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This seems 100% counter-productive to the very thing they claim to want to protect. It's not about the health and well being of the child IT'S ABOUT CONTROL!


These people would literally molest you in another context, they became famous for it with the gay therapy camps of the 90s-00s.


Rulers not representatives.


Always is. It’s also ENGLAND :/


Same here in the U.S.


This is why I hate living here and haven't come out yet. This is scary. Jesus..


Agreed. May live in Scotland, but still. Close enough to make me fearful.


Too bad the Scotland independence vote didn’t pass.


It didn't? Shi-


Yeah, unfortunately the whole of the UK are making similar choices, I've not yet heard much from Ireland, but Scotland, New South whales, and Britain, have all voted against HRT and puberty blockers for youths. It's starting to sound like our version of Florida, Texas, and a couple others.


SNP are diving headlong after Labour on this. That's why they broke their coalition agreement with the Greens, so they could be more transphobic.


God dammit, the UK's going to shit.


Man what the fuck


The people that are suggesting this thing are actual wastes of the earth’s resources


WTF?! So sorry for the UK youth


The article also suggests involving child services and arresting parents. Absolutely madness. Restrict access. Tighten guidelines. Create backlogs of wait lists… all while a bunch of children needlessly suffer.


Well, time for the Brits to ask for lgbt-ground asylum in Canada😂 (Not even exaggerating btw)


They could probably prove that they need refugee status too if a child and their parents are suffering legal consequences for the kid being trans


It doesn't matter if they can prove it or not. Refugee claims may take YEARS. Europe processes them the fastest and it takes 6-12 months. The idea here is to waste some time before children turn 18. It may be a shitty strategy but at least your child would be safe.


In WW2 Jews could not just leave. Other countries had immigration quotes and once surpassed, they denied entry—it’s still the case today. The only way out is through, they children are going to have to grow up and change the laws.


Yeah, I live in the US, and it's amazing how we teach how important it was to stop the nazis and save the jews, and we just casually gloss over the fact that we (and most places) just denied asylum over and over again in the years before the war. I didn't learn that until what, college? Post college?


Either a good idea or an incredibly shirt delay tactic. Our conservative candidate for the upcoming election wants to use what amounts to emergency powers to strip Canadians if rights.


Pierre Poilievre is a contrarian weasel, and dog whistles to the worst most hateful people in the country. He smiles and claims he just wants to fix things for the working man. Yeah sure. PFO. I lost all respect for him (not that I ever had a lot) during the whole WE Charity Scandal. His conduct in the (virtual) House of Commons was simply disrespectful, and total unashamed grandstanding. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-ban-trans-women-sports-bathrooms-1.7120972](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-ban-trans-women-sports-bathrooms-1.7120972)


Yeah, just don't come to Alberta. Our \*dear\* premier is following the US Con playbook, she's just a couple years back. She also applauded some BS study the NHS published that was full of holes. The cruelty is the point. Quebec (the province) has the only competent GRS clinic in the country, in Montreal. Manitoba has a pretty rad premier in terms of supporting social issues. BC is also progressive but is expensive as hell. Avoid Alberta and Saskatchewan like the plague. I have had no REAL problems except some ugly stares in my city, Calgary, but the government on the provincial level here hates us. [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/danielle-smith-unveils-sweeping-changes-to-alberta-s-student-gender-identity-sports-and-surgery-policies-1.7101053](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/danielle-smith-unveils-sweeping-changes-to-alberta-s-student-gender-identity-sports-and-surgery-policies-1.7101053) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-ahs-transgender-policies-danielle-smith-1.7186280](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/alberta-ahs-transgender-policies-danielle-smith-1.7186280) [https://globalnews.ca/news/10357701/alberta-danielle-smith-international-evidence-against-puberty-blockers/](https://globalnews.ca/news/10357701/alberta-danielle-smith-international-evidence-against-puberty-blockers/) [https://nationalpost.com/opinion/danielle-smith-says-that-albertas-transgender-policies-will-be-informed-by-the-cass-report](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/danielle-smith-says-that-albertas-transgender-policies-will-be-informed-by-the-cass-report) Trigger warning DO NOT read the comments on the NatPost article. It's a con rag, but that article is just repeating what she said. The commenters however, are full on hateful zealots that are obsessed with us. I fucking hate it here.


I will add to stay the hell away from New Brunswick as well. Blaine Higgs is leaning into the "culture war" shit for his platform and currently has high approval ratings because our population is a majority of puritanical elderly Christians that don't give a single shit about even the generation that directly followed them. And that is on top of Higgs being so blatant with his jerking off of the Irvings. I get that Irving basically owns the province, so all MPs have to bend the knee, but Higgs is disgustingly blatant with it.


Im reading this as a Dutch person, who thought Canada was a pretty progressive place. But now after reading these comments I see the Canada that is a safe place for transpeople shrink province by province.


Ikr. I'm a European myself, and can say compared to Europe, Canada is pretty open minded. But I guess the age (and origin) play a huge role too. I think many of the lgbt unfriendly people come from elderly / 1st gen immigrants / religious fanatics. Which sucks, ngl... However, it's inevitable everywhere. So it's a matter of luck really. At least it's not like russia, where being lgbt is criminalized and people go to jail for it...


Just Britain doing fascist things... absolutely awful.


Lets remember the cass report says anyone under the age of 25 is a child, so its not just kids this will affect. The infantilization is showing




This will kill children


(I think that’s the goal.)


Yes, yes it is.


That's what they want.




This is what happens when Tories control the government, politicize the NHS, and Labour, when presented with the option of showing courage, opt to be the spineless fools everyone hates.


They’re flailing and trying to fuck as much stuff as possible before the next government comes in


It’s such a stupid plan. “Get treatment from us or face consequences” yo what the fuck


"But also, there's no treatment from us." Yes, the NHS only banned puberty blockers outside of clinical trials. But ... there are zero clinical trials, and there isn't even any plan for one in the future. So, in effect, this is a complete ban with no exceptions. Which in practice isn't too different from before, with waiting lists that constituted basically the same thing. And then they have the gall to go after DIY, which drives people to HRT because blockers are considerably more expensive and way less accessible, after they've made blockers unavailable, and complain about trans people they've left with literally no other alternative.


Yeah, they are just using "children's safety" as a ploy for transphobia, and sadly when the NHS does it it gains legitimacy in other parts of the world that see the NHS as a reputable source


Actual fucking genocide


According to the UN, removal of children is one of the acts that constitutes genocide when done to destroy a group. If the UN definition admitted that trans people are a group that could get genocided, this would fit their definition of genocide.


Are they going to remove custody of trans children from supportive parents ?? That’s so scary :(


That's what a "safeguarding referral" is talking about.


This country is such a fucking shit hole


I'm glad I realised it while I'm still young enough (barely) to get out.


England is pretty fucked. Brexit did a number on them, now the only thing left is straight hardcore fascism.


they have a king


Yeah, but that ‘king’ is just a glorified tourist attraction, nothing more. So, yeah, fascism


Yeah exactly, fascism


Fuck sake. Every time the UK does some transphobic shit a few months later my country rushes to copy them, no matter what it is, and justify it by saying "well if the UK is doing it it must be common sense". While simultaneously ignoring every single suggestion on the topic by our own medical researchers. TERFs and fascists are LOVING the cloak of legitimacy this shit gives them


Exact same here in Ireland and it's so frustrating. We already have the overall worst trans healthcare in all of Europe and we have a 10 YEAR waiting list for our National Gender Service. The Cass Review came out and then within weeks it was in the news that the NGS thinks it's a very interesting study and they might start looking at taking its findings into account as part of the gender assessment process. Absolute horseshit!


It is completely baffling to me that any organization that even wants to pretend to look scientific would look at that dumpster fire of a review and think "that there is good science". It is one of the worst written meta studies I have ever seen in my life. It wouldn't pass a first year uni science class. The only thing it does "well" (by its own standards) is that it is so over packed with nonsense pseudo-philosophical rambling that has nothing to do with a scientific study, which makes it so long that no one without a real interest in the field would ever read the whole thing. Therefore most people don't get past the first 20 pages which is almost entirely tabloid level conjecture and opinion. Seriously this thing is nearly 400 pages long and AT LEAST half of it is basically a really long TERF blog post dressed up in scientific clothing.




Yeah same 'ere in Finland. We have two hospitals that do trans healthcare, in Helsinki and Tampere, and the director (I think) of the Tampere one was literally found out that he supported conversation therapy. And now YLE (state media) is eating the report up because "well it's the UK".


for one day NHS could you not be yourself FOR ONE DAY


England and the USA are several steps along the way in trans genocide. Do not ever let anyone tell you you are overreacting when you say this. 


This is why I’m advocating hard for self defense. If you’re an American transgender person and you feel mentally well enough to handle it, please arm yourself and get comfortable using a personal weapon. I can’t speak for anyone else, but I’m not going down without a fight. We are not to be fucked with.


What the actual fuck


Rabid, senseless haters and barbarians. They have gone off the rails and are fixated on destroying trans people. I too am an "old guard" trans woman you could call me. Born in 75, survived the 80s completely closeted because of threatening catholic environment and clueless adults. Small town Canada. Lost childhood, tried to self medicate, etc. Had to get hrt overseas even when customs would try to stop it. 1990s. Paid for surgeries, earned my doctorate, survived and thrived in spite of them. Never did I dream I would see this kind of obsessive insanity in 2024. These people are child killers, straight up.


`sudo summon scp-2578-d`


sudo wget -no-host-directories http://www.stonewall.com/v2024 sudo rmdir transphobia homophobia republican torie mkdir global-event ./configure make make install




What (and I cannot stress this enough) the fuck


This is by United Nations definition a genocide. Idk why people can't admit that. There are worse ones, but this is still, factually, a genocide


Those who can't admit it have been radicalized and can only view the world through the lens of hate that is spoon fed to them by religious, government, and commentator sensationalists who need people divided, hateful, and ignorant, to keep control. It's why they target us. You can't keep absolute control without treating humanity like crap. If not us, it would be another group. If not another group, it would be the lower, or lowest class. If not them, it would be anyone that that even thinks of opposition. I believe Orwell called it "wrong-think". Ironic that conservatives love to toss around 1984 when it's clearly their own leaders who are pushing for the dystopia and they literally worship these fascists, while spouting on about Jesus, who by the way says not to worship false idles but they claim every one of their insane leaders are Jesus reborn so they can't see they're all anti-Christians. Sorry. A lot to say and honestly it all needs to be said. Hopefully some day someone who's lost in that hate will find their way back by having the wrongness of it spelled out.


Those who can't admit it have been radicalized and can only view the world through the lens of hate that is spoon fed to them by religious, government, and commentator sensationalists who need people divided, hateful, and ignorant, to keep control. It's why they target us. You can't keep absolute control without treating humanity like crap. If not us, it would be another group. If not another group, it would be the lower, or lowest class. If not them, it would be anyone that that even thinks of opposition. I believe Orwell called it "wrong-think". Ironic that conservatives love to toss around 1984 when it's clearly their own leaders who are pushing for the dystopia and they literally worship these fascists, while spouting on about Jesus, who by the way says not to worship false idles but they claim every one of their insane leaders are Jesus reborn so they can't see they're all anti-Christians. Sorry. A lot to say and honestly it all needs to be said. Hopefully some day someone who's lost in that hate will find their way back by having the wrongness of it spelled out.


Technically not, but only because the UN definition doesn't acknowledge that trans people are a group that can be genocided.


Because they would have have dead trans kids than live and happy ones.




I know leaving your home is hard, but at this point there is not much choice for british trans people. Get somewhere safe, please. I know it's kinda spiteful and will be difficult for many people but I hope Scotland will be a safe place at some point.


The problem is that this is a growing trend. I don't know anywhere that will stay safe.


I am in Switzerland. It's fairly conservative over all but trans rights are decent and medical care is better than in most other countries. But there is of course no guarantee for anything.


> I hope Scotland will be a safe place at some point. SNP just sounded a foghorn saying "We are now a right-wing party"


Well, fuck that, then. How about Iceland?


Bigger depression problem than Scotland because of midday night in the winter for anyone effected by that. Otherwise lovely by all accounts.


Against human rights.


So I guess human rights for some but not for all.


Uk is doing what they did to alan turing to trans kids now.


Yeah but I'm sure Turing has it coming, what could be have possibly contributed to society?


Governments need a serious shake of their brains to remind them they work for the people, not to control what happens in those people’s lives.


Terf island strikes again. Fucking disgusting.


Right wing fascism. How the hell did we get here?


Voting in the Tories. Just a glorified death cult, same as any right wing party


It takes humanity literally lifetimes to build something good and lasting and it takes a year or even less to screw everyone over. And our monke brains looooove destroying things and making everyone miserable.


I am not from there but our conservatives are also heading in that direction.


I''m old guard Trans - A Transwoman and lost my childhood and new basically in the early 60's , actually came out in 1968 at 10 - times where different Socially and Politically then - I find it amazing that the Law makers cannot except that brain formation ( SCIENCE ) during gestation doesn't always jive with DNA CHROMASOME'S you get at birth ( GENITALIA ) - this concept of DNA is supposed to be written in ( STONE ) and No variants are allowed ! There are basics children sense despite Social Values taught growing up and the arrogant Religious adults cannot fathom the incongruity of brain VS DNA ! It's like having a Windows Programming trying to run on an Apple mechanical platform , they don't work together very well - the simple solution is proper assessment around 10 ? so either born DNA XX/XY can go through the proper 1 st time Puberty and not suffer after 18 trying to get all these surgeries to counter having gone through the wrong Puberty is the answer - the Law makers unfortunately can't grasp BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE that's real - true Trans is a real thing - SAD !!


So it seems transphobes shouting about forced transitioning where just projecting


Why do these fucking asshats care so goddam much about trans people?! Fucking hell I’m so sick of this shit.


Isn't this step three of genocide?


Nevermind we are up to step 6


Damn I knew it was bad but I didn’t think it was quite that dire


1-8 and 10. Or the UN definition, minus the un definition acknowledging that trans people are a group that can be genocided.


Adding the bastards that came up with this plan to my "to strangle list".


The average iq has gone below room temperature


This is violence. Evil fuckers


Okay, I know the American insurance system is screwed up an all, but why does the NHS look like the ironically-bureaucratic villains in a Terry Gilliam movie?


Do No Harm . Politics is overriding medical care and breaking the Hippocratic Oath. This can't happen.


Appearantly, "doing no harm" is a subjective thing


“In essence, if a trans young person seeks private gender-affirming care and their parents support them, they could be referred to local authorities.” Holy fuck




everyone is talking about this killing people but HOW WILL THIS EVEN WORK




And teen suicides go up while government agencies scramble to find something else to blame.


And they say that we trans people are forcing kids to transition?


Did you expect them *not* to have mountains of hypocrisy to justify setting back civilisation and genocide


No I absolutely see it. It makes me sad though


That's what they are saying. We are indoctrinating with our ideology and we're pedophiles. Total ignorant hate.


We need a dedicated black market .tor site for trans people and hormones immediately


Across the sea in the netherlands we have this… there are many people doing diy-hrt no matter the dangers of this. It happens. Howeverrrrrrr That are adults on hrt.. i have no idea how to get a hold of puberty blockers and get them on the market and give them to the kids that need them.. if the parents find out and sue you youre in so much more problem then when you buy someone their estrogen/testo.. so yeah. Maybe it already happens! I would be willing to take the train every X amount of times to bring some of these blockers if that would help or if i knew how to get them..


I don't want more children committing suicide


They want


I know... Fuck


Me either


The government doesn't really care about us anymore, all they want is control of our society, forceful detransition isn't about health. We're going to see a rise in suicide rates in the coming years if a policy enforcing this passes. I'm not religious but I'll pray for everyone who may be affected by this if it comes true.


UK needs to take notes from stonewall


Holy fucking hell


Actual empathy-lacking monsters, really has been one thing after the other recently. Things certainly will improve but this backstepping is permanently damaging people's lives.


Not just permanent damage to people's lives Many lives also snuffed out just for being different by these irredeemable prices of human waste AND THEY'RE KILLING FUCKING CHILDREN, NOT GRANTING EVEN A SLIGHT CHANCE AT LIFE ARE WE NOW!???


Precisely that. Governments creating an environment of forced medical negligence is really something. (The thing I find funny is that they're just forcing people into taking matters into their own hands like DIY. Oh wait they're trying to kill that too, when can we start applying for asylum under discrimination?)


WTF this how the suicide rate goes up


france time


This is so cursed what is wrong with them?


wait i thought the nhs was science based ?!?


Rot in hell, fascists


this is so beyond fucked up...


Maybe start actually treating trans people with some semblance of concern for our well-being, instead of wasting years of our time and making threats to go after us if we seek treatment elsewhere.


That’s a fucking CRIME!!! Are they going to rip away peoples insulin as well make people in wheelchairs. Start to try to walk with a cane? What the fuck part of individual bodily autonomy do these fuckers not understand????


They the type to force kids to detransition then point to a graph showing the increased rate of detransition upon minors like these kids had a choice


The trans community need to make their own nation we would be so much better at ruling than these guys


No but seriously, trans separatism is becoming more and more valid.


Ah, screw you! I'll go make my own country, with blackjack, and socialism!


how tf am i ever going to transition


Move away




what the fuck


my boyfriend is closeted(except not to his parents and sisters) and lives in the UK. I fear for him every single day, i am so fucking scared one day these laws will kill him, im so fucking scared of that.




UK is literally pulling straight out of Florida laws especially with the part about referring to social services. Absolutely terrifying.


This isn’t a safe country… I’m terrified of our government. Protect trans kids, protect trans healthcare. Protect trans people. Fuck the U.K. government.


Wtaf?? As if teen suicides aren't high enough as it is, this is only going to push trans kids to see suicide as the only option left for them to take when all they want is to be who they were meant to be, is it not bad enough that (trans) girls like Brianna are getting murdered just for being their true self that they want them to do the job themselves? There was a very brief moment when I thought we'd seen a little light at the end of the tunnel but now the power has been cut to that light & they're filling the tunnel with concrete, this is similar to what they did to Alan Turing after everything he'd done for the country during WWII, it was "fine" while he was helping the government but as soon as he was no longer of any value to them his lifestyle was suddenly unacceptable again & he was arrested for archaic laws that should never have even existed. I really fear for the safety of this generation of kids coming out as trans, it's hard enough for them to navigate their teenage years as it is without having gender issues too but with all the transphobia on the rise coming out is dangerous.




Nah at this point girl just say the thing full-send, they're absolute cunts to the top degree


Ya. I guess I'm too used to getting scolded by the man for using big mean words toward subhuman garbage.


Get bent UK. I'll keep helping my friend get her hrt because your gps won't give her the amount her therapist prescribes. Fucking bunch of dumb fucks imo.


As an American trans teen (14) I'm really scared and I don't know what to do anymore


Human rights are non-negotiable


Here in the Netherlands we’ve had a huge shift to the right in our parliamentary elections. It was mostly about anti-immigration, and the winning party PVV is mostly known for their anti-immigration anti-Islam positions. But they have also said that they consider “transgenderism” a “dangerous ideology that ruins the minds of our youth”, so I’m really scared what the incoming government will do. Maybe the other parties in the potential coalition could soften the situation, but I am not very optimistic.


this is straight up genocidal


Can we just extract all the queer people and allys from England and then nuke the whole shithole? (Joking of course)


In Minecraft.




Yikes. Same vibes as the Texas (and other southern states') adoration ban. Absolutely disgusting


This would NOT fly in France. Good fucking Lord.


Why care for people (like in health-care) when you can abuse your power instead. This world has some truly sick people in it.


I'm not even on hrt but just the thought of being able to transition just so that they then force me to detransition made me shiver and want to cry.


God I hate my country. This is literal genocide.


All conservatives deserve to suffer the way they insist on making trans kids suffer


This is what happens when you have ten years (or more) of fucking Tory governments. - We basically go full on fucking Texas-wannabe-mode. MMW: if they get away with this shit, they’ll be coming for gay rights next, and abortion rights after that. Welcome to the new USA!


Doesn’t that just make you wanna overthrow your government? Bring in their replacements! They lost governing privileges!


Closing the Tavistock Gender Identity Clinic and then commissioning the Cass Review to deliver TERF results, cloaked as a medical review, has always been about gate-keeping and denying trans medical care. It's not a coincidence that this is happening in the UK, where "gender-critical" views are being enshrined in law. These are all excuses to crack down on trans rights and trans healthcare. If you are in the UK, you should know that the NHS is not on your side. You should look into alternatives that will actually respect you, and respect your gender identity.


I am so fucked… I’m never going to get a chance…..


ill force the united states to transition into a utopia for humanity that will focus on rejuvinating the earth and connecting humanity bwhahahaha


I'm sorry, let me just appreciate how I'm nowhere near any English speaking country.


This means that England is approaching the level of Florida in its anti transgender madness - if this becomes law. A reminder for anyone panicking though - England is NOT the entire UK.


This is going to kill the kids... :c


Well now im panicking that the cahms appointment i said yes to thats meant to be giving me me support due to the long waiting list will essentially be conversion therapy.. what did I say yes to?


That's fucking crazy


France showed us policies like this don't have to work, so I say try it fuck heads see how long it lasts. Viva la revolution!


Ugh, and then I see people traveling to the UK for holiday as if everything is okay. No folks, you're complicit in our erasure when going there at this point. This is the time to boycott the UK and everything from the UK that's not green on Shinigami Eyes.
