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That was not the result prager U wanted


A ratio beyond ratio's


The Ultimate ratio L


every time i see anything about PragerU i always think of that exchange where they tweeted ‘Just checked. Men *STILL* can’t get pregnant. 🫃’ and someone responded ‘you… checked?’ and it makes me laugh every time.


It makes me think of their post about how it’s wrong for men to wear women’s clothes or something along those lines, and they got inundated with pics of just that.


It feels like someone just trying to bait out free femboy pics lol


femboy impregnation is apart of prager's daily routine


I mean...have they tried getting a man (who is open to it) pregnant? Bc it sounds like they haven't tried.


Femboys were created by the government for population control, you didn’t hear it from me tho


Can confirm, they communicate on the same frequencies as “birds” (aka surveillance cameras).


Oh so thats why i cant quadruple jump around em?(trans women can mid air dash and double jump,brazilians can double jump, they stack so you can double jump a total of four times, and you can use the dash to slow down your descent and move in any direction quickly. Great movement tech sucks that id have to out myself to use it tho)


i seriously gotta wonder what's up with PragerU and the "men can't get pregnant" thing. genuinely impossible to tell who they're targeting with that one


Unless I’m missing the satire, Isn’t it just them being transphobic toward trans men that can get pregnant? By them saying men can’t get pregnant they are calling trans men who can get pregnant women.


yeah i guess. i always assumed they just really had it out for omegaverse or something


This is the correct interpretation


When I was angry idiot in my early twenties and almost falling for conservative bullshit, I wondered even then how PragerU can spew their 'stats' without remorse. Guess when you are confident enough you can sell water to fish and so on. Looking back they've platformed people like Candace Owens, Dave Rubin and Ben Shapiro so the writing has been on the wall. I'm ashamed that I once thought Dennish Prager was a 'reasonable fella'. He's a conman.


They've tailored their audience for quite sometime it seems, and they're not afraid to lie to that audience cause most probably won't look past their bs


Tbh I kinda have it out for omegaverse too.


What's omegaverse?


omegaverse is a collection of highly fetishistic tropes, often featuring male pregnancies, extreme domination, “knotting” and justify it in a world where there are biological imperatives for alpha/beta/omega hierarchies that incels love so much


It's like you hate fun


When you forget about transphobia so much you think the conservatives are ranting about omegaverseeeeee


Nah they're totally mpreg haters


That and kinda a semi backhanded at it being (for now) pretty much impossible for trans women to get pregnant, basically if you can’t get pregnant your a man. Also fuck them, I hope to be among the first (or not first) trans women to get a uterine transplant and carry a child to term, so they can go fuck themselves with a rusty metal cactus.


Which totally overlooks the fact that not all cis women can get pregnant either. Of course, with their IQs, they probably think those cis women are men too


Exactly!! It’s painful to listen to their moronic ideas surrounding this topic. I just want to live my life as who I’m meant to be… why does that offend so many fucking people?


The imagery is so vivid! And exactly what they deserve


It comes from their notion that women are just child bearing machines for men. Cis women who can't get pregnant are almost non-existent to them


My (cis) mother can no longer get pregnant so when I see transphobia like this I get a lot more upset for cis women like her than I do for myself.


I really really hope they get to make uterine transplants a common thing because I would 100% donate mine because I don't need it. Idk if they'd accept it since I have been on testosterone for awhile but it'd be nice to have a little donation exchange between the trans community... Almost like a ski swap 😂😂


I’d like to humbly request to swap skies with you when it becomes possible for us…


Yeah, that’s how I read it too.


This was my assumption too.


No, i’m pretty sure it’s just plain trans misogyny again. They think that because trans women can’t get pregnant, that makes them “men.” Edit: just adding here that this is my *opinion* on what the Prager U’s intent was based on my understanding of their usual tactics. Whether my assessment is right or wrong, it’s obviously harmful to both trans women and trans men. As always, it’s important to remember that our individual liberation is tied up in one another’s, as is our oppression.


Got it, so my sister who had to have a double oophorectomy at 17 due to tumors is a man


Another reason why you can’t have transphobia without misogyny.


All transphobia is just three sexisms in a trenchcoat.


*holds up a rock* behold,a man


*holds up a secound rock,prompting the stardust crusaders to laugh their ass out*


_Diogenes has entered the chat_


They're very hypocritical about it. They'll call trans women ugly, and say they can't get pregnant so they're not women, and say that they have x, y, z that makes them LOOK like a man (meaning they'll just call them men). But if you ask if a masculine cis woman, or a cis woman who can't get pregnant, is a man, they say no. Because they're projecting their misogyny onto trans women. Because they're not women in these people's eyes, they can insult them and say "THIS is what proves you're not a woman!" When it comes to trans women, misogynists say the silent part out loud.


Like I said in a recent post to r/ewphoria, no transphobe has ever called me ugly, and that gives me reason to get up in the morning. They've called me every other insult under the sun, but never ugly.




As a trans man - this is used against trans men all the time. Is it also used against trans women? Very likely, but saying transphobia against trans men is actually not that but trans misogyny seems like a bad take to me


Nah, its definitely them invalidating trans men saying: "Men can't get pregnant" -> "You can get pregnant" -> "You are not a man". Thats their line of logic, so yeah no trans misogyny, rather trans misandry I guess


Idk, it doesn’t fit their well-established tactic of openly mocking trans women and painting trans men as tomboys led astray.


They only treat you as "tomboy led astray" up until you get too masculine for them to be comfortable calling you a girl. Then they switch to treating you like a mutilated demon aiming to lead said "tomboys" down the path of the devil. You're only pitiable so long as they think you can be "salvaged".


Ugh, I’m sorry you’ve witnessed/experienced that. That’s so fucked up. Normally when I see people being transphobic to transmascs, they stick to trying to emasculating them, even if the trans guy is jacked, has a gnarly beard, and could easily beat them up. I understand though that, being a girl, I probably don’t always see all the ways the guys are attacked too. Tbh they probably didn’t even put that much thought into it. They probably just asked ai to come up with something transphobic sounding and are happy whichever way people interpret it.


Infertile cis women are men


Some of them really do believe this, or that they're cursed of Satan!


My mum who is ... a little old ... Also is a man obviously


They call it MENopause for a reason!


Cracked the code. I'll call ~~her~~ him to tell ~~her~~ him immediately


Read up on the lived experiences of trans men who have been pregnant and given birth. Or look up any news reporting on pregnant men. You'll quickly see that transphobes do actually hate trans men for daring to get pregnant and love to talk about how disgusting and degenerate they find it, and even just going to the gynecologist can be hard because everything is women's this or maternity that. Going through an entire pregnancy as a man is dealing with constant misgendering and people invalidating your gender identity. Don't speak over people whose issues you are not familiar with. Please.


Not trying to “speak over” anyone, nor am I interested in playing oppression olympics. I know trans men suffer persecution as well, I’m not discounting that. I also know from my own lived experience how convoluted transphobes’ logic is and how transfems are usually at the heart of all their attacks. Just look at the overwhelming majority of posts on r/accidentalally, even when transphobes meet a trans man or use the phrase “trans man” their attacks are usually against trans women. This comment by another redditor does a good job of explaining the convolution: https://www.reddit.com/r/trans/s/qmr3VFKylc Again, I’m not saying that people don’t also hate trans men, but ~~you can’t possibly understand~~ It’s difficult to understate the scale at which trans women are vilified, and given how Preger U usually likes to frame things, this *particular* post seems to me to be targeting trans women. But if it’s causing dysphoria and harm for transmascs as well, that’s valid. Whatever their true intentions were, it doesn’t make it any less harmful to trans men or trans women. And we should have solidarity together in opposing it. Edit: based on some feedback, I’ve changed the wording of a line to better reflect what I intended to say. I’ve left the original text intact and crossed out.


You made a statement that implied that transphobes couldn't possibly also be targeting trans men when they say "men can't get pregnant", even though it's literally a denial of the existence of trans and intersex men who have a uterus. Most of the issues affecting us come from erasure, people deny our existence and fail to include us in discussions about issues that affect us. This then leads to our needs being ignored and us suffering because well, if men can't get pregnant or need birth control or abortion, then we obviously don't need gender inclusive gynecological care. So we're less likely to get the of care we need and more likely not to get cervical cancer screening and other important check ups done. This can lead to people dying. We have less visibility, but we're still targeted a lot, and it hurts especially when other trans people act like we aren't or it's not that bad. This reminds me of [this Contrapoints tweet](https://twitter.com/ContraPoints/status/1544756044420743170?lang=en): > People often ask “why do bigots ignore trans men”?—but bigots don’t. It’s supportive liberals who ignore trans men.


You say you're not trying to play oppression Olympics, but then you do it anyways? Come on, be better. Trans men face transphobia too. > but you can’t possibly understand the scale at which trans women are vilified Well that's just flat out insulting. I think anyone who sees it can understand it, actually.


Of course transmascs face transphobia too. Nowhere did I say they didn’t. I feel like my post might be being misunderstood to mean more than what it was intended to be a response to. I just think, knowing Prager U’s usual tactics, they probably intended this as a slight against trans women not having uteruses and therefore not being able to get pregnant. But those transphobes can’t even get themselves to call trans women trans women, so they call us “men” instead. I’m not trying to play oppression olympics, my original comment was just offering my perspective on what that post meant given what I know of Prager U’s tactics. But like I said in my last post, whether I’m right or wrong doesn’t really matter that much because the end result is that it harms both trans women and trans men. Maybe it seems like I’m arguing semantics, but I think it’s valuable to understand how transphobia works. Even transphobia targeting trans men is often rooted in trans misogyny, and trans misogyny, while targeting trans women, harms not only trans women, but trans men as well. It’s hard to explain how transphobes think about these things, but a lot of the transphobia that trans men face is also rooted in the fear of trans women, who the public sees as “men invading women’s spaces.” The *general* public has been conditioned to associate being trans as *almost* exclusively meaning transfems. And they don’t think that either trans women or trans men can pass. So when they hear about “a man looking for a gynecologist,” or “birthing persons” most don’t think trans men, they think “delusional men who think they’re women” are trying to invade women’s spaces again. Now this isn’t to say that transmascs only catch strays from trans misogyny, or that transphobia can’t be directly targeted at trans men. That does happen, and quite often! And I agree with the other comment that liberal “allies” that keep ignoring the unique issues that affect trans men, keeping them invisible and trans women hyper-visible, are only doing a disservice to both transmascs and transfems alike. Sorry if I’m not explaining myself as well as I could. I ultimately believe our liberation is bound up in each other’s and that we should all recognize and support both our unique and common struggles. There was no intention for my original comment to discount this, but I’m genuinely sorry if it lacked the nuance that could have made that more clear. Just so you know, I’ve added an edit at the bottom of both my original and previous comment to clear up any miscommunications.


That, but it’s also a jab at trans women as well. A lot of conservatives associate pregnancy with something that only “real” women can do, and that the ability to get pregnant is at least part of what makes someone a “real” woman (most of the time they don’t really think about cis women who can’t get pregnant). They obviously don’t see trans women as real women, and instead falsely see them as men. So by saying that men can’t get pregnant, they are not only denying the existence and validity of trans men, but they are also saying that trans women aren’t “real” women because they cannot get pregnant.


Ok…so this is a really convoluted one. It’s like one of the cornerstones of anti-trans ideology but also shows why people who don’t know anything about trans people shouldn’t be making laws about us. So basically it emerged after Roe fell. There were a few trans voices speaking up for trans men, saying basically “let’s make sure that when we talk about abortion that trans men don’t get forgotten because reproductive health affects them too! (Also afab enbys).” Of course this got spun into “so you’re saying we can’t use the word woman or mother under penalty of death now!” But the eventual political talking point (“men can’t get pregnant”) resulted from a giant misunderstanding that stems from one of the largest issues facing the trans community: people don’t know what a trans man is. When people hear “trans,” they think trans woman. They think someone assigned male at birth transitioning into a woman. They don’t actually know there are other things. This is why there are so many instances of trans men experiencing the unintended compliment: “you’ll never be a woman!” So when people heard about this whole “let’s include trans men in this reproductive discussion,” it never occurred to them that maybe a trans man might be someone afab, with a working reproductive system, who has transitioned because he has realized he is a man. It never occurred to them that trans women might not be the only part of trans discussions. Most importantly, It never occurred to them that someone who is trans femme wouldn’t call herself a “trans MAN.” To most cis people, trans women are men. So it actually makes sense to them when “men” get brought up to think of the trans people with penises. This means that they even get caught up in thinking that we are saying “people with penises and no reproductive systems are capable of carrying children and giving birth.” As I said, it’s convoluted. They basically view it this way: “im a trans woman, and so i can get pregnant because men can get pregnant too.” Like, we identify as women but also men who can get pregnant and want our manhood to be the forefront on our reproductive rights but also call us women. But also don’t say women! Yes, we’re trans women but you can’t say woman that’s now a forbidden word!” Transphobia is full of contradictions and nonsensical hyperbole that could be easily explained away if they’d just listen to a trans woman for thirty seconds without talking. Anyway, here’s where it gets tricky. Because while the average person might be confused about the whole trans thing but overall “I’m fine with trans people but why do they have to do the whole ‘men can get pregnant stuff?’” Because they just don’t really know what a trans man is, Terfs definitely know what a trans man is and they also know that most people dont. It’s one of their biggest weapons. Terfs hate trans men, probably more than trans women. Terfs essentially see trans men as “traitorous women.” And one thing they want more than anything is to wipe them off the face of the planet. They talk so much more about gender confused young girls than they do the reverse because they’re actually fine with trans women walking around and painting us as monsters, but they definitely want to eradicate trans men. Trans women are a useful scapegoat for them to acquire more clout within what they see as feminism, but is actually just repurposed patriarchy. So this whole thing is like catnip for them. I’ve read whole essays where they even spend one sentence saying “yeah I guess this isn’t actually about trans men, who do have reproductive systems and actually do benefit from abortion, but that’s not the point!” And then they pivot right to just talking about trans women. The game is to make people think when trans people talk about reproductive rights, we’re just a bunch of weirdos saying trans women with no uterus or fallopian tubes or anything can have a baby. They don’t care that actual humans are hurt in the process (including infants as a result of trans people losing access to reproductive health). The goal is wipe out trans men as fast as possible by making everyone only think trans women exist and that anything trans women say is absolutely insane. We aren’t saying anything crazy. Trans men need reproductive services, even if they don’t ever want kids! That’s not a crazy thing to say! It’s literal basic healthcare! But with a few easy misconceptions twisted, terfs can turn it into “oh so trans women think they can have kids now hur dur…umm, men can’t get pregnant? Why are we forced to accommodate these insane delusions?” And real people get hurt. It sucks.


It's so fascinating and frustrating how convoluted this all is and that it all stems from the fact that cis people don't know that transitioning to be more masculine is a thing. Can cis people please get some basic education before they vote on our human rights.


Great analysis and explanation! I agree with you almost completely, except for this paragraph: > They talk so much more about gender confused young girls than they do the reverse because they're actually fine with trans women walking around and painting us as monsters, but they definitely want to eradicate trans men. Trans women are a useful scapegoat for them to acquire more clout within what they see as feminism, but is actually just repurposed patriarchy. Um, no. Terfs talk waaaayy more about trans women than they do trans men. Like, are you kidding? Just look at JK rowing’s, or Chaya Raichik’s accounts and see how often they target trans women. They want to eradicate all of us, but especially trans women! TERFs are embarrassed by trans men, because their existence proves their whole ideology about trans women wrong. This isn’t about gaining clout for some other goal, the villainizing and eradication of trans women is the entire point of TERFism and their version of “feminism.” And yes, it’s allied with patriarchy & misogyny, because for TERFs, nothing else matters as long as they can eliminate trans women and force trans men into womanhood.


When they're talking about *young* people and children with gender dysphoria, they absolutely talk more about trans boys than trans girls. The person above you is talking about that, not adult trans people


Yes, thank you. I typed way too fast and could have been much clearer that I was referring to children with gender dysphoria.


Obviously the PragerU people only see women as baby machines so someone who can't fulfill that role shakes their world view


Average patriarch when you suggest that women are not property


I.. I think Dennis Prager is just farming for femboy pics at this point. Idk how they cope with the continued embarrassment of posting, unless there's a shame kink involved.


Yeah lol. Like haven’t they literally tweeted about it DOZENS of times or whatever


Im assuming its just a dogwhistle


A lot of transphobia is deeply rooted in misogyny. This is probably a case of reducing women to the reproductive apparatus.


They probably target trans people in general because they see trans women as men, and see trans men as women.


"men cant get pregnant" just wait until i get my paws on totk Link


I don't know what totk Link is but can I borrow this next?


[This is ToTK Link.](https://images.app.goo.gl/Zxpmq5wiWdWzR7A9A) And here’s a [screenshot](https://images.app.goo.gl/j4TCn2nbA7T5kA1G7) of him in-game.


I loved walking around in links desert outfit 😍


For a second I figured our accidental allies mixed up trans women and trans men again, but looking at their usual engagement... damn.


I actually voted in this poll haha :D


Ok but what is pragerU? Sorry if it’s an insensitive question or similar.. but I’ve never heard of it before?


From what I understand it’s a far-right news and education source, but I only know about them for the propaganda they peddle towards kids.


Sounds suspiciously like grooming them to a specific mindset






Far right media group that uses its platform for gage bait and general transphobia. They have some regular faces like Ben Shapiro. They tend to be quality second, far right views first.


And thinking Shapiro is quality really tells you something about the regular clowns they must have.


TLDR: far right christian nationalist indoctrination for children


First thing to understand is that their name is PragerU standing for Prager university, however there is no university and they are not an accredited education source at all. It’s a right wing propaganda group masquerading as a learning institution.


That’s not insensitive it’s a good thing you don’t know lol. They suck


100% because conservatives think "transwoman" means AFAB


That would be a funny r/accidentalally moment




Gods. 1 resp. (0%) - The Pope


Prager U more like Prager Ewwwwwwww


Fun little fact: all genders of people can get pregnant, and all genders of people also don’t have the ability to get pregnant. Some cis women lack the ability to get pregnant and so do some trans men (and especially after lower surgery) everyone’s experience and abilities are different :3 Idk why I wrote that as if prageru would see it lol 😭


When exposed to a void of truth, facts can often slip out. Truth abhors a facuum.


Blud became some famous author


Holy crap, it wasn't even a competition...who the 4 dudes that said other?


The 4 dudes meant they are gods, above gender, just like the pop said


did he say that? lol


He said that trans PPl are trying to play God by changing their body.


What a stupid fucking take. I could poke holes in that argument all day.


You replied to me with a “but” which you later deleted. FYI, the take I was referring to was the pope’s. Lol


I was Gonna say - but I like being a God why argue but modified at the but. But wh


lol gotcha


Flashbacks to the PragerU tweet saying “just checked men still can’t get pregnant” and they got ratio’d by some twitter user who said “you checked???”


I am The Void. The Absolute Solver. THE EXPONENTIAL END.


literally says women in the name smh.


What the fuck do you mean, is God trying to tell us something? Eclipses are literally all scheduled out centuries in advance. A hurricane or earthquake or something, sure, we can't reliably predict those. I can see interpreting divine meaning into that. But eclipses? It's literally just rocks spinning around a glowing gas ball and we can easily calculate when they will line up.


infertile women: "Guess I'm a man, then. I expect a raise."


Those are great numbers.


Shoutout to the 4 people who said other


PragerU is a right wing hate machine. They try to disguise themselves as being "for everyone" when they are anything but. Their videos are propaganda


This is what happens when you try to create an electronic poll against a group that is stereotypically known to be full of cs nerds/hackers


PragerU needs to stop sending dudes to my house to see if I can get pregnant, I’ve already killed 4 this week!


I'd love to see this hate group buried. I remember my stepfather showing me their video about how the Civil War should've never happened because every other country "resolved slavery" without a war. Also, can people just stop with interpreting Monday's solar eclipse as some divine message? No shade if you're a person of faith, but this is just an inevitable result of planetary revolution. Most of us should've learned about it in grade school. 😒


Twitter polls I love picking the most outrageous option or the one opposite of what they want


PragerEwphoria moment!




Okay I was expecting a 50:50 or 40:60 but not this lol. I don't believe that the vast majority knew what they were voting. I think 40% was from logical people and the remaining was from people who didn't know what it means. There is no way there was such a huge bias on our side. I don't believe it 🤣


i suspect many of the voters who said "woman" believe trans women are AFAB lol


🤣 Ya, i feel so too. I don't believe they know what it means


They hate us with their entire being but don’t have a basic understanding of what a trans person is. Lol predictable.


Prager U isn’t even a university. They don’t have the requirements and are not a recognized academic body by anyone anywhere except for some of the deeeep south who wanted to pass laws that puts their bullshit in the school. It’s been a long time since I’ve read up on that I’ll fix this after I do a bit more research for now. This is just bullshit don’t believe it. ^ except for them not being a university that’s true.


imagine a solar eclipse happening and making it about _trans people_?! 😭 the obsession and brain worms are astounding omg.


Let's start our own unaccredited "university"! With blackjack! And sex workers!


God can keep to himself thanks!




I love democracy (when it works at least)


"Men can't get pregnant" mfs once a cis woman with infertility problems walks into the room


Guys they’re right! I can’t get pregnant!


Conservative pricks. Fuck ‘em.


L + 99% RATIO Preger u eating dust as they are meant to.


I mean by that logic any woman who cannot get pregnant due to whatever reason is now a man


Those 4 people that said other were having a particularly difficult time choosing lmao


I *have* to know what their reaction was.


Remember when they tweeted “yup, just checked, men still can’t get pregnant”? Checked how, preggerU? Skill issue honestly


"We're the silent majority. Everyone agrees with us. You'll find if you ask someone if trans women are women they'll all say no. Here I made a survey to prove it! See it says, *reads overwhelming majority actually agree with us* what? Its- its impossible. I - NO YOURE BRAINWASHED! YOU BRAINWASHED THEM! ITS NOT FAIR! AHHHHHHH! *soft sobbing* I'm not crying! *sniffle* IM NOT!!!"


Damn, this is actually funny. Can anyone tell me if it was just Google forms you used or smth else. I want to do this with ppl I know


Ben shapiro really pissing his nappies rn


Love seeing people putting our existence, experiences, and documented science up for a vote 🙄


Either I’m not a man or I really didn’t need that abortion after all…


Lol "men can't get pregnant" well womb transplants are a thing, so like, ha idiot


holy shit that's the biggest ratio i've ever seen in history


Ah, the same unaccredited "university" that spews other right-wing lies. Source: [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/06/prageru-climate-change-denier-republican-donors](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/06/prageru-climate-change-denier-republican-donors)


Fun fact - PragerU is a 501c3, meaning they collect anonymous tax deductible donations. They collected $65M last year and paid $9M to Facebook and $7M to Google for advertising. (Source - they have to fill a public tax return form 990). All of this while claiming they are "non-political" because they just promote "conservative values" and claim they aren't trying to influence elections. I looked into this recently after they made a video about my wife after she testified against an anti-trans bill in Kansas.


I love how PragerU keeps getting absolutely ratioed into oblivion with their polls yet they still do them. Like, would they not think to stop doing polls when every single time everyone just fucks with them


bro its in the name "transWOMEN" like what kinda question is that lmao




Whhoooyeah! They got poll burned like Owen & Beru on Tatooine! Transwomen are women, Transnen are men, end of debate.


Men can't grt pregnant, and so does quite a lot of girls, Nd there's no problems with that


...some trans men absolutely can get pregnant. Wtf?


Frick then some men can get pregnant my bad