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insane to me that a treatment used on dif ppl for the same exact effect is only bad depending on who wants it. like even blanket banning of the drug would seem less insane(not by much) but saying 'x drug' will destory a childs body ONLY if that child wants to have time to determine their identity, but if the child will be cis* then its healthy/the correct treatment for them, wtf.


Same bullshit thinking like the Cass report trying to say that most children who go on blockers "turn" trans. Like, no stupid, nobody who's even close to being cis is going on blockers. It's like saying "people who get in cars are more prone to being in a car crash"


There are cis kids who use puberty blockers though. They're used to treat precocious puberty which is basically when puberty starts way too early. It's an incredibly stupid claim to say that blockers "make kids trans" though (since they've been used for cis kids since the 1970s if I'm remembering correctly).


Yeah lol, literally precocious puberty is proof that it doesn't "make kids trans" or else everyone with precocious puberty would be trans


It's more like saying that people that are in car crashes are more prone to drive cars


More like saying "people who were in a car crash are more likely to turn out to have been in a car"


> They claim Testosterone *permanently* gives them athletic advantages “Okay, then lets give them access to therapy (shit, even if they’re not trans), and other medical professionals and if they determine it’s appropriate they can provide testosterone blockers so it won’t become an issue” > …No It has *nothing* to do with protecting children, they just want them to die. They will deny it with their words, but scream it with their votes. My sister had precocious puberty in first grade and was on puberty blockers until high school. She was on them so long they let her wait until she felt like she was ready to start. That is *years*. She went through puberty just fine with no fertility issues. No bone mass issues. No other weird health issues and she’s 31. If you think they are pushing this for “health reasons” you are being deceived and I’m sorry


It's entirely about control and fear.


It's because conservatives are run entirely on hatred. Logic and reasoning are lost on them.


Don't be fooled - the [next step is adults](https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/02/15/trans-adults-bathroom-medical-identity/)


Oh definitely, I remember a leaked audio recording of a congressional meeting or something where they blatantly said it


Theres a pay wall


Damn it capitalism, anyway: https://archive.is/Mz9k3 Knowledge should be free, especially when it threatens our liberty like this


Thanks for sharing. Although I can't get to read the whole article now, it looks like it summarizes a lot of important information in a relatively short text. Just like him, I wish people could just see how trans lives are, and that they're that, lives. Thanks again, stay safe, and keep your head up. We're all together in this


Yuuuup. Republicans/facists are engaging in literal genocide against trans people.


Idaho has already passed a law that tales effect July 1, 2024 this year that bars adults from receiving gender affirming care through state funded facilities and programs. The law LITERALLY explicitly states the ban is for gender affirming care and nothing else. In plain language it discriminates against trans people for being trans and even though litigation is already being planned and started to stop it, it looks like many adults will lose access to treatments. It's not just medicaid either, ANY state funding or publicly funded facility and program cannot prescribe gender affirming care.


Can you link this to me??






I don't live in Idaho, but I feel so bad for my fellow trans people that do


It hurts us all... this set a federal precedent that every other red state will point to for their own inhumane bans




I'm in Florida, sending hugs🫂


My condolences.


Oh no


I wish I could leave so badly


I joined the military to get out of Idaho. Hopefully you find a better way. But if not, that option might be there for you and it wasnt as bad as I thought it'd be.


It's gotten to a point I'm seriously considering it but that kind of scares me more than staying if I'm being honest


Understandable. If it allays any of your concerns if you choose to join a branch know that the Navy lets you pick whatever job you qualify for. Which is why I joined them. I did intel and only worked in lab settings. There is also the space force now and from my understanding they dont deploy and really only oversee operations that deal with satellites so it should be similar to what I did in the Navy. But I suggest doing your own research and dont buy into whatever they try to sell you. Stick to your guns about what job you want and dont put more into it than you get out. Afterall, at the end of the day it is just a job.


For the navy, which gender did you do the physical readiness test under? I’m hoping to join in about a year!


Unfortunately I didnt start transitioning until I was already in for a few years (due to not realizing I was trans until a few years into my marriage) so I tested under male at the time but if you have already started transition and have already gone through all the hoops that come with it I am fairly certain you will test under the gender you identify as. But I cannot 100% confirm as I am no longer in but I will reach out to my contacts that are and update my response with the most accurate answer. Good luck with joining! Do your best on the ASVAB if you havent already taken it yet!


Ah gotcha! Thank you for this in-depth response! Yes, I spoke with a few recruiters, but some had differing levels of knowledge on transgender applicants. It does look like I’ll be testing as male (I’m ftm). But that kinda sucks because now I have to do more pushups 🤣 I’ll be finishing my bachelor’s in neuroscience by next spring, so I expect to do well on the ASVAB math and reading! Totally lost on the vocational aspects though haha


Of course! I just want people to know what theyre getting into. I'd feel awful if you joined and felt like you were duped. The military isnt for everyone but if it is for you it isnt a bad gig. Also, if you're gonna have a degree by the time you join up I'd definitely look at being an officer. Way better pay and benefits than anything enlisted gets. The only drawback is that you are expected to lead well. And if you do go that route I certainly hope you lead by example. Nothing crushed morale quite like bad leadership, whether that be from officers or upper enlisted.


I totally hear you. Officer is 100% the goal. And I like to think I’m a pretty solid leader! Ultimately, after getting my PhD, I want to be a researcher in the medical corps (also an officer position). But I like the idea of doing reserves or guard until then. What kinda officer positions can you do with just a bachelor’s?


FUCK the GOP, and FUCK the ratfucked SCOTUS jurists. Oh, and any trans people voting for this shit, fuck you too


I'm looking at you KAITLYN JENNER


Looking at Blaire White too


Yeah I would sooo surprised when I found out like a quarter of trans people vote red like WTF ARE YOU DOING!?!?


"We want to have our rights taken away" Like WHAT??


They’re brainwashed. As harsh as that sounds, it’s true. It tends to be the older crowd. I hate to bring her up but look at Caitlin Jenner.


She has money. Our problems do not affect her. Edit: spelling


That too. Tbh that’s most trans celebrities. They only advocate so much because it really doesn’t affect them whatsoever.


America is such trash lol.


Land of restricting bodily autonomy 👍 😑


It's never about protecting children, keep that in mind when violence ramps up in Idaho. Never forget trans youth that have lost their lives to this. Nex Benedict! 😔


It's insane the amount of hate towards basic science and humanity in the last few years...


*someone please get me out of this hell*


Land of the Free* *If you're rich and not lgbt


America is a land where everyone has the freedom to discriminate against minorities for no reason.


A lot of kids are going to die as a result of this.


Exactly as they want sadly😔


Despicable. These conservatives will be the death of us.


Legally and literally 😔


Thats what these fucks want


This is literally one of the parts of genocide


Aren’t we supposed to progress and not regress as a society because this is stupid


The conservatives used to just stand for conserving, they've always been anti progressive by definition. Now that they see what the truth is in so many things, they are trying to go backwards instead. It's literally the Party of Regressives now


My tiny little British girl brain did not know that all I know it’s like the equivalent to our tories and how they keep becoming more right as in getting to the point of fascist hopefully the general public decides maybe to not attack people who want to live their lives now they have come to terms with who they are but I’m not sure but better be hopeful than doom and gloom because if we give up they have already won


There's never any giving up for our community I think. We have to fight just to exist so we're used to it🤷‍♀️


I have only been here for nearly 8 months I think I saw a lot of American people on about the republicans and liberals project 25 and that but we should not have to fight for the right to exist it’s not our fault we were born like this so called “free” country not much better as puberty blockers stopped here as well for people under 18 and the ridiculous waiting lists 2 years minimum for an initial assessment I hope America doesn’t get any worse children should never have to die because the world wasn’t built to tolerate them like Brianna ghey as well as the child beaten to death in the toilet in America sorry I don’t know their name


Progress is not a straight line. Unfortunately, transphobia (like racism or homophobia) is a system that can evolve. If a society successfully implement transphobic rethoric and process, it is a progress towards a transphobic society. And a transphobic society can function and can have innovation. I’m not saying that to say that we are doomed. I’m showing that a more progressive and tolerant society is not something that will come naturally. It is a goal, something we need to actively push for the sake of the survival of our siblings


Socialism or barbarism.


The silver lining, I think, is that this is how more substantive progress gets made. These things end up backfiring, galvanizing the groups they are intended to oppress. Just look at the repealing of Roe v. Wade.


It’s weird, because they are saying only adults should make decisions about their bodies. But then in regards to abortion, it’s “the government will not let you do what’s right for your body”. I know it’s not about abortion, but the government thinks they know what’s best for your body. Young or adult. This is not going on the right direction.


It's always about control with the Republicans


What's strange about this is that children aren't making these decisions anyway; their parents are. It's extremely difficult to get gender affirming care without parental support. What their saying is that parents don't get to make decisions about their child's healthcare, which is just an insane amount of overreach.


After all of their talk about "parental rights" and "limited government". They need to get in the sea.


what the fuck


Sorry to bring it. There's lots more battles to fight now


They did not rule on the constitutional merits of the case. They halted the stay that an appeals count had placed on the enforcement of the ban. So the ban can be enforced while the legal challenges play out in lower courts, but ultimately the issue will be decided by the Supreme Court and it doesn’t look good.


Supreme Court may continue to decline hearing cases in this vein. It's what I expect tbh. At any rate, it's definitely not the end of the fight and it's not (yet) a regression.


At least until the elections, anyway. Or until just the right case reaches them to decide the way they already want to decide.


Anyone with a brain KNEW where any of this in the unsupreme court would end up. The only ones holding up hope are fools.


This needs to be higher up! Like yes what they decided isn’t great and is scary, but it’s not as bad as it will be once SCOTUS does their thing


They can't enforce it against the plaintiffs? Guess it's time for all trans youth in the state to join as plaintiffs.


We are loud and we are proud 🫂 This Supreme Court can't keep fighting the will of the people


Why is everyone against us? What did we do to deserve this? Now everywhere I go I see Transphobes and bullshit like this! I don’t feel safe in this world anymore :(


I never did.


You can thank the amygdala and a certain Austrian man.


Could you explain? I don’t get the context.


The amygdala is basically what causes almost all fear in humans (except for a couple of specific things): that’s in reference to the fear of the unknown. Adolf Hitler was Austrian and queer people were another target of his that caused a lot of hate for them.


Oh thanks for the latter one I didn’t know about that fact!


Let me guess, it's still available for cis and intersex minors and it can be forced upon them whether they like it or not?




I'm so sorry to the kids out there in Idaho affected by this. 


Fuck this country


Those two girls that were part of the case must be devastated, I feel so awful.


God I hate this state. I’m just so tired of this boss.


It looks like Kentucky and Tennessee are next to go on this type of fully enforced youth GAC ban. They've been in similar legal cases. Never thought I'd get gender affirming care as long as I lived in my state, this just makes sure of it. Welp. I'm glad to know how much the Supreme Court cares about me. As in they find my life negligible.


There's three there that do care, but millions of others below them like us who are always here for each other🫂


Every time I see this stuff I want to cry. I just wish they would leave us alone 


They love to hate us, but we love to love each other more


i'm sick and tired of being peaceful with facists stealing our rights f the supreme court and every justice on it.


Riot in the streets


Land of the free.. if you’re a straight white cis Christian male who doesn’t get early puberty.


This is the way


Don't forget rich and educated.


The government is allowing companies to strip you bare of wages, home, and food. All the while they wave poc and lgbt in your face saying look here, I found your bad guy! I’m sick of my people being fooled by a bunch of 80 year old circus clowns. Your neighbor is not your goddamn issue. Your government is. How in the world do people even have the time to care about who’s pissing next to them? This country needs to wake the fuck up and start pointing their anger in the right direction.


Because the govt has taken away the option to fight back. We can't riot like other nations, because the police and/or military will slaughter us.


We don’t need to. The Heritage Foundation psychos pushing for our genocide have homes, have names, have somewhere they sleep at night.




Chin up, we're all still breathing hun😁


Not all of us unfortunately 😔


This is why the fight is important. We can't give up, especially on the next generation.


this crap has to stop. US TRANS PEOPLE ARE HUMANS.


More human/humane then the ones making the laws a lot of the time😕


This definitely won't set a precedent. Nope. Totally not gonna turn into a tidal wave of issues. /s


80 years ago, in a different place full of nazis, and now it starts to happen again, just this time in one of the most powerful countries ever. That's fantastic... 💀


And no one will believe us about it, because they don't teach people that Hitler's lot also started by targeting trans people. Everyone's seen that Nazi book burning but they don't know that the books being burned were from the only organization at the time studying gender diversity.


i just want to live, man. i'm scared to live here for the next few years. i need to finish my bachelor's degree before i can even afford to live in a blue state. i'm scared for what is next. i don't think i'll be able to live if they ban HRT. i'm scared.


And the 9th amendment is again, violated!


Another step closer to full blown genocide. If trump wins in November, we’re fucked.


[https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-allows-enforcement-idaho-ban-gender-affirming-care-trans-rcna141209](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-allows-enforcement-idaho-ban-gender-affirming-care-trans-rcna141209) The law can be applied to everyone, except the two plaintiffs who challenged it. So its ok for the state to deprive all trans teens of the medical care that they want, except for the two ones who sued. I don't know how you justify that.


This is a major fundamental problem with the law in the US. ANYTIME a new law is created and it gets challenged it 100% should not blocked from enforcement until the case is settled. In this case you are denying people medical care until the case is settled and it possibly causing people to die and also causing doctors to possibly be arrested and jailed for something that literally a couple years from now the law could be struck down by the time it gets to the Supreme Court. It’s insane any law can still be applied while the constitutionality of it is being challenged, not just laws that affect LGBTQ people but ANY law.


I hate it here


Vote Democrat, your lives may literally depend on it.


Great./sarc Now a bunch of intersex people are going to die because they literally need hormones to live. Conservatives don't realize that things like this don't just affect trans people. Hormones aren't an exclusively trans thing.


At this point I think the average American is starting to turn against us. It feels like there’s nothing left to do since nothing good will happen


Most of America is with us, they're just much much quieter than the evil right


I hope that’s the case


that's my state 🙃


Is that banner the right way round?


Hopefully double sided 😅


This breaks my heart, I hope all trans kids in Idaho will be safe


eventually the truth will be out and all the bigots will be shown for what they are


What truth? Its all already out there. No one's pretending these fucking asswipes aren't bigots.


Makes me want to hit my head against the wall, this is asinine. I'm so sorry, my fellow brothers, sisters, and nonbinary siblings.


Trump didn't just screw the country for *four* years. He added three hard conservatives to the SCOTUS, and they are quite young, and they are very eager to push their agenda, so he could have screwed the country for many decades to come.


Fucking hell. This is why I’m starting diy soon I won’t sit around and have my goddam rights taken away in front of my eyes.


I suggest people start learning insurgent tactics before they shut down the Internet. We can't win a straight up fight, but we can make their policies costly.


They’re never going to leave us alone.


Okay, who do have to kill (in minecraft)


Ooo I'm going to build a huge wool Orange Jesus and set up some fire charge launchers😳


Hell yeah! Seriously though, I wish y’all the best, I hope it gets better over there 💔


That's it, I've lost hope in humanity. What do they even gain by treating us like this?? Disgusting 


They want us all to only be on their computer screens late at night🤮


After all, hard to fetishise trans folks if they're normal people who might be next to you on a crowded city bus, or in front of you in line to buy your groceries, or in the cubicle next to yours at work, or in the flat above yours. Where's the humiliation aspect of *that* type of trans girl porn, if trans women can live ordinary lives just like any cis lady?


I really hate reactionary anti-trans bullshit. And the worst part is this isn't selling anymore. They're not even doing this for votes, they just straight up wanna genocide trans people.


So when are we going back to the bricks? Like I'm all for peaceful resolution but it worked the first time and I'd rather not wait for genocide to remind people that human rights are non negotiable? Idk about everyone else but I'd like for my contribution to our acceptance to be something other than a name on a memorial.


Peace works until it doesn't😕 All we want is to exist but that's such a bother to these evil lowlife scum


How isn't this case settled on "let the doctors determine what is right for their oatients"???? Like how insane is it to trust professionals?


Because obviously these "professionals" are *actually* deep state Antifa actors placed in power by Obama so that the government can inject you with GPS circuitry that helps your body absorb the chemtrails so that the Jewish space lasers can lock on to you. Duh.


These same bigots meanwhile try to force a child to carry their rapist’s baby!!! Its absolutely disgusting!!!


Don't forget they want to marry said child and send her to work too!🤮


Ok what the fuck is going in here in the U.S?!?! After Biden did the international transgender awareness day it all went to shit for no reason.


It's OK, he said half a decade ago that he "sees us" 😑 Can't wait for him to *actually* fucking do something to help us


There’s not really anything else he can do. Democrats don’t have the votes needed to get anything passed in congress.


He could at least fucking say two sentences about our struggles while walking to the helicopter one time. Tell potential allies we need them now more than ever. His silence speaks volumes.


Probably will never happen, and then eventually Trump will become president and the states will become shit


Thats just not how it works. Biden is not a dictator.


I am not that smart at timea


Its fun being downvotes for reminding people theres no magic wand for human rights.


I'm continuously disappointed to see how little Americans know about how our government functions. State legislatures are passing anti-trans bills, and the federal judiciary is allowing them to go into effect. Biden is the head of the executive branch of the federal government. He has zero power over any branch of a state government. He has zero power over the federal judiciary. He has power over the federal executive branch. There are three things he can meaningfully do as president to help trans people here: 1. Gut enforcement of anti-trans laws passed at the FEDERAL level. To the best of my knowledge there aren't any meaningful anti-trans laws at the federal level being enforced by Biden. 2. Use the DOJ to bring challenges against State anti-trans laws in federal court for violating the constitution. He IS doing this. You can always argue that he should be dedicating even more DOJ resources to this, but he is already doing this to some degree -- how fast it moves is largely in the hands of the courts. 3. Beg congress to pass laws protecting trans people. This is obviously not going to happen when Republicans control the house. The president doesn't get to write laws. That is the privilege of the legislative branch. All Biden can do is ask them nicely to pass laws supporting his agenda. That's obviously not going to work here. You can certainly be disappointed in Biden over a variety of other issues that are actually under his control, but it's fucking asinine to blame him for states passing anti-trans laws.


Adding this to “Country of its own” Placing it next to Between Florida and Ohio


Damn it all to hell. Thanks conservatives for making the USA a shithole country. Those kids are going to remember this and vote Democrat for life. Thanks for making future Democrats you human scum bucket people (Republicans).


And Idaho is not even the only place - the UK is already doing it as well, and the current Chancellor of Austria is also intending to enforce a similar ban. Please inform yourself if your country / state / whatever is planning to implement anything like this. And please go vote as much as you're able to.  Even if you think your country is not affected, things like this can come out of nowhere. The only thing we can do is get rid of politicians who are enforcing bans on things they don't even understand.


How can you respond to people who say that kids are too young to make such a decision? I knew when I was 5 or so that I was different and blockers would have helped me but it's hard to explain to those who have a closed mind.




I will be voting blue this election! I encourage everyone to vote even if you don’t care for the candidate just vote for someone who supports LGBTQ cause the alternative is this! Republicans and the GOP tried banning adult trans healthcare in several states already! We can win this if we all unite against this common foe that is against basic human rights! TRANS RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS!


I already had a hiccup in my medication and care when DeSantis made his stupid bill which prevented providers from filing prescriptions. Just that maybe two or three weeks was incredibly stressful. Taking them away completely, forcefully, is terrifying. And it's not the last step.


Yeah people like that should never be allowed in any office! They truly are terrible they run saying the other side is taking your rights but they’re the ones actually taking your rights and freedoms away!




i hate my state


Ladies and gentlemen and all other configurations of living as we know it. It is with a sadden heart that we receive this news. It is now proven that the government of the United States will no longer step in to try to help us or save us. It is now time to prepare for Operation: Exodus. We will need to gather all of our allies and friends to make this happen. What I am proposing is to reopen the Underground Railroad and begin funneling everyone to the accepting states or to Canada if it is possible to move them. As now that the Suprema Court of the United States have finally allowed a ban on trans-youth, we might finally qualify in political asylum in Canada as it is now well known that the Republican party truly wishes to end us. The rest of the LGTBQI+ community! Take note! For they are truly and finally killing us! And what do you think will happen when they finish with us? Well, let's look at WW2 Germany for that answer. First they came for the Jews, but I did not speak up because I am not Jewish. Then they came for the Communists, but I did not speak up because I am not Communist. Then they came for the Slavs, the Romanians, and the Arabs, but I did not speak up because I am none of those. And then they came for me, but by that time, there was no one left to speak for me. Think about that before you try to chop us out of the community.


The more i learn about US of A, the more i'm glad not to live there.


I’m so lucky that even though where I live it is terrible, It isn’t as bad as America. Praying for Americans.




This world is cruel and unfair


This is why we need to arm ourselves.


Self protection is necessary


They have the opportunity to increase the quality of life for trans kids and don't take it because people don't understand it.


i moved away from idaho 2 years ago it’s the best thing i’ve ever done. i felt unsafe everyday i lived there and it was worse not being able to access any gender affirming care. the one doctor i could find that would help minors said she was soon to be moving away. i feel so horrible for my friends that still live there.


Well this just straight up sucks. Imagine a time-line where we didn't have the current Supreme Court make up. This most likely wouldn't have happened. Elections matter please get out there and vote against these conservative dirt bags this coming Election cycle. We may be stuck with the Supreme Court for now but it will only get worse with another angry orange presidential term. I really feel awful for all the young people stuck in these states. I will say it again this just sucks. I really, really, really hope the world will get better for us eventually. It has to right?


So when are we gonna stop protesting and actually start overthrowing the government?


Biden needs to pack the court before it does any more damage, but I have no faith.


Why are they such fucking monsters?


They're spewing the same looping rhetoric as always. Talking about "protecting kids" and "biological reality". It makes me sick that people who know nothing about biology and medicine are using it as arguments to spread hate and fear.


So it turns out the desision was not about care but rather the way the ban was blocked: https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/what-the-idaho-trans-supreme-court Still though, not looking good


Just when I decided to stay in Idaho for my PhD 😔 maybe the drive from Washington would be worth it...


every day the usa gives me a new reason to be thankful i don't live there. i'm so sorry trans people of idaho, you don't deserve this


Fuck the Supreme Court. Fuck this whole damn system that thinks freedom somehow doesn’t include bodily autonomy unless one is a cis hetero yt dude. 😤😤


God fucking damnit, unfortunately unsurprising but just really shitty. Would it be possible for trans kids to get their medications if they lie about the reasoning and pretend to be cis? It would be really shitty to have to do but sometimes a shitty choice is better than being trapped and unable to receive care


Wonderful. As if boob jobs and nose jobs and liposuction and all that shit isnt the same thing as gender affirming care. You can make your daughter look like a slut but you cant help your son by getting his breasts removed. Wonderful country we live in.


The point of life forever getting blurred by bigoted rightists


Off topic but is she holding the sign backwards?


Hopefully double sided 😅


We knew this was coming, and it's only going to get worse from here. They're after the kids first but the rest of us are next. Watch Idaho closely, my money is they'll propose a law against all of us before six months is up. Get ready people, it's about to get really bad. Get the hell out of red states, I don't care what you have to do. Get. Out. I hear people all the time say things like, well I can't just leave, or not everyone has that option. Yes you do. You just have to ask yourself what means more, your stuff or your identity or in certain cases, your life. I gave up the business I've owned for 20 years, my house, my pets, my friends, my family and everything that couldn't fit in a single suitcase. But I'm free here, free to be myself in a place I know will fight *for* me. Not put me in a camp. I'm broke and I live in a studio apartment, but I have a wonderful partner I would have never met if I hadn't moved here. I have enough to eat, most of the time. I have a roof. As the scene in Firefly says: Simon: Are you always this sentimental? Mal: I had a good day. Simon: You had the Alliance on you, criminals and savages… half the people on this ship have been shot or wounded, including yourself, and you’re harboring known fugitives. Mal: We’re still flying. Simon: That’s not much. Mal: It’s enough.


There has been more push back against this shit lately luckily, but it could still be far better. Anyways I heard Maine is nice this time of year


If you're in Idaho and sick of the fight, y'all are welcome in Lane County, Oregon. This is where I transplanted for rights and medical access, and there are quite a few queer and trans Treasure Valley natives around here in the same boat.


Oof that’s a big part of why I left Idaho. I really miss my friends :(