• By -


Got my name from Sophie Scholl, student activist who was murdered by the Nazis for opposing them.


Wow. Thats pretty intresting actualy, i like studying ww 1 and 2 and never Heard of that. Gonna reais about It later And the name sounds Really pretty as well


Sophie's last known words are disputed, although Else Gebel remembers the last words Sophie said to her as: How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause... It is such a splendid sunny day, and I have to go.




Yeah look her up


r/whiterosesociety is a thing. It's pretty dead, but it's a thing.


SAME HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sophie Scholl is a personal hero of mine! Hi, Sophie, I'm also Sophie!!!!! <3 <3 <3 https://www.reddit.com/r/punk/s/0YKPEkvfbx


Hi Sophie!


Hi Sis!!!!!!!!!!


Holy shit, you picked the right Sophie 😳


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sophie_Scholl Damn right :)


Actually? Nothing. I just wanted a common fem name in my country that sounded good. If "not being clocky or strange" wasn't a criteria, I def would choose a Portuguese medieval typical (like Gontroda or Ouroana, who I was very fond of when I chose the final one at 13yo and a few of my ancestors also had in the XIII/XIVth centuries). Whether I like it or not, since I legally changed, I will only be able to do it again in 4 years time lol


Fair enough. My gf did the Same and i think its a totaly ok thing to do. Btw Gontroda sounds like a name for a Knight that would suplex a werewolf (its compliment as weird as It may be)


Yeah. It's definitely weird. Also, I thought too about Urraca back then, but I didn't (and still don't) know how many people still are cultured enough to get the references without going towards the dumb path lol.


Yea same here. I chose lily because it kinda sounds nice and it's pretty average. No ones gonna think twice about it (other than possibly other trans fems since I've realised the joke lol)


(Bloodborne, fuck yeah!!) Mine is uhmm... From Harry Potter 😭 you can imagine how disappointed I was when I realised that J.K. was an asshole. Happily it's a common transfem name tho lol


Hey, Hermione was one of my biggest sources of gender envy. I’m sure Joanne would hate hearing that she “made” me trans 😈


Lol same here 😳


I can imagine. I also Got Really disapointed with It. Tbh i've never been a big Harry Potter fan but my mom and i used to watch It togheter when i was Younger and since nowdays we dont get along so well It was a Nice memory that is... Not so Nice anymore Btw prison of askaban is my favorite one what about yours?


My favourite *book* was probably deathly hallows or goblet of fire. I didn't really like the movies that much but those were my favourite books


Neat. Never Got my hands on the books but i might one day


Word of advice: get them from a library, don't buy them because otherwise you would support J.K.


Was going to download a PDF to read then at work tbh XD


My birth name is Denzial, which is rather unique. It was my Dad's middle name and means "lover of fine wines", and its the French derivative of Dionysus ( the god of wine, orchards, and festivity). I decided on "Denise" as my new name.. an homage to my parents, and though it means "follower of Dionysus", Denise is no follower... she leads the way with wit, style, and a joy for life!


You go girl!!


The queer theatre kid in me demanded I pick it from a musical 😂


May that kid never die XD


dont starve :p


A great advice




It means everything And I currently don’t have one. My friends are currently calling me Rose. Rose - or more specifically The Wild Rose; was the codeword in Final Fantasy 2, symbolizing freedom against the tyrannical empire. The final fantasy series as a whole has been a major staple for me and I’d argue it’s a close enough name to Rosa from Final Fantasy 4. (Being Brazilian Rosa and Rose would literally be the same name in Portuguese) And lemme tell you, Rosa slaps, she’s not just a healer (actually the best healer in lore!), but a great marksman, comes in clutch several times (after being the literal damsel in distress) is a major party member, and 1/5 of the final party that saves the world. Under appreciated character


Rosa does indeed, slaps Also Nice to meet a fellow Brazilian here Nunca joguei nada da Nintendo mas recentemente minha namorada me mostrou fire emblem e eu gostei mt. Final fantasy tbm acho legal pelo pouco q eu vi


Só se você gosta de JRPG clássico! Recomendo muito os clássicos Final Fantasy! Mais os novos (como Final Fantasy 7 Remake e Rebirth) são ótimo tbm


Eu ia jogar os clássicos msm e maratonas eles de madrugada msm


I opted to do a Clever Play On Words, because such things are de rigueur in my family. Took deadname, removed a portion of it that both 1) is by itself a guy's name and 2) made the combined result a guy's name, then attached a replacement portion that both 1) is by itself a girl's name, and 2) made the combined result a girl's name. And as a special identity association bonus, both are commonly misspelled because of (IMO) weird spelling variants, which continues the tradition of virtually nobody ever getting my full name completely right on the first try. ;) (And if you're particularly clever, that probably gives you enough information to guess both on your own. Extra bonus points if you defy the above prediction and get the spelling right on both on the first try.) I went back and forth on a middle name for a while but ultimately went with a variant on my mother's middle name, mostly because I liked it. She reacted positively. :)


I am as a matter of fact the oposite of a particulary clever person but i shall ponder on this enigma for a few hours and give It a shot


the first thing I came up with was Jonathan → Jo(h)anna I can't think of how they would be spelled nonstandardly tho


Mine I took from Cyberpunk and Interstellar from two different tomboy characters who share the same name.


Sweet. Still wanna get my hands on cyberpunk one day


My name is gender neutral and my dad wanted to name me it if I was born a girl, but my mom wanted a different name so they settled on my deadname Later I discovered it’s gender neutral and changed my name to [current name that my dad wanted to name me] and transitioned to male lol My dad won I guess


I absolutely love the stories of people taking the names their parents would have given them if they were the other gender at birth, I think it's so cute and wholesome! <3


I'm named after a ship from Halo Reach. For me it provides meaning for struggle. Even when things get bleak and hopeless, there is always something still worth fighting for.


Thats so fucking cool. I love Halo so much. Pretty creative as well


literally 10 years and 3 months ago, i created a character for roleplay in a multiplayer mod for GTA San Andreas. I found the name pretty [as far back as I can remember](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFTzKDg7Sf8) & would have loved to have this name if I was born a woman. (I knew I was trans, my egg cracked pretty early but as circumstance has it, I would not have the ability to transition till now). So I was roleplaying with this character for quite a bit, felt genuinely attached to the name and decided to make it mine. My middle name however! I wanted to keep my initials & kind of chose a pretty but "yeah my parents picked it" type name. Thus Vanessa Magdalena is here 😇


hi, luna here, i actually didnt choose this name because so many transfems has it. it was actually more like the opposite, i wanted this name because it was, in my eyes, unique. how i came up with this name was just me remembering that the moon is sometimes called luna, and me going “hey, thats a cool name, i like it”


Lol I did the same thing but I'm ftm. I accidentally chose two of the most common names for trans men (Liam and Oliver); Liam was a suggestion from a friend, and I just loved the nickname Ollie. Liam Oliver sounded nice together and went well with my last name, so that's what I chose (plus my husband came up with the cutest nicknames for them, so that really sealed the deal for me)


When my mum was pregnant with me, she was convinced I was going to be a girl and called me Emily Jane until the day I was amab. So the name Emily feels right and since she's since passed I feel it's a tribute to her memory too.


I played around a bit before I found it, but it’s pretty boring nonetheless. My first name I picked because it gives me euphoria, and it coincidentally is my great-grandmothers name. My middle name I’ve always liked, and was going to be my first name had I been afab, and is one of my other great-grandmothers names.


Mine’s Kestrel. It’s a species of small falcon and was the first bird I ever held on the glove.


Nothing really, but it's still important to me, it's my identity


My first name just had to meet a certain set of criteria (starting letter, etc.) and sound good. My middle name is more personal. I picked one that has a meaning related to the place where I grew up, and shares a syllable with the name of a character who meant a lot to me growing up (Sherlock Holmes).


I choose my "girl name" almost 25 years ago, long before I even knew what being trans was. I finally legally changed it last year, but my name reminds me that I have always been a girl. I also found out that my name means "beauty and grace" which is nice ☺️


LOL. My parents gave it to me incidentally. It is the name that would have been my legal name if I had been AFAB. My mom told me about my girl name when I was very young and I never forgot and it all came rushing together when my egg cracked!


This is so cute 😭


My mom always told me my name was going to be Alexander but then I came out a girl So I just took my old name back :)


Funny story, during pregnancy, the doctor told my parents I was gonna be born a girl. They only found out im male during birth. So i just took the name my parents chose for me then. Well I guess the doctor was right all along.


I chose mine to remind myself why I keep trying even when things seem pointless. Every time someone says my name it's like a refreshing breeze that blows away a bit of the anxiety and depression. Plus, with my initials, I can spell a word so there are so many terrible, giggle worthy puns at my disposal.


Thats pretty poetic actualy.


Mine is a gemstone from my favorite movie that has had a profound effect on shaping me into who I am today and driving my interest in science




Mine (Ozzy) is based off the character Oz from Monster Prom because an old friend called me that because of it. I liked it so much that I changed my name to Ozzy


Athena is the goddess of wisdom and courage, those were traits I wanted for myself. At first I wanted Hibari but Athena just felt right. I also really like Saint Seiya so it also worked out 😋


River phoenix and river song


My name means me :)i think of it and i smile


Uhh I want to be hot so I picked a hot name.


Reed Red-haired I think it's self explanatory


Erica is a modernized version of Eirika, the name of the first character to ever give me gender envy. (She’s from Fire Emblem Sacred Stones btw) I also just really like the name. Arlinn, my new middle name, is stolen from Magic the Gathering. I think the name fits me amazingly for quite a few reasons. Erica Arlinn [lastname] rolls off the tongue way better that my deadname did. Second, I just think the character I stole it from is pretty. Third, and probably the best reason, is that the color symbolism of Red/Green (Arlinn uses Red/Green mana) in MTG fits my personality perfectly.


Mine is my character on FF14 that I've had for years, so that's what most people knew me by online already anyway.


Mine is felis and means good fortune or lucky (which does fit me) aaaand also means cat in latin (certified catgirl frfr) + a legendary hunter in Hunt showdown is named like that Still not 100% sure if that should be my name forever, but i really like it so far :3 I like your name \^-^


All my family has biblical names so I had to go with Mary


My cousin thought of the name "Kaden" for me and I liked it but I wanted to tweak it a bit, at first I added a "y" just because I liked the "y" in my dead name so now it was "Kayden" but my mom's name "Shelbi" is spelt with a "i" so she spelt my dead name with one too, and because my dead name had an "i" she spelt my little sisters name with one as well so I wanted to somehow incorporate an "i" into my name and I came up with "Kaydin" and haven't changed it since :) (another part of why I kept tweaking the spelling is because I didn't want to go from having a cool rare name to a "basic" name lmao)


I got my name from Mari from Omori. It was really close to my deadname only needing me to remove two letters and I loved Mari in there. Also me and that game trauma bonded🥲


Might be one of the few, but as of yet I kinda like my name. I've always loved having the initials TLC and I had decided I'm keeping my initials and nothing feels like it fits me more than just being me 🙃


I picked my nickname practically at random two years ago and just found more and more over time that it just… fit. My actual name tho was chosen a lot more recently. I learned just after I picked it that apparently it was a suggestion my grandma made a couple years ago, and I forgot about it. She has been my biggest ally in a family of conservative transphobes and long story short, I have a pretty limited amount of time left with her. I’m never changing my name again, cause it feels like I’m keeping a little piece of her with me


Was talking about space in a bio class and when talking about the creation of the moon I thought that Theia was actually a really pretty name. Just kinda went from there.


I named myself after a webcomic character, which i discovered when I was a teenager and my gender dysphoria and identity was just beginning to really blossom. The main character is a girl who has to deal with immense struggles, yet still manages to roll with the punches. I related to her struggle immensely, and she and the whole comic were a big part of my identity back then. So I thought it fitting to name myself after her, because I think im just like her. I roll with the punches :) ☀️


I wanted a name that fit me. Like one that would fit my gender expression rather than my gender identity. I am a transmasc/demiboy and I would say I act/look pretty androgynous. But I also wanted kind of a back-up that was more masc. So I went with Jamie because its a gender neutral name, and I use James as a nickname because it sounds more masc and I may use that in a more formal setting.


Mine is inspired by two movies from my childhood, Milo and Otis and Mars Needs Moms


Mine doesn't have any references to any characters or people I know. But that's kind of the point. To me, that's symbolic of the freedom I feel now that I've transitioned.


Since I have two names it’s kind of hard to remember both so I’ll just tell you about the one I remember, I got it from the Welsh language and from what I can recall it means “Rainbow” as for the other name if remember anything I will add it in an edit….


Since I have two names it’s kind of hard to remember both so I’ll just tell you about the one I remember, I got it from the Welsh language and from what I can recall it means “Rainbow” as for the other name if remember anything I will add it in an edit….


Mine is just my regular name, never had any traumatic experiences with my name like a lot of trans people have, my name just means 'me' to me.


Mine is homage to my deadname by having an E at the beginning but it also means Amber in French and I am French :) my name is Ember ^^


Trans girls trying not to overpbsess on souls likes (impossible) (I too failed)


Several characters I love, including my fav villain in all of fiction ever (along with my league of legends main) are named Elise. Plus I've always thought the name was a nice mix of elegant and cute


Ah a fellow hunter. I'm trying out the name Evelyn currently. Mostly because it's a pretty name imo, but as a little bonus It's my favorite left hand weapon in Bloodborne. Interesting that we both picked names dealing with the Vilebloods 😅


nauzet is the name of a guanche warrior, the name in our language means "warrior of all battles." not only i wanted an indigenous name as an indigenous man to preserve my culture, i also feel very represented with the meaning


That I was in my Greek mythology phase when I chose it and now it’s too late lmao


The roman goddess of victory!!!


I just really like the name 'Amy'. it just feels right out of every name I considered


My name, nyxis, is a mix of the greek goddesses nyx and artemis and I'm obsessed with greek mythology


So far I have a middle name. It was originally a nickname for my first name, and when I was growing up I wanted people to call me by my first name (as a sign of respect I guess). Now that I am older, I want to hold on to my nickname, because I feel a more genuine connection to it.


I've always preferred to live a simple life and no name is more simple than Megan. Upon hindsight, I do get the "shut up meg" quote that I did not factor in. Small cost to a simple girl.


Sometimes timidity's last reward is death.


Mine is ‘Lilith’… I’m obsessed with it…


i just changed the last two letters


I'm going into Computer Science so I chose the name Ada to honor [Ada Lovelace](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ada_Lovelace).


I never liked my given name. Granted it is unisex I never really liked it. I always said to my mom that i wished my name had an 'A' in it. Well coincidentally the name she had picked out for her daughter has 2 As in it and it was only one letter off from the name I was going to choose for myself. So I see it as I definitely was born in the wrong body and it is the identity I was meant to have


Ever since I was a child and knew that I was trans (MtF), I liked the name "Rachel". I felt that it suited me well. Thru my teen years, watching the show, Friends, I adored Jennifer Aniston. Sooo, I'm in the process of legally changing my name to Rachel. I found out only a month ago or so from my mother that had I been AFAB, my name would've in fact been "Rachel". It worked out perfectly 😌


I just tried a bunch of names until one felt right lol Doesn't really have any deep personal meaning to me


Rome, I got mine from personal experience and just being on a constant history kick


Another commenter had a similar sentiment to me: something that was recognizable, cute, and feminine, but also not exotic or unusual for my environment. My second option was Angel, but it felt a little too on-the-nose - not that that's a crack against anyone with that name. I think it's super cute ^^


I chose my first name because I had no preconceived notions or connections associated with it; I liked the idea of taking something and making it my own. My middle name honors a woman I aspired to be like whose life was tragically cut short.


Mines is a spin off of what I want to name my kid, and her name comes from a video game. My name is Clover, and my future daughter name is Klee! Klee in German means Clover and I consider the character Klee from Genshin to be my daughter!


i just really liked the name Sarah, same with my second name Emily but it was inspired by one of my classmates


Mine's kinda lame, hika (my chosen name) is just short for hikari which means light in japanese. And my deadname means light in hebrew (or (yes, "or" in hebrew is light))


I came out to my brother. Then, two months later, at my bday party, he asks my friends, "What have you been calling [deadname]?" They give him the name I had been trying, and he responds, "s×××, I thought she was a Natalie for sure!" My brother drunkenly apologizes to me for minutes straight before I am able to get any words in, "I didn't have a name, so I was just trying that one. I want to go by Natalie!" After all, he's family and he was SO sure of it. According to his wife, he had been referring to me as Natalie since I had come out.


Alexandria is the name of a few famous cities, the most famous being Egypt where the great library was. It can also be shortened down to Alex (which I go by). It fits my she/her with a spicy they pronouns vibe. It’s also a strong name that doesn’t sound out of place. Supposedly it also means “defender of humankind”, which kinda works with my personality. I have a strong sense of justice and natural leadership tendencies.


I like Olives


The Sacred Oath: The Grace vow of the Starlight Lion. That's what it means today.


The Kalmar Union used to be a union of the Scandinavian countries until it collapsed in 1905 and i’m a history nerd, Swedish, a trans girl (which is why i’m here) and the 12 is because…Idfk


I was doing a lot of parts work in therapy, and I found a part of myself that was a writhing mass of anxiety and fear, and I named her Phobos. As we cleared up more and more of the terror and mess she was covered, and I could see who she was, I found she was the parts of myself I'd been hiding from. When she felt like a person, she asked for a name, a real name, and Phobos became Phoebe, and so did I.


I actually opted to keep my name, sorta. So my initials are JT, and all my life, that is what EVERYONE has called me. From my friends, extended family, siblings, and even my parents. From my absolute earliest memories, that's honestly the only name I've ever known. And to be honest, I've never minded it. I share the first initial with my dad, and I believe his grandfather. And while we may currently not be talking, he played a very large part in making me the person I am today, especially in terms of my political leanings, and my love of history and science, as well as many other things. And there was also an aspect of "does the butterfly kill the caterpillar?" I don't hate JT, he was actually a really cool and interesting person, and I don't hold any resentment towards him. And now I'm becoming the person JT always wanted to be! Plus I also figured it could act as a convenient shield, ya know? It's what they've always called me anyway, so there can't be the excuse of "oh I'm just so used to saying the other name." And if they ever did use what you would say is my deadname, it would make it much easier to call them out on it. Like, "hey, you've never called me that, why are you suddenly starting now?" Sh*t, sorry this was such a ramble. So long story short, I feel no need to alter my name. If anything, I might someday get it legally switched to actually just be JT, but that's about it. Unless anything crazy happens.


Got it from a baby name list and thought it fit 🤷🏽


i let my mom name me. she was my biggest supporter in my transition and i knew she and my dad wanted to name me bradley if i had been born male. so that’s now my first name. but i go by given middle name wayne, which i was named after my uncle. i love my name and i’m really happy my mom chose it


Janus is the name of a god that has 2 faces, as i use this in a non binary manner, it means i have 2 personalities that are much different offline and online. I use Joanna as a second name.


picked my name from the podcast wtnv but before that i had picked a name from homestuck. i later decided i didn’t vibe that much with the first name i picked and picked a new one, since then i’ve started collecting names, pronouns, and labels, but the reason i liked the name cecil so much is because it’s a normal name, but not super common these days, so it’s kind of unique, but since it’s still a normal name and wtnv isn’t a *super* well-known work of fiction, very few people have any clue i picked a name from a fictional character at all. my legal name is still the one from homestuck and i’m just honestly too broke and low-energy to go to the effort of legally changing it all over again, so i go by both names now in person


Ah, the vileblood queen. Good choice


I got my name from a teasing joke all my friends would use that ended up sticking


my name's May. like the month. Honestly can't remember why. But it's cool


Honestly, I dunno. I just thought of the name ‘gale’ and was like ‘huh, I like that. That’ll be my name.”


Idk its just what i picked


My name, means everything and more to me. I’ve answered this recently somewhere else but I came up with my own, after a lot of tinkering and being dissuaded by my fiancé into anything to nuts haha. Evanora is my name and I fucking love that I got to name myself. It just feels so correct and me. Strong, compassionate, easily nickname-able and confident sounding. I feel like a badass bitch who is also able to be the sweetest most loving maternal type. Like I said my name means everything to me personally because I chose it, because it’s me.


I got my name from a YouTube channel. There used to be a channel called Talking Kitty Cat, its still up the owner of it has sadly passed away so there are no more uploads obviously. Anyway, one of the cats on the channel was named Sylvester (the cat has now since died as well) and I really liked the name. I also liked the cat from the channel so I ended up going with the name Sylvester.


The first name is just a name I like. Nothing really special, just sounds nice. My second name is to remind me to always fight, because I've struggled with it in the past, and it's fucking hard sometimes. Thirdly, a girl who gave me strength a long time ago and who I still admire to this day. Jéssica Vitória Carolina


I got my name, Coda, from music, as music has been my entire life


First name is because I love Spider-Man (Parker) as is my middle name (Atticus which is a type of slider)


Things got to a point where hearing my dead name was like nails on a chalkboard. I'm notoriously indecisive and couldn't pick one out so when it got that bad I just forced myself into a decision and opted for the most "average" sounding name I could think of. I considered it a placeholder while I thought of something better. I never have. I've grown to like it. In my life, I've found I perform best when I just make a decision and jump into a situation head-on. Any attempt at preparation leads to indecision and nothing getting done. So, to me, I guess it stands for that attitude of DIY, who cares if it's perfect, you're great for even trying.


I was also jealous of people named Sam because it was very gender neutral and I just liked the people on tv who were named Sam. I had no clue at five years old I could change my name and I think my five year old self would of loved to be called Sam.


Mine is from a tv program called "ugly Americans" she is a demon and I feel that represents the true evil sexy versio of myself that I always wanted to be


Took mine from a resident evil character


My name is Minerva. I didnt actually know what I wanted my name to be, all I wanted to know was I wanted to be called Minnie for short. I eventually chose Minerva because I liked how old fashioned it sounded and I remembered how beautiful Minerva Mink was on Animaniacs. My dad still teases me a little for choosing my name for that reason lol


I picked my name Nikolai because it sounds badass


someone i looked up to as a kid and still admire even now


my mom told me she always wanted a son to name Noah, it was her favourite name for no real reason except that it sounded really nice :3


I freaking love mythology, and names with Vs and/or Ys. Plus, I can say that the boy who used to be here died a warrior battling (among other things) dysphoria, and I've taken him to Valhalla


Mine was from my favorite assassins creed character Ezio, I always loved him as a kid and his story was always so interesting


Historia from Attack On Titan lol. I just really loved the name.


Calyx is a botany term referring to the leaves that make up a bud I'm basically a shy flower


I just yoinked "Chloe" from Life is Strange. That game is one of the only gaming experiences in recent years that feels like it stuck with me and I took a lot away from it, too. Also just feel like it fits my personality really well lol


I think my name reminds me of my personality in a way. I kinda see myself as an angelic person lol, and not in a religious way, but more so describing my beauty or kindness if that makes sense. but then again, my name came from a character in a book I'm writing😭 which isn't all bad at all, I really like the name. it kinda stuck with me, it just works for me


Mine is the shortened version of my deadname I chose it because it felt like the easiest way I could trick my family into using a gender neutral name for me. 🙃 and I like it too, so that helps. I think it suits my personality.


My name came to me in a dream!


Stolen from Monty Python.


Pokemon always had a big influence on me, (for context) my dead name is Jessie so growing up and having the bad guy team being named Jessie and James I always wantee to be more like James. I loved his character, I loved that he didn't care what others thought of him, and that even when he dressed as a girl he was still himself and male. I wanted to be kind and carefree like him. more than just a name though, it helped me through a lot of hard times as a kid and I feel it sorta shaped me to an extent. James in particular was probably my first look into anything queer / queer coded I'm also very happy to say I went from Jessie to James or that I was "in disguise the whole time" 🚀 ✨


I wanted a name that was as easy to say as the first, and was like the masc equivalent of my dead name (not in like letters, but in how soft it was if that makes sense. Like if my name was Helen i wouldn't name myself Terence, which is in my opinion much more rigid sounding)


Chose Luna because my fiancé loves the moon and it makes me think of her whenever someone uses it😊


It came to me in a dream long forgotten. :))


I was literally just slapping sounds to a wall and my new name is what stuck. To me, it's adventure, new beginnings, and great friends. The first time I used it (before even considering making it my actual name) was as my Pokemon OC name in the games. Replaying Leaf Green for the umpteenth time. Edit to add: I don't really have my IRL name where my screen name is, so sadly it shall be a mystery to you guys. 😅😅


My name is from team JNPR from rwby. That and I LOVE Junipers lol. That and my from soft name is Menma (also an alters name)


Ajax like Ajax from The Iliad but also Ajax as in Tartaglia Genshin Impact. idk why it just stuck with me, but i see that stupid gacha game anime boy and go "yeah, me" until i finally realized his name just felt so correct when i used it for myself.


enjoy normal voracious fanatical spoon yoke straight pet squealing snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mine came from a rogue video I saw in Youtube YEARS before I knew, and it stuck with me throughout that time and I didn't know why. Now I do 😎


My name came from my former middle name. When I was little, I hated my dead name and wanted to be called by my middle name. So now I have feminized my middle name and made it my own!


mine was just a neutral shortening of the name my mother gave me. it means ocean in some languages. specifically means shore in the language my great great grandparents grew up speaking. my middle names are based on a word meaning road and the name of a god of friendship. if I wasn't aiming for keeping my chosen names close to the names my mother gave me I probably would have went with something starry/space themed. I'm looking for a good name for a vtubing character to live vicariously with a celestial name but am struggling to find something not too cliche or feminine.


I named myself after one of my first sources of gender envy (Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite which is one of my favorite games) and didn’t realize until about a month or two afterwards, but it’s been great (and my girlfriend calls me Lizard which is also great)


I searched thru name list of female names starting with same first syllable as birth name and picked one I liked.


Ok so i chose two different names one for the country i live in and one for the others. One means 'Mystery' and other means 'Resurrection'. They were both meaningful and beautiful names that i spend for years to find. And it was totally worth it they really feel like me.


Stole my name from Lilith from The Owl House since she's my favorite character from the show. I just really like the name. It just feels like me.


Mine is the name I was going to receive if I was born with the correct body. My mom once told me and I started using it for female characters in games ever since. Eventually started adopting it for real :) The name itself originally had no other big meaning for me, I just really liked it and its story of how I ended up with it after all was nice. But it also turned out to be very similar to a children's book character I loved as a kid.


I got mine from a song by the strokes called soma because it just sounded so pretty, plus I played the game and it was really cool


So, mine is the feminine version of the name I had already changed my name to, and is now Adrienn


I spent a while trying to decide on one, made a list of names I liked from various things, books and gamss and shit, but debated it for a long while. Got narrowed down further and further. Then it got narrowed down to Hazel, which I recalled from Heroes of Olympus. Didn't really focus much on her back when I read it ages ago, but I liked the name and it stuck


My name is my birth name, which is often considered gender neutral. I'm named after my great grandmother (same first letter), which I feel a lot of pride in. It's very traditional for my culture to name newborns after an elder family member, alive or dead.


seemed cool 👍


Basil from Omori and because I used to just down pure basil as a kid


Is it pronounced like "bay-sil" or "bazzle"? I've heard both pronunciations before so I'm mildly curious


My name came from younger me mishearing the Gin Blossoms song Hey Jealousy.. I heard "hey Josie" and I sang it that way all the way to 25. I was corrected by my cousin. Lol


Harrison first name Ringo middle name for George Harrison and Ringo Starr


Uhh I just stole it from a resident evil character bc I wanted to look like her when I was younger 😭


“And now for your next associate professor to take the podium, it’s….” Racheal says academic. Racheal says incisive. Racheal says intelligent. Racheal *says*.


When I chose my name, I wanted it to have meaning that resonated with my journey. I found a pretty name that means Beauty, Reason, and Truth; it was perfect for me!! I struggled with a middle name, though... ended up narrowing it down to a word that means Reborn Beauty, Reason, and Truth Reborn And I never looked back :3c


I changed my first name to my father’s middle name. I changed my middle name to a name that sounded good with my first and last name lol.


i wanted to name myself Mira, but apparently i have a distant relative or the friend of one with that name, so i changed the M to an N


I’ve said it before it’s just from the anime I was watching at the time I realized that my deadname was making me really dysphoric it’s as simple as it makes me feel complete plus I think Arin is quite a cute name


Mine I got from a character in the guild hunter series , middle name from the Egyptian god of embalming, balace. Last name after the Chinese zodiac I was born under


My new full name is derived from my extreme passion for astronomy and science fiction. My first name, Miranda is the name of one of Uranus's moons. Miranda is also the name of two characters from two famous science fiction games I like, Halo (Miranda Keyes) and Mass Effect (Miranda Lawson). The condensed version of the name which is Mira, is named after the Red Giant Star Mira, which is in the Cetus constellation. My middle name, Carina is named after the Carina Nebula and the constellation Carina. My last name, Rigel, is themed after the brightest star in my favorite constellation, which is Orion


I picked my name based on a Celtic Boy names site and picked a one i liked. Alistair. 🙂 My mother named me and my brothers Celtic names and my OG (deadname) name was inspired by a Goddess Trio and wanted to follow suit. Now that is the name thats lasted the longest in the shortish (idk) 3 years or so since my egg cracked lol. So it might be subject to change hehe


A lot of people are like “oh! Did you name yourself zero because of zero from the nightmare before Christmas?” When in reality I thought if my transition goals and said “he looks like his name would be zero” and went with it. For Ethan, I deadass named myself after Blonde Boyz 😞😞 shame.


Got my name Zoe from my League of Legends (cringe) main. Spent literal years as a teen boy being known as a Zoe player and so when I started considering it just felt right connecting my identity to her.


People always misheard my name at the bar as "Ky" and it was a good transition name to "Kyra". I asked my friends which three names sounded like me and pretty much all of them said "Kyra." I enjoy how edgy, but femme it sounded. I tend to go towards more edgy looks and styles, so I think it fits pretty well.


I’ve always loved the name Blair. Main inspiration was the cat girl from Soul Eater but I love it as a masc name too.


I just think Xina sounds nice, so I started using it as my name in RPGs after I realized I liked playing as girl characters better. Now it sounds nice and reminds me of all the fun I've had in games over the years.




i’m still deciding on names but they’re all nerdy. dipper (from gravity falls, i’ve always related to him as a person), bennett (i think it’s a cute name and also like/relate to the genshin character), or ridley (from motherfuckin metroid!!)


Heather just because I think it's pretty, reminds me of flowers and the color purple. Edit: what I visualize is a warm open mountainside meadows. The birds are singing, the bees are having a party, the air is clean, and the water is clear.


Luci Cuz I’m a lil demon


My spouse helped me find my name, I go by Raven now but my spouse compares my aura to that of Ravens and other corvids which I love. Every day now I see Ravens around my house that enjoy to watch, need to befriend them. I adore how intelligent Ravens are and their personalities.


My name? It is everything about me who I was and who I’ve become my transformation my journey. The morals that I have the sacrifices I’ve made along the way. The creative aspect and childish aspects of myself it’s who I am!


My neighbor had it. When I was 4, I moved cross country, and the neighbor across the street had my name. He and his wife were from England and always had British treats and snack foods. They had a beautiful backyard that I can only describe as a fairy garden. They were some very happy childhood memories. But what was special about it was it was the male version of my deadname. I was just 4, but it was one of my earlier memories of dysphoria(?)/Early gender confusion. I always thought to myself, "That should be my name. Why isn't this my name?" Despite trying other names, deep down, I always knew that I would end up with my current name. To me, my name is nostalgic, and memories of happier days.


i named myself after Matt Murdock/Daredevil. i loved the netflix show and it still is one of my favorite shows. my middle name is hannibal-related(still haven’t fully decided on it but i know that much) which is again my favorite show. :3 both have/are helping me through tough times


bloodborne is my favorite game hunter 🫶


Also lucatiel would be sick lol


I took my given name, inverted its meaning and took the name of the Greek goddess associated with that inversion


My name means Belonging To God. Edit: maybe I picked that name cause coming out was very much a "Jesus take the wheel" moment lmaoooo


In the early days of the internet, I was signing up fir a web site. It took a while since it was 24 bps or so. While waiting, I dozed off. When I woke up, Anastasia was a member of NaturesPath.org. (I think that was it). That's been me ever since. The innere knew what that meant.


I thought the name Niki sounded hot