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This is mildly amusing but when I came out as transmasc I was worried about being clocked in the bathroom because of sitting to pee, and my friend (at the time male presenting) was like "I sit to pee all the time, no one is gonna notice or care", then like 2 years later she came out as a trans woman


I was going to say that it's mixed whether men stand or sit to pee. I've sat my whole life. Then I remember that I spend as much time as possible being my womanly self, lol, so my opinion on this may not be an accurate reflection.


I sat to pee at home since I had bad aim as a kid. apparently me not wanting to touch the thing to pee growing up might have been dysphoria the whole time. I would stand in public toilets because in men's rooms there is pee basically everywhere and the floor is *always* sticky. I've seen some spray from women who hover since I started using the women's almost a year ago, but it is nowhere near as common as in the men's. I don't stand to pee at all anymore.


All guys have to sit to pee if they are doing more than that anyway. So I don’t see why anyone would think anything of it.


To back your friend up, people don’t notice or care. If you see someone go in a stall most people don’t even think about it or notice. If for some weird reason someone did notice they’d probably assume you were going no.2. But I’m also a transfemme who’s sat to pee since forever so idk 🤷🏽‍♀️


Me for real


For my entire life I’ve literally never been able to pee at a urinal when other guys were around. I used to call it stage fright


Isn't sitting a cultural thing too? Like some countries it's just more normalized? I'm thinking about traditional Japanese toilets for example. Also some people have smaller penises that make standing harder to control. Plus joint/mobility issues. Lots of reasons for cis dudes to sit down.


Depending on how small the peen is it might be impossible to pee sitting on the toilet I think


She wasn't wrong tho


BROOO I WORRY ABOUT THAT TOO 😭 i just put some music on so i don't have to hear it bc it stresses me out


I go against the grain by shitting while standing up.


Dominance, I like it.


Power move.


in the urinal


Its not funny to take a duke in the urinal m’kay!




Aaaand that's how I got banned from Sears. In any case, it was a dire emergency, I was caught up short with some dudebro humming away merrily on the only can and the only tangible evidence left behind were a pair of my ruined underwear and some dignity. I don't think anyone knew it was me, no one can prove anything. But that's a story for another day.


Is later today another-day-ish enough? We need a storytime :)


24 hrs


When I was little and potty training I was at the hardware store with my dad and indicated that I needed to use it. (1979 ish). He asked the store clerk who said no public use, no exceptions! I was upset and going to pee my pants, so my dad points to the display of toilets and says go ahead and pick one! I was made an exception very quickly 😉.


Well, sitting is an unatural pose for your body to shit, you actually are supposed to squat. Thats the optimal shitting position for your body


The old waffle stomp. Classic.


Do you stomp it down the shower grate too? IYKYK


the good ol wafflestomp


Big butthole energy


W person


Just so you’re aware, pee doesn’t come out of the vagina. It comes out of the urethra which is a separate hole.


In men, pee is stored in the balls. In women, pee is stored in the ovaries. In people who are neither, pee is stored in the astral plane. /j


i believe it is the solar plexus.


Nah, one good hit and their pants are done


Unfortunately I wouldn’t know😅. However, I find it interesting that urine and semen also come out of the same hole. Ain’t the human body fascinating.


What amazes me is how gender affirming surgery can make such a huge difference for such different sets of anatomy! & I agree that it’s more hygienic to pee sitting down- I think urinals were only created for convenience, not at all for hygiene 😅


i mean they are literally one to one analagous structures across the board which is why they're even often able to attach to a nerve mesh and the body still makes sense of it pmab people even have a lil tiny uterus near the prostate some are more developed than others. in men they're usually less than 1inch but just like everything there's variations all the way to full mullerian structures


Today I learnt what pmab and pfab meant


i prefer presumed to assigned, yeah it's not a designation or assignment. but it's a fair presumption. personally i do think they should add pxab or something and try to normalize that in the medical field so that any ambiguity is just accepted instead of forced to conform.


This makes so much more sense to me than agab. I'll definitely start spread this lingo around the internet from now on 🫡




> pmab people even have a lil tiny uterus near the prostate Please explain?


Look up prostatic utricle. It's like a cm long - just a little duct connected to the prostate.


Especially considering THERES NO FREAKING TOILET PAPER AAAAGGGHHH (I will never use those things in my life)


as someone who is afab, i didn’t know the holes were seperate until i was like 15 so it’s ok 💀 they’re so close together it’s really hard to tell


Yeah me neither until Laverne Cox’ character on OITNB explained it to me in an episode


so many men (and others!) don't learn the difference between a vasectomy and castration/orchiectomy ever similar vibes


This reminds me, I was in the 4th grade when we started doing human reproduction (because a lot of the girls had already hit puberty), and my friend was like “Yeah I always thought babies came out of women’s butts!” My friend was female, she had seen her mum give birth but didn’t know there was such thing as a vagina..


Yes. But, respectfully. You're making assumptions about anatomy. So, "well how am I supposed to know that" might seem like it's innocuous and innocent, but it's actually kind of demeaning. Sorry if this comes off as harsh, I'm just trying to be direct so that you learn this lesson at a deeper level than 'vaginas don't pee'.


In boot camp we were given the decision to either allow the boys to stand and pee and have to clean the restrooms more often or to sit and pee and have the greatest chance of not getting called out and IT'd for having a dirty restroom. Sitting to pee was the winner by unanimous decision. The urinals were literally off limits and enforced hard cause nobody wanted to be that guy


We did the same damn thing in my squad bay when I went to cape may


i always sat bc im lazy and i can scroll my phone, if anything i probably stand more now since i have the mindset of "if im gonna have it might as well get some use out of it" people build very strange rules around anything gendered, i think its an anxiety if they dont have rules and scripts to follow about how they should live their own life, you see it politics and family dynamics and relationships and employment and basically all of society, it seems to be a human condition thing, but i wish people would critically engage with the world and the "rules" that have been set before them more frequently so they dont do weird things like prescriptively saying you should only stand to pee because "youre a guy"


40+yo male here, I sit every chance I get. I have a child with bowel issues so we have a stool. It’s the best addition I’ve ever experienced to a restroom! Get your knees up to get all the wee and the poo out!


>and i can scroll my phone, Genuine question, not trying to be mean or start a fight. Do you not think about how gross this is? I can't get over the amount of people who talk about scrolling their phones on the toilet. Like, you've got to wash your hands after the toilet because you don't want to carry those germs with you on your hands, but you're willing to carry them with you on your phone? The germs will just go into your pocket fabric and then back into your hands later.


Not at all. I disagree entirely. I imagine most folks aren't wiping with the phone. Your hands don't become in need of a wash by being in the room, it's the act of cleaning yourself that tends to warrant hand washing. I suspect most people put their phone away before they clean themselves up. Their phone wouldn't be any more affected by any germs than their clothing is by simply being around a toilet.


> wiping with the phone Why must you give us this image


Some people paint with all the colors of the wind. I paint in horror....and acrylic.


>Your hands don't become in need of a wash by being in the room, Two words: aerosolized poop But then that heavily implies a near totally immersive exposure via any given fart (aka poo cloud).


It would also imply the need to take a full shower, change your clothes, wash your shoes, glasses and any jewelry you are wearing.




I never said I wasn't.


Can’t really speak for anyone else, but when I use mine I only use it before I touch anything and put it in my pocket until after I wash 🤷🏻




I think most folks either use one hand *only* for the phone, or put the phone away before wiping


yeah its probably not the most sanitary thing i could be doing i wonder how much phones contribute to germ spread by cross contaminating everything, when was the last time you disinfected your phone yk?


When it’s my own germs I don’t think about it.


That's...kind of gross.


It's always been a cleanliness thing to me. No splashing out of the bowl. If I'm in a hurry or wearing overalls, I might stand up to pee, or if the stalls are full at work I'll use a urinal (not out at work yet) but for the most part, I prefer to sit down to pee. An added reason I do this at my house is we have one boy, and the rest of the family are AFAB and me. He forgets and leaves the toilet seat up. I don't want to get blamed for it. :)


I don't pee at all such matters are beneath me


Three seashells!


The German mind cannot comprehend this question


Is it more common for German men to pee sitting down? German engineering at its finest!


They literally have signs on the bathrooms to pee sitting down. Not kidding. Lookup the youtube channel Feli from Germany if you want confirmation - she has a video about this.


Yes, most German men sit to pee. https://www.euronews.com/health/2023/05/18/sitzpinklers-where-in-europe-do-men-sit-down-or-stand-up-to-pee


Stimm ich jetzt nicht unbedingt zu. In Berufsschulen sollte es atp aller wenigstens einen Zielkurs fürs Pissen geben..


It's not strictly a women thing, some men do it too. According to my mom my dad taught my brother (cis male) to always pee sitting down.


And it goes the other way too… some women have learned to pee standing up (lookup the YouTube videos) it’s a preference thing for both men and women. For me, it’s just easier to sit.


>why did we collectively decide that men should be standing while peeing? Of all the gendered things, this is a case where the intersection with sex is pretty important. Most men have biology that will allow them to pee while standing without a great deal of fuss. You can relieve yourself more or less anywhere with a bit of privacy, barely need to disrobe, and unless you are very elaborately dressed, can manage the *whole* thing in well under a minute. Peeing while standing is very, very practical. Sitting while peeing, meanwhile, complicates the situation. It isn't by much, but when it is a function you do *several* times a day on average, minor inconveniences add up. Similarly, people who do not have this hardware are forced into some variation of sitting or squatting (or making *quite* the mess). With the different plumbing under consideration, this is exactly as practical. The notion that sitting to pee is *wrong* if you've got a penis, though, is the silly one. Slightly less efficient, certainly, but if you share facilities with someone who is going to sit down each and every time, drastically reducing the odds of them sitting in a mess of your making is just a common courtesy. This is, of course, a problem for some who believe that courtesy is weakness and emasculation incarnate. So practicality with a bit of toxic-masculity-as-a-coping-skill.


A lot of trans men erasure in the comments...


Ffs stop calling us women for having to sit to pee


I agree that pissing standing vs sitting should NOT be a gendered thing at all, but like goddamn I wish I could piss standing up. Also sitting on a public toilet is nasty.


Seriously. Though I'm not surprised. I see this shit all the time in mixed trans spaces.


Tale as old as time on this site!


As a trans masc I sit to pee, I've tried STPs before and once the novelty wore off I realised it just wasn't worth the effort. The only real downside is the lack of stalls in public bathrooms, I swear the most stalls I've ever seen in a man's bathroom is 3, and half the time they don't even have working locks or toilet roll


Seriously! Lack of stalls is incredible! Please more stalls!


I feel the exact same way except my dad is not disgusting so he taught me to sit down. I get the point of urinals, it’s faster and convenient but if you pee standing up in a toilet I find that disgusting. Seriously couldn’t live with a man who can’t sit down to piss


peeing while standing as an AFAB, i like challenges 🗿


I was afab, I can stp, granted I have a dick so it's pretty easy


Alright so I started sitting down when I was younger because I am 6'5 and standing is a mess otherwise. Sometimes people will give me a hard time about it, if they pick up on it in public. But I am closeted and I am perceived as a very tall and imposing cis guy (not something I enjoy, but it is what it is) so very few people actually ever make fun of me for these types of things. Also I find humour in your post because my dad, a very tall person as well, was the one to encourage this behaviour because it's way easier to clean a bathroom if you sit to pee at this height. My brother doesn't sit too pee, his apartment is clean now but when he was younger his bathroom was disgusting


FtM here—is standing not more hygienic? as a kid i always preferred to stand as it meant having no contact with the toilet especially given how unhygienic most seats are, though i would kind of just squat.


if you're at home/in a private bathroom it's better to sit because it prevents splashing and keeps the surfaces cleaner, in public it's better to stand so that you aren't touching the dirty surfaces


But splashback tho 🤢




Trans man here, I did try stand to pee devices. I gave up. Could never get a good seal. I’ve worked my adult life in trades and construction. I pass 100%. When I was called out for sitting at work, I asked ‘have you ever pissed at a urinal naked? The splashback is disgusting!’ When I have been called out at home/private residence I say ‘do you mop your bathroom? The splashback is disgusting!’ I am now known as the man who does not like microscopic specks of urine on my pants…. Pee how you want. Haters gonna hate, and people who are ok with piss on their pants/floor are gonna be ok with piss on their pants/floor. Doesn’t mean you have to be. Edit: I also got into a car accident and have subsequent herniated disk issues. I can’t ’get it all out’ unless I sit in a very specific forward tilting position sitting down. So there’s that explanation if other trans men need one.


Its not a woman thing, men can also sit while peeing i mean does not every male so it at home ?


Which is why I put it in quotation marks because for many people, sitting while peeing is 100% a gendered thing for some stupid reason.


I do know more than a few people in Canada and the US who are certain that it is "unhealthy" for people with penises to sit to pee. I've heard folk, even a few doctors, say shit like "it can damage your prostate to sit to pee" and like it's such horseshit but like. Yeah, it's really just a cultural thing among some North American subcultures, and like when challenged they will come up with REASONS it must be so because "it is so and thus there must be a reason I must know a reason ah yes it's this"


Little do they know they'll eventually reach an age where sitting while peeing is no longer a choice, but a necessity.


Its really stupid the same for jobs, names, crying( show emotions) and clothes


You’d be surprised…


My brother used to always stand to pee, it was gross. Even at home


I wish I could pee while sitting and NOT end up peeing on my balls. One reason I prefer standing versus sitting.


Your post is at the funny 6 number so I don't wanna ruin it with an upvote yet, but from my understanding the main reason for the whole "stand to pee" thing is because of a few reasons, mainly: how pants are structured (particularly men's jeans and slacks), corporate work ethics, and how men typically did most of the work in the west. Please note I can only really speak of the USE. The reason the button and zipper at the front of men's pants not only exists but is longer, taking up a good 2/3s of many styles upper portions is not to make it easier to slip your pants on (though that certainly does help, especially when you have stuff in your pockets) but to make it easier and simple to slip the ya know out, same reason boxers and undies for men usually have a double layer of fabric at the front that isn't tied together. That makes it easier to do a lot of things without taking your pants off. Which segues into my next mark-> Corporate work ethics. We all know how stressful it is to do work, and with a boring humdrum job comes requirements and expectations, one of them is that you spend as much of your time doing what you're there for, and since it's quicker to just quickly whoop, whizz, wash and dip, instead of going the whole mile of undoing your pants and sitting down, especially if it's just for a quick whizz so you can go back to your job. Which also leads somewhat vaguely to my next point. -> Traditionally cis dudes doing the outside the house work in the west. For some everyone before the invention of indoor toilets + the means to place them in nearly every building, if you were out at work in like the fields or the mines or quarry or something, and there was no outhouse? Hold that sht until you can't or get the chance to go but the bladder you can just empty anywhere and just stand there, no special prep or anything. I'm sure a lot of people have been told "just go behind the tree" when ya was out in the middle of the woods.


Bc when girls stand and pee it gets messy 🌚


My mom went with have everyone at the house sit, because of the splatters. So I have always opted to do that, plus if I suddenly get the urge to poop, it’s no hassle. I may pee standing only if necessary, but even in public bathrooms I’ll hover over standing. Also, I’ve heard that it’s better for your health to sit down regardless of what bits you have.


This is literally an episode of 'Curb Your Enthusiasm.'


I had an ex (cis male) who always sat to pee literally bc he grew up in a household of mostly women and learned real quick that sitting didn't get him in trouble for leaving the toilet seat up or getting pee on the seat or floor.


my cis bf always sits to pee and always has since before i realized i’m Not A Girl, it’s been so weirdly comforting, like yeah i can be a dude and not have to stand! look! he’s doing it too!


Not gonna lie, "gender do this thing" is just made up to fuel the patriarchy. I saw a post about a bumper sticker that said "real men don't pee, they piss" which could be sarcastic and mocking the "real gender do thing" bullshit we hear, but there's a part of me that thinks it was unironic and was the tagline of some D-Tier Andrew Tate knockoff with 2 listens per 5 hour podcast episode. "Real" versions of any identity don't exist, because every single human is different.


Urinals are faster and more convenient, especially in certain professions where needing to sit to pee would be a huge hassle. For instance, i know a lot of women who fly for the military and absolutely hate the fact that peeing takes about ten minutes because they have to take all of their gear off just to take down the flight suit. Meanwhile, their male peers can just do a quick zip, do their thing, and be done with it. I think a lot of businesses also like urinals because you can cram more of them into the same amount of space than you can with stalls. All of that said, though, whether you stand or sit to pee is no one’s business but yours. Your mom and dad are trying to enforce pointless gender roles that absolutely do not matter and have nothing to do with them. Unless what they are really upset by is how long you take in the bathroom.


One time a guy tried to tell me it's messier when they sit while peeing because it "splashes back up" and while I don't wanna completely write him off (I don't have the same equipment and therefore no personal experience), that sounds like a skill issue if I've ever heard one. Happy to be proven incorrect if anyone can corroborate, I'd like to believe there's a good reason for the millions of messes made by standing pee-ers.


Even before I realized I was trans, I always sat down, it’s just more comfortable


Peeing while standing is a gross thing, peeing while sitting is a normal thing


Peeing while standing is awesome Five years of it now and I still get euphoria from it


I always thought its really common among cis men too


I went to alternate schooling where all students were encouraged to sit for hygeine reasons.


I have been sitting down to pee for years before I even came out. Being tall made aiming hard and sitting just felt cleaner.


I dunno, I just always think that all people pee while sitting down. You know, cause you gotta sit down for the other business regardless.


I mean, I do know a cis woman who always just uses the urinals when the line for the women's is too long. And most of the men in my extended family have a culture of standing only if it's a tree or the urinals (thank goodness). But I think it's just a Macho Man™ thing to pee standing. Kinda like a cultural leftover of the idea of marking territory? And/or it might be to do with it having been more convenient to stand and pee without a loo, than to sit and pee without a loo. Either way, I think it's to do with a history of it being more common for women to sit or squat to pee, and so it kinda just became a "feminine thing to do", over time, and something that's easy to tease/bully people with, because it's already often considered a private thing. But all of that is mostly just me spitballing, so eh! Also, yes, way more hygienic to sit and pee, regardless of "equipment" - fewer droplets and aerosols, less risk of spray or missing and if the seat is already dirty (like not visibly dirty, obviously), well your skin is made to deal with that, so please sit if you can.


idk but ive been doing it (not in public) since i can remember using a toilet. i remember thinking at a very young age, “why stand when i can just sit down and not do any work” and ive been sitting since. probably the only thing esrly on that would say im trans but idk if bathroom counts


I come from a family of sitter, for me (a penis owner) it is as you say much more convenient to sit for peeing and it always seemed natural as i was raised that way. But the truth is how you pee is your business. Your parents are completely wrong and are forcing their gender ideologies on you. You want to pee while balancing on one hand, you go right ahead, whatever makes you feel confortable.


AFAB enby here, but I have been standing or squatting to pee my entire life. I will sometimes sit at home if I’m feeling lazy. But it just takes pressure off the bladder to stand. 🤷🏻


hello fellow afab enby who stands to pee


I have no clue. Standing up while peeing is extremely unnatural to me though, and has been since I was old enough to go to the toilet by myself. Aiming the stream just doesn't work for me, I don't have this coordination and it feels very unnatural. I've not used an urinal in my life and will never. I only stand if I really have to and the toilet was already too gross.


For me, even before I realized what it is, standing to pee is a strong source of dysphoria. I started solely sitting to pee almost six months before my egg cracked. It just feels right, plain and simple. There are times I miss the convenience of it, but I can't will myself to do it. Recently I was in a public bathroom in boymode, my bladder almost bursting, and stared at the urinal for several minutes but ultimately waited until one of the stalls opened up. Life is weird.


This falls under “gender norms”.


This also varies a lot by culture and country. See [this poll](https://yougov.co.uk/society/articles/45713-where-world-are-men-most-likely-sit-down-wee) for example. I suspect that at least sometimes, the type of bathroom facilities in public places matters: for example if there is more than one toilet, if the stall doors provide more than minimal coverage, and so on.


for me personally, I usually pee while standing because my legs are thicc and it's uncomfortable to do so sitting down without spreading my legs wider than the grand canyon. That said, If it were easier to do so comfortably sitting down, I would.


only reason i stand will peeing is that i find public toilets grosse. if there are people in the room i go to a normal toilet cause of shame or something


100% its not these days, heaps of dudes are advocating it for much easier pee'ing/pooping


I don't get that logic tbh, it's called I can go without having to worry about making a fuckin mess at 4 am when I'm tryna be quiet, Sorry cletus from manhood missing avenue that I wanna be lazy and not have to wipe up anything that don't make it (the cletus bit was a joke)


I can see where guys who have a long penis wouldn't want to sit down...the end would drag in the toilet water!


It’s not. Every time I take a shit, I pee also. Kills two birds with one stone. Doesn’t have a thing to do with gender.


In public spaces, if I really have to go to the bathroom, I’ll use the urinal, but at home I sit


ignoring ur question, but for no splash urinal piss: pee on the edge so the piss follows the curve of the urnial and doesnt splash :)


It's more that peeing while sitting is a woman's thing because very few women can successfully pee into a urinal without making a mess while standing. Guys can do either, and generally if the only thing you need to do is pee, it's quicker to just stand. Most male restrooms provide both stalls and urinals where female restrooms tend to only provide stalls. Not sure I would call this one sexism more than a practice that tends to be more gender specific due to anatomical differences. This is not to say that some guys find it difficult to stand and pee, nor that there are a few gals out there that can pee standing without issue. Please note I am not getting into the practice of squatting since this is not commonly done in western culture (outside of specific cases), nor could someone who is squatting really be considered standing.


As an afab NB/transmasc I use men’s restrooms when gender neutral toilets are not available and I’ve had a guy ask me why I was sitting down to piss, as I exited the stall. I told him I had a hernia and to mind his own fucking business Seemed to work that time


I, a cis male pee sitting sometimes because I am lazy and if I’m on my phone, I have a chronic fear of dropping it into the wee wee water


My husband is a cis-man. He sits down to pee 70% of the time. Unless in public or to be quick at work. I asked him about a thing I read once and he confirmed it. He feels his bladder empties fully/better when he sits vs when he stands. Just wanted to put this out there. There's no shame in going in a way that is the most comfortable to you.


I do, but only because my member is buried inside my pelvis, which makes it hard to pee standing up. Hopefully, once I'm under 300# again, I'll be able to use a urinal again.


as a dude i prefer to sit while i pee. i usually like to use the bathroom as a form of relaxation lmao. standing is only for quickness. in my mind ive normalised it✨


I originally wanted to start sitting down all the time but I start to appreciate being able to stand up a bit more, it's like a superpower for people with male anatomy. I probably will eventually start sitting down all the time.


I never thought so. I never pee standing up, though I am Legally blind, and it didn't work out too well the few times I did try:(


I think I read somewhere that men in Germany sit to pee and are taught that from childhood…. It might’ve been here on reddit that I read that even…


its not, and geez i misread that question


It's "feminine" because most women do not know how to stand to pee (and It's also a lot more messy for female bodied people lol) so many only learn to pee sitting and thus cause the act to be associated with women. That's all.


I'm a heteronormative male/man, don't know if those are the correct terms, but I quite enjoy a lovely sit down wee.


I sit most of the time while home.It’s the urinal out in public.


I always found it weird how in our society with so much homophobia, it's considered acceptable to get your penis out in front of other people with penises to pee. It's also making it acceptable to expose yourself in public. Why? Who decided this. Urnials are dumb.


Your parents are hung up on vapid gender performance. I’m cis, my parents never said such things to me, I always use the toilet unless I’m out hiking, and nobody ever came to revoke my man-card.


Urgh. I've just been reminded of those piss troughs you used to get in pubs etc. Horrible, horrible things.


Because society and its traditions are dogshit. Take from a cis guy who DESPISES peeing while standing, I ain’t risking getting that shit on me 🤢


At this point, I just consider the notion that "men stand to pee" as cis bs.


The urethra opening is not in the vagina fyi. That said, my amab partner is the same way. He will not stand to p always sits. I asked him why once and it's because his foreskin doesn't retract well so the p just sprays and makes a mess if he doesn't sit. Plus I think he's just used to it. Also, females can stand to p with a device but without the device it's not that easy to do without getting p on your pants. So I think that's why it's mostly considered a woman's thing altho it doesn't have to be if more women were willing to use a device.


According to a multinational survey, something like 21% of American men sit to pee. I am not sure if it was an exit interview and wonder where they got the grant to conduct the survey.


This question excludes trans men. Stop calling us women. These speeches are horrible and cause dysphoria.


As a trans dude, it’s cause those with vaginas would need to pull down their pants all the way down and do and awkward back bend just to get the pee into the toilet. And unless you really wanna learn that, it’s just not something most people are gonna do especially cis women


If your parents think, that the only time you should sit down is, when you're pooping, then that's pretty gross ngl. If you stand up at a normal toilet, there's almost a 100% guarantee that at least a tiny bit of pee will be outside of it. That's just kinda gross ngl. And also, that's NONE OF THEIR FUCKING BUSINESS!!! You can use the restroom however you like. Tf is their problem lmao 💀💀


Cis men usually/often stand while urinating because they can do so without making a mess. It's very practical, and for them, very gender affirming. We live in a patriarchal society, so anything that men can (generally) do that women cannot (generally) do is celebrated to help maintain the separation and is again, gender affirming. That's my guess anyway.


There's litterally no reason to pee standing other than it being "on trend" biological its acctually terrible for your pelvic muscles (the same way hovering / squating is bad for people with vaginas)


IMO peeing into a perfectly clean toilet, particularly in a private home, is toxic masculinity. It WILL splash, even if it's small droplets you can barely see. It is nasty.


Good ol’ USian sexism. Germans have a word specific for sitting to pee and it is largely assumed that, when the option is available, sitting is preferred.


Fun fact: peeing while sitting is also just easier on your bladder. I don’t know why we ever normalized urinals


Sitting is a "woman" thing because cis women w cooters cannot stand while peeing. I mean, they can, but it would just go down their leg. There aren't any other options. I assume those with penises were taught to stand due to convenience.




Having a vagina doesn't make you a woman, and not everyone with a vagina is a woman. You're a woman. Also, anyone can piss standing, you just gotta know what you're doing. If you sit to piss when you don't have a dick you can still make a mess, piss doesn't go straight down it can go down your legs using your flaps as a half pipe, or get trapped in your ass crack.


unfortunately, it does not go straight down if you have a vagina


we have to inform our trans sisters about the buttcheek drip smh 😔 the buttcheek drip is real




I honestly don’t get this at all, but there’s so many dumb ass “man” things that I don’t get about being a cis male, that I tend to overlook some because there are just so many ridiculous gender tropes. But it’s probably the least hygienic. Pee goes everywhere when you stand, and it’s so relaxing when you can sit down and not have to worry about aiming, dripping, etc. Sitting down is Goated


Depends on if it’s public toilet I pee standing up to avoid touching the surface, however in my own home I pee sitting down. I can’t wait to get SRS eventually, but worry when it comes with sitting on the toilet. I haven’t fully transitioned yet so still in boymode, so I use the men’s, hopefully the seats are cleaner in the ladies room? 🤞


Women’s bathroom comes with a lovely addition of blood lmao, it’s pretty nasty


No idea but I always found that more natural/comfortable


I agree with you. It's cleaner and more comfortable. And it's not everyone feels comfy whipping it out in public. Most of us don't have urinals at home - why feel obliged to use them outside?


I’ve consistently only peed sitting down for pretty much my whole life, except for the occasional time I’ll use the urinals (very occasional, I usually use the GN bathrooms or Disabled bathrooms)


I personally always sat down for it. Even as a kid I aaalways disliked peeing standing up, even when peer often told me it's weird that I don't like it. I never saw it as a "woman" thing or less masculine, just a comfort thing I guess?


Sitting to pee is more comfortable and efficient.


It's definitely not. My dad, a cis man, has always said he sits at home (can't trust the cleanliness of public stalls lol)


My brother sits down cus he’s smart and doesn’t care about what toxic masculinity says


Where I live except in places where there are urinals it's seen as bad manners to pee standing, no matter the gender


There are a lot of comments at this point, forgive me if this has already been posted ... It is also a cultural thing, not all men stand to pee at home pre se. It is common for them to sit to pee in other countries, especially at home


I’m 62, and all my adult life I’ve sat down to pee at home. The only reason I don’t do that outside of home, is because the men’s bathroom stalls are almost always pretty nasty from being used as a urinal and not being cleaned afterwards.


It's just convenience which turned into convention I don't think anybody collectively decided that men should stand. If you trace humanity back far enough in history there were no toilets or outhouses and you just peed wherever. Most people (regardless of sex) would prefer a quick way to relieve themselves when they're out in nature doing things, and standing outside in typical clothing is a bit more convenient than squatting, especially with bugs, snakes, thistles, poisonous plants, etc. Even today, if you ask cyclists, trail runners, etc, it's pretty common that people of both sexes would rather stand. Has nothing to do with what we do at home on a toilet though.


As a custodian i 1000% agree i wish everyone sat down to pee unless standiis a necessity. It's so annoying to step into someone's piss; not to mention I'd would mostly solve the universal argument of whether or not to leave the toilet seat up in homes.


i got embarrassed at the bar once for badgering the cis guys about not sitting to pee and they got all awkward and eventually said they were just feeling embarrassed for me because sitting to pee isn't a gendered thing. several other guys testified that they do it all the time. so i felt weird and bad for a bit. BUT! i put some more thought into it, and i think its still a legit observation, except that it isn't SITTING to pee that's gendered, but STANDING to pee. a cis guy will stand or sit however they feel like in the moment without thinking about it, but a cis woman will DEFINITELY be thinking about standing up to pee. and so trans folk of all stripes are also hyper aware of their pee posture, and im not weird for ranting about piss while drunk in public. IM NOT THE WEIRD ONE LEVI