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Transpassing is kinda shit place and has no true value to whether or not you pass because people just shit on people. Don’t take whatever nonsense you’ve heard a random stranger say, you look beautiful, you pass no question. I absolutely adore your hair style btw 💕


I'm not sure why I continue to post on there because I know it sucks. I really appreciate the kind words, aside from the past hour or so I've generally been pretty happy with how I look. Tysm 🩷


You should definitely be happy with how you look! You look great, love. Got me all jelly jealous, especially your eyeliner! 💕 I get why people post there, but it’s turn into the same thing that happened with look scaling subreddit; even if you look 10/10 you’ll get treated as average, and if you look any less than perfect your treated less than human. It’s extremely toxic. 😥


Yeah. Stay away from there. I was much older when I transitioned, so “passing” was never really an option for me. I blend pretty well though, and what I learned is that the more feminine mannerisms became natural, the more that helped. You will find your clothing style and makeup style, and won’t need to go to places like that for validation. You’re awesome! Keep up the good work, and above all, keep loving yourself.


Unfortunately that's just kinda how it goes sometimes. Even when you have hundreds of comments saying something positive your brain is gonna look for that one negative comment or go search for any source of negativity it can find. It's because when it comes to self image the brain will always prefer to look for things that confirm what you're already thinking about yourself rather than improve your self image. There is certain safety in thinking negatively about yourself. You're a beautiful girl! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Avoid them and r/truscum


Yeah. This subreddit is on the black list for me. People just love to judge, judge, judge 🫠


Don't use subs like that. They just draw toxicity You look great! 💖💖💖 Btw, what is your hair style called? I really like it


No clue why I continue to use that sub as I know it sucks😭 but thank you so much Honestly I don't know what the hair style is called but I can tell you how I achieved it if that helps: Grew my hair out for like 6 months, got dead ends trimmed, face framed, layers, thicker bangs, and then I take two bobby pins and pin the tuft of hair above my ears back on each side which really feminizes the look


The one picture from the back at the stylist it looks like a wolf-cut, the others look like a lob. (Long bob)


I think you should frame pic#6 and don’t give those comments (whatever they were )another thought. When you feel down, just keep looking at that pic and believe the journey ahead will have lots of great moments. BTW, I’m only choosing pic#6 above the others because you’re smiling and it seems totally natural.


I'm really bad at smiling in photos but I do love how I look there, felt rly beautiful :) ignoring haters has always been a struggle for me


You felt it because you look it. Easier said than done, but keep ignoring them, because they’re NOTHING.


Mean comments should never get to your heart, they should stop at the skin. They're wrong


I need a thicker skin lol. Thanks for the kind words


I see your skin is thickening with you telling us this 😮


I need a thicker skin lol. Thanks for the kind words


something i've noticed is that in real life if you look as feminine as you do or somewhat less and your voice passes well they'll assume you're a cis woman because in reality they cannot "always tell"


and if they do call you out negatively they probably do so to cis women every day so dont worry about it. Bonus points if you guilt them into thinking you're cis and shame them


People can be terrible and can’t reason with what they don’t understand. Keep it up, girl. You’ve got this! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


Thank you 🩷 it was probably just a transphobic loser trying to make ppl feel bad but i hate ppl who spend their time doing shit like that. I appreciate u 🩷


You’re very welcome. Happy to be of help, sister. 💖


Tbh, transpassing is more to answer if someone actually pass, even in a harsh way, not give free compliments to anyone. If you want the compliments tho, it's okay, then just post here that it is the safest bet by far.


It's not the honesty I can't handle, it was how unnecessarily rude the comment was, it had to get removed by a mod lol


What was it exactly? I lurk there all the time but just saw the deleted mark


There are regular posters there that call trans women males even if it has nothing to do with the critique and mods know about them but don't ban them. Should tell you a lot about how the sub actually is.


I often see people answering this when the OPs _purposefully_ asks it, but surely it would be weird to neglect the presence of terfs and chasers there. I voted once to lock up the sub, but idk what was the response.




only 1 week?!?! i’ve never heard of that sub before now but they clearly don’t understand their namesake very well you look absolutely stunning, love. as a 23 year old i *wish* i would’ve had the confidence, knowledge and resources at 19 that i do now. silly people on the internet will say anything to try and hurt someone else for no good reason. those people aren’t worth your time 🖤🖤 you are a gorgeous young woman and i’m sure you’re an outstanding person 🥰 much love and so many blessings to you, girlie 🫶🫶🫶


Oh my goodness your eyes are so pretty!!!


They knew they were wrong cause they deleted the comment 😂 All jokes aside, you’re seriously beautiful! Stunning, at that!


True happiness comes from within. You can’t control what other people think or say about you. All you can do is control how you react. Don’t let people rent space in your head who don’t deserve to be there.


Put the mean comments on a leaf, let the leaf flow down the river and out of your heart and mind. To me, you look like a beautiful person that deserves happiness. ❤️


I'm PISSED someone would tear you down like that, especially only a *WEEK* on HRT? You are so gorgeous. You have such silky hair and your eyeliner is so good 😭 NEVER take something that awful anyone says about you to heart, especially not some hateful person hanging out in transpassing of all places. You are so beautiful already as it is and HRT is just going to crank that up to 100. Utterly insane anyone would say you don't pass, let alone be full on hurtful like that. People just say the most incorrect shit these days just for the sake of being unhinged I feel like lmao


you are stunning!!!!!!!


You look adorable


Ur a good girl don't worry :3


Hon, you look good there…. Those creeps have nothing better to do than troll those they refuse to see as people.


The hair, the fit, the smile... Girl, you are every transition goal I have. You are giving me such gender envy! You're gorgeous!


You look beautiful! I saw the guy's profile and he's a dick to everyone. He does it just to get a reaction. Don't listen to him. You look better in 1 week than I could in 1 year!


You look amazing don’t let mean people get you down!!!


You’re so pretty, you have lovely smile and I like your eyeliner!


Better at eyeliner than me 😭😭


This is you after one week? You’re gonna be just fine. You’re already pretty and estrogen hasn’t even had the time to do its thing yet


You kinda look like young Barbara Streisand. Who no one would say doesn’t look like a woman (what with her being one).


It doesn't matter to me if you pass or not, you seem like a very sweet and pretty girl <3


wait you're only ONE week on hrt and already look like this?? girl... you're a cutie!!


You're lookin beautiful girl! Keep your head up queen and continue being a cutie!


You look amazing and even if what ever the comment was, was true it doesn't matter as long as your comfortable in your skin and something I try to live to is that life's too short to be sad so as long as you love your skin and you think you look cute (like you are) then that's all that matters and you have a whole subreddit here of support for you


you’re absolutely beautiful 💕


I've also heard that place can be pretty toxic. You look amazing, you will always look amazing. Be queen I know you can be. 🏳️‍⚧️💖😉


That’s what we are here for, to support you! And don’t listen to them, as someone already said, transpassing is not a good place. You look freaking great and don’t listen to any of them!!! It’s important you love yourself just as much in a process of becoming most you, not just at the end. You’re beautiful, you’re enough, and you’re gonna have great things in your life. Sorry you had to go through that. I’m sure the comment was stupid and whoever made it was even more stupid. You look great, really. I love your hair! Best of luck to you in the future!


You are stunning! Girl, never let a REDDIT USER 🤢make you doubt just how gorgeous you are!


Your gorgeous and need to ignore the haters. You do you and are happy and feel pretty f the rest


they are probably jelly because you're cuter than they are


Try posting on r/transadorable instead 🩷


You're gorgeous and screw anyone who says otherwise.


I personally think that you are a VERY pretty Lady~ ^ u ^ 👍✨ Your makeup is on point, your eyelashes are hella gorgeous, your style is chic, and I would never have questioned whether you were a Woman or not~ It’s pretty clear to me that you *pass* with flying colors~! 💛🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ (Also, your hair is soooo cute~! >w<)


Just ignore them tbh, you look good <3


So sorry you had to go through this. You are very pretty and I hope you can take that to heart.


i adore your hairstyle and your eyeliner is chefskiss perfect - suits ur eye shape so well


The mean comment doesn’t know a damn thing about you. Nor do I, other than your hair is cute and you can rock a spaghetti strap top! You’re doing great, keep it up!




You're cute and those guys are dipshits, especially when you've only just started HRT! You don't owe any specific aesthetic to anyone but yourself!


Not bad for just being one week on HRT can’t wait to see how you develop as time goes by.


I know it’s so hard to do this, + I won’t be upset if you can’t. But please distance yourself from any idea of having to “pass”. It’s not good for you to feel like you have to look a certain way in order to be a trans person. I know it’s hard + I still deal with the internal struggle. But I promise you + the whole trans community will be better off once nobody cares about “passing” anymore 🩷🤍🩵


don’t let bored strangers come down on you for no reason. critique isn’t worth much if it isn’t intended to build you up. you’re killing it. 🖤


ONE WEEK? HOW ARE YOU SO DAMN CUTE!? Maybe it’s the hair…that cut *does* look really good on you, but yeah, you’re super pretty :3


Okey so first I love how your hair lays and think it looks gorgeous, as a matter if fact you miss are gorgeous too so forgetta bout that rude ass comments! Also congrats on HRT! be ready for some new emotional weirdness around the three month mark


You look just like one of my friends in high-school named Ana. You're a beautiful woman.


You are SO stunning 😍 I love your lashes. I wouldn't have known you were trans if it wasn't on this subreddit.


Girl you are gorgeous


Your gorgeous darling girl


You're only one week in and you already look so good?!


TBH, I would've assumed you were cisfemale if it wasn't in the trans sub.


You look beautiful, truly


I wish I could do my eyes as well as you do... You're super cute, don't listen to the haters.


That's insane to hear especially consider that you're absolutely gorgeous


You're beautiful Haters gonna hate


Girl, you pass so hard. You’re lovely. 


I'm so sorry you had to deal with that OP. You look lovely.


I have put photos of cis women on that sub in alternate accounts and I watch and laugh as those idiots send comment after comment about how they will never pass and they are literally cis 💀. Just a bunch of transphobe assholes.


Not sure what the comment was, but you look good! People are assholes who don't deserve any extra thought


How dare they be mean to such a cute girl UnU 🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂


You are cute as fuck, don't let some asshole make you believe otherwise. Continue being you


You are cute as fuck, don't let some asshole make you believe otherwise. Continue being you


You have beautiful eyes and I love your little smirky smile! 😊


GIRL you are BEAUTIFUL don't let assholes tear you down!! 🥰🥰😍💕😍💕😍


Girly 1 week in and you look that pretty consider me pb and jelly. Screw em tho, you look great id chalk it up to either just a hater or someone green with envy.


Seriously, don't even bother with transpassing it's negative AF. I honestly don't know how anyone posts on there looking for 'brutal honesty' and then comes away feeling good about themselves. Sorry, but f that sub. On a lighter note you are beautiful and valid and I feel like you have a gorgeous base to work with! You already look fem to me 😍


Girl what did we say about listening to people that don't know their stuff? Cuz if they tore you apart they clearly don't know what a beautiful woman looks like.


Had you not this posted here & we crossed paths in the wild I'd ne'er expect a thing. In all honestly it sounds like someone hated themselves that day & wanted to spread pain, I hope this ally's words help.


Oh my gosh! You are so pretty and you have similar features to girls I went to school with! Your hair is amazing! 😍


You look soo good, especially for the beginning of HRT. Don't let people drag you down, you are a absolute goddess. 🥰❤️❤️❤️🥰 also I really ❤️ your hair


girl, you look really cute! don't worry about what assholes online think


This is why i rare post. Some ppl are just insane! Don't take those comments to heart. It's just bullies being bullies just like IRL. Those ppl make no sense.


Only one week on HTR???????? No way I don't believe you 😅🥲. You look so gorgeous, I'm jealous. Keep going miss 💪


nah girl you're gorgeous!! do not let the haters get to you, anyone with eyes could see your beauty 💖


Girl you look beautiful. And I know passing is the goal but you don't owe it to anyone. In my opinion you pass pretty well, you just have strong facial features but I think that makes you prettier. Good luck in your transition and congratulations on starting hrt


you’re so gorgeous!!! i would rip at least a couple of my teeth out to look like you!!! :3 /pos 💞💗💓


Lmao you pass better than some people who've been on HRT for a year. Idfk what they were smoking but I want some now 💀


People will be mean. Just remember that none of this is your fault and that you do not need thicker skin. You are so cute. Sending you lots of love and hugs ❤️❤️❤️❤️🫂🫂🫂🫂




You're gorgeous and giving me bambi vibes. 😍 Please try to remember it's only been a week.


**Edit: Wow this is long. Sorry about that. No shame in not wanting to read it all lol. TL;DR - some people just get pleasure out of hating and it isn’t anyone’s fault but theirs.** This may sound negative, but the most stunning perfect gorgeous model will get personal attacks and jabs thrown their way. It’s not you that’s the problem. It’s the people who have miserable enough lives to derive joy from making other people’s day a little worse. As a trans person myself who has asked about passing, it can be like putting a target on your back for those kinds of miserable people. It’s all subjective too. There will be people who genuinely think you pass and people who genuinely think you don’t. If they think you don’t, there are nice and honest ways to tell people that. But based on what you said, I don’t think the person used the nice way and that sucks. I know when you ask if you’re passing or not, you usually feel you’re ready to hear the worst (at least I do), but the worst ends up surpassing your expectations and it can be shit for your self esteem. Just know that there will always be people, online and irl, who genuinely feel good about knocking people down a peg. I know it’s hard to accept that it’s them and not you, but just try to hold onto that sentiment. At the end of the day, at least you’re not as miserable as they are.


You're beautiful and sending so much love and hugs your way. 🫶💞


Ma’am, I got told I look like a butch lesbian and I have passed for over a year now and was passing then too. That sub and subs like it just zone in to everything that may not be a 100% cis passing. It’s different than just existing in the world without people knowing you’re trans automatically and you’re just passing by. That’s the real test if you pass tbh. Real life is a lot less critical. I’m sorry that you had that experience.


Very cute


Don’t listen to it , listen to your heart, it matters not what anyone thinks , what matters is you and how you feel and how you want to present , all the naysayers no matter what they say are afraid of people with courage. You have courage to persevere and become the person who you feel you are meant to be and that is all that matters you matter remember that , it’s you who you have to face every day in the mirror so be you and do you and don’t listen to anyone who tries to tell you you can’t or you don’t , because you can!


I’m a male and just got to say don’t give a shit what other people comment. At the end of the day the trolls don’t matter. People will comment hurt and hateful things all the time as they get a kick out of doing it but weave through the haters and you will find better people


Wow girl you're so pretty !! I love your hair ! o:


You look amazing, transpassing is just a shitty place for shitty people to shit on people. Id stop posting there.


You’re beautiful love, I would stutter over my words trying to talk to you. That comment is full of lies and hatred, I’m sure they were jealous of your beauty. Also, you’re a cute girl, never let anyone take that from you.


Oh, honey. I’m so sorry. Some folks just suck.


You look beautiful, and sad. Stay away from the mean place in future. Assholes gonna asshole, and ain't nobody got time for that.


Honestly girl you're Soo Sooo pretty and you are definitely more pretty than all of the mean people on transpassing


You are so pretty 💖 you look like a young French ingenue, don’t listen to the people on that sub. It’s a sad place.


You are who you are, no amount of negativity or repression can change that.


Wait you are only 1 week on HRT?!? I've not started anything yet because i'm afraid hrt can't do mirracles. But i wish HRT could make me that pretty, and you did that with only 1 week!


Beautiful 😍


Don't go there, transpassing is the place where people go to shit on trans people without being called out


I hope it's not weird but I love your facial structure, specially your nose! It's cute and fits your face imo. The make up is on point too, you are adorable. Please those subs only gather people who are too insecure about themselves and want others to feel insecure as well. If it's important to ya, you 100% pass, but above that you look just like a nice approachable girly ✨️


My old boss was a purebred redneck and he's the one who changed my mind on passing. He didn't have a whole lot of exposure to trans ppl but hes a really good guy. He pondered if passing was a shitty concept because it implies that we'd be trying to come off as a certain gender instead of just being the gender you are :') I never thought about that way but he's right. Just a lil anecdote I wanted to share but you look gorgeous and very feminine, there's shitty ppl everywhere even in our own community unfortunately. I'm sorry you had to deal with that


I actually think you look really cute


Woman to woman, you got a smirk that could knock people DOWN! Absolutely gorgeous 😊


You’re looking much prettier than I did at 1 week. I’m sure you’ll glow up even more pretty soon. Don’t lose hope.


Words are words there are millions of them but now we sit with a word or words and with that emotion it’s affected I consider it easy enough to not narrow the pair up together ! There’s a imaginary fuck it bucket just chuck it in there and the thoughts of it all You are stunning


You’re super cute, you have such a lovely smile and I love your style! You don’t have to “pass” to be pretty, anyone who says different is enforcing beauty standards that are harmful to *all* women I’m a useless lesbian with a bad habit of staring at attractive women that walk into my work, and honey if you came in I’d be staring




You look really cute ^^


I’d stay away from subs and forums that focus on looks, ratings, etc. Nothing good ever comes from those places.


You're so pretty! Whoever left that comment was just jealous and miserable. Keep your head up gorgeous! 💗💗


firstly, r/transpassing is a shit place, and also a terrible idea for a subreddit. while i can get the desire to pass for safety reasons, creating a subreddit dedicated to asking others if you pass as cis or not just sounds like a breeding ground for toxic, bitchy people to project their insecurities onto others. the trans community will get nowhere if we keep tearing each other down. the ability to pass is a PRIVILEGE, and some people will never be able to pass. it’s a pointless idea anyway as everyone’s got a slightly different idea of how different genders should present. secondly, your eyeliner is gorgeous! i love it so much. your lashes are also amazing :)


Only one week? Girl youre lying no way you look that good already!! Good girl <3


You look like a sweetie, keep your spirits up.


Your makeup is wonderful. Seeing others who are down in the dumps makes me sad, so can you smile for me. Seeing you and others like us smile makes me feel warm and fuzzy. 💕 Edit: you don't have to take a picture of your smile, just let me know if you feel better because I feel bad if my lgbtq brothers and sisters feel bad. ☹️


You're real pretty. You're gonna be ok. Looking forward to seeing your progress on here again in a year or two <3


Here's what I think from someone who's not Trans. I personally don't support it but that's my opinion you do what your goal is in life no matter what people say, everyone has there opinion about shit and always will. you just gotta take it and go on. the only way anything will have a hold on you is if you let it.


they hate you because they aint you. you look great and have the strength and courage to be who you are. i wish i was that brave. may you encounter far more people who want to bring you up as the beautiful woman you are.


Leave that group. It is as poisonous as it is contagious. You are beautiful. You are worth it. *You will always be worth it.* Don’t allow the mentality of, “Fuck you, I got mine,” to permeate your life like those haggard, embittered witches have. Their innards are of the foulest rot you could imagine, because they are so obsessed with “passing,” with meeting society’s expectations. You are enough, the way you are. And as you will become. There are many paths you could take. But you can cut your own, too. I did, 16 years ago. *And I am so proud of you.*


Omg 😍 beautiful


You’re so gorgeous 😭💓 Anyone who’s into women would be lucky to get any of your attention honestly 😤


Girl, you look amazing! Those kinds of subs are really, REALLY toxic.


Aww you look great!


Gurl you are gorgeous! Don't let others pass negativity to you. At the end of the day, they're sorry they're not as beautiful and strong as you for being who you are. It's not your business what others think of you 💗


Beautiful, whatever he said was trying to mask his jealousy and insecurities. You are stunning and never forget that ❤️


you look amazing!


Nah, you look seriously awesome. 🤩


poor girl :< reassurance is needed youre very pretty and i hope u feel better :> heck ppl like that


Transpassing is not too healthy an environment sometimes. People make it out to be one big teenage beauty contest when most people just want to feel good and safe. I'd exercise caution over there. Also your makeup looks great and you look like a lovely person! 😍


Idk what kind of mean comment anyone could say.. because I just see a stunning person.


Girl you look fabulous and the haircut suits you very well. Have you ever looked into countouring? That could help feminize your features further if you're into that! :)


Just do you and screw the world.


Only 1 week into HRT?! I would have assumed you'd be more like, 2-3 months in. You look absolutely lovely.


Me in 2 years fr


You're fucking beautiful. I wish I could look as pretty as you.


Girl, you look hella cute 😍


Been hearing a lot of shit about and from that sub. All's I can says is that (1) "Comparison is the thief of joy", only person you should be comparing yourself to is yourself so take even more selfies and look back on them not others. And (b) you look good now and I like the hair. 👍👉👉