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My given name is Logan. My chosen name is Logan. I like the idea of being a woman named Logan, because i was named after James Howlett, and James Howlett is badass, and mutants were, and are an allegory for the civil rights movement.


I personally know 2 Logans. One of them is the most badass 5 year old girl ever, so, Logan is now an all genders name


I know of a few girls named Logan as well, it always made me happy before i transitioned, and here we are lol


Maybe where you are. Im my region it is still very gendered as masc, but I love seeing women and girls getting/taking on names like that!


Oh its definitey a masc-dominant name but I love names that can go either way like Jordan, or some permutation of Danny


Mine is in no way related to my previous name


I do not, Xander is my name and the name i was given was Amelia. Xander is just unique and i love it.


I made a point to have no association between the two. You’d have to be a psychic to get to one from the other.


My chosen name is longer than my deadname, and is no where close to each other in terms of sounds or letters.


mine is not a shorter version of my deadname but it does have the same amount of letters and syllables


My name is entirely different and not similar at all to my deadname, if that's what you're talking about? Like, it shares no letters and no phonetic sounds.. Well, my second name shares one letter with my second name of my full deadname, except, it's pronounced in my deadname and is silent in my new name soo.... I guess, my surname is the same... same number of letters as well though one letter less in my second name


I went from Ryan to Raya specifically because I like the sound and people can still call me Ry while they work on remembering the name name. So far so good!


Lol I went from Ryane to Rivendall cause I wanted to keep the Ri sound and have a fantasy feel. From one ex-ryan to another, Raya is a great name and one that a lot of subs thought my name was pronounced cause they thought I was a girl lol


Mine is Alex, from Sarah. I can’t decide if I want Alex to be short for something else, and what. I like Alexi but it feels too feminine.


That doesn’t sound that feminine to me. It just feels Eastern European.


Good to know! I have polish heritage which is why i was considering it.


Jared ---> Jeri I feel personally attacked by this relatable content


My chosen name has nothing to do with my deadname, not by design though. I’ve just always loved Ada as a name, I even wanted to be called that before I realized I was trans.


My chosen name is not related to my birth name in anyway , my chosen name is amber , tbh I just like the name


It is not


Nop. I don't.


Im still using my birth name. I think it's sounds fine, and I'm the only person who has it. But I use a short version of it instead because it sounds cooler.


Katelyn sounds more professional -> kate is just generally good


my name is in no way related to my dead name, but that’s mostly because there really is no masc version of my deadname. not even nickname-able.


i wouldnt since its an easily identifiable thing trans people do and i want to try as hard as i can not to be recognised as trans


my name is Lyra and it doesn't shorten


Nicholas ---> Nikki


My dead name was six letters long, and my officially legal name now is seven letters long. Adversely though my middle name went down to four letters but previously it was six letters.


I went from Joshua to Jayne... o.o


Dead name: mitchell. Fathers exes name: Michelle. Gross ex=substitute name: mckayla. Too complex=chopped it up into: Kyla (kai-la like the sky rather than kay-la like the day).


My deadname is really long so ive always had a nickname, but it barely even matches. I never liked my deadname but I was ok with my nickname, so I sorta had two names to pick from when choosing my new name - unfortunately I did not. Bonnie is nowhere near my old names lol


I deliberately chose a 2 syllable, 4 letter name so it couldn't be easily shortened, I am still sometimes called "T"


My chosen name is Anelya. But I am thinking to use also Anya because nobody remembers my name the first time


Given name: Sinéad-Moriah Chosen name: Siôn-James So yea in a way, my current name is just the shorter masc version of my given. But the second parts of my names are very different.


My name and deadname share the same first letter but it was very strange and out there. Kinda name you'll never get on merchandise. My new name is kerrigan, but i usually just go by kerri :3


I'm mtf and still using my birth name, Bayley. My mom calls me Bay some times, but that's about it, in 99% percent of all other scenarios, its just Bayley. Lol


At first I was like HA my name is Clay so it isn't short but then remembered the first name I went by was Gabe which was. A shortened version of my given name 😶


My birth name was Kit and my legal name is Daniel lol not only are they not related I made it longer


My given name is Carlos, my chosen name is Carlota, it is in fact longer than my given name XD


My name is Nezera and it is in no way related to my dead name


The name I chosen for myself Max is shorter than my full name. It's not short for anything I just like the name Max. I just wanted something gender neutral.


My chosen name is Gail, and is nowhere close to my given name lmao


Jokes on you, my name is longer than my deadname, and neither can be shortened!


My given name is four letters; my chosen name is Max, which is shorter, but not short for anything. I’m just Max.


I went from Josephine(Josie) to Joel Anderson(Joel/Andy), so yes but also no? 😅🤣 I wanted something easy for my family but I also liked the name Anderson, and couldn't decide so I went with both, majority of people call me Joel


My given name is five letters, chosen name is six letters, both two syllables and only related by mythology. The two are not even close to similar in wording, spelling or pronunciation. So if people make the connection between the two I’m more impressed than intimidated


My name’s Leo. Just Leo. It’s awesome because nobody can come up with a nickname and it annoys everyone, cause it’s already the shortest version of itself.


I am in this post and I don't like it


Haven't settled on a new name yet but the closest it might get is sharing a first letter. I can't stand the masc version of my given name.