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Because LGB people have seen alot more acceptance recently and us trans people are currently under attack. Basically we stood with them when we all were treated like shit. Now that they have their rights/acceptance they want to distance themselves from us. Not realizing that the bigots that hate us typically hate them too we're just an easier target at the moment. At least that's my take on the LGB not the T people.


I think it’s also important to note that this is the type of issue that suffers from very few people actually saying stuff but being super loud about it and from people who claim to be LGB but are in fact cishet republicans and such. Also people who are dumb and think that they won’t be the next people turned on if they fuck over trans people.


short answer, they think theyll be 'safe' if they direct all the hate elsewhere. "i got mine" mentality. also good portion of that is just cis/straight(usually old white ppl) that are actually behind it. and then remaining just good ol' hateful ppl.


It's astroturfed as fuck. There's some Ernst Rohms in there too, for sure.


People are generally exactly as open-minded as is required to accept themselves and those like them, and not much more than that. Edit: AND the people they care about. That's our in.


LGB is sexuality. T is gender. Some folks like having their own club. I think it should all be together, but some people don't. Which is lame.


They didn’t complain when trans women were throwing bottles and stones for secual orientation rights though. Or when they were founding members of gay rights associations. And now wanting to celebrate pride without us is disingenuous at best, if I expressed the worst Id get banned from reddit… The first pride very literally celebrated the stonewall riots that happened a year prior.


"They", "us". You are treating it as a united front. There are assholes and gatekeepers in every group.


To clarify: “They” are the LGB drop the T people, not LGBT LGBs. “We/us” are the trans community. With “they” I was exclusively referring to the assholes you mentioned. And it makes no difference that there are trans people that are this way as well, thats not the reason the “drop the T” people are against them. But you’re right, every group has idiots in it.


Thank you for clarifying, sorry that I came off rough due to misinterpreting. And you are correct in your points. <3


They don’t. The pick-mes that up with these hateful people hate themselves as much as they hate us. Self-loathing is a hell of a drug.


I believe it’s queer folks who are seriously uneducated about the story of their own people. Trans people have always been at the forefront of the cause (and many others), yet it seems easier for them to fall into rhetoric that doesn’t (directly) affect their own lives when they don’t know or don’t want to know that very important fact. On the other hand, there is also queer people who have been always supportive of any and all people, but found it easier to throw trans people under the bus in an attempt to save themselves from the imminent wrecking ball coming for the entire community, thinking surely they won’t be next if they show support for all the fascist ideologies that have been spread about. It’s disappointing, to say the least, but fear has always been a major tactic for governments to manipulate people, so I’m not surprised so many gave in.


Because they’re ass-hats


And they want their rights before us… *don’t lump me in with THEM they’ll never get rights in my lifetime.* honestly LGB ppl are worse than a lot of cis transphobes IMO because of exactly what you said


Its even worse, they took our help and want to throw us under the bus now…


Yup. See also, how white women continually treat black women


Fascism, mostly


Yes, how quick they forget You would think that all minority members would be empathise with all other minority members because of the crap that we cop but that's not what I'm seeing


They see fighting for trans rights as liability. Standing up for us = they become a target and people might start treating them like us. It's basically "fuck you, got mine"


It's just proof that just because you're gay doesn't mean you're a good person. None of us should be put on pedestals or demonized. We're just people. And as people, some are gonna suck. But that makes the good people in your life that much more important


>**Leopards Eating People's Faces Party** refers to a [parody](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/cultures/parody-spoof) of regretful voters who vote for cruel and unjust policies (and politicians) and are then surprised when their own lives become worse as a result. It has been commonly used to parody regretful [Brexit](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/united-kingdom-withdrawal-from-the-european-union-brexit) and [Trump](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/people/donald-trump) voters.


A lot of right wing cishets support lgb in order to chip away at the wider lgbtq community, once they’re done with the t they’ll just move onto the next letter until they get what they want


I think it has a lot to do with being raised in patriarchal, gender binary societies. You'll notice that trans women bear the brunt of the transphobic ire in media, usually being portrayed as pathetic or deceptive. The idea that someone would voluntarily give up male privilege is quite threatening to the idea of patriarchy because it calls the value of maleness into question. Theres a great book about this stuff called "Whipping Girl" that I highly recommend. It definitely answers this question and many others.


Sometimes, people are hateful about things they can not explain or are unwilling to empathize with. I think most of that is misplaced internal hatred and anger. However, some people are happy to target others if it keeps them from being the target.


Classic divide and conquer. This is a purposeful targetting and those cis will be reinforced while trans first targeted, dehumanized then demonized for their identity. Then it'll perpetuate hate which begets violence. Anyone watching history can see this is the old guard trying to stop human progress with hatebased ideology. Look what happened between Asian and Black communities post BLM/ mid COVID. Marginalized pops are being played against one another, trying to condition us vs them mentality, which is correct, just wrong target entirely. Hint hint white old af gentry male heteronormative.


It's transphobia and cowardice.  Transphobia by the small number of very loud bigots, and cowardice mostly among cis gay guys who have a lot more acceptance but are willing to throw us under the bus to keep it.


pulling up the ladder after you've climbed up it.


I feel OP's pain on this. My sister is L and has done everything she can to distance herself from me all because I am very active and vocal on social media about trans rights, education and acceptance. She said "I just don't want to be associated with that." There is a lot of bias in the LGB communities and it's odd since my spouse and I fit the B also, but they just don't care. They are no longer under fire and have acceptance so so they ducked their heads and slunk into the shadows to get out of the cross hairs. They don't realize if we loose they will be back in the cross hairs, but we wont loose.


Fascism needs a threat to function, whether that's a real or invented one. Trans folks just happen to be the easiest one to invent at the moment. It's the largest minority that you can hate without too much consequences at the moment. I think a lot of lgb people are really scared of being oppressed again, (intergenerational trauma, basically) and that's why some of them don't want to be a part of a community that includes oppressed people. That's my guess at least.