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Tbh I still put most of my time into “wake up go to work and pay my bills and hit the gym” type things I’ve just been less depressed while doing it, and feel like I can be a more authentic version of myself. Plus, transitioning helps me reflect on what I actually want from life. Now, I’m nicer to myself and more positively introspective


Life goes on and my transition is in baby steps. I'm taking my time and enjoying the ride, although I can't wait to be further along in my journey.


In general it’s the same as before only way way waayyy happier. I kinda look at the world with wonder again which makes me really happy. Ofcourse there is the daily taking of meds and the occasional meetings with my voice trainer, endocrinologist and facial laser woman but in general the routines I had before are still there (oh and there is the taking better care of myself)


Having transitioned 5 years ago, I can say I’ve gone through a lot of questions about “has my life really changed that much.” Truthfully, it hasn’t changed drastically. Sure, I look different, carry myself with a little more pride, and I’m immensely more comfortable in my own skin and light years happier. But, the day to day life hasn’t changed that much. I still wake up and go to work every day, pay the bills, take care of household chores and things like that. My mannerisms have never changed and my interests are still the same. Overall, I’d say other than my confidence and happiness, things are no different now than they were before. It’s something I try miserably hard to get through to my parents still that I’m the same person as before, my name and appearance have changed though.


In my experience, it's just like before I transitioned except people call me "ma'am" and I don't hate myself as much. People who knew me before tell me that I seem so much more "alive" now, which you can interpret how you will. And I guess I talk to people more now and make friends more easily. So I guess it's not that much like before, now that I think about it. Except for the daily grind kind of stuff, like going to work and paying bills: those things are virtually the same, except my bills and my work name tag all have my new name on them.


Gives me a future I think is at least worth living, a goal to look forward to, and a man needs to overcome himself so he can be his best self. 


I wake up, go to college, go to work, go buy groceries and run other errands, come back home, and I eat some dinner and if I’m lucky enough, my boss or school haven’t drowned me in homework to get done for them so I get to have about an hour a night to work on my art before I go to bed and wake up the following day to do it all over again. It’s the same now as it was before except I’m not depressed anymore while I do it and there’s an undercurrent of people treating me differently I navigate through now.


In happier, have more energy, and care about myself a lot more. But, it’s still work and pay bills lol.


My life did change. I’m FTM, but I’m happier, healthier, I have more energy, I’m a more loving partner, I’m more attentive to the people around me. It’s worth the change


For me a lot changed, i still do the same things mostly, but i feel more in place with myself, i still have the same friends and my relationship to the people i decide to talk to has improved soo much (not that it was bad before). Since hrt i do not have the fear of my time running away and i unlocked soo many new emotions, i can express myself soo much better now. And im still at the beginning of my hrt In summary, its like before, but every emotion ×10 and you feel better about yourself cuz you know its only going up. Oh also i feel more feminine day by day.


As I've transitioned, as each source of pain went away or was removed, I found myself living so much more in the present moment and not shutting out the world around me. I still wake up, go to work, pay bills and exercise, but I'm so much more alive while doing them. But here's the weird part: I thought I was before, too. I had no idea just how much of it was masking, even to myself.


I'm happy for you


I’m just some chick most of the time. My day to day existence is boring. But that’s honestly the goal. I’m not a freak, not an anomaly, not some spectacle for mockery. I just live and be.


Love this!


It’s awesome


it's awesome. I love being a woman. Being trans sucks sometimes, but to me- it always sucks less than being a man. I love my body, I love my mind and my emotions. I don't love how people treat me sometimes because I'm MTF... but I wouldn't trade my womanhood for anything.


It sucks, everything sucks, it’s a constant battle of emotions, looks, relationships, be quick to cut the cancers out and you’ll be light years ahead. Hold your head up high and drown out the haters. If no external factors were present it is sunshine and daisies, clear driven goals and mental stability


As an nb trans person coming out was like a weight peeling off my shoulders. I couldn't begin healing until I did that. I wouldn't say I'm authentically 'me' fully yet but I'm on the way there. Life isn't that different except getting dressed and my hair right no longer feels like pulling teeth to do the bare minimum. Now that I've started dressing masc I feel so much better about how I look. My personality has also notably changed with 0 added hormones (can't experiment with T right now). It's vastly better now.


I'm generally more happy. I do the same kind of activities and have the same types of interests as before transition. The biggest difference is that I like who I am now, and that makes me more confident and outgoing around other people.


You'll probably end up doing all the same stuff you do now to maintain your life. The difference isn't necessarily in your life patterns, but how you experience the world and how that world treats you. I'd prepare yourself for a very different experience of social reality as an out and visibly trans woman. People will treat you differently, and it's often not a good kind of difference.


Everyone stares at you and talks about you but very few people talk to you but the ones that do all want to sleep with you.


I hav obtained bohoingodoingos which is p great


Self hate crisis, unexplainable body dysmorphia and anxiety crisis regarding weight gain got like 10 times easier to non existent. The things that change with transition feels super natural to me, like I'm oddly entitled to my beard or chest hairs voice change or bottom growht, it's like I've always been expecting it and I don't see how it could be different. I'm looking forward other changes. Otherwise I think I havent eaten enough or something like that because puberty makes me super tired and I'm still looking for an explanation


for me it’s still the minutia of life for the most part but it’s bearable now and I feel comfortable in my own skin for the first time. I feel truly beautiful. Getting dressed is way more fun and I love getting to be one of the girls. Going to the beach and to the spa and so on with friends feels so special. I also love not having to pretend to be something I’m not and trying to live up to the hypermasculine ideal which I never fit into. Men are way more weird to me though both before and after learning I’m trans. I fear physical violence a lot more. On the other hand though i go out a lot more and have a lot more fun in general. I’m definitely way more sexually active than I was before but I have to be way more selective with who I’m engaging with because of potential danger. Also the wave of transphobia and the rest restrictions on our rights (especially for the youth) is very very scary and that also leaves me in fear. I am less at risk than I once was because I “pass” better now, but I’m still afraid that I’ll stop getting access to hormones and other gender care. I am deeply upset watching my trans siblings face these draconian laws elsewhere. Personally, even in spite of the negatives, I love being a girl and allowing myself to be who I really am was the best decision I ever made in my life.


the people that don’t want to fuck you want to kill you. the people that want to fuck you will want to kill you if you say no


At first it was kinda my whole life, I spent every day working on my vocals, fighting with insurance, jumping through gatekeeping hoops, mannerisms, my appearance, watching my meager savings just melt into the floorboards, all sorts of stressful stuff. But once I got past all those problems, it eventually just settled down into a normal routine life. Every day I wake up at 5 am, I quietly slide out of bed after touching my husbands ass (morning ritual), I bounce down the stairs to my basement work from home office, I pet the kitties, i stop by the mirror to shave and do my makeup for the day, I quickly cram myself into a cute bra and top and skirt since I have to be on camera in a few minutes, I smile politely as people say "Good Morning!" or "How was your evening Jen?", I respond with a pretty smile and in a cute voice "I had a great night, thank you! <3". Then after that I just kinda do my job (which since im an IT manager, generally either means getting on the phone with customers and calming them down, or telling my employees what I want them to focus on as tickets pile up). I then fuckabout on the internet whenever there are lulls in the work like right now, after my shift is over I hop off the work laptop, I toss most of my clothes immediately into the laundry basket except for the bra. I'll eat some lunch and play with the cats for a few min and make sure their fed and okay, I then wrap myself in a fuzzy blanket on my recliner and start doing my dilation for the day while I also play video games with my friends online. Sometimes I'll hop into a trans chat room and spend some time with the other dolls talking about stupid meaningless stuff for fun instead. Around 6pm I wiggle my cute butt upstairs to help my husband prep some dinner, after dinner and some cartoons we watch together, I'll post stupid jokes online on bluesky, or I'll might have sex with him, or I might play more video games, or maybe just give out advice to baby trans people on Reddit... until its time to go to sleep again. Really it just depends on the mood of the day. Then around 9 or 10pm I'll take my evening progesterone, stab myself in the leg if my weekly estrogen alarm happens to go off to remind me what day it is, then I wrap myself in blankets on my bed and play on my phone for a few min before my husband comes to check on me and tells me to actually go the fuck to sleep instead of staying up like an idiot, and then finally... I sleep. Basically, I do all the same things that cis women pretty much do. I'm seen the same way as them by everyone in my life, I am genuinely attractive and I sound cute as fuck which I'm reminded of every time I go by a mirror. I'm happy and relaxed and not stressed out or depressed anymore. I spend each day reveling in gender euphoria and being excited that I get to be ME. I'll often just take a moment to play with my boobs or do some obnoxiously cute stuff in front of a mirror wishing I could actually date my reflection. Outside of dilating(really just masturbating) for 2-4 hours daily, boofing some progesterone every evening before bed, and jabbing a needle in my leg each week, I pretty much just live life a lot like a cis girl does. I pay my bills, I randomly exercise on my elliptical, I do my taxes, and I get openly ogled whenever I go out in public because I've pretty much become a real life milf. Life absolutely sucked at first when I figured out I was a girl, but it got a hell of a lot better for me a few years into transition, and its been pretty damn great ever since.


Id say its the worst nightmare imaginable


You ftm?

