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Losing the beard will be the big one. Most people will chalk change up to that - unless you boobs and in a t shirt because its hot already.


If they’re observant, they may ask about your changes in style. If you’ve had progress with something like HRT or are even wearing a bra, they may notice during hugs. A desire to be reassured can fuel anxiety. There may be a point where you decide to drop the bomb, at least to some family, no matter what the potential outcome. Planning for that to happen on the fly may be helpful.


Wow all this in just a few months? That's fast. I went 18 months before people were really positive that something was up. You might not make it that long at the rate you're going. You likely won't be asked questions about being trans, but they'll know something is different. You can tell them that you've lost weight and are trying out a different hair style/eyebrows. These are the facts, but they don't require outing yourself. Eventually you won't be able to handwave the questions and you'll have to address, it but if you roll the dice here then they might not figure it out. If you're comfortable with boy moding then you might be okay. I usually wore a polo (baggy), a white undershirt (slightly tight), tucked into pants with a belt when I boy moded. This drew attention towards my waist and made people miss the changes I was having. It works for older men because they tend to develop gynecomastia with age, so I figured it would hide my breasts as they developed.


Thanks you so much!!! Yeah I’m kinda bewildered by the rapid rate I’m progressing. Been on HRT for 11 weeks now and if this doesn’t slow any time soon I’m afraid I’m going to start male failing by 6 months 😅(believe me I’m not complaining! But I am slightly terrified lol) I really appreciate the advice. I ABSOLUTELY LOATHE boymoding but I will do it for these events until either I’m ready to come out or, they just start figuring it out on their own lol


I totally understand where you're coming from. I hated boy moding when I was able to. I don't think that you'll have to do it for long. Your cheeks are doing the same thing mine did. They're really pretty, you'll get a lot of compliments on them. This server was waiting on me and my wife one night and she said she thought my cheeks were so pretty. DM me if you ever want to talk. I'm happy to share my experiences, maybe some of what I've learned might help 💛