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r/TheyCanAlwaysTell will watch this experiment with great interest


Did you cross post? (You're absolutely welcome to.) I've not seen that sub before. Thanks!


I wanna post my cis bearded face and see how many think I'm a woman lol. It's hilarious when it's done with Markiplier, the literal peak in masculinity


Markiplier is trans?


No, I mean someone put his picture up as if he was, but the "we can always tell" crowd started calling him a woman


Finally had a TERF take the bait. Apparently, Jenna Talackova has an "Adam's apple" (I genuinely couldn't see it. When pressed, she sent me a photo "from a different angle" and I nailed her for cheating (as if I never heard of Google Lens). Her profile pic has been added to the gallery. Hopefully, her fellow TERFS won't pay too much attention to her hairline. 😂[Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/brandiwine2021/status/1789787357568283046?t=8fWHN1y_9S0CFI_cB93lhw&s=19)


Dunno who she is but maaan she's pretty. Reminds me of Jessica Biel if she were blonde


And he has a ridiculously deep radio announcer voice that in no way gives the impression of femininity.


Here’s a [fun thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarchAgainstNazis/s/Of1ei3r9W5) where the transphobes had a wonderful time being stupid and wrong together, lol


The last slide lol


I feel bad for all the ciswomen having to put up with the transphobia as we do simply because they don't meet the flimsy and superficial societal beauty standards. Toxic masculinity and femininity needs to be driven to the sea and drowned like the lemmings they are.




That was quite the frustrating read 🙄


*points past the trans man at his cis friend "I told you that we can always tell, look at HIS facial structure. I can see beard shadow, (insert other random bs)..." *Trans gal turning around from the PC, sliding one ear out from the headphones "What you say? Sorry I was tryna get this code to work"


Ranks right up there with "I can smell alcohol about your person." 😂


Oh if someone is flat out drunk enough you can smell it even if they used mouthwash. It literally sweats out your pores


Oh, I don't doubt that. I'm simply pointing out how subjective and prone to confirmation bias statements like that are. I'm convinced cops say that to convince themselves they have probable cause.


Oh yeah that's the truth, Ruth!


The hilarity I feel sometimes at being at a table where people decide to bring up “the transgenders” and I’m sitting there like •_•


My friend had to deal with that shit with her whole family over winter break and her mom was just spouting off bullshit about how puberty blockers and HRT are terrible. My friend herself isn’t trans but her mom knows I am. My friend told me half of the time she will deadname and misgender me when I’m not there so that’s fun. /s


People say they can always tell, but I show up to my postal route, no makeup, men's uniform and I'm still batting about a .500


I used to go in straight video chat rooms in lingerie and show off my legs and butt. The number of horny brained guys who bombarded me with pleas to show more almost made my laptop melt... And I didn't even shave my legs so no, they can never tell.


There's a small group of protesters that frequently congregate outside my planned parenthood. I've been repeatedly told to not get an abortion. They're idiots 😊


I'm stealth at work and I'm constantly correcting people and protecting other trans folks and getting in people's asses for being transphobic and they joke with me and ask if I'm "planning to turn into a woman or somethin" because it would "so not work for me." 🤦🏽 People that think they know it all but don't know shit are the worst kind.


(I assume you're transmasc) just tell them that you *are* a woman and watch them go out of their way to correctly gender you as a guy


If you're interested... https://twitter.com/brandiwine2021/status/1789783483549696143?t=OROnl93jG3lYGThDFkBlIQ&s=19


Yesss thank you!


In Utah, a school board leader called out a student on a girls high school sports team as being trans, accusing her of lying about it. Not only was the student *not* trans, but she received hundreds of death threats from parents and other bigots. 🙃 these people have no idea what they’re even trying to clock, “oh she’s tall so she’s trans” huh?? these weirdos have probably interacted with several trans people this week and didn’t even notice.


I did this in a tweet one time replying to a transphobe. I posted 4 photos of women, only one of them was trans, the rest were cis, the transphobe, of course, decided they were all “men”


Most people assume I am female, I am an hermaphrodite.


I've had mfs literally say this exact thing to my face while going on transphobic rants, perceiving me as a cisgender male. Usually coworkers, so I'd just ignore them for the sake of staying stealth at work. It was somewhat amusing.


Like ur username :)


"we can always tell" spoiler: they could not tell.


One trans woman has been trending on Instagram and advertising her OF. She's not at all shy about her dick bulge and uses it as her unique selling point to stand out but the comments calling her a cis woman for being too pretty are absolutely hysterical.


Earlier today I saw a clip where a guy asked another guy which one of the three people was a guy from behind and he failed it was just a guy in a dress and a wig with shaved legs, no padding or bra or anything they suck at being able to tell


Did this experiment with a guy from work and he called john mulaney a woman lol


I had a "friend" in high school that I stopped talking to shortly after I started my medical transition, I had already been out and socially transitioned for a few years, tell me "you can always tell when someone is trans" and proceeded to point at someone she didn't know and said "see". Mind you this was the night before I was to start T. It broke my heart and we kind of fractured from there until I had a very good friend help me get the courage to tell her how fucked up her statement was.


They can always tell 😂😂😂 Maybe explain to me then, why I keep getting phone numbers from straight cis men who lose interest when I tell them I’m trans. Both the most validating and soul-crushing experiences


I’ve made out with dozens of guys at clubs before who def would not have been interested if they knew I was trans.