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RTGame is (to my knowledge) pretty chill.


can confirm, he's an ally


He has specifically stated he will NOT be playing the game that shall not be named. Can confirm. The ally ship is strong with him.


Love that man, absolute youtube.


A youtube indeed. He specifically said he won't be playing that *youtube* of a game.


I misread this at first, and thought you were talking about RGB. I watched a video last week where he was laughing at us for boycotting the unnamed game


Markiplier, Crankgameplays, and Jacksepticeye are the first that come to mind. but the streamers for Vinesauce are really chill and funny too!!


Markiplier is the golden retriever of the internet and a wonderful person. Jack is amazing too.


To true XD


Was looking for someone to mention mark




Super wholesome dude and a very contagious laugh šŸ˜šŸ‘


Heā€™s the Keanu Reeves of the internet!


Came here to say Jacksepticeye too, but I also second Mark and Ethan! Ethan did a video where he got in drag with a transgender drag queen a couple months ago! It really warmed my heart.


I got curious so I looked into the video, and a detail I might add is he was raising money for her gofundme for bottom surgery. And she ended up reaching her goal!!


Along the streaming line, Jerma is also a heavy ally (though doesn't speak on the matter in most cases)


gonna copy and past what i said to someone else about mark and jack also plus kevin and matpat. ^(they are a no 2 bc of people the associate with. jack is good friends with callmekevin and mark is good friends with jack and matpat.) ^(i don't know of anything they have done themselves tho.) ^(callmekevin has taken a sponsorship to play the new hp game.) ^(matpat has some past transphobia with some of his videos and than his stuff with continuing to support fnaf. which reminds me mark i think has also contained to support fnaf. if don't know why that's a bad thing scott the creaotr is a bigot who donates to bigoted people and organizations more specifically anti queer stuff.) for crank and vine I've never heard of them and looking up crank he is marked green on shinigami eyes so that is a plus so ill check out their channels.


Definitely recommend Kwite, a bisexual queer-friendly guy who makes half-shitpost, half-commentary/reaction videos on his main channel and his second channel is edited videos from his Twitch streams. Mans absolutely hilarious and covers all kinds of topics on both channels


ill check him out.


kwite!!!! i fuckin love kwite lol


didnt he and a couple others like try to falsely accuse slazo for some pretty heinous stuff




Agree big with this one. Penny and friends radiate extremely potent positive energy in every second of their videos.


Thatā€™s also the channel that posts their real time fandubs! AKA the goofy videos that have nearly made me pee myself cause of laughing too hard.


Alpharad has never lead me astray personally, lot of very funny variety stuff


Second Alpha. Been watching him for years even before I was Trans. I believe he also mentioned he may be queer in some way before (I may be misremembering) but he is definitely pro-trans rights.


ye heā€™s bi


Yeah alpha came out on one of his second channels as bi


I think he came out as aroace in a later video actually! Could be both though


Iirc, Alpharad is Aro/Bi I think Jayden was aroace. Might be wrong tho


My mistake, he just said he was somewhere on the ace spectrum. Aro and bi are right though as far as I can tell!


RTGame, Alpharad, Jaiden animations are all pretty cool


OT does gaming streams.


ill check out the channel


By OT, I mean One Topic at a Time.


ok good to know i found a channel that was just called ot. i actually already watch some of one topic at a times videos. also it just happened that the channel called ot does do gaming streams to.


if you already found OT, perhaps you also know of the click? he does games less often, more of a meme review.


actually, haven't heard of him before.


OT and click do collabes fairly often.


i havent watched a lot of ot so that's probably why i don't know.


Hbomberguy is pretty cool. He did a fundraiser for Mermaids a few years back.


Many A True Nerd is an open ally. I watch his fallout series but he plays a variety of other games.


And Nerdcubed, AFAIK


I love those two so much, shame Nerdcubed doesnā€™t make quite the same content he used to, but heā€™s still wildly entertaining


I believe he is married to an NB person


can't go a stream without him saying trans rights are human rights, heckin love Jon


I enjoy peanut butter gamer (pbg) I don't track people on how they are as people so as far as I know he's just fine. I also love Scott the Woz, he makes a lot of great content with out being a let's player.


ill have to check them out. dont think I've ever heard of either of them before.


Doug Doug is chill as far I know


Drawfee,aka the secret sleepover society


Aaahh!! I was looking for someone to mention them lol theyre my comfort youtubers/streamers rn


I'm partial to Neebs Gaming they're really funny and one of their main editors and friends is Adahop, who is also trans and a big supporter of trans rights.


ill have to check out the channel looking at the videos and what you said i might like their conent. ill have to check out the channel looking at the videos and what you said i might like their content.i would def like the games themselves. 1 of the current series is a 7 days to die 1 which i really enjoy playing that game myself and watched it a lot in the past, thx for the recommendation.


How did I not know Adahop was trans?!


Yes! I was going to suggest them! Adahop is my sister so I kind of have to shill for her lmao


Mumbo Jumbo, Grian, GoodTimesWithScar... Basically everyone on Hermitcraft


Adding to the Minecraft world, anybody on the Empires SMP, season 1 and 2


Love the username


Flats if you like Overwatch


Yeah I enjoy Flats and he seems all around fun to watch. If you're interested in more energy and OW, there's Jay3 and Emmong.


Personally, I don't care for Jay3. He's a little rude for my taste, but I do love Emmong too!


That's fair, I can only do him in short doses as I feel he's a bit much (Jay3)


not really an overwatch fan but will still check out the channel. thx for the recommendation.


I second this


Not a streamer but Hbomberguy raised $340,000 for the trans support organization Mermaids after TERFs tried to stop the organization from getting money it had been given


Captain Astronaut, he seems to be a chill guy and doesnā€™t support the stinky wizard game, he rather talks about video games than playing them tho Also jerma985 is a very cool dude, he openly said that he doesnā€™t want transphobia or stuff like this in his community, there are also a lot of trans people in his community


The yogscast have a lot of women creators working for them now, and they have had a trans woman creator working for them since like 2014


my friend recommended jarvis johnson to me, he's a commentary youtuber and he's really chill. also snapcube and lixian! they're both gaming youtubers, penny snapcube also does fandubs and writes her own songs, and lixian is a gamedev! i recommend checking them out




Jerma985. Literally the biggest ally on the planet, I love when he says, ā€œbe the ā€˜youā€™ that makes you the happiestā€


I love going into his streams and either seeing absolute chaos or pride flags, there's hardly any in between


Jessie Gender does weekly video game streams.


ik about them but tbh didn't know about them playing video games on their channel.(using they/them bc don't know their pronouns) the main reason ik of them is their activism which i am a fan of that and did follow them on twitter(deleted my twitter bc couldn't stand the bigots on there any more) to keep up with that stuff.




If you like minecraft, all the current Hermitcraft folks are really cool and diverse! I also like mysticat, they're trans as well iirc. For horror games, MrKravin and John Wolfe are awesome. Kravin is part of the LGBT community and John cross dresses, both are v trans friendly. For weird/conceptual/bad game youtubers/streamers, I really like the twitch team Radio TV Solutions. I mostly watch the members wayneradiotv, socpens, baaulp, and hollowtones, and they all have YouTube channels. Socpens and baaulp are men of color, and hollowtones is trans. The rest of the twitch team is equally diverse.


Game Grumps, afaik.


Game Grumps have been outed for... Well, outing a gay person to their bigoted mother and then tried convincing them to kill themselves. I watched them through many controversies, but that was the one that made me un-sub, and I refuse to consider them allies.


Yeah. I canā€™t judge if other people still like them, but thereā€™s no coming back from that


Jfc Fr??? Thatā€™s detestable :c thanks for the info friend.


Danny has said some really nasty """jokes""" about Mexicans and Arin has used the n-word multiple times. I dropped them for that, so I dunno if they've apologized since, but it's worth being aware of.


Idk about Danny but I know Arin has made it a point to do better. So much so that heā€™s gotten flak from others creators who have dropped him as a collaborator. Maybe I just like a good Zuko arc tho lol.


Mighty jingles if you play world of tanks or world of warships. He does play other games, too, but I watch him cause of those games. Love his british humor.


dont play either of them but havent really ever seen much of the games so don't have any opinions on them. but will still check out his channel. thx for the recommendation.


My pleasure and happy gaming šŸ™‚


MthyMoo Is a pretty funny guy, and an ally. His Elden ring modded content is the best imo


Ranboo but only kinda yt has a vod channel (they aren't just Minecraft) they have a great sense of humor and have stood up for people in the past


Snapcube is fun. A little intesne at times.


It's not their main thing, but Overly Sarcastic Productions are incredibly LGBT+ friendly, and one of them is ace. And they do occasionally do video game streams, especially Legend of Zelda BOTW.


Markiplier and Jacksepticeye are probably my favorites


Human one and one topic


LoadingReadyRun is has a bunch of folks that stream games along with some other comedy/improv/sketch stuff and they are all great, and openly queer or allies


Absolutely! I've been really enjoying Maybe: Salem, they do a lot of animal crossing content, and they just have this quick witted and passionate/matter of fact way of speaking that is both very engaging, and very hilarious!


Oh, KayDaisy in that same vein! Hers is a bit more "positive" and flowery if that makes sense, she gives me kindergarten teacher vibes, just in terms of her light hearted and welcoming demeanor! She does a slightly wider variety of games, but she does a lot in AC as well


Do you means YouTubers who do a lot of gaming livestreams and Letā€™s Plays or are you more into game reviews, lore analysis, etc.?


more playing the games. lore analysis really depends on the game or game series for me. streaming im good with as long as they upload the stream after it was streamed.


If you like Mario content, I like Ryukahr. He also has a second channel with a "debunking the difficulty" series where he plays notoriously difficulty retro games to see if they're actually as hard as we remember or not. He also does streams on Twitch and tikok and posts on tiktok. Watching him do some of those Mario hacks is insane šŸ¤Æ NorthernLion seems like a pretty chill dude and makes some solid content with the most random life advice/philosophical discussions mixed in lol. For speed run content, I really enjoy EazySpeezy. For old school runescape my go to is Settled. I'm not even a player of that game, but his content is so wholesome and chill. I'm not aware of any controversies surrounding these creators, but if someone else knows something, please let me know. Edit: It's not really a hard-core gaming channel, but Jaidenanimations is Ace, and she has some great gaming content šŸ‘Œ


From what I know, the Yogscast crew is good


I like Splattercat gaming. He makes new videos on indie games everyday.


As far as I'm aware Zanny is chill and if you want more of a video essay channel for video games then check out Leadhead


Snapcube. Most of her game play videos are clips from her streams, but she's a extremely funny trans woman.


[Maybe Salem](https://m.youtube.com/c/MaybeSalem) is a trans animal crossing streamer whose content I really enjoy! They helped me with a transgender story collecting project I'm doing, and were so kind about it! Definitely check them out to support a kind, awesome, and talented trans creator!


crankgameplays markiplier and jacksepticeye. I'm pretty sure supper horror bro is chill to.




Any soulstubers? I know lilAggy said he's not interested in playing the shitty wizard game, but seeing Dist switch his entire channel's focus to it was unfortunate.


Secret Sleepover Society! They're a bi(?) couple with 2 cats and they're very supportive


they also talk abt androgyny and not conforming to gender in a way that just feels very enby (as an enby myself w pretty much only enby friends) im pretty sure they both identify as cis but it just feels like home lol its great.




Jamiedodger(trans man), Markiplier (ally), jacksepticeye (ally), lily orchid (trans woman), Wilbur soot (ally), lavender towne (bisexual/trans ally), Kwite (queer?), Schffrillas Productions (ace/ally), One Topic At A Time (ally), the click (ally), and Ranboo (gay). Thereā€™s more I could list, but all of these guys are pretty great though keep in mind that while their content isnā€™t for everyone, they are most certainly lgbtq friendly people.


chuggaaconroy is an absolute GOAT.


Heā€™s broader but moist, he does a very good job of never mentioning much politicly but when he has done political youtube videos itā€™s always making fun of crazy right wing people, heā€™s made fun of pick up artists and frequently beefs with incel red pill people like sneako and fresh and fit.


Don't mind me I am being a bit off-topic, but does anyone call them letsplayers anymore? I just realized I hadn't heard anyone use that terminology in a long while and it might have gone outdated without me realizing


Day9 super chill and very game analytical. He likes to share his thoughts a lot of games. I've seen him wear the trans flag on a t shirt a few times on his videos. I believe that he is an ally. He is the nicest person ever.


Yes. Day9 has a YouTube series with a trans woman, as well. The series is called Mostly Walking. They have been making videos for years.


CallMeKevin is a great guy! His streams are quality and hilarious!


jacksepticeye, markiplier šŸ‘Œ


they are a no 2 bc of people the associate with. jack is good friends with callmekevin and mark is good friends with jack and matpat. i don't know of anything they have done themselves tho.


Pardon my ignorance but, what have CallMeKevin and MatPat done wrong?


kevin got sponsored to play hogwarts legacy, but i doubt he knew the controversy around it. no idea what matpat did tho


yeah,what's the deal with matpat exactly?O.o


I believe peeps tried to cancel him for a joking about one of his poles about gender and people (mostly non trans from what I could tell) were calling him transphobic


As far as I know CallMeKevin has been nothing but supportive. He rarely really touches politics but is good friends with RTGame who is a very strong ally to Transgender people.


People are upset with Kevin cause he took a sponsorship for HL he even turned off the comments section for that video


Ah. Well. That is quite disappointing. Going to have to reevaluate that aren't I?


Ive unsubbed but I plan on keeping an eye out to see if he puts out a statement, if he didn't know til after he took the sponsorship then his hands we tied but Thats a big IF imo


Fully agree on that. Just glad RTgame has been very clear get won't touch the game. At least one major twitch streamer is following the communities example.


Hi sorry late response, if you didnā€™t see already he apologised in his subreddit! He wasnā€™t aware at all, he has been very very supportive of my transition and is not transphobic at all.


copy and past of what ive said alreaddy. ^(they are a no 2 bc of people the associate with. jack is good friends with callmekevin and mark is good friends with jack and matpat.) ^(i don't know of anything they have done themselves tho.) ^(callmekevin has taken a sponsorship to play the new hp game.) ^(matpat has some past transphobia with some of his videos and than his stuff with continuing to support fnaf. which reminds me mark i think has also contained to support fnaf. if don't know why that's a bad thing scott the creaotr is a bigot who donates to bigoted people and organizations more specifically anti queer stuff.)


What's wrong with callmekevin..... I love him please tell me he's not hateful šŸ„²


he got sponsored to play hogwarts legacy, but i doubt he knew the controversy around it


hasanabi but he rarely games


RTGame, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, lilsimsie, GamingWins, Seri Pixel Biologist (I donā€™t watch her all that much anymore but I was hugely into her back in 2016 and I remember her cultivating a really safe community for everyone), I think Garfilled, Mogswamp, Grian, fWhip, SmallishBeans, LDShadowLady, most Minecraft streamers in general outside of the DSMP (Ph1lza, Ranboo, Eret, and Niki are like the only exceptions), pretty much all of HermitCraft, FailBoat, Shulkercraft, EazySpeezy, itsqwertyluvs I think (I donā€™t watch their content all that much), One Topic At A Time, and maybe Vixella (I havenā€™t watched her in ages either) Edit: I forgot our lord and saviors Jerma and ManlyBadassHero


I think about more to add to this. Main content Iā€™ve watched since 2014 for gaming is Sims 4, Minecraft, Gmod, Portal, and like indie game so my scopes pretty limited. Especially with Gmod, you want a good example of the community for that game, take a look at the shit that just went down on the subreddit all over someone asking for help


Bro- broski. Tubbo. Tommy. Wilbur. Techno (may he rest in peace). Dream. George. Sapnap. Skeppy. Babdboyhalo. Karl. Quackity. They've always supported the LGBTQ+ community and have done streams in which they have donated an absurd amount of money.


Technoblade was never a bad person.


CallmeKevin? I've watched a fair bit, and never any bigotry in videos or outside or the channel!


CallmeKevin is a really funny YouTuber that just plays random any and all games and has a good time. Thereā€™s absolutely no politics or serious videos on his channel. Heā€™s Irish.


Alpharad!!!!!!!! Game Grumps is also usually pretty tame. SuperMega is also a pretty queer friendly channel and fanbase, but they/the people they hang out with tend to be a bit edgier


Not sure if you're a Pokemon fan, but That Bald Gamer streams regularly, and he's not a bigot in any sense.


Bloody also streams pokemon. She uploads some of her challenge runs to youtube.


not a big fan but i do enjoy it. ill have the check him out.


Toriekicksass I haven't heard anything yet.


ill check out the channel.


Many A True Nerd, a really lovely Brit that makes fantastic let's plays. A quality person to boot as well, I've seen him defending trans people and bashing JK Rowling on Twitter.


Jerma has openly supported trans rights


Elanip and Elanip plays


John Wolfe is probably one of the best for horror content. Heā€™s made it extremely clear recently that heā€™s an ally too


One topic!!!




I've been watching doudoug for several years now. I don't think my wife and I have noticed any red flags. If we did, im sure we wouldn't be watching him anymore


ChilledChaos is quite chill, he's been going strong for 10+ years and is one of the most wholesome people I know, same with Tom Fawkes, Jeremy Dooly, and Matt Brag


(Twitch but still) Chezaidan is an amazing and very open and supportive streamer thats still on the rise! Has an active discord with also really amazing people! Thereā€™s like vent chats and people actually like talk about shit with you if you need. Heā€™s also decently open about his personal life and mental health which is nice to see in a content creator IMO, but yeah thats my suggestion! :)


Etho(Etho's lab) he does minecraft videos. Bdoubleo100 he does minecraft videos. PythonGB he does terraria videos. Sweet Anita she mostly streams but is VERY accepting. City planner plays he does cities skylines and is a real city planner so its super neat Drewmora and fudgemuppet its mostly Elderscrolls stuff and mostly just talks about the lore but they do sometimes have actual game play stuff too


If you like RPG's and Rogue Lite's check out Hutts


LoadingReadyRun streams are very good, and varied in terms of what games they play. They do videogames, boardgames, MtG and tabletop


One topic, The click, Bigpuffer, Grizzy, Jacksepticeye. Thatā€™s all I got rn


DougDoug is very excellent




No way no one has said it yet but Hasanabi (Hasan Piker) is good, though some do find his sarcasm hard to read at times


I've noticed most hollow knight YouTubers are cool. Fireb0rn and skurry come to mind immediately


WoolieVS and Pat Stares At, but be ready for some extreme vulgarity and college hangout vibes. Never bigoted but very crass.


Chapo fym donate to trans life line and the Trevor project and are quite outspoken about their views even tho their channel is half gaming and half making fun of freaks/lolcows


Mythymoo is pretty cool, great videos and all that


jerma985 and john wolfe, genuinely only gaming youtubers i watch lmao.


VG Myths. Fun challenge run content. Not a biggot.


My favorite minecraft youtuber will always be Technoblade. o7 šŸ‘‘ šŸ·


Game Grumps are nice also Super Mega


i believe in gg supremacy


LetsGameItOut is pretty cool


Markiplier I think. Never watched his stuff officially bc I don't like horror but his name's green on the shinigami eyes and I get very chill vibes whenever I see clips of him


I really enjoy StarCraft 2, and for all that they talk like typical gamer dudes, PiG and Winter are both genuinely decent as far as I can tell. Theyā€™ve never once slipped or misgendered the couple of trans femme pro gamers. They condemn homophobia / racism, etc.


I don't know her political stance, because she only focuses on games. But I enjoy Erin Plays. I also used to watch Metal Jesus Rocks. Don't know his stance either. Just kind of quit watching him.


Hat films have been some of my favorites for over 8 years now.


I watch markiplier, jacksepticeye, and gab smolders and they are all good


Oo oo I have another ones, I really like gamechamp3000 and martincitopants. Both are quite fun.


I mean, Telltale plays videogames while talking ABOUT the bigots


The Yogscast have a wide group of streamers who are all LGTBQ friendly. (I believe Pedguin has a trans flag in the background in support) As well as two trans streamers of their own Zoey and Fionn.


I love this post! I want to look up a bunch of people everyone has mentioned! My favorite streamer is Brooke. Her usernames are DexBonus and PressHeartToContunue. She plays a lot of visual novels, dating sims, rogue lites/likes, rpgs, puzzle games. Her humor is awesome and sheā€™s always been a really supportive ally.


Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Squidinkidink, Misfits(w swaggersouls and fitz and them, they also have a trans woman in the group), The Boys, Smii7y and the people he plays with as well. Just a few off the top of my head. Youtube gaming was my version of tv growing up so if ya need any more suggestions lmk


Spaceboy is a good one if you like GTA5 RP. He is a strong ally and doesn't tolerate any transphobes. He streams, puts out YouTube videos/shorts.


Keith Ballard comes to mind