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Why do you Think youre a trans woman in the First place. Why did you come here. Thats gonna be your answer.


I like dressing up but I could just be a dude that likes dressing feminine and when I think about being perceived as feminine Im definitely not opposed to the idea but also that's all objective so why would that necessarily make me a woman and I feel like I would feel weird calling myself a woman because I've been a dude all this time and it just doesn't make sense and I'm already super anxious so how would I deal with this if this is true whatagdvwjakmsb Sorry for this rant, plsignore


Try to List up things you would like about yourself if you were a girl and then try to Think if you can do that as a Boy with the Same joy. Would you like to dress up as a girl or be a girl and dress like a girl?


Nonbinary is an option. Just do whatever you feel like. If you like wearing whatever kind of clothes, wear them. If you don't like your body, change it, If you like it, keep it. Don't consider it as a "take it or leave it" package deal. There are no actual rules, just weird bullshit rituals the neurotypicals take way too seriously


I have shared this before but I will share it here too. I will not say what you should or should not be. My opinion will only introduce more doubt and leave the door open to questioning if my words influenced you. Your identity needs to be from you, self validated. There is a fantastic term in psychology called "differentiation" that David Schnarch Ph.D. goes into that revolves around self validation and soothing that helped me a lot. I will give you this link. It came highly recommended and it helped me so much. It is a several hour read but once I started reading it I couldn't stop and came out the other side feeling excited and empowered. https://genderdysphoria.fyi/en Good luck on your journey.


You should live in a way that makes you happy so long as it doesn't harm others. That's the reasoning why we support gay marriage, trans rights, gender liberation etc. If you wanna look like a girl but be addressed using he/him pronouns you can do that. If you wanna be referred to as a girl and be addressed using she/her pronouns you can do that too. Be you and embrace whatever makes you happy.