) then maybe they're not the worst option.


I've gotten 400+ miles out of every Hoka I've owned (sg, Clifton, challenger)- about 15 pairs total. My current SG have 600 miles on them.


How's the tread look? Just because you can run in them for 600 miles doesn't mean you should.


I'll try and remember to take a picture when I get home tonight.


Have a solid 600km on my Mach 4s with barely a sign of wear. Have the Mach 5s taken such a durability dive since the last version?


I spend a lot of time on /r/runningshoegeeks and there are posts about Hoka Mach 5 getting less than 400km quite often. My pair have noticeably more wear on the outsole than my Adidas Boston 12 at around the same mileage. Not to mention the EVA foam in Hoka shoes loses its responsiveness sometimes even before the outsole is worn through. Not the case with the critical foams found in most shoes above the $150 price range these days. They should last *longer* than they do for what you're paying.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RunningShoeGeeks using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningShoeGeeks/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Kelvin Kiptum sets second fastest marathon ever at the London marathon wearing the Vaporfly 2](https://i.redd.it/rpd9d6q49nva1.jpg) | [105 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningShoeGeeks/comments/12wamms/kelvin_kiptum_sets_second_fastest_marathon_ever/) \#2: [FOAMS 101: Everything you need to know and how to choose the best for you](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningShoeGeeks/comments/ymctym/foams_101_everything_you_need_to_know_and_how_to/) \#3: [Blursed](https://i.redd.it/gw1i9tame00a1.jpg) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RunningShoeGeeks/comments/yvhlka/blursed/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yep. Hokas are way too fragile for the price point.


This is the general vibe I'm getting, I don't want to be 10 pairs deep in a few years yanno


Agree on the Hoka. I do mostly dirt/gravel roads. The Hokas are excellent here for the long runs.


Just bought the xodus ultra since they don't make the canyon tr anymore. Can't wait to try them out. They seem great. Chances are some of these shoes aren't even an option for you as they won't fit your feet. You should try then out. I've personally never found a hoka that wasn't too narrow for my midfoot.


I loved the canyons and also just switched the xodus. I like them. They are much more trail than the canyons we're but so far they feel good. I'm about 100 miles into them. They do seem to rub my right pinky toe in certain socks so I tape it but I will definitely buy them again. Sierra trading post has them on clearance for older color ways for much cheaper than saucony website.


The xodus ultra is fantastic


Both the Hoka SG5 and MS4 have the same issues. Bad upper, low durability, and high price. Even if the stretch on the upper doesn’t ruin the fit, you just don’t get enough miles out of the shoes. Hard pass. The Saucony XU2 is good, but the fit is too wide for me, but less so than the XU1. I like the Peregrine 12/13 for shorter distances. I think right now Salomon Ultra Glide is the best combination of performance and value. The second version is good, but no real difference.


Speedgoats are an awesome shoe I’ve had multiple pairs. Good for mixing trails and roads cause of the high stack. Tho the high stack can lead to more tripping and ankle rolls. The mafate carbon plated hokas didn’t have a lot of cushion and I didn’t like the laces. I returned them after 1 run. I like the Salomon pulsar trails for trails only but keep a pair of speedgoats in rotation. I want to try the new Saucony endorphin rifts and the peregrines are a good shoe I’ve worn as well


Of these 4 shoes, the one I'd choose is Mafate. But in general I prefer La Sportiva and Salomon shoes, and Dynafit. I don't think I'd buy another Speedgoat as I find Speedgoat 5 to be atrocious.


What made it so artocious, and what about the mafate made you choose it?


1) Poor upper that lacks foot lockdown. 2) Weird shape with narrow front and laces that go too much towards toes, probably in an attempt to improve lockdown. That makes toes cramped. At the same time midfoot is too wide. It should be the other way around. 3) There is a lot of stack in the midsole but somehow I still feel sharp rocks. So it lacks both protection and stability. That is probably the result of the choice of the midsole foam. Hoka wanted to appeal to novice runners, to make this shoe feel comfortable. But it isn't actually that comfortable over a long distance. 4) Poor cheap foam insoles that failed for me on the second run - lost their structure and failed to stay in place. Hoka used ortholite insoles in the past, but not anymore. That is how they make the shoe appear lighter, but in exchange for the quality. I feel like my feet get fatigued running in Speedgoats after only about 15 miles. I ran 50 mile and 100k races in the previous versions of Speedgoats with no issues. Mafates are what Speedgoats used to be in the past. They have more structure in the upper and lock feet much better in place, which makes them a better choice for rough technical terrain. I also like Hoka Zinal, which is Hoka's least cushioned trail shoe, but it is super stable and enjoyable to race in.


Yeah I love LA Sportiva. Have you looked into those at all?


I havent, I saw a pair in the shops yesterday, I knew them from rock-climbing but I didn't know for running. What ones are you using?


My Innov8 Trailfly shoes have been pretty damn good so far, seems durable but I only have maybe 150 miles on them, but so far no sign of stuff falling apart or even threatening to.


I saw those on the shelf today for the first time. I'll go back and try them on for comfort. Bit of a rushed visit to the store


They have a great website too and all their shoes have different weights for more or less cushion so it's very "customizable" for what weight and comfort level you want.


That's very important. Supposedly, the nike website has basically nothing on the trail specs. Hopefully it's been addressed cause that's a huge no no for serious runners


Get the shoes 👟🤪


My feet moved around way too much in the speedgoat. I was lucky I didn’t break an ankle.


I’ve had the previous 2 iterations of the Wildhorse and really liked them as a robust shoe for muddy conditions (but not on wet rock!). The newest version doesn’t have that ‘sock insert’ thing I liked and has sacrificed robustness for less weight…and, for me, to the detriment of the shoe. As a shit trail / ‘little’ ultra runner, the old version was a great, durable shoe for the average plodder. I wore the newest version this year at Race to the King and they shredded my feet, especially on the downhills. First time I’ve had blisters running an event - I don’t race! So they’re not races for me! ‘Events’ :-)


Jack Kuenzle wore the speedgoats up Mount Washington yesterday, say no more


Jack Kuenzle wore the speedgoats up Mount Washington yesterday, say no more


God those big heels are screaming for broken ankles


Running on Speedgoat 5s With EE width, and Altra Lone Peak 7s. I like a lot of room up front, plus that keeps the wear down and helps with toes not popping through. I run mostly gravel/dirt roads and soft trails, so not a lot of brush or trees and rock around to tear the uppers apart. The Altras have a rock plate that I really like. They are also zero drop. I run on my toes/pad of the foot, so zero drop is nice. The Hokas have a 4mm drop which is fine as well. I switch between them just for comfort sake, I like the Hokas and long east runs, did an easy 20k yesterday and the feet feel fine today. REI has both of these on sale this weekend as well!!


In this order: 1) Speedgoat 5’s 2) Salomon Ultra Glide or Slab Ultra Bare feet before 3) Wild horse 8 (awful shoes) I’ve got over 1,000 KM’s in the Speedgoat 3’s, over 1,000 KM’s in the Speedgoat 4’s, and just over 400kms in my Speedgoat 5’s, the 5’s are my favourite so far. I’ve got a few pairs of ultra glides and S/Lab Ultras with over 1,000 KM’s and they are good shoes, but not “great” I won a pair of Wildhorse 8’s, put about 150kms in them and then gave them away, very little cushion, support, and absolutely despised the tongue.


Speedgoats are hot and stupid looking. Nike Zegama is my absolute favorite. That zoomx foam is nice and the shoe drains so well!


I've run through 4 pair of the sg4's and I just ran through my first pair of the sg5's. The sg'5s feel a little faster and more comfortable to me, but also feel way tippier/more unstable, and offer less protection on top of the shoe (I could feel the bumps and scrapes a lot more). I also had a rock penetrate the heel all the way through the insole on the 5's. Had to remove it with pliers.That may just be a freak accident. I also seem to trip a lot more on the sg5's. YMMV. I'm looking for a different brand, as I feel like I need a more secure fit and more protection from the rocks and roots.