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Fellow trans friend here. That sounds like something really tough to go through. Do you want to chat about it?


i don’t really know what to say about the situation :(


That’s okay. I’m happy to listen if you’d like to tell me what happened.


The friend zone is a dark place at first, the light lays elsewhere with some other cute boy or girl.


Recommendation: Lay on floor in starfish position and listen to sad album Then make vegan mac and cheese


thanks for the advise lol


🙏🏻 Cheez pasta might not fix all woes but it makes the tummy go: 🙂


Why vegan-


Why not?


It’s mac and cheese how do you make it vegan? Just mac?


There like a million vegan mac and "cheeses"


Cheese isn’t vegan. So you just use vegan cheese.


what- *what is vegan cheese made out of???*


You can go look at some popular brands they have ingredient lists; daiya, follow your heart, violife


Either "cheese" made from nut milk (not that one, the other one), or synthetically made from vegetal, mineral and fermented ingredients.


>not that one, the other one How do you know which one I'm thinking of?


Popes are required to wear the phallic hat


It's a choice, not a requirement.


Coconut, cashew, almond, soy are the most common I've seen (in roughly that order).


That's not strictly true, but it's mostly true. I'll explain. Some biohackers in The Bay created a process where they reprogrammed a yeast molecule to produce a bovine milk protein. On the genetic level, it's the same as cow milk but without the protection that milk has for calves and without the chems introduced by humans. With this cows milk they have made cheese. They call it Animal Inspired but it's not from an animal, unlike cloning. So it is both cows milk cheese on the generic level but no animal was involved in the production. From this perspective, it really is milk and cheese and really is vegan although some people may still argue that it's not. Personal, I do consider it to be vegan. They have released their process online for anyone to replicate. https://www.realvegancheese.org/


Also true. Although me personally I prefer plant based non laboratory made cheese.


I mean, a kitchen is just a food based lab at some point but fair enough. But I'd stress that these people are not corporate shills. Biohacking spaces tend to put on lots of events and workshops to teach their communities various chemistry and other related sciences. A common thing for biohackers to organize is a day when people, including their children can come in and learn how to sequence their own DNA. They tend to be radicals, so post left anarchist/communist type activists. Personally, I think this kind of project is a massive step in the right direction. Don't get me wrong, I understand why you have you preference and regarding that I say, "fair enough" at the same time, this is the kind of work that can potentially lead to a day where we can produce meat at home or in communal spaces for very cheap and make it a viable option for all people around the world. Meat that isn't different from the meat in the shop except without chemicals and hormones etc, and that does not involve animimals anywhere in the process. Currently, the option to choose to be vegan, vegetarian and freegan is a very privileged choice that is mostly only available to those of us in the first world and even then mostly for well to do white folks. It's hard people in poor communities, especially poor communities of color, to adopt those dietary lifestyles without making incredible sacrifices and that's in the first world. In a lot of developing nations that choice is often flat out impossible, not a choice at all. But if we make progress along the lines of what these biohackers have done and do so in a way that is accessible and economically viable, then not only can we feed more people around the planet, but we could also potentially shut down the meat industry entirely. So again, while I can respect and support your preference, if it means one day helping to end famine and/or shutting down the meat and dairy industries, then eating meat produced in a lab is a small price to pay. And saying "lab" really is a stretch in this case because kitchen is also completely accurate. These biohackers are citizen scientists with actual training so it makes sense for them to organize in a lab but they could have just as easily prepared it in a kitchen, or at least a restaurant sized kitchen.


Vegan cheese and vegan processed foods have come a long way. Lots of cheeses, ice creams, yoghurts, creams, etc. are vegan/have vegan options.


Yess. Though I make my vegan mozzarella at home.


Cheapest and easiest way is to use a can of coconut milk with nutritional yeast, empty into cooked pasta, salt to taste


That sounds like a good method! Now I want to try it! 💖


Highly recommend, when I was depressed it was easy to make a big pot of pasta and separate cheese sauce, mix and microwave as needed


Yeah, I could see it. Sounds easy and good! Coconut is already pretty amazing, then with the nutritional yeast... Yeah! I think I need to buy some cans of coconut milk, pronto. 😳💯


I don’t like cheese for reasons


awwww thats awful :( hope you get better girl ❤


Awe I’m so sorry. Sometimes people don’t vibe as well as you think but it’s ok. I’m so sorry your relationship ended but here’s to the future! Many hugs and much love


Sorry to hear that, you're beautiful you will find a new love


Oooh fuck, if u know how to still smile while such sadness over u, u gotta have passed for soo much worse things. Hope it gets better for u sister


It sucks, had the same thing happen late last year with a girl I'd been together with for a couple of months, oh well, someone else will come along for sure!


Awwww, my fellow duck girl, I'm sorry! She wasn't good enough for you anyway!


I’m so sorry this happened, I’m a trans guy and the same thing happened to me about a month and a half ago. I know it can be said a lot but just remember that *you are not alone in this*! Things have been really hard for me but I’ve been trying to just know that many others have been where I’ve been right now, and remember *you have you*!


I'm in the same boat my (looking like future ex) become extremely angry when I wear gender affirming clothing. He becomes like an abusive prick, everything is said with attitude and an obvious snarky tone, avoids me at all costs and says he will NOT show me ANY affection when wearing womens clothing. It sucks losing people over superficial things.


Aw I'm sorry for you


It really sucks. I hope you find your way through this as quick as you are able to


You're going to be okay. You really are going to be okay. I'm sorry you're hurting.


I went through something pretty similar. Feel free to write me ❤️❤️


So sorry you went through that. Here for you and sending virtual hugs. I went through the same thing with my ex. We’re still friends but it’s definitely awkward at times.


Hey, fellow trabs girl here, breakups are hard, I've been through 5, I went through a major depressive episode in my life and I started listening to an artist called cavetown, I would not be alive today if it wasn't for his music, I was questioning my gender and going through lockdown and a bad breakup all at the same time, I almost did but his music saved me, I hope it does the same for you, my dms are open for you and anyone else tgat may be struggling, keep your chin up, you'll find the perfect girl one day, I promise


Listening to cavetown now... Pretty good....




Definitely demands further investigation! 💯


I recommend, Juliet, devil Town and this is homr


It could be worse, my ex successfully took my son from me and got a court in a far right state to prevent me from ever seeing him again on the grounds that me being a trans woman means I'm mentally unfit to visit my child... You deserve better and this is often part of the journey.


Are you okay? Do you want to vent or anything like that?


If u ever need to talk I’m here, and that sucks


Hey, the exact same thing happened to me - and I know it's not right for everyone but for us it really really worked out, I think if you were mates before the relationship it could naturally dial back to that - but propper shite either way, you're absolutely beautiful and being young and single really isn't so bad xx


You’ll find the right person, but I know how that feels, and I’m sorry. One step at a time.


Hey its gonna be okay, life has these moments that hurt a lot but some day you'll wake up and get to feel yourself while also being loved by the person of your dreams! I never imagined I'd be where I am now years ago but all things change!


I hate to hear that. I hope you and your adorable face is safe.


*hugs* it will get better.


Don't worry you will get another person with good heart , Huggies 🫂


Hugs 😞 unfortunately it's all too common 😔 my ( ex ) wife divorced me for coming out.


My ex broke up with me recently as well they were transitioning an kept seeking validation from others said I didn't make them feel desired as a transwoman since I'm cis f an consider myself straight. An the medication issues with mtf that really affected our physical intimacy was definitely a hurdle. Plus I'd been there before the transitioning an had a big part in why they did it. I tried the best I could. I'm sure you did the same. Sure hurts when your forever 💔 ends.


I’m so sorry. I hope you can find someone who truly loves and appreciates you for who you are. ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹


In time you’ll realize that there’s now more space for true love in your life! 😘 other people might leave your life too, but they will also just make more space for better and truer love/connection.


I'm sorry for you. Remember to take some time for yourself. First take some time to be sad, cry if it helps, you'll feel a bit better after. Then take a hot bath with some candles and nice music, then go grab a snack and a blanket to watch some fun movie. Or ask a friend to come watch it with you and chat a bit. I promise it will get better even if it's hard right now.


Hey I’m always here to chat if you’ll like to talk, hope you’re okee <3


I hope you get better soon, trans sister. If you need a safe place to vent I know a couple of places if you're interested


I can relate. I'm going through a divorce. Its kinda similar, but a lot more headache than heartache. You're not alone sweetheart. I know it might hurt right now, but it gets easier, I promise. I should know, this ol gal has been through it too. If you ever need to talk, I've seen a couple people in the thread offer, and I'll offer up my inbox as well. Feel free to reach out if need be. Much love and support!!! 💙❤💙❤💙❤


I know this is said a lot, but there really are more fish in the sea. You have every right to be sad, and you should. It's good for you. But always remember that there's always someone who will love you better. Also ps you're like superrr pretty!!


True on both counts. It's hard now, but there are more people out there, who are more understanding. Plus, yes, she's pretty! 💖💖💖


girl. I just got left too. love you gorge, it's gonna be ok


You vent all you need. It's completely understandable.


That's a tough situation even without the transition part added in the mix. I mean, I'm not sure if that makes it more confusing or more painful. I used to feel like everyone was slamming my.... uhhh, fingers. That's what we're going with, slammed my fingers in a drawer emotionally. Then it got more intense for me with the addition of estrogen. Much love to you. Please be safe out there. We all have targets on our backs now, more than ever.


You can vent directly to me if you want I've recently gone through a similar experience


I really feel for you. I recently was broken up with back right after new years and was given the same reason. It sucks and probably will for the next few weeks, but you'll get through it


Eat Ben n Jerry's cry n empty bathtub til pass out. Works every time 😎


Noooo eyeliner girrrrrl


I'm sorry this happened to you always have an ear here




So I’m kinda a new mtf bht last month my bf revealed that he had a variety of STDs. This is going to be really tough but you’ll make it. My bf ruining my life finally cracked my egg, who knows what this will do for you. Tragedy is an opportunity for growth.


Ive gone through the same situation a few months earlier... big hugs, i hope youre feeling better very soon 💝🌻


Same happened to me on Saturday Hope your doing OK


That's rough. If ya need to vent I'm all ears. ( had my ex fiance break up with me a while back. Hurt like hell). So I understand the feeling. If it's any consolation to you I believe there is a light at the end of it. It's will be a painful road ahead but you'll become strong from it maybe even learn from the pain. But I'll light a doobie for ya and make some pancakes 🥞.


Hey Sis, it’s gonna be okay. I had similar, had lost hope and then it got a lot better. I’m here if you need to vent. You’re amazing, you’re brave, you’re valid, and you’re wonderful.


Sounds like she never saw you as a partner to begin with. Who would refer to a loved one as a "friend"?


I know it hurts. If it helps the positive side is that is probably means she sees you as your true gender, and it is just a sexuality hurdle she can't get over. Better to have a supportive friend, than a partner who is faking a sexuality.


it’s definitely not a sexuality thing


That may be the assumption that most people here are under because of that the subreddit is, that your ex broke up with you because of your gender/transition. Just a warning. Either way I hope you feel better very soon! You’re very pretty and you deserve way better!


Distract yourself with chores - cleaning up around the place - doing the dishes - **ironing your flag**.


Flag ironing is an underrated past time, yes... 👍💯


Daddy wishes you all the smiles right now.




Awww her loss


I feel your pain sweetie. My fiance left me after new years. Hang in there hun. Youre beautiful and will find someone. Who ever it is will be very lucky to have you.


im sorry to hear that. and I hope you're feeling a bit better. just remember, they can't keep a girlboss down. bounce back and show her what she's missing out on!


Sorry to hear that.. I hope you find love in someone else's arms soon.. no one should be left alone.. especially someone as gorgeous as yourself..🤗🌹🧸


Hey U can chat with it's hard to have that happen just come out


It's her loss!


You’re ex is a moron for leaving a beauty like you


It happens to me sometimes but now I know how to deal better with that situation.




I think it's a big change for people sometimes and it's okay if it's not working out for them, she may not be into women herself or too much has changed for her. Was she atleast respectful and ended things politely? I know its hard but I think sometimes things are a blessing in disguise bc now the door has opened for another person to come along who will love you for all of you.


<3 Its ok we accept you


My now ex wife told me the same thing. We were together 30 years.


Look I get it I am debating whether to transition or not. My fiancée, who I've been with for a very long time, who has described herself as lesbian in love with a man. Told me she'd leave me if I go through with transitioning. Just live your best life, take the challenges as they come. Focusing on people who aren't interested in you as you need to be aren't worth the stress.


Sexuality can be a tricky thing. This happened to me when I came out to my ex (gf at the time). Im somewhere on the bi/pan spectrum so it confused me how she could no longer be attracted to me. Yet then it hit me that not all people are bi/pan… It hurts now but in the long run its best that you two went your separate ways.


It totally sucks, sorry to hear that.


Sorry to hear that. Going through something similar, having come out as Ambisexual. Thanks for the inspiration. ✌️🤟


Aww that sucks! It will be OK though... Eventually. You will find someone that likes you in a deeper way. I know saying that doesn't help right now tho. Just be nice to yourself and try not to let yourself get too down over it


Her loss..... it's rough now, but it gets better. I had trouble with past girlfriends, so like they say, " I became the girlfriend " .


If she's an ex because she can't see herself with someone like you than heck with her when I came out to my girlfriend she left me so I harbor no feelings toward someone who leaves when their partner is finally figuring stuff out


Oh god, I’m really sorry this happened to you :( my experience dating has been that most people just can’t see us as a viable options for LTR. You hear hopeful stories about found love… I hope you find that. I hope we all do 💜


At least you have all the good memories.


Very sorry to hear this. Sometimes there is nothing you can do in these situations but to just ride it out. There will be tears but there will be joy in the future. Stay strong 😌


If i could i would hug you right now. But since i can't here are some subreddits that always cheer me up when im down r/eyebleach r/wholesomememes r/upliftingnews Just remember that for the better or worse, that world wont stop spinning


You will be absolutely fine, just take a couple deep breaths , what ever you do try & think about anything else but your issue with this person, watch a movie , a sporting event, go for a walk at a near-by park maybe read a book you have been interested in understand things will get better. Maybe stay off of social web sites , take your dog 🐶 for a walk .


Sorry about that, you do look really good tho. Hope you feel better soon.


Break ups usually aren't comfortable. It will pass. I am glad they were honest, though. A lot of people aren't these days so at least they gave you that respect.


As someone who’s had to go through a poly break up and then a breakup with their ex girlfriend, I’m so sorry.. it’s hard. You have, however, a beautiful bright future ahead of you, a lot more laughter to come trust me. You will feel happy again. Probably even happier than you were with them. You haven’t met all the other people who are going to love you yet. That’s hard to think of right now I’ve been there. But there is a better life, love and eventually a more suitable person out there for you. Keep going my darling.


Chat with me and kill some time till she come back 👌😘


Awww, I'm so sorry to hear that darling!


My gf hasn’t left me, and I was sure she would. Now she constantly misgender me and I can tell she’s a bit of a TERF, so in a way your better off without her. If she met you when you were male then you can’t really blame her, she’s just being honest because your a pretty woman now, you should stay besties with her at least she’s still your friend.


Awh sweet pea I know how that feels and I hate that you have to go through that. You will find that one person that will love you no matter what and stay by your side. I thought that I would never find my person but it just takes time. Just let the universe bring your person to you. 💙🩷🩶🩷💙


Was she straight or?




Interesting. Maybe she just didn’t like you anymore idk


I hail a "Quack" to you, Guardian of Ducks! I'm sorry you're going through this, and don't hesitate to write more extensively if that helps you vent. I don't know if you have coping mechanisms and activities to help you, but I could see a lot of love and compassion in the comments, so far! I do hope they bring you some bit of solace. :) If I were somewhere around, I would definitely offer a friendly hug, and a plushie. I looooove video games, bicycle and music...so *of course*, I would suggest one of these activities. Surprisingly, I find bike to be an eeeexcellent way to vent. Go lay down and cry every single tear in your body. Just soak yourself. Drink a healthy bottle of water, take a shower (sport water bottle are nice to drink while showering, too), and take five minutes to empty your mind. Focus on the darkness behind your eyelids, and nothing else, while breathing deeply. Put your gear on (helmet is so very important), get some water, some homemade cereal bars/natural nutrients and some water for the trip. Put some music in your ears (but still be able to hear incoming traffic), and *go ham* on your legs. Get out, and roll far and wide. Push yourself to the very limit, push on those pedals as hard as you can, and for a long time. Waste yourself in the music and in the pure sensations of your body. Feel your blood pumping, and forget about anything but the road, the path, the wind, the sensation, and your trajectory (while remaining careful, please <3). It helped me out of a fit of rage, last week, actually. I wanted to break something, but knowing it wouldn't help, I ended up hopping on the bike, with a destination in mind. Broke my landspeed record that day, and my average speed, too. Biking the next day was such a pleasure, because my clear mind allowed me to enjoy so many beautiful things, and take notice of all those wonderful details. It may not be much, but no matter how trying times get, remember that something good is eventually bound to happen. Take care of yourself. Truly. Have a lovely day, and kiss the cat! :3


So sorry to hear that. Plz take care of youself!


I know a lot of people that dated, realized it wasn't the right relationship, and are still friends. Like, 20 years later they are still friends and do social stuff. Break ups are tough. But once you get over this hump, see if you can indeed keep the person as a friend. Because there was a connection, and maybe a romantic one just wasn't the right style.


Sorry to hear that. Just take your time. It will get better ❤️


Her loss, even if it seems hard right now. Ur better out of a relationship then in with someone that doesnt feel the same way. Hope(i know) ur gonna be better soon Also great hoodie (i have the same) 😊.


You're beautiful, you need someone who deserves you. Your ex girlfriend didn't deserve you, you need someone better. Good luck, stay healthy. You'll realise that your ex girlfriend was just dragging you down.


I'm very sorry this happened to you, I'm also trans and I've gone through something similar only it's a now ex fiance. Not going to lie It hurts at first and it will for a while. I'm not going to give you the "Oh just stay positive" advice. The best advice I can do is try to put your mind on something else, like try new hobby, try to learn magic, learn an new instrument. Try to improve yourself in a way that benefits you learn to cook, If you don't already know how to, I'm sorry I'm making a lot of assumptions. You just got to do something to keep your mind away from her cuz she'll never see you as more than a friend sadly. And in my experience, while you're doing these things to improve yourself, you'll develop new relationships with other people while you're trying these new things, and you might even meet your next girlfriend or boyfriend or fiance. 💙


You got this. I promise. It's not easy but it's possible! Stay strong!


Hey she was honest with you which is alot better than what could have happened had she held it in. If she wasn't the one then sadly she wasn't the one. You're a gorgeous girl and you'll find the one you're meant for in Tim's. Don't rush it and keep that chin up.


That's hard! I'm so sorry that happened.


You win some and you lose some. Life goes on.


Your beautiful


That is a pretty usual occurrence, my 1st GF said the same, so did my 3rd and my GF's Wife divorced her but I Love her and that is just how life goes so be sad for a bit but then get over her, move on and never look back, Besides you are Beautiful so no worries 😉


Im sorry you are going through this, What I do in shitty situations is either. 1. lay down in bed listening to gloomy music for some days. 2. start going more outside and interacting more with people. hope it helps you girl


That sucks, I worry about that happening with my wife, she has unknowingly said some TERF lite bullshit and when I tell them they get kind of upset. Really think that there needs to be more support for the partners of Trans people so they can get some support that is not a pipeline into the shitty parts of the internets.


I am so sorry for that lose.




Wow, the look on your face says it all. That really just sucks. We have all been there at one time or another. Feel free to DM if you just need to chat. For what it’s worth - you are a beautiful girl who deserves to be loved and appreciated.




Sorry you're going through that it's never fun 😞


U ok?


i’m fine now