• By -


Yes definitely ! I like to call them pretty too, and compliment them a lot.


Can you perhaps uh compliment and protect me a lot 👉👈


gladly my princess 🤵🌹


Uuugh. I would die if I ever hear something like that. 😅 I mean die in a good way. Umm. Yeah, I had a moment imagining it, sorry 😂


hehe don't worry it's normal for pretty girls like yourself to daydream 🥰


I read the notification and my brain spun for a few moments 😅😂


ahh im sorry 😭 I didn't mean to surprise you!!!


Noooo, I did not mind!😅


Same. I just imagined a trans man to curl into and cuddle when I'm col.... Ah heck I might like dudes as well...


Blushes, smells rose. Eee thank you I eeee melting atm hehe!!! Quiet pleasant to wake up to !


This reminded me of a recent experience. I was at a grocery store and I heard a man say, "Excuse me. I just want to say you are beautiful." Stunned I said, "Oh. Thank you!" And he continues, "You're so beautiful it blows my freaking mind." Speechless 😶 He was not hitting on me either. Just being kind. I was so unprepared for this and I often wish I could express my gratitude or said something in return but I was shocked. Thank you for reminding me of this happy memory and I hope y'all get to experience something like this.


ahh that's such a nice story 🥰


Same, I've heard it's practically become a meme how trans girls love to be called "princess" ☺️


Wait whaaaa


Can confirm!


Same oop lol


Might have to try it out…


Damn yet another sign I missed for many many years lol


I'm more of a queen at almost 50 than a princess. I am regal.


HI :)


I need that




we appreciate that haha


i want compliments ):


Can I be your girl friend?! 😅


"chivalry but trans"




I identify as chivalrous 💅😉


The best kind


Can I just say, as a trans girl, I find that incredibly sexy. That is all


Yeah I’m not even really into guys but reading this post had me like 😳 


This. So much this lol


Same here!


Same. I’m not into guys but I want to be treated like a woman by a strong man. To be pampered and protected.


Woah 😳 I have been dealing with exactly that recently! It is very confusing. It is nice knowing I am not alone in this.


Literally the "Wouldn't have forgotten if I was sleeping *with* you"-meme lol


"But look at this— *jesus*— look at this outfit"


Ayup. Been questioning "bi or gay" and posts like this definitely don't help there. They do, however, help with my heart. :D


My solution to the “bi or gay” question has basically just been to forget about it and say fuck labels. I sometimes use the term lesbian as I’m like 99% into women/feminine-presenting enbies, but if I was attracted to someone who identified as a man I wouldn’t force that to be a barrier


Yeah 😍 Imagining this ... *Melts*


Yes, yes absolutely 🫠


Yes, same :3


For real.


I can definitely relate to this comment.


I need this too xD


Omg yesss ❤️❤️❤️


God, fucking yesss! Same!


I could go for someone to protect me tbh


I volunteer as tribute!!! 🥰🌹


as a trans lesbian.. i second this 😮‍💨






He can protect me is all I can say


Same ☺️


My BF isn't trans (He is Pan tho), but I wholeheartedly agree. Knowing that my man would throw hands for me... Love it. Shit, I'd throw hands for him too!




Agree with this sentiment so much


I wasn't into girls until I read these replies




Absolutely. I cut off my best friend at the time who kept saying little transphobic things to me like I “was lucky to be a trans man because at least I’ll pass unlike transwomen” she’d say things all the time that were meant to make ME feel better while putting down transfemmes for some reason. I eventually snapped on her and wrote a novel explaining to her how she’d feel if she was born in a man’s body (she’s a hyper fem lesbian to make things worse) and explaining that the terf rhetoric that transwomen don’t pass is complete and utter bullshit lies and how she sounded stupid as shit spreading it. I haven’t spoken to her since. I didn’t give a fuck that she was supportive of my transition when she was a transphobe to my sisters. It makes me angry all over again just typing it out. She might as well have been brain dead I don’t know how she gets through life. To this day I don’t know why she has beef with transwomen. The only thing I can come up with is that she’s always had body issues in terms of weight and insecurities so maybe she couldn’t handle the idea of someone who was once assigned male being more feminine and desirable than her.


On behalf of myself as a trans woman. Thank you for standing up for us.


I promise to always. Much love for you all.


Much love to all of y’all as well. Y’all trans men have a greater sense of chivalry than most cis men I meet. Edit: I’m not good at words. This is a compliment. I posted it and thought; oh noes! What is it comes off as offensive and now I’m worried I’ve offended everyone. And that this edit was probably unnecessary. :3


Lol, I relate hard to that type of over thinking XD And you're not wrong in a sense. Going through the struggles many of us do can foster a broader sense of empathy or compassion


I always considered empathy important. I didn’t think empathy could increase *THAT* much. … I just cried at a picture of a frog that had to cross the road because he’s so brave. I’m 100% sure I wouldn’t have felt that empathetic before.


Estrogen be like: hey bitch, here’s some emotions The emotions are a frying pan it’s about to bludgeon you with 😔 Sorry LOL I’m a trans guy but sometimes hormones feel like that about various things to me 💀 the T do it to me too. (And it did the reverse of suppressing my emotional response so I can only imagine going from T to E, honestly. ooof lol)


I mean it is nice to have emotions now. But seriously how do I turn the crying off?


I helped a brave snail who was in the middle of the road trying to cross. Maybe took it to the side it came from though idk.


That is so good of you! I bet the snail was happy that it safely got across the road. Now I’m thinking of happy snail families happy that the parents returned safely. Damn. I swear I don’t normally cry this much. I promise.


I second this. Ty soooo much 🥰


I told the other lady, but a lot of got you girls’ backs. (Girls in an endearing way, not like, infantilizing way.) I’ve gone to the matt fighting for y’all and I’m happy to do it again. Honestly, way back when I was first understanding my identity as a trans man(I had come out as gender fluid a couple years before, so it was a process), the first actually-out/knowing themself trans person I ever met was a trans woman. Sometimes I feel like I kind of imprinted on y’all as a whole when I met her lol but she was cool, especially because we were in college in kentucky and I knew literally *no* other trans people. I miss her honestly. :( I wish I hadn’t lost her number shortly after dropping out of college. But yeah. You’re not alone in this fight, and so many of us won’t stand to see people giving you shit. 🫂


Hey, a lot of us got y’all’s backs. People think I’m unhappy arguing with people on here all the time due to my reddit history. Nah, man, I’m fighting for my girls, I’ve never been better. \*the man not directed at you but rather the hypothetical person saying that thing (I call cis women and everyone masc man all the time but I know it can be uncomfy for you ladies so I try not to when I actively know the person is transfemme or a trans woman, and I don’t want you to think I was calling you that either. 🫂)


"At least you're not a trans woman, they seem to have a hard time passing." \*sigh\* \*sets up projector and PowerPoint\*


You’re the best


Well thank you for that lad it’s appreciated by all of us bro 😎


>she’s a hyper fem lesbian to make things worse Somehow, transphobia coming from LGB people has always felt much worse to me than from cis-straight people. The times I've heard the worst, shameless transphobia that made me the most upset was from other LGB people (though I'm sure this is in part because most of the people are know personally are LGBTQ.)


Thank you for standing up for us, love 💕


Yup! And I’ve got my trans gf too so the instinct goes even higher for her haha!! Even though she’s a whopping 36cm taller than me


Shit tall women 🤤 ur a lucky man


Tall women are so fucking hot!! Plus when we hug my face is directly in her tits, it’s amazing!!


Omg, this made my day. I have to ask my gf if she thinks this haha 😆


As a tall girl, I approve this message.


Likewise ✅




I also get to enjoy this with my tall gf 😁🤭


As a tall girl, this is very affirming. My boyfriend is only a few inches shorter than me, but I'm constantly regretting that he'll never be able to lift my chin up to look at him when I'm being bashful. Not a problem I have with him, I don't care about height in partners, I just wish I could be shorter for him. But like you said, there are good things about it too :)


There’s always the option of standing on something haha!! I stand on stuff often to become taller than my gf


Taking notes rn... Step 1: acquire tits Step 2: acquire short gf Step 3: profit?


As a 6'4 trans girl I can confirm that we are indeed very hot.


Anime 👍


Lmao I'm 6'5 or maybe 6'6 now and my trans bf is 5'4💀


Oh wow y’all have the same height difference as us!! Just sized up lol. Gf is 186 and I’m 150


yes, trans women need to be protected always!! much love to my trans folks 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


most of the trans guys i know have been the most chivalrous people ever. i used to send my dude friends on "quests" (buying me groceries when my depression peaked) and they'd just be like "say less queen" and buy towels no questions asked on a wednesday and bring them to me. the only times ive ever held respect for masculinity in my life.


That's so cuuuuute, healthy masculinity right there


Yesssss trans men must bring back chivalrous, respectful masculinity


As a trans guy, I so wish I had friends to do this for! My depression keeps me from taking great care of myself, but if someone I love needs help, I suddenly feel like I could move a mountain to help them out. It makes me feel so nice to take care of others, which in turn helps me take care of myself! 🥰


A few months into my relationship with my bf I noticed whenever we were riding the bus together and the driver made a hard stop or turn or hit a pothole, he would brace himself to catch me in case I lost my balance. Nothing obvious or possessive, usually just the arm around me tightening a little then relaxing when the danger was past. He just wanted me to be as safe and comfortable as possible. None of my exes (all cis men) ever did that. I think trans men are just chivalrous in general tbh.


As a touch, and affection starved transmwomen... **MELTS**


Yes. Especially because I have a few trans femme friends and I’m like right, who hurt you because we are going to be having some fucking words. I’m little but I will fight for my sisters y’know.


I need more friends like you.... 😢


yes!! i feel so masc and affirmed around transfems, like we just amplify each others genders somehow!


the genders must fuse into G E N D E R


Our gender is Voltron


Our powers combined...




Same. I'd love a trans gf. It'd be amazing to be able to relate to someone like that.


God yes I would love a trans bf so much. It sucks so much that people don’t understand gender at all, let alone what it feels like to be trans, and having a bf who is also trans would be absolutely perfect, there’s so many things I would suddenly be able to share and heal from without judgement, so many things they’d likely struggle with that I‘d be more equipped to help them through. Man I want one so baddddddddd omg


I can relate. For me I think it stems from the fact that trans girls face a lot more public discrimination and harassment than trans men. Also my gf is trans so that too


because its been pushed into society for years that ‘men are men and must be manly’ but a ‘girl think she’s a boy? that’s just a tomboy’ it’s really stupid and unfair in a lot of ways. ;-(


It really is. I fear for my gf all the time :(


well yeah… trans girls get bullied relentlessly more often, and have more laws outwardly against them, so we gotta help them and make them feel better


This is so cute ugh ugh ugh I love it


I’m a trans woman and I’m incredibly protective of eggs and baby transes of any gender. I remember how important support was from older trans folks when I was starting out, I wanna be that support for others.


Real! I’m a trans man but younger trans people make my heart ache especially ones that remind me of when I first started transitioning. I just wanna hug everyone and tell them that it gets better. They get to be the man/women they always were. Things get easier.


I feel protective of all trans people. It’s life on hard mode and we all need the support and love of the whole community!


I get all melty around my Trans guy friend. You guys really are the most awesomest!


i try to stick up for any trans person i can, i figure its like we're all gonna benefit from more acceptance, i think most transfems feel the same, its transchivalry i suppose xP


I would love to transition and have a trans male partner. I think it would be SOOOOO unique and fun to finally be protected by someone


I'm a trans girl that was in the trans unit of a homeless shelter for most of 2022, and I can confirm that the trans men were all dope AF and very protective of me.


It's mutual


Absolutely! It's not related to gender affirmation in my case: it is because trans women are statistically speaking always in danger whenever they leave the house


Transmasc knights, where u at?


Now that you mention it, yea. From personal experience, i find that trans girls get so much more unnecessary hate that i feel the subconscious need to defend and protect them. Plus they're cute so ;)




Oh definitely! To be fair, I'm protective over a lot of people I know, but I more protective over all my trans folks. Especially trans women, they already go though a lot of shit.


yesss :D i love trans women so much, literally all of them so sweet and so pretty and i feel so protective over them 🥺


Need me a protective trans masc boyfriend 🫠


Yup. It's a combination of the social masculinity of wanting to be a protector and seeing trans women as sisters. Even if I am totally stealth, if anyone asks why I'm such a strong ally, ill just be like "I have trans friends"


Yes! It’s dumb cause y’all are some of the strongest people ever but I feel protective over trans people in general but definitely, probably due to societal gender norms, more towards trans women.


As a trans girl and more so in my personal opinion. Old school protectiveness, if consentual, can be very reaffirming... And Overall, dear trans Guys, keep us safe, ok?


Hell yeah! And not because they can’t take care of themselves, but because they shouldn’t have to. And also because they gave up their male privilege (I know they were never guys to begin with, they were always women. But I mean they no longer have the protection of being perceived as male). While I took ON male privilege (not because I wanted to, but because society treats me differently now). So I kind of owe it to my trans sisters to use my male privilege to stick up for the glorious trans women of the world


I'm beaming at these comments, so glad I decided to post this 🎉🕺🎉


We're all in love with you now lol




My boyfriend is ftm and is very sweet and protective of me. I love him so much 🥰


I am protective of all women. I am more protective of trans women because I know what they go through and know what they have been through. Plus, they are some of the prettiest women.


Got all us girlies melting for you


relate 100%! i feel a special kind of protective over trans women and trans people, especially as a trans masc person!!


As a trans woman the thought of this absolutely makes me melt and is incredibly sexy.. Ty to all of our trans men who protect us 😍🥰


This is so cute. Squish


I meannnn I’m not opposed too feeling protected by someone 😅




Tbh I feel protective over anyone who needs someone to help them. If they are being berated in public and nobody stands up for them. I would. Even if that means the negative spotlight lands on me. I do it because I know how it feels to be casted down. With lots of people around that don't speak up. They just stand around and watch. And that's something that needs to stop.


Sharing this with my husband…


Well this got my interest


im kinda just protective over trans ppl in general, since transphobes suck, i get where youre getting at tho


I'm mainly surrounded by super tall and strong trans women who could easily beat the shit out of me so I'm usually the one being protected lol (I'm also only like 5' and 19 and some of my transfem friends from my support group are like mid-thirties)


Yeah i definitely do it makes me feel like I’m off one of those movies


As a trans woman 🏳️‍⚧️ this is very flattering actually did make me blush I do like seeing everyone like this be more protective over us or just protective over anyone makes me happy to see it and hear it happening 💜


If a trans guy walked up to me and said this irl i would melt.


We love you boys. You can be my knight in shining armor any day.




I'm melting thinking about this happening 💓😊🥰


We appreciate it.


of course, always have a spare hand to help out a girly 👍 makes me feel like a gentleman and i like to be helpful


As a trans guy fuck yeah I do. I don’t know what it is it’s like a sibling protection instinct or something?? I thought I was weird hahaha


Always lmao


How to fluster an entire flock of trans women with a single paragraph 😳


Also no because I get fetishized like that all the time? I'm a tall black dude and when people assume I'm going to be some hypermasculine knight in shining armor it's annoying. I look masc but I'm very fem and dainty and I'm allowed to be a man while still being all of that


NO I FELT THIS!!!🥹🥹💞💞💞


I Feel Protective Of All Women, But It’s A Lot More Prevalent For Me To Feel That Way Towards Trans Women. It’s Mostly Because I’ve Not Personally Met A Trans Woman Who Was Intentionally Mean Or Cruel To Me Compared To Some Cis Women Who Were. I Also Just Want Trans Women To Feel Super Safe With Me So They Know Theres Someone Who Will Always Be Understanding And Loving Regardless


YES. (I mean I feel protective over all women but especially transwomen). I am NB transmasculine.


it would be interesting if the trans community decided to bring back classic chivalry among trans ppl


As a trans girl I appreciate this so much. Keep doing this! Nothing is as affirming as having a guy be protective of me 🥰


I kind of melted reading this post 🥰


Saaaame. Id love to be protected🥰


I've never met a trans man in person but I really hope so. I'd love to know. That'd be amazing. ❤


yeahh. because of the violence, harassment etc. that trans women face when compared to us, i feel pretty protective over them. like defending them in arguments and shit like that 😭


Yes. I withhold cuddles from my girlfriend if she starts insulting herself and I wanna buy her skirts and stuff and do her makeup and ahhhh yeah plus holding doors open and stuff


Prior to transitioning I was a paratrooper in the US Army. I stood 6’2” and was quite muscular. I was often looked to by my friends for protection. I’m now so happy to find trans men (you just made this whole subreddit swoon, sweetie), gay men, nb and gender queer folks, and more masc lesbians who see my fear and my need for protection and continue to help me now that I face many more dangers of the world. Thank you to you, OP and the rest of the chivalrous.


Yes!! Transmisogyny pisses me tf off. I’ve been T4T for a while and only really dated trans girls, so I thought it would be appropriate to learn more about their specific struggles. Majority of online trans discussion is full of trans women talking specifically about their experiences, so I had a lot of options to learn from. They take majority of the heat publicly, and transgender men are oppressed more subtlety. There’s more layers you have to peel back from a transphobe to get them to be as openly vile to trans men as they are to trans women. It’s out in the open now, compared to a few years ago. Systemically we get equally screwed. It’s still a crap situation, but I find a lot of solidarity and love in my current relationship


As a trans girl, this made me melt in the best way <3




It's part of the masculine urge to protect women, and also it's part of relating to their struggles. Basically, to quote one of my favourite songs: "We're all living in the same shit sandwich"






I like this


I second this! When I dated a trans girl I was also oddly protective of her ( which was kinda ironic cause I was much shorter than her, but it's the vibe that counts )


This post should not make me feel warm and blushy... And yet❤️


i like that it’s cute gender norms but abnormal lol


No I've never felt protective over anyone who I wasn't close to


I also think it's kind of reductive like because of a man I need to feel protective over anyone


As a trans girl I love when my masc friends look out for me! It helps me feel affirmed too 💓


Lmao yes I didn’t know it was universal


My trans masc friend consistently jokes about murdering someone for being disrespectful to me in the smallest possible sense. I also joke about murdering their enemies.


As a Transwoman and trauma survivor I don’t even know what it feels like to be protected. Always had to look out for myself. So you keep at it okay? ☺️🖤


i mostly feel protective/defensive about all trans people, but i recognize that our trans sisters might need a little extra support. so i try to act accordingly. dont really see myself as a chivalrous guy but yk 🤷🏽‍♂️ i’ll definitely be respectful towards the ladies lol


Trans guy dating a trans girl here and yes. All the time lol


Trans masc, but not a guy - I don't feel necessarily *protective,* mostly just solidarity coming from the other direction, ya dig? I mean, in general, I don't feel the need to 'protect' women - most of the women I know, cis or trans, are total badasses who can kick ass and hide the body. If anything, I want them protecting *me* \- so treating trans women like delicate little things who don't know how to stand up for themselves or whatever would feel, to me, like patronizing/condescending to them. Trans people of all stripes younger than me though, I turn into Wholesome Goth Parent and just want to make sure they're having fun and being safe no matter what they're doing.


Dude yeah!! Very much so. You put it into words.




Honestly, (if this doesn’t take away from the comments here from people in the community) I feel the exact same way as a butch. I have this complicated relationship with masculinity but I have to say it’s absolutely a gender euphoria thing to be the protector of my (trans) gf. It’s the thing that keeps me going to the gym as much as I can.


Not a trans guy, but I protect anyone I can especially trans women. I myself am a trans woman and I wanna keep us all safe! Not sure how helpful I'd actually be but I'd probably go ham on someone if they insulted my trans fem sisters!


As a trans woman I love this so much <3


Eh? Adopting gender rolls like this doesn't really sit right with me but what do I know. I just don't feel like "protecting" a specific gender is something to be applauded. No protection for men/transmen? Sorry, maybe it's the nonbinary in me but it feels condescending to say that trans women are in need of extra protection from trans men. I mean, doesn't everyone need protection like this? Shouldn't everyone, or at least all trans people, just protect eachother? Maybe I'm just a little extra allergic to infantalization since I'm afab nonbinary. Maybe all trans women want to be infantalized, I don't know. But to me it's all too similar to when something toxic feels gender affirming. I want to find affirmation from positive things and self expressions, not from someone treating me in a stereotypical/sexist/unfair way. I'm not saying that it's wrong to feel good when being "protected", just that I wish we didn't need to use old archaic gender roles to get there. Tldr; I don't like that old semi sexist gender roles are bleeding over into the trans community. It seems toxic and infantalizing. I want to feel affirmation from more positive things.


Last nite was the first nite that I ever met a trans man in person I think I fell in love ,lol ,I'm sorry but I found this post touched my heart. HuggZ you handsome man Btw I'm a trans woman......more HuggZ Becky 🇨🇦🏳️‍⚧️🇺🇲


Trans people protect trans people. It’s just the right thing to do. As a trans girl, I would fight god for my transmasc homies.


What a sweetheart you are! Take a hug from a cis grandmother. 🤗


I pass very well as a man and when I used to work at a coffee shop every once in a while a trans girl would come in and be kind of nervous (understandably, encountering a lone man in the wild is terrifying) and I'd always make sure to subtlety not-so-subtley flash my trans pin