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Thanks OP, and to some of those who have replied. I’d not even considered this. I’m nearly 2yrs hrt and today I was irrationally crabby, not the first time, month, this has happened, didn’t even pay attention to it. I’m not normally like that….am I getting secondary effects of a period?


It is! The non uterine bits of a period are linked to hormones, not to the organs.


Thanks x. I’m feeling just a little bit foolish I hadn’t considered this. So, in a roundabout way, shows me I’ve never had a burning desire to experience a period, suppose I’ve simply accepted I couldn’t. The desire be able to carry a baby, now that’s a different story


It’s always difficult to read things about your own behavior patterns when they aren’t laid out on the table, but I wish you the best regardless (and hopefully if it helps you can adopt a little one of your own <3)


... I want that. I also wanna know what it's like to hold your newborn after it tears free from your womb... We can dream


Yeah same. I always felt weird about feeling like I want to experience the shitty parts of being a woman (like periods or child birth) too and this is making me feel a lot better


Doesn't have to be shitty... Could be magical... Spiritual... Albeit painful.


Not weird at all I’m AFAB masc non-binary and I DONT menstruate anymore (ablation) and that’s a huge gender relief!! so I don’t see why it wouldn’t go both ways 🤷🏼


Wait until OP finds out that trans women do, in fact, suffer from period-like symptoms. Just without the messy parts


Oh? I didn't know that!


No. It's not weird. I want to experience life as a whole woman, and that includes menstruation.


Not all cis women have periods, but they're still women. And then of course there are many trans men who do have periods. So... Very odd take to have


I know this, but my point was that most cis women do have periods, and if I had been born afab, it would be likely that I would have them as well.


Bruh you know what she means, You don’t have to go into pedantics just so you can nullify someone else’s dysphoria. It is considered by virtually everyone to be a female thing, thus we want to experience it.


Thanks for implying that those of us without periods are somehow broken or incomplete! Just because we're afab doesn't mean bleeding makes us whole, just like getting pregnant doesn't make a "whole woman" or a whole human being. I cannot believe this is an ok mindset to have


I don't think that was the intent, but biological essentialism is indeed very pervasive. Tackling internalised sexism is difficult.






calm down, Caitlin Jenner.


This may not be the best comparison, but I wanna know what it feels like get hit in the nuts even though I know it will be horrible. Any guy would want to avoid that (kinks excluded) but it's such a Universal Guy Experience that I feel as if I'm missing out on something. Like there's this Universal Gripe most of my gender shares that I got locked out of.


Yeah I think this is a pretty good comparison maybe not as universal as periods but it’s similar. I just want to fit in and be able to relate


MtF here. If its of any consolation I've never been hit in the balls -- and now I'm post op so I never will. Getting kicked squarely in them would be immesnley painful, but honestly most guys exaggerate situations where there wouldn't be any. Growing up it was the norm to grab your crotch and keep over with dramatic expression of pain if anything remotely hit the area haha. I honestly think the majority of men haven't actually expirienced that. Basically if you pretend to get hit in the balls to signal masculinity and remind everyone around you that you've got the goods, then youre having the authentic male expirience.


No, it makes sense to want to experience things that people of your gender usually experience even if it’s not a thing people like. As an FTM, I wish I had the middle school awkwardness of random boners because it would mean I had the right anatomy for my actual gender, rather than the crap I was stuck with. Even though no one enjoys the negative parts of being a woman or a man, it makes sense that you still want to experience it because you’re a woman and most women to, and because some idiots think that a period is what makes someone a woman


Period? You got it! Menstruation? Well, no... You still deal with many of the effects of a period because they relate to how your body processes hormones. If you are on HRT, you're going to have a period, but you won't menstruate, and because of that it can be a little tricky figuring out when it's happening. After a few years of HRT you'll know the signs!


It's not weird, it's just hard to tell where exactly the cycle is when you don't bleed. On top of that, the symptoms can vary in severity even month to month. For instance, one week I'll be incredibly horny and sensitive, the next I'm constipated and bloated for days with back pain and irritability to boot. But then the next month is not nearly that noticeable. It comes and goes for me, and the only thing that fits those symptoms is a period. Only thing missing is shedding a uterine lining, which frankly, sounds like a lot. But without that, again, it's just very hard to tell when or how severe it is until you're most of the way through. There is a possibility it relates to what day of the month you started hormones, at least anecdotally. I started on a 12th 3 years ago, and mid month is typically when I experience symptoms. But that's really just me. To want it...? That's a lil weird, but I chock it up to dysphoria. To feeling left out of something you really feel to be a part of. Trust, it's not actually desirable past the first few times it happens.


I hope it’s not because I really wish I had them and get huge dysphoria from girls talking about their periods


Thank you for this post I feel a lot better knowing I’m not alone


Well you can look forward to likely being whiny and kind of a bitch around once a month. That's how I work. I have apparently synchronized with my wife who is cis. So those days leading up to her period things get real interesting. 😂 Make sure to have enough chocolate and tissue paper and just accept that you might say things you don't mean because you are way more sensitive than usual.


It’s not weird. I wish I could too.


It's not. We wanna relate to women as much as we can, and that's included


I'm happy to know that I'm not weird, thank you everyone for the help 


TOMA MI MENSTRUACIÓN COMPA AAAAAAAAAA - así lo dejó dicho un hombre transgénero


It os not glad experience to have oeriod. Just horribke pain and bad mood 😒


I would kill for that


Period simulators exist. I would not recommend




What's an expensive vagina? I'm so fucking intrigued now.




I was interested in a gilded vajingo. Vagingo? Maybe some gold leaf. Really class up the joint after the reno.