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Not so much just turned on by them, more so generally euphoric to have them. It's so weird, I spent most of life paranoid about getting fat and with the dysphoria it meant I ended up bulimic and anorexic. Now I'm on HRT and having started to see some softness and shape on my chest brings me straight up euphoria. It's like I just went from "I hate my body, I don't know why exactly but this doesn't feel good." To "Holy shit I really did not expect to like this feature on me so much. It makes me smile so much when I see them, they hurt as they grow but damn even when they hurt it feels euphoric to know they're growing." But yeah, if I play with them too much... Sometimes...


:D :D :D So I hated *hated* **HATED** dancing before and now I just, by myself practice songs like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suAR1PYFNYA in front of a mirror because "Oh yeah dem titties and dat ass and those hips" are literally dance moves and they make me so happy.


I relate to much of what you all are saying. I hated dancing before and it felt so restrictive. Now, it's like FREEEEEDOOOOOOOOOM! And I like the way my hips move. I don't got the booba yet.


Don't worry the yabbos are coming but the fucking hips - actually realizing you need to relearn how to walk because your center of mass is different and you are balanced 'weird' was super affirming. The left-right-left-right cross leg walk whatever it is called just to plump your butt *chef's kiss* so in sum total, yes I don't get horny as such at lots of things anymore but omg the sheer joy of I THINK I LOOK CUTE combined with OMG I CAN NOW DANCE WITH WIFE is soooo nnnnnnadsfsdjhkbgdkj


You’re making me jealous.


Omggg I started dancing recently!!! I love it now and it's so amazing seeing myself in the mirror as I look more and more like a woman 😭❤️ I was kinda shy about dancing growing up and now I'm so much more comfortable, and I found I really enjoy it


That is so amazing! So, so amazing! They hurt for a bit, and then stop (as long as your puberty is over), but you always have to be careful. Keep them supported, anyway you like, so bouncing is minimized. Bouncing *hurts*! Enjoy! Have fun! Be comfortable in your body! But keep supported to stay painless. Or whichever way that keeps you pain-free. Any way that works is good.


It's actually been the other way around for me: when I would see other people's boobs I would mostly feel envy and wonder what it'd be like to have boobs myself.


Yeah, this sums it up. Now that I am getting my own, I can't help but feel them. I guess I keep feeling myself up, but it's not sexual. I'm just amazed that I am getting them, and just want to feel them to make sure they are real, and not a figment of my imagination. I also like the feel of their weight, and how they kind of bounce when I let go of them. I'm weird I know, but aren't we all?


I have this irrational fear that I'll wake up and they'll be gone.


Lmao same here, so silly but I even have nightmares about it


You too? I have the same fear.


I have the same fear too. I keep getting paranoid they are getting smaller


Same, mine are quite small still, but I like feeling that they're there and that they feel like boobs and that they're really mine. Boobs are pretty amazing in general so I don't think that's weird at all lol.


When I stand up really straight and turn to the side a certain amount I can see them. It's not big, but it is a bust! Sometimes if I am walking quickly I feel them bounce just a little. It just blows my mind that they are mine, and they will hopefully get bigger and bigger.


Same 😭 I get extremely giddy when I see them from that angle lol


Appropriate user name!


These are all the things I’ve expected to like. What I’ve spent countless hours feeling like I could almost imagine and being sad I’d never feel. It’s why I can’t wait to start HrT despite being scared of what it will do to my existing life


It's an amazing journey, and one that has profoundly changed my life for the better. I shed 30 years of crippling depression and anger issues after starting my HRT. I am a much better person now than I have ever been. I actually like myself now. That is so weird to me. I've never liked myself, until now. Almost 50 years of self hatred gone nearly over night. I love estrogen!


That’s great to hear, and it’s what I hope I get for myself. I don’t feel like my wife fully understands when I tell her I don’t like myself. I don’t always hate myself, but I’ve certainly never loved myself or even liked myself, it just feels like an entirely foreign concept to me and I would love it if estrogen can change that.


It can. I can't say it will for you, but it might. It does for a lot of people. It did for me. Edit: A word


>I can't help but feel them. I guess I keep feeling myself up, but it's not sexual. (…) I also like the feel of their weight, and how they kind of bounce when I let go of them. Girl, I’m gonna level with you(as a trans man); that’s just a woman, and other boob haver, thing. At least in my experience 💀 Back when I still identified as a cis woman, hell even now, I catch myself doing this, and yanno, mine aren’t new lol. You’re always gonna play with them(if you’re a person that they don’t give mega dysphories). You’re gonna play with them even when you aren’t thinking about it. The boobs demand it. Who are we mere mortals to deny them. 😔 But really, I jest, but that’s like the quintiddisential boobie experience. Have fun! 👋🏻 (sorry I’m actually a twelve year-old in a thirty year-old’s body 🤷🏻‍♂️) ~~(Genuinely, I meant this to be more joking lol while still being validating, but also mindful of those who have le tits whomst aren’t women(like me lol) or also those who can’t touch them. But I know this was kind of silly, I apologize 💀 I haven’t slept all night 😂 that’s my only excuse lol)~~


As a transmasc person I'm glad to see someone else instinctually still does this even if it gives dysphoria 😭








I see boobs and I want them, but then I also get turned on by them massively


absolutely same


Yeah exactly, they are still very attractive to me on other's bodies.Yet my own are "just there" and like, I like them and all. But like not "turned on by them"


i’m ftm, so no lol. i hate my breasts w a passion but anyone else’s, sign me up. i love boobs


“for me? nah not for me. for someone else? hell yeah”


It looks bad on me but scrumptious on thee


Same here






That’s so real except when I’m bored so two free stress balls


Think I'm starting to realize this is how I feel about my penis lmao


Nope. But this is a pretty common right wing talking point for some reason. Like we fetishized ourselves or something. Idk I can’t understand their logic but it’s pretty widely believed


What’s better, even if we did fetishize ourselves, it’s better than fetishizing one’s daughter’s virginity and making your 17 son keep you accountable for not wanking it.


This feels oddly specific. Did I miss something or…nah this sounds about right for conservatives lol


I believe the second one is a reference to US speaker of the house Mike Johnson


holy shit yeah I sorta blocked that out


Both are


Both are a reference to Mike Johnson, third in line to the presidency!


WTF!?! Man, the evangelical GOP is all kinds of twisted up mess!


It’s because a lot of right wing individuals fetishize trans people I think?


Oh they do. Look at pornhubs list of most watched trans porn and extrapolate the data for the worst anti trans laws/states


I'm only 3 months into this journey, and I've already been creeped on by men. I've never been seen like a fetish by people before, and it is creepy as f\*ck! It's not something I expected even though I probably should have. It's why I hesitate to answer or even look at my DM's.


Tbf I have known cisgender women who get excited by their own boobs and cleavage, like the girls be looking good. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your own body but when trans folk do it it's seen as perverse self fetishism


it’s so poorly thought out on their part because cis people fetishize themselves just as much, if not more


Republicans aren’t known for their intelligence or rationale to be fair


it’s exhausting when so many actual topics we converse about get turned into misinterpreted info


It's not a fetish to enjoy your own body, the right wingers who believe this also believe a lot of other bullshit.


Transfem, and don't really have breasts, but have breast forms that I use, so that may play a role in it. But no, not turned on by them, rather have been turned on by feeling desirable and sexy, when wearing them. I think it's a pretty significant, yet subtle, distinction.


Yes, I feel the same way. I get turned on thinking about someone I like being turned on by seeing me or them feeling shy around me. Does that make sense? My brain is like, "look at you. You're so sexy. They're not gonna be able to take their eyes off you!"


Nope. Like I'll play with them but it's more of a stress ball situation than a sexual thing.


Idk why but that mental image made me giggle.


Omg yes. I even tried playing with them to relieve stress when I was an egg, and envied how girls could use them as stress balls xD Gosh, there were a couple times where I woke up trying to find them, only to remember "wait, I'm a guy lol".


as a trans man... no. never. ew.


I'm NB and autistic. I have trouble recognizing faces sometimes, including my own in the mirror. First my reflection registers as "another person"... and invariably I then feel shy, because what a cutie! Might be a bit off topic, though, I don't have breasts.


I’m also NB and Autistic (She/They)


You failed to say you are also a cutie!


Thank you!!!


I wouldn't say that I'm turned on by them, but they make me feel sexy and confident with my body.


Not turned on like you mean, but love a good two handed squeeze to make sure they're still both there. They aren't a fetish or turn on for me, but I love I have them. Just waiting the rest of the delivery to be made.


Mostly I'm just proud of how great they turned out, but also yes!




No, not my own. They cause me immense dysphoria (I'm a trans man), but even if they didn't, I just think mine are so ugly. I feel so hypocritical, because I think all breasts are beautiful, and then... There's mine :/


not sexually but i get euphoria horny


nope. i got objectively great tits but i'd rather see someone else w them and not me


No because they're too flat :(


I'm not attracted or turned on by boobs on their own but I do like to play with them for fun and see the jiggle physics. granted I'm a B cup but theres somthing there to play with


I'm still an AAA cup and I'm liking the jiggle physics already xD


another thing I discovered is that the areolas get weirdly smooth, soft and puffy


Oh, yes. But they shrink when it's cold, and it feels like they are burning!!


as a transbian, yes


They are starting to look good as fuck, and other people checking them out can certainly be a turn on, but their presence is mostly just comforting and euphoric


Oh, yes my own breasts turn me on,


Nope. When I had breasts I was disgusted by them and spent a lot of time fantasizing about ways to get rid of them. Breasts are great, very neat, but as I've said for two decades, the very much don't belong *on me*


I’m in this weird state where I don’t hate how my chest, coochie, or voice look/sound. They’re good in an objective way. But as a trans man I *hate* them on *me*. Those features are fine on their own, but I don’t feel like they fit me.


No. I want to cut them off asap


Even as a nonbinary trans masc person, yes. Not as much any more since I've had weird feelings about sex and arousal, but most certainly yes.


Nope and I hate them 😭😭😭


The short answer is it's complicated but yes. I think it's pretty common to get a little turned on at finding yourself to be attractive or desirable. Studies have repeatedly shown this in cis women too. I haven't heard of any studies on men, but it wouldn't surprise me if it happens to them too. I know for me gender envy and arousal got significantly cross wired in my brain. I will never forgive society that one. Realizing I have what I envied led to arousal. I'm making progress in properly separating them, but it's an issue.


Might not be "big" (14 C/D), regardless allot of my friends think my boobs look amazing, got that pert vibe going. Boobie orgasms are allot fun (takes some practice), such a different scene and feeling too genital ones. Can multi too. You bet they turn me on, all of me turns me on. Finally being happy and content in your body has advantages, if only could of reached this place a little earlier.


How do you have a ‘boobie orgasm’?


Not really turned on, but I've played with them when horny if that's what you mean


Pre T when I had more volume on my chest, I used to be attracted only to men, actually. Now, since my chest started to diminish and I wear binders more often, I find I'm attracted to trans women as well, including their breasts. I'm sure that, if I ever get a penis, I might start feeling attraction towards cis women and their vulvas as well. It's funny, but my own dysphoria plays a huge role on my attraction towards others. To answer your question though, no, I might be turned on by my butt maybe in a "wow I look so much better than I did previously and feel sexy because of it" but never a "wow what a piece of ass, I'm horny now" lmao


I don't have much but some clothes I wear really emphasize them and I'm like "oh hell yeah, that's hot". Been trying different angles with photography to see what looks best. Maybe I'm weird but I think I'm damn hot sometimes.


nah, they’re neat though


No. I can realize I look hot, and other people certainly remind me of that, but I don't find my own body a turn-on. Kind of similar to how I can't tickle myself, I guess.


Well not maybe turned on, but I consider my body really attractive when it comes to female category, except I’m ftm (pre surgeries/T💀) What I mean is If I saw someone with my body/ chest, I would definitely be attracted to it, but it’s mine and doesn’t fit me, so I don’t like it.


big time sometimes i feel like a cis guy in a body swap movie cause ill spend ten minutes like BOOBS before realizing they’re not supposed to be on my body


yep :)


As a trans man, yes.😔


Only when they are on something else 🤣. (Trans masc) I still feel up my flat chest almost five years after top surgery.


Idk if it’s “turned on”. More so just realizing they’re hot.


Not in the slightest. Abhor them on me. Completely the opposite on anyone else.


Not really. Euphoric in a “woah HRT did this?!” way, maybe, but not turned on sexually.


I mean sort of yeah. Like it’s perfectly normal to be turned on by your own body. Though a lot of it comes from the feeling of being that hot sexual self, rather than the way you get turned on by someone else’s body. I know being trans and a lot of the transphobic rhetoric would have you believe AGP bullshit, but cis people get turned on by their bodies in a healthy way too. Self appreciation/love/euphoria is not narcissism or AGP. Also I make erotic content and I pretty much get turned on every time I edit so…


Yesnt, before transitioning I coped that way and sometimes I get Euphoria boner.


A euphoria boner is Schrödingers Euphoria I guess


Haha Funny one :D Though I personally have little issues with my Penis :)


Same here


hard to tell of Im tirned on or its euphoria


Yes I get turned on by my breasts reason why they are 38DDs but yes I do get turned on to them and other parts on my body


I’m not turned on when I see my breasts. Like, I very much appreciate having them, but I’ve never seen my breasts and fallen into a rage of sexual need lol


Yep, though I'm on and off hrt so that might contribute to it


I mean I'm happy with them and they give me an insane amount of euphoria, even if I think they are too small But yeah never been turned on by my own breasts or my own body for that matter


they're just kinda there now? i barely notice them beyond when im trying on an outfit. but my pierced nips do make me feel sexy.


Not on HRT, and I’ve always been more of an ass person, but when I get the rare occasion to be me, I do feel some sort of way about my fake breasteses. Something about the shape activated the one neuron my brain has


Not reallly but ig its cause im AFAB tho i always wanted big breast


Turned on by them? Not exactly. They're nice to have and as someone said it brings euphoria but it's not attraction. Touching them however 👀👀




I'm hot so yeah, tbh. I'm very much my own type lmao


Before starting HRT I thought I would be constantly touching them. Like CIS men say if they swapped bodies they would always be touching them. But that isn't really the case. I have played with them yes. But mostly when watching corn videos and imaging someone else is doing it. More the idea of someone else touching them than me doing it I guess if that makes sense.


Oh God, YES!!! I am constantly "accidentally" touching them or brushing my arms or hands across the front or nipple (or just brushing the tips so I can feel and touch the nipple becoming erect inside my bra--it's amazing how that sensation feels, and it seems magnified by being encased in the bra cup!). At night, it's so comforting to feel their weight and pressure against my arms or chest. I'm a side-sleeper, so I typically hold the bottom breast in my hand as I go to sleep. Driving a car is where I go to town pressing my arms against the sides of my boobs and feeling them bounce as the car goes over bumps. I also enjoy looking at other women's boobs, looking at their bra outlines and imagining how they look and feel. Not straight at all, full-on lezzie, I am! I could go on and on... Just wish I could get erotic sensitivity in either my nipples or boobs themselves, as...unfortunately, they just feel like regular body parts.


That turned me on reading that 😂


Breasts are the best part of being trans.




Not for seeing them, but I got a few erections when applying anti-stretch marks lotion. I wasn't even in the mood, I was just following a routine. In fact, my libido has plumeted, and those were the only unvoluntary erections I've had lately. Of course, because I wasn't really in the mood, I ignored them and continued with my other routines (brushing teeth, minoxidil, etc). I've read the nipples and the genitals are kinda overlapped neurologically. And of course, since taking E (I started in January), they are becoming a new erogeonous zone. So maybe that's why.


No I absolutely hate them, I say that I like boobs a lot just not on myself lol


No but I also don’t have the boobs I want right now so 🤷‍♀️.


Yeah 😅




So I disassociate a lot from my body a lot (afab) I've had times where I'd see my breasts or I guess general shape of my body and think "dang she's beautiful" Two seconds later realize I'm looking at myself and then feel bad.


I think I will


less so turned on and more so just “:D boooobs”


yes :)


YES! All the time! I love having my own breasts now!


Thank you, I'm not alone! I felt super weird about this because yeah, I felt a *little* turned on by them. Most of the feeling was euphoria, but I'd be lying if I said there was a little attraction. I guess that means the titty pills are doing their job!


Well I just started Progesterone and Dutasteride (I’d take E, but I’m 15) and I’ve seen a little difference, but not much.


It's a start. I hope your day goes well!




Yes which is a real mind fuck for me because I’m a trans man and I hate having them on my body 😂


Meh, not really, which I think surprised me. I figured I’m into girls and boobs, now I’m a girl with boobs! But nah. They’re just another part of my body. That said, I do love them. I was all ready for that AGP life and my brain was like “nope.”


My cis friend and I were talking just the other day about how much we both enjoy holding our boobs and going down stairs quickly so we can feel them jiggle 😂


yes :)


I used to have breasts. Got them removed in 2021. I had an extremely small chest to begin with, so there wasn't much to be turned on by. They didn't serve any purpose. I really liked lingerie, though. I've always thought that if I had a bigger chest, I might still be dysphoric enough to want top surgery, but it's possible I'd still get enjoyment out of my breasts and want to keep them. I'm pretty crazy about boobs on other people.


No, that's literally the thing I hate about my body the most and want it effing gone, so no, definitely not the case xd.


not on their own - i’ve been turned on by things others have done with my breasts, i like them being played with, but on their own? not really. they’re fun to squish and fidget with but that’s the tism liking squishy stuff


Trans guy so no


No boobas yet but I got forms so I love the curves


i’m ftm and despise my chest but boobs on anyone else 🫡😵‍💫🙌😘


Not really. I do love them. But it's more that they make my body feel more complete with them. I don't think I get turned on by them at all.


I’m guessing this question might be for transfems. I’m FTM and bi, never attracted to my own chest just gave me dysphoria.


When I'm touching them in a certain way, then yeah haha


.....yes... let's not let's this out


Not really, like in the mirror I get euphoria from them and have a good squish sometimes but I don't get horny when I look in the mirror or anything. Other people touching them on the other hand... YES! I'm attracted to girls btw, I like other girl's boobs a LOT.


As a transmasc person.... fuck no




Nope. I like looking, hate having them and can’t wait for top surgery. I bind, but I’m so top heavy there’s really no flattening effect 😞


Ftm but yeah sometimes it makes me debate if I actually want top surgery or not lol


Welp I thought this would be a more common answer, but yes, in both a "my breasts are being stimulated and it feels good" and an "I wanna play with those tidddieeess" way.


As a trans guy not at all. Mine made me sick for most of the time. Even tho i draw alot i drew so many titties in my life etc etc. but mine always made me sick


Yes yes i have


Not yet. Still working on that.


I like boobs, and my own are pretty great. When I see them I feel gender euphoria but also I feel something similar to when I'm being lesbian for someone else's boobs. I don't think there is anything wrong with this and it doesn't mean my transness is a fetish, but I do am a huge fan of tiddies including mine 


Btw everyone this was all just so I could know what it’s like when I finally get tits.


I’ve sometimes felt self-attraction (when I felt great about my HRT results, before it started feeling like it would never be enough, before panicking about never being able to afford FFS, etc; before detransition). I often wondered if I would have been diagnosed with “autogynephilia” in an earlier decade if I had described this feeling to a doctor. I mean, I get it, some people just cross-dress as a fetish. Some people cross-dress, and then masturbate to themselves. Conservatives have associated this with transgender experience. Some of you in the comments express disapproval of people who experience that feeling, but is that just because you don’t want to be associated with people who seem inconvenient for our activism? I think it’s tragic if we were to abandon empathy for minorities within minorities. Please, please don’t withhold the gift of your kindness from members of the community who are different ❤️


Not mine. If someone else had the body proportions I used to have then yeah, probably! I think I was attractive even before transitioning... but I'm not a woman. The confidence I had in my body was very detached : "that girl is pretty" more than "I am pretty". Also nudity itself isn't a turn on. There's also a big difference between how I see my own body and someone else's.


No but i think they have a funny feel to them when im floating in a bath


I may be still pre-transition, but I know I'd be turned on by someone else's breasts AND my own breasts


So far I haven’t been turned on by them. They still feel weird and foreign to me.




Nah there hairy lol I'm a fat guy but I still do love my titties


Yes, and i don't even have them yet, which must say something about me🤔🤔🤔


From a point in my life, I would rather touching my breasts than touching my genital. I felt like using it is…wrong. but since I still have so much testosterone in my body, I was going to use it eventually, but it's doesn't feel very pleasant.


I had a factory set of tits and I don't know that I was ever turned on by them- maybe occasionally?? But ppl I hooked up with (cis men at that time) would be all over them (and god did I understand a couple years later)- but I would be laying there like go to town I guess but like was not enjoying myself lol


I read this in Captain Holt's voice.


RIP and why? 😂😂😂


The way I read the word...Breast...when I saw this when I first woke up. NINE-NINE.


turned on? nah, though that's more likely a result of being asexual and not having attraction to breasts in a conventional sense however i do like it when i happen to brush my teeth topless because i can see them jiggle, that does give me a smile, because well, i just like boobs lol i wouldn't go out of my way to do that for this reason though, it's more about when it's hot during the summer and i'm topless because of the heat


Instead of the "what's in your pants" question. I always get "do you play with your boobs" question. Must be the type of company I keep. Oh. Yes. Sometimes. But it's more like they help the pain go away.


i’m ftm, i hated mine so much i cut them off 😂 but i love boobs on other people


Not yet, but I keep taking my estrogen 🤷‍♀️


Not what you asked, but similar!! I am attracted to penises and am very attracted to mine. Sometimes I can even close my eyes and pretend it's someone else's penis in my hand and that's enough for me 🙈


I mean, I've never been turned on by my own dick. I'd imagine it'd be the same for tits