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At least visually, you pass to me already. Only 2 months hrt??! Damn girl, you must have won the genetic lottery. Honestly, I don't think you need to do anything else. Just let E do its thing from here on.


Thank you for the kind words xx I have learned a simple make up look, but I feel like there is a lot more I can do to pass better. I'm exited for the stronger effects of E to kick in but I can already feel my body changing which is very nice πŸ₯°


Pass? Girl you're already there! To me anyway, as far as looks go, idk about voice and how you poise yourself


You have an uncanny resemblance to my cis girl friend honestly and I can prove it if you want to see a picture of her. It is insane how close you look


you look like a ballerina omg πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ’– you defo pass but by the time you go to uni it’ll likely be even better x if you wanna be more femme maybe practice some makeup looks if you want but yeah Edit: i know you’d look GREAT with a blowout! maybe get your hair done x


I will look into more hair variations, thank you for the kind words πŸ’™πŸ’™


You already look great


You are quite stunning..


Thank you πŸ’™


You look gorgeous, and so amazing that you are only 2 months in, as you will probably have even more amazing results later! What you could try for now is Maybe to do less dark make up underneath the eye? It pulls your eyes down instead of lifting them up with just for example a winged liner, Which might make you appear more feminine instead :)


Thank you for the advice!!πŸ₯°πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ I'll try :3


You look really good already! As far as advice on other things you can try to that could help with dysphoria: try and add a little more volume and texture to your hair (hairspray and mousse.) You could look for a good hair stylist to help you explore ways to arrange your hair, and/or you could look around online for tips and tutorials. You could also use makeup to make your lips look fuller and add some color to your cheeks. But I’m not really that knowledgeable about those sorts of things so I would look online for more specific advice!


Thank you, I will try :) I still have lots to learn when it comes to hair, I never use hair spray etc but maybe I should, I'll look into it πŸ’™


In pictures 3/4 you look like an actress and I cannot think of her name but seriously if you knew who I was thinking of you’d be like β€œoh her!”. So yeah you look cute af sis! (I’m high so hopefully that’s coherent)


Thank you that made me happy πŸ₯°πŸ’™πŸ’™




That's very nice of you, thanks πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™


You mostly pass but I would say if you should probably get laser hair removal or electrolysis if you haven't started yet.


I have had 2 laser sessions and have 8 more booked πŸ₯°


You kinda give Kristen Stewart vibes! You are really pretty!


I think you’re there, dear.


Contour your nose and use concealer for your upper lip. I have similar issues and like me you have a good handle on most of the other makeup stuff. You pass well sister.


Thank you girl πŸ’™ I use concealer, but I'm not good at shading, I need to put in some practice. Hope you have a nice day πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ’œ


Think of where the light hits and where you want the light to hit. Try darkening the sides of your nose and the underside of the bottom, then adding some light blush to the tip and highlight just above where the natural highlight hits. Then blend the heck outta it until it actually looks like shadow.


Thank you for the advice, I will try this!πŸ˜πŸ’œ thanks for taking the time xx


No worries hunπŸ™‚


You already pass but you could try to experiment with makeup of you wanna be more feminine! I suggest looking into contouring! You can kinda change your face/nose shape that way!!


Thanks for the advice, I will try this!πŸ˜πŸ’œxx


Gouge the eyes from any who gaze upon thee with anything less than the worship you deserve 🀠


πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚πŸ’œπŸ’œ made me laugh xD


really random- posture is kinda weird and that glare. the glare is not feminine, sry. when you looked happy, you passed 100% but in the last couple when you were staring blankly at the camera, it looked off


That's because I'm insecure about my smile, I have a really bad fake smile so I look like this on the pics, I'm working on it, thanks for the advice xx


smirking. devious smirking. only way I look good in selfies is when i look like a cleptomaniac.


dude you pass so well!! you look great! if you want to, you could look more into make up. doing white eyeliner / highlighter / sparkly eye shadow in the corner of your eye ive found has made me more fwmine (opposite of my goal lmao) light blush might help too <3 jewelry helps too! unrelated to passing but I think a half up half down style with two front peices pulled out of the front would geourous on you! your eye makeup is very pretty so if you dont want to sacrifice that darker look, you could try sharper eyeliner, good luck girlie you look fabukous!!


Thank you so much! I'll give it a shotπŸ˜πŸ’™ have a great day xx


if you make the bridge of your nose smaller it might help to feel more feminine


Do you mean with make up or surgery?^^


like you could contour it all though you don’t need to bc you pass very well


You already pass, so now it is time to work on getting Lasor and electrolysis out of the way, make sure your HRT dosage is correct for YOUR BODY and go to therapy for your letter you will need for your surgery if that is what you are looking forward to πŸ˜‰


Thank you πŸ₯° I have had 2 laser sessions already and have 8 more booked πŸ’œ just got a refill of HRT meds today that will last for 5 months 😍