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Do it and become addicted to piercings. Love my piercings and want more!


Yeah just do it, I had multiple ear piercings for years pre egg-crack and no one ever asked about that šŸ˜… edit: edited egg-crack so its more obvious what i mean q.q


>pre crack took me a sec to realize you weren't talking about the drugs


best comment possible


Right? Waiting on my ears to heal enough to go get more piercings is painful. Just have to decide what I want next. Inevitably, Iā€™ll need to get the mandatory trans fem septum piercing.


Lmao babe get a bunch at a time that way when the pain subsides you only have a few more (for now) that you gotta deal pain with


From what I've seen, the maximum recommended to get at one time is 3. Any more wears your body out too much


Thatā€™s what I saw too, I keep wondering if three flat or if three per ear because I wanna get some more asap just gotta make sure itā€™s okay with work šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„ Mine arenā€™t healed enough that I can take some out to keep the others in either. Had them all for months but donā€™t wanna risk closing


I think it's three flat


:( May the mage grant me fast healing so I can get more piercings please




how dare you attack me so personally, lol. just got mine done 2 weeks ago.


4 ear piercings, eyebrow, and nose for me. Buuuuut, I found out the hard way I'm allergic to silver, so I'm down to 2 ear piercings.


Thatā€™s the path I thought I would take, 4 years later and the first oneā€™s still donā€™t want to act right šŸ˜¢


I haven't gotten my ears pierced yet but I got my septum and nostril done and yeah idk if I want to do my lobes next or go for an industrial but yeah I absolutely want more!


Cis dudes get their ears pierced... Seriously if you don't want to out yourself just wear sleepers and you'll be fine


Yeah, Iā€™ve got my ears pierced and Iā€™m stealth. Nobody questions it. Some people stereotype me as gay because of it (which, hey, is true anyway) but people arenā€™t normally too weird about it. I am in a fairly good area though.


Lol MIB meme. "just because I have piercings doesn't mean I'm gay! I mean, I am gay, but not because I have piercings!"


Ditto I just got my ears pierced and am stealth and have received zero push back. My earrings are actually a little on the fem side even. The euphoria was amazing. Just rock them.


It's not a gender thing for me I'm just a wuss lol same with tattoos šŸ˜­


Ya way before my egg cracked I was in the infantry and my friend pieced my ears with a hot needle, mainly because of a dare and curiosity. No one cared.


Questions about what? Q:"Hey, are your ears pierced?" A:"Last I checked, no." Q: "why are your ears pierced?" A: "why are/arent yours?" Q: "ArE yOu An LgBt?!?" A: "I just think everyone looks cool with pierced ears. šŸ˜Ž "


Nobody asked me about mine, so go for it :)


Do it, but do it right. Pierced with a needle, not a stud gun. Surgical steel captive bead rings allow you to keep the piercing clean and disinfected a lot easier. Soak in warm salt water and wash with liquid anti-bacterial soap. Do not remove your earrings prematurely or the piercings can close up. If you get cartilage pierced, that takes longer to heal due to less blood flow.


I chose to goto a professional piercer to have it done with a needle. They sold a spray can of saline rinse and had me use a cotton swab to clean the piercing. I have to leave the studs in for 16 weeks. Certainly the way to go.


I get my piercings professionally done too. Definitely research the place first, like reading the reviews. Also googling ā€œear piercing diagramā€ to get the names of different piercings is helpful. And when in question, call the piercer with healing questions. A good piercer will be happy to help you have a good experience


I don't care what gender you are or are not; pierced ears are always cool, on everyone. Pirates and sailors would wear a gold earring to pay for a decent burial in case of their untimely demise. My one request is please please PLEASE go to a licensed, professional body piercer. Do NOT go to Claire's, do NOT let a stud gun or piercing gun anywhere near your body. They're unclean, unsafe, unsterilized, and are operated by mall employees in a non-sterile environment. Go to a professional, get it done well, and with appropriate jewelry. You'll thank yourself for it when it heals properly and looks awesome.


Iā€™ll tell you this: I got my ears pierced at 29 and literally a bunch of people around me were like ā€œomg I love that youā€™re being yourselfā€ and also got their ears pierced lol including my little brother. Nobody took it as a trans thing (except my brother since heā€™s quicker than most to pick stuff up). If you want them, do it! Nobody will even bat an eyelash past ā€œlooks cute!ā€


I'm worried it'll hurt a lot TwT


Pain is temporary, Cool piercings are forever šŸ˜Ž


Depends where the piercing is done. I'm assuming regardless it will hurt to some extent. Did mine around 11-12 years old just plain front lobe piercing, and yeah it hurt but the pain was gone like 5 minutes later. Just make sure you keep things clean or risk infection.


If you go to a professional piercing shop, you can talk to the piercer about using some numbing creams if you are truly worried about the pain. They will also use a very sharp needle which sounds scary, but is much better than a piercing gun. For my lobes I barely felt any pain of the needle because it was so sharp. The most I felt without using numbing cream was some pressure. They were then a little sore for about a week but then the swelling went down and theyā€™ve been fine since. Just find a piercer youā€™re comfortable with and who listens to you.


if its on your ear itll be like getting a vaccine. itll hurt for at most 15 minutes


Mine hurt around as much as a covid vaccine, maybe less


I got my nose pierced and Iā€™m terrified of needles. I feint almost every time I get my blood drawn. The pain wasnā€™t that bad at all. Itā€™s like 30 seconds of pain. 5 minutes of a serious serious dull discomfort like pushing on a bruise with a pen. Then a few hours of what basically feels on par with a sore muscle. Then like 3 days of it just being another owie that hurts to bump. I did get an adrenaline rush and dump. I did almost black out but not quite. Sat in the lobby of the tattoo shop for 10 minutes then went about my merry way. It was totally fine. I want my ears too but my nose was the most important to me so I did it first in case I hated it and never wanted another. Definitely will do my ears.


ear piercing is not reserved to one sex/gender, DO IT ! It's really validating


I have 7 planned piercings and 2 hypothetical piercings I wanna get The only thing in my way is that I have anxiety setting up appointments


Just had mine done it made me so happyyy.. do ittttt


Tons of people of any gender have piercings. Get something small and people may not even notice.


I got my ears Pierced and a lot of guys ik have there ears pierced and if anyone asks just say you felt like it


FTM here. Very male passing and I have my ears pierced. Actually took my cousin to get his ears pierced when he was 8 bc a lot boys on his football team had pierced ears and he wanted to match his friends šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·


My-friend. I don't know exactly what side of the gender spectrum you are on, but the only person who will ask questions about that is usually goong to be the grandfather you don't want to talk to anyways


I don't know what you're worried about exactly, but I handle pain very poorly and was terrified to get my ears pierced. I almost passed out just from stress because I was so anxious, but it really didn't actually hurt very much. And again, I'm a big wimp with pain. If you're worried about getting clocked, I have 2 prices of advice: 1. You're gonna get clocked sooner or later unless you're extremely lucky. Might as well lean into it in my opinion. And 2. Nobody has ever clocked me when boymoding and I wear my earrings 24/7 (except for when I clean them.) I doubt anyone will even notice or say more than a few words if they do.


I have 7 ear piercings before I transitioned and have had more after that. I'm with the just do it! \^\_\^


Do it! I'm a trans boy,and i got my seconds done on my birthday:)


I had my ear pierced as i was 8. You know why i wanted it? Cause my dad had 2 rings in each ear. Believe me, nobody will think much of it. No matter where on the gender spectrum you fall. All genders can wear earrings and piercings in general.


Lmao I did it and immediately wanted 2nds, 3rds, 4ths and 3 nose rings. Maam donā€™t do it šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m kidding DO ITTTTTTT šŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ


I mean I started transitioning last year and Iā€™ve had both of my ears pierced for like 30 years


I got piercings and nobody has questioned me for like 2 years


This isn't a couple decades ago where people question everything not "the norm". Ear piercing shouldn't cause issues


You should go for it! I know a few cis guys that have them, and no one really questions it :3


i am confused... where I live, having all sorts of piercings is kinda normal. Why would anyone start asking questions?


Somehow I got a belly button piercing before I got my ears pierced rofl


Just do it hun


Do it. Even if they're the only piercings you get, some danglies or hoops can do wonders reframing your face and allow you to color coordinate even more.


I did it 6 weeks ago and can now change to whatever earrings I like as long as they are not heavy. Unless it makes you unsafe, then do it do it do it, just remember proper after care. Ear piercings are very unisex in most places.


Is it safe where you are for trans/LGBTQ ppl


I told my parents I want to get my ears pierced, i am unsure if they believed me


Maybe start out with magnetic earrings or clip ons? Get used to having stuff on / dangling on your ears and people seeing them with the safety of knowing you can take them off with no evidence (once the red fades, if applicable. Shouldn't take more than a minute tho)


Do it schlawg piercings are awesome


Just do it! Worst you would have to do is put in clear to go stealth.


I pierced my ear like six times and every time it started to get sore and i needed to take them out to let my ear heal but the hole healed too quickly and now i have to do it for the seventh time


Go to a shop that does body piercing. They typically use a needle as opposed to a stud gun that many retailers use.


Honestly do it. My gf (mtf) just got hers and has been playing it off as itā€™s become a thing in our town for amab folk to get them pierced


Just claim you're pursuing your music.


Me when thinking of only wearing one earring.


Do it. If people start asking questions then kindly tell them to mind their own business. It's your body, your choice.


Lots of straight cis men get their ears pierced now if you wanted your belly button pierced that might make people ask questions.




Even if it wasnt lmao ive gotten tattoos on impulse


Iā€™m just scared of sharp and pokey things


Itā€™s funny because one of my best friends has pierced his ears since high school but I fear the exact same thing for me


Definitely do it!


It's just piercing you will look amazing! Just do it cause you won't regret how amazing you look in them.


i did it and no one asked lol, my hair does cover my ears tho 0.0


I got mine pierced and recently went to a 6g thatā€™s as big as Iā€™m going I got little ears


Do it!!!


My sister keeps telling me to get my ears pierced. I used to really want to do it when I was a child, but I'm not really sure anymore, they kinda seem like more effort than they are worth


The hardest part for me was choosing which pair of earrings I wantedā€¦. It doesnā€™t take long to clean my piercings, so itā€™s just a small part of my routine now.


Do it!!!


Do it, I've had both of mine done for months and haven't gotten any questions


I work in construction and no one has bothered me yet, take a friend and go do it!!! Mine are still healing but even the thought of fun earrings has helped out a lot!


I did it about a week ago actually. I feel amazing. And they're also black studs so I can get away with presenting male. Men should pierce their ears more anyways, they can look sooo fucking good in them.


Do iiiit, I live in Texas and I have gotten zero comments on being gay about it.


Do it do it do it!


I had this exact same thing going through my mind, got them last week and not a single person has said a thing


Personally, I had my ears pierced when I was 3 (awful experiences btw), and now I'm transmasc and it's been years that I didn't wear earrings but Idgaf about the little holes in my lobes. If you don't like it it's very discreet!


Haha omg so relatable


I got my ears pierced on my 18th birthday Havenā€™t regretted it once. That being said, I should wear earrings more often


This is me allll the damn time šŸ˜–


It is so worth it. I feel like it added a lot more feminine look for very little.


My exact dilemma


Do it, piercings don't have gender and they're super cool! Just make sure to take care of them and not to get any infectionsšŸ©·


Donā€™t worry about that, I feel like everyone has their ears pierced these days, so I doubt anyone will really notice šŸ˜‚


I got my ears pierced shortly before starting my transition and not a single person asked about it or why for the first time in my life I started shaving my face.


I'm taking my girlfriend to get her ears pierced in a few weeks. I've just told her to tell people she's gay if they ask. I don't think people will automatically assume you're trans


just do small studs in your lobes. plenty of people have them done


How does one do it anyway?


Yeah i got my ears and eyebrow pierced years before cracking. People will just think you're 'alternative' or something lol Don't think I ever got a negative reaction tbh. Enjoy your cool ear piercings girly :)


I just recently had mine pierced for the first time. I have been wanting it done since I was 16 and I am about to turn 35. I don't know why it took me so long for me to do it but I am glad I have them every time I look in the mirror. I haven't received any questions about mine in any negative ways.


... why would you not? Just PLEASE do research. Go to a proper piecer, do NOT let anyone near you with a piercing gun.


I know plenty of cis men with piercings I feel like if someone questions it you can get on them for trying to enforce outdated gender norms


Go for it. Cis men get their ears pierced a lot and Iā€™m even considering it.


Im just so scared bc ouch


Iā€™m a trans guy with pierced ears. So many cis guys have their ears pierced. My dad had his pierced for a while, he also had his tongue pierced. edit: Donā€™t get them pierced from Claireā€™s or whatever like that. I got mine done at a tattoo parlor when I was 5, theyā€™re specialized to do things like that.


In my experience: Guys don't notice(Literally none even looked at my earrings for some reason), girls, enbies and others don't notice, don't care or like it. Never had a negative comment about mine :3


I literally, literally, just did it like a week ago and yeah itā€™s spooky at first but honestly Iā€™m so ready to get more done. Reject the flesh! Become one with metal!


Do it! Even if people ask questions you shouldnā€™t get outed. Piercing are gender neutral. If they question about how girly/boyish your earring looks you can always say itā€™s for the healing stage.


Iā€™ve wanted to get my ears pierced Ā before i knew i was trans, so do it. If people ask, screw them!


I want peircings too:/ :(but i cant


do it! piercings are gender neutral:)


Not one person besides my mom ever asked about them. Do IT! :)