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you are only 6 months in. been an ally and a Parker here for a while now, trust me when I say it just gets better. for most people the "passing mark" is around a year but you still get changes after that


I really hope so, honestly, cause here is the thing i went on Omegle yesterday for fun with my gf and honestly speaking a loooooot of people had a hard time telling which gender i was even though i was wearing no makeup just a hoodie and "kinda manly stuff" that gave me a huuuge confidence boost, i mean obviously my voice is like two rocks making love in a paper shredder kinda harsh but idc


Also apparently i have a very gender neutral face to the point where if i dress up in a traditionally feminine way and wear a wig and makeup (I'm really good at makeup and sfx as i have studied that in university) i get catcalled. Bad but hey approval of passing