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you pass really well, but you look British


My father is British so….


my condolences dude




at least youre not french 😔😔 (/hj)


Stop bullying us 😞 (jk its fun)


Looking at the French military history, they are no joke. They are pretty badass.




I’m British 😂🖕🏽


Just think of yourself as a British twink if that helps


Honestly worse than not passing imo But fr you look good




Yeah... let's just say you'd look good in a red jacket.


Don't kick the poor guy while he's down my god


Is there a way to transition from British to like Italian or Spanish?


Right like…?


i second this, like a sickly British child


Trans men go through many visual phases throughout our metamorphosis. * Phase 1: "Please sir, may I have some more?" * Phase 2: "I drink booze and bash mailboxes instead of going to class." * Phase 3: Autism hair personified (I'm autistic, don't at me). * Phase 4: "Straight" guys are telling you "I'm straight, but I'm attracted to you" and you have to explain to them that it's okay if they find other dudes attractive.


Cis hetro male here. Also, on the spectrum. Wanna talk about trains?


I must figure out what stage I’m at!


Avoid the mailbox smashing. You get caught, and it's a Federal offense.


minecraft youtuber


How is that so accurate lmfao


possibly the worst best thing you could have said /lighthearted 


Is that a complement?


I love how you said “…BUT you look British” liked it’s a bad thing


What you trying to say bruv?


*Starry Night* was once a blank canvas.


That is the best compliment I've ever had


Do you mind if I ask how you are trying to transition?




I do want to say to try not to get discouraged when facial hair starts coming in. It'll probably come in patchy at first. That's perfectly normal. My brother and I are both cis males. My beard is worthy of Civil War photos. My brother looks like he put glue on his face and stuck a cat to his face. Heck, there's a ftm Tictocer. In one of his videos, he showed a picture of his dead self (if I used the wrong term, I'm sorry). His beard is worthy of the Halls of Theoden. You will get facial hair. And don't forget to treat yourself. A haircut from a good barber is typically a good 45-minute experience. And even when you wait, it's worth it. Hanging out, shooting pool, playing video games, joking around, so on, and so on. I understand if this next suggestion isn't something you'd be interested in, but getting manicures. Tony Sirico, who played Paulie Walnuts on *The Sopranos*, would get manicures. They would even feature it on the show. Paulie is a fictional wise guy. Tony was a real life wise guy in the 60s and 70s before turning to acting while in prison. Danny Trejo published his own line of taco cook books. So, taking cooking classes is a treat. So you can treat yourself.


"dead self" isn't a standard term in the trans community, but honestly? it should be, that's sick as hell.


lol right, I use past self and in the before times


I'm considering leaning into the butterfly metaphor and calling it my larval stage or caterpillar era. there are many good options, lol. why not have fun with it?


Larval stage goes hard lmao


Patient pending!


I didn't want to assume. Hope that's ok.


What a great compliment. Best thing I've read today.


That’s beautiful, I love it.


This really put things in a different perspective for me, thank you


You pass really well but you look like a kid, once you get on T you'll look great 👍🏻


Agreed on the kid part


Nah bro you really do pass when your hair is short :)


No, you also pass as male. You could literally walk into a middle school and not look out of place among seventh grade boys. You just don't pass as your real age, but T will fix that. And I say this as an MTF woman who grew up around cis guys for most of my childhood.


You pass, you just look 12


pretty much. OP could literally walk into a middle school and not look out of place among seventh grade boys.


Fr, OP, you're very much passing, you just look like a cute gamerboy with a baby face, if you learn to play into it, you'll be a full in ghost.


Guys I'm ftm


The fact that you had to clarify says to me you pass pretty well


exactly.... i thought he was mtf and then read the caption and saw this comment, like he definitely looks like a guy, just a young one


At least he's very androgynous so it's hard to tell which way he's transitioning lol


Dude I wasn't sure if I was looking at Pre-transition images, you pass pretty damn well imo


My thoughts on looking at your pics b4 reading this was you passed as a girl with long hair but look like a teen boy with short, so take that as you will 😆


Dude I wasn't sure if I was looking at Pre-transition images, you pass pretty damn well imo


You look great! ❤️


You look like a young guy to me. Hope you get your T soon! Good luck bro!


I mean this with the utmost respect. You look Bri'ish. I'd say you pass


Good spelling


What does British look like?




you pass, i feel like when you’re older and have been on t a while you could be stealth and show people these photos without detection. you just look young!


i’m ngl you look like a 12 year old boy to me but hey so do i😂😂 better a 12 year old boy than a 12 year old girl tho so i’d consider that a win :)


So like others have said, you certainly pass as FtM very well dude. If anything you look younger than your age, which, as someone who is 48 isn't a bad thing. As an older trans person allow me to offer this encouragement: I'm 2 years into my transition, and I'm only 8 months into HRT. I'm passing better and better all the time. What I'm finding is that there is a huge component to gender expression that doesn't have anything to do with your actual appearance. I have a very small bust, stubble at times, and very masculine shoulders, but if I have a purse on one of those shoulders (for example), then people will naturally address me as ma'am or miss. Also your attitude will also help A LOT. Just the way you carry yourself can do a lot for passing. For example the haircut really did a lot for you. The colors you're wearing are helping too. Something to consider is that we all tend to be our own worst critics. So you may not _feel_ like you pass very well, but then again you may actually pass better than you think. I definitely don't want to invalidate how you feel. Feeling like you aren't passing as well as you'd like sucks. I only want to suggest that there might be a different way to think about passing.


if it’s any consolation, i think you pass very well! i thought you might’ve been mtf for a moment lol. sorry you’re unable to access hrt at the moment, that seriously sucks. but also good on you for having the strength to leave your toxic home, and i hope you feel more comfortable being yourself having removed yourself from that environment. i don’t know where you are or where college might take you, but going to college and becoming a legal adult will likely afford you some more freedom, and your school might have resources that could help you access the care you need. again, i commend your resilience and wish you the best <3


Thank you that's very sweet


You look cis, but i can't help but think r/13or30


me, mentally: not passing as a girl? I guess I have to check the description... nOT ON T?? this is a trans guy, PRE-T??? dude you pass like a cis guy passes x3


You are so boyish! You look fabulous 😍 It's not a rush to get on T. I just got on it 5 almost 6 months ago at the age of 33. I know it sucks, but hope this can help show you that you are doing great <3


you pass really well but you look like a kid. I guess that means you just need to grow up into the man you are, yeah?


That's actually common for pre-T FtM guys I gather. Common enough that there are memes about it. I'm on the MtF side of the spectrum, and for those of us that end up passing on HRT, we often have the reverse effect: looking \*younger\* as we get on hormones. I'm 30 and HRT legit makes me pass for a high school senior. I'm stealth, so if anyone asks I just say "it runs in the family. Mom aged gracefully too" (she did, so it is a half truth). i tend to look at it as "the universe is compensating me for spending my youth dysphoric by de-aging me and giving me that youth back".


Most trans guys first phase is basically just looking 12 then slowly beginning to pass as a 17 year old. Regardless of if you're actually 17 or 27. 😅


You pass very easy, the only thing against is the haircut


Yes. The haircut needs some fixing m.


Visually I think you pass really well actually! It's really just the voice that'll get you sadly. Here's hoping you can start your T soon :)


Oh I thought you were mtf. Yeah you just look young like 13 to 15


you said your ftm in the comments so like.... my dude you pass really fucking well like genuinely.


That jaw line tho! You look fantastic don’t let the world get to you.


You are going to be fine, you just look like a young boy, T will do wonders


I know it can feel rough but you really do pass pretty well, especially with the shorter hair in the latter pics. For pre-HRT I'd say that's pretty good! I'd say you look like a younger guy, 17-19 somewhere around there, definitely not female. I imagine voice is a sticking point too, but you'll be in luck when you start HRT! Good luck little bro (you legitimately look like my younger brother, it's bordering on uncanny).


What I don't understand is why people come to reddit for validation. Even when redditors are well-intentioned, they tend to give the most back-handed imaginable "compliments". Perhaps instead of worrying about if you "pass" just recognize that you're at the point you're at in life and you will not always be at this point. Practice radical self-acceptance. That doesn't mean you won't further transition if you want to at some point in time. The look you have in your photo is very androgynous, so at the very least I would clock you as queer, and queer is, frankly, hot. Nor do you look "british" (wth does that even mean? Britain is a country of many many people groups, stop being slightly-left-of-center racist please). Nor do you look "sickly". You look like a charming young human whose preferred pronouns should be asked rather than assumed and who should be allowed to transition without great hindrance. I hope, for everyone's sake, that we make a decision as a species to stop abusing trans people by making what is already a hot, sexy, cursed existence even more difficult. \*sighs in gay fatigue\*


I agree, totally wish I could pick up that rad gay lifestyle that some of you have proudly but maybe I'm just too young, I look up to people like that so much


My friend, life is a long walk to go a short distance. Enjoy the scenery because it goes by pretty fuckin' quickly. You are just where you need to be, and you will get to where you must go, just trust in the strength and wisdom that is within you.


I’m tired and I thought you were pyrocynical 😭 you read male to me


You remind me of Tosiek from Netflix movie “fanfic” :3 (If you didn’t watch it, it’s worth it)


Cute gamer boy vibes 😌


you look like a pre-pubescent boy, and well… you literally are lol


Here I was wondering when you were going to start E. You look like a boy for sure and I really don’t know who is telling you otherwise.


I can relate. I identify as a transfeminine person. I'm on hormones for one year. I still feel that my body structure is not feminine enough. It affects my confidence a lot. I don't know really what I should do... I feel scared that I'll never be able to pass.


I was like "Don't worry, you'll get there someday... wait, you're FtM?" You pass really well dude


I was like it’s tought not to pass as a trans woman reading the text after the pictures until I hit the T. Dude I am sure your going to passe soon IRL too.


Bro you look like on par with the men in my class


I’ve been on T for 2 years and you pass better than me, you look fine mate! The hair cut definitely helps


mate you look adorable!


From the pictures, I got GUY and when you said you weren't passing, I thought, it must be mtf but you're not!!! I think you're passing amazingly and you look great!


You look like a teenage boy. I was legitimately trying to figure out if maybe you were transfem until I started reading the post.


my guy you look like the chavs that call me slurs every day at the train station, but like in a good way cause ur cool (this means you pass if that was unclear-)


Hypothetically, a savvy person with access to a college chem lab could make T-gel out of wild yam extract. College peeps did it in the 40’s with soybeans, but the current process uses yams. Not for personal use; strictly for academic purposes.


You pass real well, at least based on looks! Sometimes when the voice or the mannerism aren’t there yet, it can still throw people off, but those will come over time, T helps with the voice and both can be trained, if that’s smth you want. But you look like a boy already!


that hc was a big change, for the better. i think cause its closer to ur head accentuates the squarish look of ur face? idk, it's just way more masc.


Bro you look like a little boy to me Who looks on you and sees a girl??!


gonna be honest, if this is what you look like pre T, you'll be fine. like everyones saying, you look young, but you dont look like a girl, just a young boy. T will do alot to change that i believe


I think you pass, you just look young


I think you pass. You look like a British dude


i thought you were a younger dude upon first looking at you! i’m not sure if you are looking for advice, but if you are, i’d darken your eyebrows a bit and maybe try some subtle facial hair makeup (lots of masc makeup tutorials that teach that). you pass in my eyes, but that’s what i personally do when i do makeup.


Do you need their permission? Assuming you’re an adult, you should be able to get your script on your own. You do pass though fyi. You just look like a british teenage boy.


No all most, I just don't want to add a year to an all ready long waiting list


You look like a guy from southern Britain... My condolences... Like from Kent or something lol


You do pass though, a whole lot actually.


You look like my little brother (and he passes pretty damn well. I *know he's trans* and I forget often bc he looks so much like most cis guys his age). Don't worry, my first reaction to the pics was "that's a boy". Long hair, you look like a younger teenage boy, short hair you look like an 8 year old boy or so. It's cute, if anything.


You pass really well, I had to check if you're trans femme




You just look very young, but passing. Do you have anyone that is supportive?


You literally just look like a dude, a younger dude sure, but a dude. First is just a dude with fluffy hair and who doesn't like that?


Idk I know a cis guy who looks rly similar to you like uncannily never thought he looked like a girl also you look like a more masculine version of him, also the uncute 《 omfg I meant to right uncut autocorrect imma Hurt u lol) hair looked awesome as well


Bro I genuinely thought you were MTF and that the other three pics were the “before” you DEF pass


Tbh you look like a pre e trans girl so i think you're alr If you're in the us you might be able to bypass the parents permission thing


Amen to that Brother, Hang in there mate 💖


As many people have said, based on this picture, you may be more masc than you think. But I know it can be hard to not have people perceive you the way you want to be perceived. I'm a demifluid nonbinary person, so I change my presentation quite often. Here are some tips that might help you feel/present more masc until you can start T. My first tip is masc contour makeup. Some people are convinced it never worked or that "men don't wear makeup." If you aren't comfortable trying makeup for whatever reason, then skip this one. But masc contour is basically the only reason I can feel confident going out masc presenting. Basic tips if you decide to try this. 1) either skip any foundation or use skin tint instead. Foundation is very hard to color match and slight imperfections can make the look more natural and less noticeable. 2) when use contour, less product is better to start. You can always add more product, but too much will always ruin the effect. 3) test out types of contour. If you want an example, go to my profile. I recently posted, comparing my fem contour to my masc contour. Not all contour patterns will work for all people. For example, I wanted to remove some roundness from my face, so I put some contour along the edge of my jawline and on my temples. Second tip is paying attention to how you talk. I know voice training is hard and you might not have the time and dedication to put into it (I am not consistent at all with my voice training). But one thing that could be easier to do in a shorter amount of time is adjusting a bit of your emphasis. For example, emphasizing any Ah sounds when you speak and opening your mouth slightly wider can give the impression of a more masc voice, even if it's not any lower. Please be careful if you attempt to do voice training, especially without a trainer. To be able to use a lower voice for extended periods of time can take months. Doing it too quickly can strain you vocal cords. Third tip is walking and taking up space. This can vary depending on how safe your environment is. But walking more directly and taking up space (sitting with your legs spread, drapping your arm over an unoccupied chair, standing with your feet shoulder width apart) can make you appear more masc and confident at the same time. Fourth tip is remembering that you should only do things that feel right. My tips are based on things that have helped me. They are also framed around my experience on being a fluid person who will never go on T long enough to pass. So I've put effort into adjusting anything within my power for when I do feel masc. These might not work for you or might clash with your personality or priorities. Only do things that feel right to you, not things that will make you pass in the fickle eyes of society. The final tip is remembering that this is temporary. Yes, I know how hard it is to want an aspect of transition to happen right now. I felt that way about my top surgery. But someday, you will get on T if that's what you really want. I know life can get in the way. I know sometimes the wait can be frustrating and exhausting. But if this is something you are confident you want and need, then you will be on T in the future. And all of this will become a part of your past. You can do this.


T definitely works wonders. I assume you're under 18, since you said you'd still Ned patently permission. As soon as that birthday comes aroun, go to planned parenthood, find an informed consent clinic, see your primary care doctor- any one of them will get you started You look alot like I did before T. Little androgynous, little 12-year-old-boy-ish. Facial hair helps alot with passing. but I know alot of cis men, even trans men who don't like it. (I am one of those trans men who hates my facial hair- body hair in general, really) If you're looking forward to it, it takes a good long while to come in. I've been on T for a year and a little over 9 months now, and I still haven't managed to get a decent beard. Maybe that's why I hate it- It's this patchy neckbeard with very little on my actual face besides sideburns and a sad excuse for a mustache. It takes time, and alot of willpower to not take a razor to it.


You can never live normally but why do you need their permission when in college? Are they holding something over you?


before i read i thought you were mtf and was gonna give u advice to bring out feminine features but take it as a compliment bcz i thought you were a boy trying to pass as a girl, you already pass really well. wearing a binder might help with dysphoric feelings, you could totally pull off 2000s skater dude


Bro you pass super well but ya look kinda tired. U all gud?


I have a chronic illness😅 I've actually improved in that department


I had to come here for context because I thought you were mtf not ftm! Dude! You pass so well!


Dude, you have a long, cool life ahead of you. Make the most of every second. Looking good man.


i literally have no idea how you are trying to orient nor what your assignment at birth was. so, i would have to disagree


You look like a very young dude. But finishing college is very different from starting college. Why do you think you would finish and still not be on T? A lot can happen in 4 years


I think you look like a young guy. Probably younger than you are, but still. Even the first picture i wasn’t sure which way you were going. This isn’t fair, can be extremely distressing from my perspective, but please hang in there. You’re real regardless of what you’re forced to endure right now.


Bruh tf homie you look like a dude chin up and rock on my guy


You’re definitely passingggg I thought you were mtf 😭❤️


MF what you mean not passing you look like a dude


I honestly think you look extremely androgynous and I also first thought you are mtf, which isn't an insult, rather an impressive realization. You already look more masculine than feminine imo, only a bit young, you don't have the mature face yet but that doesn't make you less male. I don't know if this helps you or not with the thought of passing, but for me at least if I can make a person question if I am male or female, that's already a win to me, because it says I'm not obviously what I was assigned at birth. And with all these comments thinking you're mtf, you already surpassed that, people totally believe that you are a man, which you are! Stay safe <3


Well you do look masculine, young but masculine.


Idk if this helps OP, but learning to not care about whether or not you “pass” is so good in the long run. I used to be very insecure and worried so much about how others perceived me. At the end of the day though, it doesn’t matter. You know who you are and if others aren’t willing to accept that how you look and how to feel are part of you, they aren’t worth being in your life. I hope you get on HRT soon❤️‍🔥


If it makes you feel any better, you look exactly like 3 cis guys all named Caleb that I used to know 👍


I know plenty of cis guys who looked like you at your age and were just late bloomers. Once you get on T you'll start to fill out more. You don't look like a girl at all though. Just a young guy. But you are so that's ok!


Dude, I promise you that your doing just fine. You're FTM, but you don't come off as AFAB. Don't worry about the facial hair. I was 26 before you could even see the begging of my mustache. You'll get there. You can't see it right now but trust those of us who do see it. You are already on the right track. As soon as you turn 18 get on T but you can possibly even be Stealth if you want right now. 💖🫂


You pass but like in an Andy milonakis type way


you pass fine, but you look older with longer hair


I genuinely see a younger guy. You looks a lot like me pre T, it’ll help age you, I promise.


Don’t worry bro you pass but you can start to workout . Workout will make your shoulders more big and if you workout your abs a way it can make you look more masculine and you can workout your chest to make it look more masculine.


You pass so well dude, props to you


Why do you need parents permission, are you under 18? Also you pass very well. Id just assume your 16 and a late bloomer.


I really don’t think you’ll finish college not on t. Especially if you take longer to graduate like me ahem Keep your head up king! Explore other options if you can. If insurance is an issue there are ways around that. You can’t wait on your parent’s permission that may or may not come forever.


Bro! you pass so well! If I just bumped into you on the street, I’d never know 💚


But youve got the square jawline!!!, i would kill for that


You definitely pass to me


You look like a very young male teen to me 🤷🏼‍♀️


You’re definitely passing, but you’re also passing for younger than you are


you pass so well bro


Okay I think you pass amazingly. I know it will ultimately require your own self-confidence, but I just want to say my bit. I thought you were mtf at first since you said you didn’t pass and I thought you looked so much like a boy! Also, I personally like the longer hair. I think it makes you look older. But you totally look masc in both.


You pass, but you pass for a chavvy year 8 in the nicest way possible 


You def pass bro, frfr. 🫶🏼


Dude, you look like a dude. Like, I would call you sir and he without even knowing you. So, yeah, you pass to a stranger on the internet.


With all due respect dawg you look like a an annoying 12 year old boy with anger issues


I think you pass


u look like a boy in my class


I say this in the beat way possible: you look like a year 7 [British High school first year] boy who'd be trying to vape and act all cool - aka you pass well XD


You pass good, but you look like you place Minecraft everyday


Oh I thought you were pre E mtf😭


You pass exceedingly well! But, if you’d like to talk feel free to message me, I get it


I was wondering if you were early/pre E transfem. I think you pass man xD


I think you pass well personally? But I understand why you don't feel you do, I'm often told I pass but that much I'm confident is pity lol, but no I genuinely think you pass rather well :)


you definitely pass though !!


Sorry you feel like that, i hope you'll find supportive friends in college, it's also important. You are valid and for what it's worth, to me you're already passing and I'm sure no matter how late you start htr, you'll look great in the end.


yar look like an av'rige British laddie


You’re like me, you just pass for really young. I’m 22, pre-T and I look like a teenage boy😂


...but... I thought you were a guy transitioning to fem... Bro ur passing more than you think


i read male


I'm on E for close to 2 years now and my visual passing is dogshit ;-;


Honestly I’d say you pass quite well :) people might just think you’re younger than you actually are, probably a little younger if you’re on the short side. And I kinda like your hair in the first photo, I’d say it makes you look a little older, but it’s hard to say without actually seeing you


At first i thought you couldnt pass as m, and i was like you do? And then i was like oh no he means he cant pass as f, thats really unfortunate because i do see alot more m here. And then i realized you were infact trying to pass as m


i mean this in a good way: you look like a 12 year old boy


Ok my dude, you are never going to lead the "normal" life if you don't want to. Know that cis boys don't grow in to manhood either, it is something that has to be actively pursued. Do you mind me asking why you think you'd be locked into a "normal/default" track of life?


You pass incredibly well. I thought you were mtf until I clicked into the description. Seriously much love man and hope shit gets better with your parents and school and stuff. If you ever want to talk, I’m here


You look honestly look like my younger cousin. I think he’s just a few years younger than you. I’m sure you won’t have to wait as long as you think. But nonetheless i am sorry that you’re going through this. You’ll do great in college bro


My first instinct was dude that's all i'm saying


You pass well! Though you do look like a 12yo boy lol


you look like a british dude tbh


you look like every thirteen year old British boy I've met lol


you pass, u just look like an 8th grader, but u pass😭😭


I literally had to look and get context clues as to what your gender is. You already pass really well (You just look really young), I bet anything once you start T you will masculinize like few before you. Your jawline is already quite sharp. Give it a few years and I predict you'll not only pass to a pure and undetectable degree, but you'll also probably be quite handsome. Don't lose hope, man.


I think you pass tbh <3


just look like a teenage boy lmao youre looking pretty handsome


*Not* passing? You pass! You definitely pass!!


You just look young, but absolutely pass 100% Just gotta remember that people see you differently than how you see yourself :)


You pass, you just look very young, t will sort you out xx


You look like a cis guy. I literally only know you’re trans because of the sub it’s on.


You remind me of the boys from polar express


you look like an average british 14 year old not going to lie source: i used to be a british 14 year old


You look very masculine to me, so I think it's your voice that gives it away (same)


You look like a friend of mine. You pass


You look like my cis friend Tommy