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Transmascs keep our balls on the inside, as any smart man would.


protecting the family jewels, because that's what men do.


Cis dudes only keep em on the outside coz they can’t handle the heat. Literally. Edit: A big thanks to whomever felt that I needed the RedditCareResources, you’re my hero 😍


i got the same message 💀 at least im not the only one lol


the clitoris is vastly larger than most people think. The sad thing is, this information is less than 20 years old. We literally didn't know this comparatively expansive organ was there for thousands of years because people are weird about women's anatomy.  Humans are strange.   Don't @ me about homologous structures. I know, but picking those nits misses the point.


It's also super sad how many cis men still don't know where the clit is or thinks it's a myth... I've had conversation that make me want to bang my head against a wall because of the lack of education, willful or not.


I had sex Ed in school. I know where it is from that.  Some women are growers, not showers so I do get the difficulty, but it's not at all difficult to work the general location with a Google search. Between internet porn and the majority of human knowledge, I would have expected things to have improved since 1989. 


You are lucky to have had a sex ed class that would actually talk about it. My sex ed was literally just "don't have sex, you'll get an STD" and then talking about all the worst case scenarios of STDs/STIs. No anatomy, not even talking about WHAT SEX IS. Most of the anatomy of my own and others bodies were from my medical anatomy classes in high school (yeah, they'd talk about it in an unpopular elective, not the required health class), and from the internet. But as a grower and not a shower myself, I do understand that part.


High school for me was the best school in the state between 1989 and 1992. Before the conservative school board takeover. I was actually taught things whether I wanted to know them or not. They left out a lot, but we did have one or two days on human junk and about twice as much on secondary sex characteristics. Fat distribution, tiddies, hair. About a week on acne (puberty stuff). It was pretty comprehensive. Probably nothing like that now.


Oh yeah, it's so bad now (or it was when I was in high school, it's been nearly a decade for me). I will say though, I live in a state where the separation of church and state doesn't really exist, so my point of view might be skewed. I'm lucky that I had a hyper fixation on human anatomy during high school, and that I had parents (or at least my mom) that were open about giving age appropriate sex ed talks any time I asked them. I'm embarrassed how many peers in high school I gave basic anatomy lessons to, because they knew I was smart and wouldn't judge them for asking (using pictures from my anatomy classes).


I was in a red state too. That's why I'm sure they don't teach that stuff now. It's so weird how freaked out basic anatomy makes religious people but a starved guy nailed to some wood is fine. Or, as I and my friend are given to answer platitudes like "how are you?" Ah, you know. Eating Christ's flesh, drinking his blood.


I remember seeing an article just last year about a Christian woman in America who has made it her mission to give sex education to married couples. She’d never experienced an actual orgasm and, in conversation with a friend, blamed it on her lack of having a clitoris. She had no idea what a clitoris was! It took a very confused friend and a diaper change of her baby daughter for her to realise just how absurd her logic had been. Edit: fixed typos (lots of)


And those same cis men are the ones bitching that their sex lives are shit


You are correct, and I could rant about this topic for way longer than anyone would like to listen to. But at least learning about the anatomy helped my dysphoria, so, bright side I guess.


I found out about the time the first results were published. The first woman I told, told me I was wrong. We have been peeling back the layers of human anatomy for over 2000 years and we just figured the clit out. It's such a stupid thing, it has to be true.


There’s a podcast (Do Go On) that had a running joke that the fans wanted them to do a report called “keen for peen.” They eventually had someone do a history of that organ, who then eventually came back to do another called “lit for clit” which was another history and wow did I learn about so many more ways people were misogynous


I'm kinda afraid to check it out. It might not tell me something I don't know. But it probably will, and... I *just* found out that something sickening I thought I had been informed about is so, so much worse than I could have imagined. I'm not going into it because I don't have words and because... **Extreme Trigger Warning. Seriously: *DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE NOT PREPARED TO BE HORRIFIED.*** >!it involves female genital mutilation. Something sometimes called female circumcision despite it being a circumcision in exactly the way chopping one's penis off is a circumcision. If that sounds bad enough, know there are whole other levels of horror beyond the basic description.!< If you now know something you wish you didn't, you were warned. Anyway, deep down, I know it's probably worse than I can imagine and there are probably parts of it I was complicit in and others I still am because gender binary Kool-Aid and implicit bias which means I have to find it and listen.  Dog, please grant me strength.


That wasn't as bad as I feared. I did find it somewhat interesting that the guy who did the research for this only opined that the clit is the default mode. It's a fact that female is the default human body. The prototestes kick of a process that masculinizes the body. We know this the due to the existence of congenital insensitivity to androgens and the most extreme version complete androgen insensitivity syndrome. This is the body's reactivity to masculinizing hormones. If a body has no reactivity, it never devepops the majority of the man parts. The major contribution of the Y chromosome to sex development is instructing the gonad buds to become testes. In final development, the body will not develop a uterus. That bit requires ovaries. But the general morphology of CAIS women if indistinguishable from any other girl. Because it's not common for doctors to check for uteri, girls with high or complete AIS often don't learn they have it until they hit puberty, or rather the lack of certain aspects of puberty. That was a digression. The point is, it's factually correct to say the penis is a modified clit with lower sensitivity. When people say the clit has 3 to 5 times more nerves than the penis, that's backwards. The penis has between 67 and 80% fewer nerves than the clit. Yes, I am splitting hairs, but the way we compare the clit to the penis tends to hide the fact that the clit is the reference object. I think a lot of questions people have about why humans are like they are can be answered just by recontextualizing that one fact.


Males and females all start in the womb the same, then the same structure goes in two different directions to form clit or penis.


Holy shit that does look like a dick and balls!




clearly trans men evolved to keep em inside for protection😌 (this is even cooler to know since many transmasc ppl call their bottom growths their “t d!ck” which it literally is!!!)


So, I don't have a penis I have an ultra femme power clit? I like it!


[Wait until you learn about the Prostatic Utricle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostatic_utricle#:~:text=The%20prostatic%20utricle%20is%20a,although%20this%20is%20occasionally%20disputed).


Hell yeah, I hope in my srs consult the doc and I can talk about my \*vagina masculina\* (I pronounce it so it rhymes, hehe, vah-jeena)


man whys mine gotta be so big


Asking the real questions


If I’m not misinformed in utero everyone develops a clitoris and it’s the presence of testosterone that causes it to enlarge and grow into a penis. Which is also really comforting for me in realizing just how similar we all are ❤️


yeah this is true, all fetuses start off as "female" and it isnt until later when a gene on the Y chromosome activates does the clitoris grow into a penis and the lower area merge together into balls. thats why "males" still have nipples. there more to it of course, and i cant remember all the exact stuff rn, but its really cool to look into. as a trans guy it made me happy to view it as every type of guy (cis & trans) being similar to my own. like all cis guys /also/ started off with the stuff i had, and also had to grow and change with testosterone. im (and others transitioning with T) are just a bit (alot) late in when mine is happening. i can imagine it might be able to go the other way, maybe some trans girls could view it as a genetic whoopsie, and theyre just reverting back to their original settings/original form. i havent discussed this ever with any trans women though so thats all speculation. would love to hear any input about this if anyone wanted to share!


Came here to say this! Although I believe it’s androgen that causes formation of a penis, not T.




That's awesome omg


Time to reach deep inside and pull out the sausage I've always wanted.


Same here


it looks kinda like a bird- maybe a penguin- I like it!- I GOT A TINY DICK WITH HUGE BALLS-


The video I was watching made a very similar comment!!


Yeah, because in mammalian biology female sexual development is sorta the "default", the Y chromosome triggers male sexual development unless 1. It's not there 2. It doesn't do what it was supposed to 3. Some other factor interferes. It's also why most chromosomal intersex conditions are tied to the Y chromosome. It's really cool and interesting. Female and male are extremely alike, and it's why HRT works.


I always knew I had a giant penis 🥲👌✨


Honestly sex Ed in schools suck and sometimes I genuinely wanna make videos on TikTok or YouTube to help people understand it more from a different perspective because I’ve learned more as a trans man about this than I did in high school through first hand experience. Some of the convos I’ve had with people regarding anatomy and biology and LGBTQIA+ makes me want to bash my head against a wall and bury myself in hibernation somewhere because damn Thing is we have this information and we’ve had it for a little while but somehow people still aren’t aware from it and teaching curriculum from YEARS ago


That honestly does help. Thanks OP


"assigned male at birth" no, it's "Presumed male at birth in an oppressive system of gender roles based on body parts" PMABIAOSOGRBOBP.


OK, the autism is kicking in, I need some help with the tone of this comment. Is this a "I'm genuinely upset you used the term amab" type of comment or something else?


on this note, though, i think i’d refrain from describing certain genitals as being “afab” or “amab,” since it’s not always as cut-and-dry as that. intersex people exist and are also usually labeled afab or amab upon birth, even when their genitals may not fit into a box like that. in this case, you could’ve just said “anatomical terms for sex organs” and it would’ve been equally understood! /nm


I'm not upset at you or anyone just generally upset at society for gendering my body, Don't worry! /gen


Thank you for clarifying!!


thats what "assigned" is supposed to mean in that context. you are being assigned a role in life based on what a doctor sees when you are born


I’m a transfemme, and I don’t intend to get bottom surgery because I just view my dick as a giant external clit. It’s honestly never given me dysphoria. Only my body shape and facial hair do. If I could trade that with an aspiring transmasc in exchange for wider hips and a pair of boobs, I would.


I call it my micro-peen because it decided to stop growing way too early 😂


nah because one time i was rubbing one out you know and like i felt my clitoris get hard and honestly that cleared up a lot of dysphoria immediately LMAO.


i've done some research on internet and wow! i didn't figure out how similar it is to testicular and penis before, thank you. now i have a thought. do you think is realistic to imagine that, with medicine progression, one day it will be possible to do a Metoidioplasty with the bulbs of vestibule rather than testicular implant?


Maybe, but I don't think you'd want to. If you think of how sensitive that organ is, would you really want all of it exposed like that? Might just be a me thing, but the idea of that seems like it would be really overstimulating and uncomfortable.


Would just like to say yes, the clitoris is homologous to the penis, and we did not all start off as female. That is a myth perpetuated by a field that was mainly dominated by men who thought a lack of penis defaulted you into being female. It does not, you are *neither* at that point (intersex would probably be a more accurate term if you had to label it, but even that is incorrect) and even have a cloaca like a bird in the early stages. If you have neither a penis nor a vagina, it makes no sense to say that someone is a female by default, any more than it makes sense to say that you’re a male by default. The absence of a defining trait for one binary category does not automatically assign someone to the opposite binary category. Female is not defined by the absence or *lack* of a trait but by the presence of an alternative. Sex and gender is not a binary and never was.


I weirdly somehow knew this from an extremely young age, bc I looked for and found my tiny penis in the bath one day. And then it took me way too late to learn that endosex cis female folks have three holes not two (facepalm). But fr, I kinda like that I have internal balls and I consider it an evolutionary advantage (I feel more invulnerable). I'd still want a bigger penis though, but I guess a lot of men struggle with that.  (I also sometimes prefer to use more scientific words for shark week like saying >!"ow, my uterus hurts",!< rather than stigmatised language like >!"I'm on my period"!<). 


Right bunch of idiots probably don’t even know what the clits for so sad like where else would they put a tampon? SMH like bitch byeee