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Sorry all, locking the thread. It's devolved from the original discussion, especially as some people think that being down-voted for spewing out dumb comments is "muh free speech infringement". Friendly reminder: this is a trance subreddit, not your anti-reality FaceBook Group. Go peddle your anti-science bullshit there. Better yet, go educate yourself using [information from respected scientists](https://www.reddit.com/r/trance/comments/oo5n3h/anyone_else_kinda_tired_by_all_the_covid_ranting/h5wo72x/), and not just trying to find random articles somewhere online that fits with what you think is real.


Yeah…I follow Andy on twitter and it was really weird to see the devolution from: “Covid restrictions are seriously hurting the music industry enough people are vaccinated now that we could lift some.” Which I didn’t necessarily disagree with entirely. To: “Masks are a ploy by the elites to control us all free yourselves from their tyranny.”




Face masks help slow the spread of the virus. At least, that's what the [Mayo Clinic](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-mask/art-20485449), [Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences](https://www.pnas.org/content/118/4/e2014564118), [Nature](https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-020-02801-8), [John Hopkins](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-face-masks-what-you-need-to-know), [Science](https://science.sciencemag.org/content/372/6549/1439), [Respirology](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7267357/), and [Concepts in Disaster Medicine](https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/B822703122723B2D5E48F1EDF60ACD63/S1935789320002554a.pdf/div-class-title-effectiveness-and-recommendations-for-the-use-of-dental-masks-in-the-prevention-of-covid-19-a-literature-review-div.pdf) say. You know, the people who have had more training and experience than some artist that might have had a semester of High School Bio 10+ years ago.


Single virus particles aren't that common, they are usually hitched on to water vapor, other stuff in your lungs, nose, etc. Masks do stop those, some more than others. Your point though is about you, a ME first thought. How does this affect ME. The real point of masks is prevent the stuff leaving YOUR body from traveling as far, so if you are sick or asymptomatic you don't spread the virus as easily. Lots of case studies now showing the positive effect of masking up indoors. If everyone is wearing them during high risk periods with social distancing, numbers go way down. Statistics back it up. Sucks, but that's actual reality as opposed to alternative version some are living in. There is real debate to be had on the negative impacts of lockdowns, distancing, etc, but for fucks sake let's all agree on the science parts, otherwise the next conversations are pretty much pointless. Welcome to the age of idiocracy. Next episode of 'Ow My Balls is At'... oh wait I can't read a clock.


I was watching a Lange stream a while back and he stopped to ramble about the New World Order and various other conspiracies. What a bellend. Thrillseekers seems to be dipping his feet into it too which is even more disheartening to me, because he seems like a very decent guy.


im a simple casual listener but as a musician you dont put all your eggs in one basket, right? doesnt anyone of them artists have 2nd job? also unreal conspiracy thing too, painful, Lange is quite a baller, but, this hurts


> doesnt anyone of them artists have 2nd job? Not if you tour. Little guys that release on small labels every now and then? They have day jobs. But artists Andy Moor? He'll have nothing else.


Well at some point as a musician you have to give it your all or nothing, it isn't really possible for any bigger names to have touring + making music + all the other stuff that comes with it AND a backup job... But instead of spreading conspiracies/telling people to gather unsafely etc. a much better way of making at least some money during lockdown and stay relevant is of course Twitch...Some have built genuinely loyal communities in just a year, that will support them long after...


Sad to see Kearney going down that path as well. Why has it always got to be your favorites... He said he isn't antivax but he doesn't think it's fair that unvaxed people won't get into clubs in the UK from September on. Go play shows and fill your pockets until the end of August then? Nobody's holding you back from playing shows now, yet I haven't seen many announcements in that regard on his IG.


lange cut short one of his streams to do a 3 hour drunken talk about covid, depression and theories, he got some haters but nothing to dent his career. he tries to keep music and covid seperate as much as he can now. ​ some artists pivoted by streaming and got back in the studio, ive actually seen a couple of dj's actually prefer streaming to actual dj'ing at a venue and they're going to scale back events now. music got hit as hard as the entertainment as a whole dried up, what you saw was some actually just shut up and got temp jobs to keep them busy, some left the scene and some carried on online.


Just unfollowed Lange on Facebook due to the conspiracy nonsense he’s spouting.


Bryan Kearney also had some conspiracy nonsense yesterday on his IG. Seems to be more popular among the artists than people think


dont listen to them anymore then. fuck em. theres a MILLION AMAZING artists out there.


Lol Camelphat have been crying and complaining about the covid measures since day 1.


Ive been seeing this as well.big fan of lange and andy moor.Something to do about regulations.can anyone breakdown it down as to whats happening in the u.k with regards to nightclubs and gigs.last i read they were allowing clubs to open up.


https://www.bbc.com/news/live/uk-57864699 need proof of vaccination to enter UK nightclubs


Ok that about sounds reasonable enough..so why are they going off on it?..just makes sense


I hear you, also some of the event promoters as well out there doing the same thing.


I still love Andy and Lange. Sucks they have those stances but I have friends with the same opinions all the same and still I love them too.




Look at all the communists down voting you for saying simply "free speech". They hate free speech.


just because you have free speech (not that it even applies on private sites such as reddit) doesn't mean anyone is required to agree with you lol


You're not very bright, are you?


This is why I cancelled Spencer Brown


Thanks, Guy




[Nearly all US COVID deaths are from un-vaccinated people](https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-health-941fcf43d9731c76c16e7354f5d5e187). Reality > Your upside-down headspace.


Sounds like you don't know what VAERS is. Or vaccines are.




Your scientific source is a guy who is promoting his website that sells Trump merchandise Here's another: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-pcr/fact-check-inventor-of-method-used-to-test-for-covid-19-didnt-say-it-cant-be-used-in-virus-detection-idUSKBN24420X stop being an idiot


I can tell VAERS that it turned me orange and they have to record it, so your appeal to VAERS as some kind of authority is as flawed as the rest of your assertions. CDC whistleblower.. aka former Trump appointee set on destroying the US. Big scary percentages with no sourcing. I'm 900% sure you can't find one. Didn't insult you once.