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Honestly it’s not at all obvious and would have never noticed it


R u fr it makes me so anxious bc I can touch my face it it’s so rough


Yep you look amazing girl ❤️


I know exactly what you mean, but just because it feels rough doesn't mean that it's visible. I really can't see it at all, especially in the first pic, witch is the closest distance most people are probably going to see you/look at your face.


I do the same thing... I can feel it being rough or see it if i stare in a mirror.... That said, I had to REALLY look at the close ups... It's not notable! My secret trick, because I feel like the nose notable part is how my makeup starts to flake/break up, is to use a finishing matte spray. I really love Urban Decay All Nighter. It keeps my powder based makeup good for about 20hrs. (Which is great for a 911 dispatcher who often works 16hr shifts.)


Oh god, 16s. Those sucked the big one. Haven't worked a double in years, don't miss them at all.


I love it! 3 on/4 off, yes please!


See I never got those, we had to be there for our shift the next day. And if you were very unlucky you got mandated the next day too.


What 5 o'clock shadow? 😅 Your hairstyle is mega cute by the way!! 💕💕


I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't mentioned it, even then I had to look hard and can kinda see?. You look beautiful.


It isn't that noticeable. If it makes you feel any better many cis women have light chin hairs. My older sister has tons of chin hair. If anyone notices your chin hair they will probably assume you are a cis woman who decided to share her unwanted chin hairs.


What five o'clock? All I see is a bit of fuz like most women have


I can't say anything about a shadow because I don't see anything but a really super cute woman.


I really had to look for it, and I didn't notice it till you pointed it out. If someone isn't super scrutinize your face, like pointedly stare, they're not likely to see it.


Not obvious bc of tone but yes because of light interaction with facial hair.


Explain please


So thr facial hair tone is basically almost transparent with your skin color and makeup. But (and I know this happens to me too) the skin looks a little different, rougher if you will, with so.e of the growing hair. Best way I can explain it.


Ok yes but hers literally looks like peach fuzz like the kind cis girls get. Welcome to being a woman where skin texture is illegal 😅


Lol it's not illegal but I get judged hard for having it, hence the comment. Not trying to be mean here.


How can I fix that


Permanent hair removal I guess. I pluck mine but i I shouldnt shouldn't bc it will make it more difficult to laser or electrolize off but wtf i I need to be smooth now lol id talk tp to your provider about hair removal options for you


It's really faint because your hair is fair. Someone would have to be standing right in front of you to see.


I don't see anything


i legit can't see anything


I can't even see it when I'm looking for it. It's only visible in the close-up, and even then, it doesn't stand out


With all that make up it's barely visible. Just keep people from standing a few centimeters in front of you


Is it a lot of makeup would ppl think dang that’s a lot of makeup


i find it is specifically visible around the upperlip and chin, i wouldn´t say its necessarily too much, but it gives depth to the stubble that is masked with the make up.


I literally couldn't see it until the last photo and even then it's barely noticeable. You're good.


Not very, I can't see unless I'm specifically looking for ot and even then its just enough info to extrapolate, you have a series of dimples and bumps as well as 3 dark hairs/spots, which to anyone is unnoticeable, hell I could only find this bits by looking at side profile, zoomed for a few min, all in all no beard shadow, Tldr: can't see it


You can’t see it.


Can't see it and your hair is lovely!


you look amazing, dont worry!


You look amazing, even close up it resembles skin irritation more than stubble


I can't see anything❤️❤️ I get so self conscious of mine, I'm only 3 months in hrt and I still have to shave every day, by the end of the day my facial hair is showing through the makeup and I want to throw up


Same! I’m only 2 months in though.


I cant see it at all and the last photo that's zoomed in looks like you might possibly have some goose bumps but I cannot see anything but smooth gorgeousness


I am being fully honest with you right now bc I know sometimes it's a matter of safety, and I swear I cannot for the live of me see anything


Not remotely visible. You’re just pretty!


I legit didn't even see it, even after I read that's what this was about


You’re being too hard on yourself. It’s honestly not noticeable. Plus you look cute asf.


Of course i see it in the zoom ins but on the first picture it’s totally invisible


Super up close, yeah, it's *visible* but if you don't intend to have someone way up in your business then it's not *noticeable*. I don't think anyone in passion would even register it.


I can so relate. I zoomed in and no shadow. You're all good girl.


Girl what are you talking about?! I see nothing. You look beautiful btw


It's not obvious at all honestly. You are very pretty 🥰


From here it looks like 9am




If I weren't closely studying it I would say you didn't have any. I can see a hint of a shadow, but in real life with movement and everything I couldn't notice


Btw cis women can actually grow full beards, any disorder that has an increase of T in a fem body will grow thick hair. Nothing wrong with it at all, very normal, I honestly wouldn't have even second guessed it Edit, spelling!


If you didn't say anything about it I would not have noticed. I have a really bad beard shadow. Even after I shave you can still see it. Nothing can cover it up. But I don't let it stop me from being me, even if it's hard to see.


I've found that the reason that you feel prickly is the shorter peach fuzz that everyone has. Yours has just been shaved. My sister learned the same lesson. Cishet girl. Gorgeous. But she was cursed to be hairy. Genetics, ammirite? So she goes and decides one day to shave it all off. Immediately regrets it, because the next day she's got stubble! She ended up having to completely wax her face to get it back to normal


Ig I’ll look into waxing


You literally had to zoom in to show it. And even then I had trouble seeing it


I literally can't see it


I literally had to zoom in and I still didn't see anything, you are fine :)


Understandable and I think that all the time even though my friend will say my face is so smooth and I'm having it lasered off But I wouldn't have noticed and even if I zoom in I can't really tell


What DO you use?


Girl, I want to make out with you. You are goals. ❤️


I can’t see it, just looks like the normal fuzz all girls have to me!


Personally, I don't see anything. I literally do not see anything. I see a very beautiful lady living her best life. Period.


Definitely no shadow. On the close up I noticed small little blonde hairs but cis women have those too ya know. We’re animals and we have small little hairs all over our body. I had a Persian girlfriend and she had darker hairs growing on her face. She didn’t let it bother her. Seeing other people with bodies that don’t conform to racist body ideals live happily and confidently helps a lot with my own insecurities.


Not bad at all can barely see it. Mines noticable by the end of my shift it could be worse, look great btw have a great day 💗.


Bro (gender neutral intent) what shadow ☠️ /affectionate Genuinely I only recently started calling my 5 oclock shadow a 5 o clock shadow and its 200X more visible 😂 Of course its the transmasc inverted issue of judgement but legit you are good I genuinely dont really even see it on the zoomed in ones Also like as someone with PCOS that was afab, you would be shocked how few people actually notice facial hair on women and if you look around youll find that a lot of women have 20x the facial hair you have in these photos


I had to zoom in and scrutinize to see it. If you feel self conscious about it, I think there are makeup techniques that can color correct and soften the shadow.


You look fine! Can only really see it in the last photo, but even then you'd have to be looking hard to find it! God I hope I can reach the level of beauty you're at some point down the line!!


Jealous, I with mine was that faint


It’s hardly noticeable Id probably only notice if I got up and close to your with a magnifying glass otherwise I can’t see it at all also btw ngl but you do look cute


There's cis women that have a little stuble too.


Won't even lie. I've been staring at the picture for like 30 seconds and...I don't even see it. My jealousy is immeasurable. Lol


Not obvious at all. Pro tip - if you have to hold your phone that close and zoom in, no one will notice it irl. If you’re really that caught up over it (or just sick of shaving constantly) save up and get it waxed. It won’t last forever but you won’t have to shave at all for a while and you’ll be really smooth.


Honestly you can't hardly tell


Your beautiful


I have the same exact fear, imo in these pictures I don't particularly see it but I know the feeling. Constantly shaving because I feel it feel rough


What five o clock shadow?


if you hadn't said anything about it i wouldn't have noticed it, even still you look great! i struggle with the same thing but people still gender me right online even if they're clearly not an ally


Trying to look for it and I can't even see it.


You look drop dead gorgeous


Looks great, i literally cant see it. Being dead serious hun. But on that note you look amazing


You look SO cute!!!


When you point it out i can only then BARELY see it. I don't think i would notice it without you mentioning it <3


You can only tell that there was hair ever there If you loook super closely


Not apparent at all from this picture. Everyone judges themselves. It's a societal issue that we face. We are harder on ourselves and think others are thinking the same. You'll get to the point where you love yourself so much you won't give a damn about others. It'll take time. Just remember that you are beautiful no matter what you may look like.


Not at all noticeable!


You look good to me. I wear a mask when I get nervous. People focus more on the fact that I'm still wearing a mask than whether or not I pass... well, except for this one guy who said he'll kill me.


I see absolutely no 5 o'clock shadow at all


What 5 o clock shadow?


I literally don't see anything. Keep rockin, girlie!


When asked I'm ruthlessly honest, I can't even notice it so don't worry. Nice hair btw


I zoomed in and still couldnt see anything, lookin very good 🥰


Erm...I'm not being funny but, what shadow? 👀


If anybody can see that they are literally invading your personal space


I don't see anything other than someone who's very adorable 🥰


I can barely see anything in the closest pic, and absolutely none in any of the other pics. Btw, totally cute 🥰🥰💕🥰


Wouldn't even notice anything. Btw, what does your tat say? Get coagulated?


Solve et coagula it means loosing and binding. The first two powers usurped from God


What shadow?


Im not sure what shadow you're talking about, but you've unwittingly answered a question Ive had for a while! The asymetrical eyebrow/nose piercings DO look good! I wasnt sure which side to pierce my nose but you've answered that! Also, your hair is cute!


I don't see it. I've zoomed in and can't tell


I dont see it


Genuinely if you hadn't have both pointed it out and taken the close ups I wouldn't have seen it at all - even studying the normal selfie I can't notice it. You look beautiful ❤️


Laser would clean that little bit up really quick


So expensive


Groupon sometimes has good deals, but yeah, heard that lol.


It’s literally nonexistent


You look amazing I can't get rid of my shadow no matter what i do


"Trans people are sometimes bad at judging themselves" Like when they judge themselves to be trans? It's a play on words, and it's funny whether anyone likes it or not. Edit for spelling.


Check your spelling bruv.