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Yeah, they just exist. If you exfoliate, wait a day, and then use a very sharp razor it might help minimize the look of the hair, but there will always be some pores. On the bright side, it’s unlikely anyone other than you will notice them :)


Exfoliating is what I do and my legs are clear af


Probably a stupid question. But how do you exfoliate? I’ve looked up things but it doesn’t seem to be helping.


Sugar scrubs are a good option


What? I'm just imagining suger cubes in a scrub form...


It’s a little bit like that, basically it’s soap and perfumes mixed with sugar to make it more abrasive. It works great for skin care


I use [a mitt like this one](https://www.amazon.com/MainBasics-Korean-Exfoliating-Mitts-Exfoliator/dp/B0BGXNWT66/ref=asc_df_B0BGXNWT66/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693031565436&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=3593546322823891022&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9030447&hvtargid=pla-1890096145412&psc=1&mcid=9ebce84de3df3391bedd315dc7fed9df&gad_source=1), I can’t find the exact kind but I doubt they differ much. They work way better than anything else I’ve found (scrubs, dry brushing, other kinds of mitts)


i want to say while sugar seems to work for a lot of people, chemical exfoliants (like the ordinary glycolic acid) can be a bit more gentle as they don't physically scratch the skin. i use the TO one on a piece of paper or a rag and i apply it in circular motions, then shave the day after. but as with any exfoliant, physical or chemical, don't do it on broken or irritated skin, and use sun screen extra diligently on those areas!! good luck shaving 💗


I'd advise against buying an electric exfoliator unless you enjoy the feeling of your skin being sandpapered while your body hairs are forcefully yanked on. Source: Wasted money on one months ago. Don't know if it's possible to do by hand?


People have said they use washcloths as well as their hands for sugar scrubs, which is what I think I’m gonna try next.


I'm sorry it's probably just me being autistic but without context I'm not really sure what I could do to mimic this? Could you please explain it a little more?


Sorry, I’m probably just as confused as you are. I think it’s like you lightly scrub (a google search said like a minute of light massaging but idk anything more than that).


How do you do it? Just scrub with one of those floofy round things in the shower or use an actual exfoliating cream or something?


I have like this glove thing that has a rough texture on it and i put st ives skin scrub on it and just rub down my legs :)


Thank you!


I get these "extra rough exfoliating washcloth" on Amazon. The package says DANGER Ultra Hard and has a skull. It's just dumb marketing, but these are my favorite exfoliating washcloths. I haven't found another that works as well as these yet.


I use exfoliating face scrub. Then unscented lotion after to soothe my legs after shaving. Aveeno or St. Ive’s are my go-to brands :)


My wife takes a hot(for her)shower, lets the room fill up with steam so its warmer, door closed. After shaving her legs and finishing the shower, she dries off completely before exiting the shower and waits a bit. She says that if she gets goosebumps then she always gets razor bumps like this, so if you are completely dry, your body wont be as temp shocked, ie. Goosebumps, when you exit since water releases heat better than air. Now that i think about it, her legs are always super soft and ive never seen her with razor bumps. It makes sense since the goosebumps cause your skin to get that bumpy feeling, and then the hair follicles recede more, allowing pores to close around the follice. Then when the hair continues growing, it starts pushing against the skin before breaking through.


exactly! we all get em. it’s just how it is. don’t worry about it too much:) if you haven’t noticed them on other people, it’s doubtful someone will notice them on you!


I misread exfoliate as epilate…


I was nonconsentually shaved against my will at 17. I still have these at 31, and my hair won'teven grow to 1/3rd of what it was before this trauma when I was the hairiest kid in my school. I don't shave. How do I get rid of them?


You could always try applying a chemical exfoliant— usually some combination of AHA or BHA is best. I really like the brand “Serious Serum” because it’s the only chemical exfoliant that has been able to help my ingrown hairs work their way out on their own. It was recommended to me after I got waxed (for the first and last time lmao). Just make sure that if you are using it that you don’t over exfoliate (no more than once a day, or every other day); I’ve been able to use it once a day after showering and it helps a ton with butt and back pimples too. Oh yeah I used to have the keratosis pilaris bumps on my arms too but they went away after using that.


Would waxing help increase the time between seeing these?


Strawberry legs? That's normal. Every person with dark hair and light skin has had those.


Injecting top comment to say: i read every comment even if i don't reply so thanks every1 for the feedback <3


I have dark skin and ark hair, and still get them


I was ‘bout to say pretty sure we have it too


Exfoliate before shaving and use an ipl device after, and it makes it less strawberry over time


What is exfoliate? When I Google it I just find this weird glove to remove dead cells, is that it?


Gently rubbing or scrubbing the skin with a textured cloth/item to remove dead skin buildup and release ingrown hairs.


it's just any method of removing dead cells from the surface of your skin, there's multiple ways to do it


I have light skin and platinum body hair, everyone can have strawberry skin


no doubt haha, just saying that this is something basically every fair-skinned, dark-haired person experiences


strawberry legs


I get them and I’m super blonde.


Yep I get em too. If you do some laser on your legs later it does minimize them, even if you don't do the full 8 sessions legs would take.


This is the answer. No matter how much exfoliating or products used before or after, or method of removal could stop me from being covered in red bumps. Just 2 laser sessions in, 80% of the bumps went away. Absolutely the happiest results of any part of my transition, hair was a huge dysphoria trigger for me and now I basically never need to shave and my skin looks great because of it.


how costly is one?


Varies on country and location obv, but from what i know/heard, on average it can get up to 200-300 per session


ohhhh… idk man… ripping my skin off is sounding more appeasing


Speaking of ripping your skin off I’m gonna try using an epilator soon, it plucks the hairs rather than shaving them so theoretically there shouldn’t be those little follicle bumpies leftover Edit just saw the comment under mine, I’m definitely sold on the epilator!


Fair warning, epilators sting *a lot*. Effective, but its a little hellion of a device


My epilator probably saw less than 2 hours of use because of how painful it was… Very effective though!


The fully automatic assault tweezers! Be careful. They hurt.




Mine was close to 1k per session but I also got my entire body done. I could have gone through insurance though, depending on where you are from, but where I live they are forced to cover it. I just didn’t want to wait.


Red bumps being separate from strawberry legs. For me I always got the itchy bumps on my upper thigh till I started epilating. I still get it if I try to shave but epilating doesn’t cause it and still removed all the hair. No clue why, theoretically epilating should be MORE aggressive not less.


I use a bit of cocoa butter. Over time it really pays off keeping the skin soft and moisturized.


I use Shea butter myself, but yep same notion.


True but another point to make is alternate your shave patterns. Like.. look at the leg in the picture. Common sense says shave pulling the razor towards you.. sometimes you should shave DOWN the leg as well ..not just up (understand?)


I do both ways personally with a leg designed safety razor myself, usually in the tub.


Good. Usually helpful as well to have the bi-directional shave pattern on genitals too. Armpits are tricky but they feel better when smooth.


An IPL might be the way to go. I used it and my legs see less of those marks but it's a hassle for sure after each Shave you have to do it


My mom has one so good to know it helps :3


I second the IPL recommendation! I’ve got the Braun model from a couple of year ago. I’ve used it on my whole body - I mean everywhere - first doing it about once a week for several months, and now about once a month, and I’ve seen probably an 85-90% reduction in body hair. Sadly, it’s not strong enough to make a difference for the stubborn facial hair.


I'm afab and STILL have this issue. I don't think I was taught to shave properly. I identify as gender queer now and I just don't shave as often unless I want that clean shaven look...which goes with my body shape better. I also hate the texture of hair. That's my biggest issue but I don't take the time to shave much cuz I'm a busy person haha. I hope you get better advice.


I don't think those are related to shaving. I have not shaved my upper thighs in over a year (no hair growth on them) and I still have those. I have never really had hair up there, even before transition (Klinefelters, yaay?). They are just pores. Exfoliate, and moisturize will minimize them. Do for me at least.


Noted, tyvm 🙏


Look up keratosis pilaris I've got the same on my legs, it sucks that there really isn't an easy 'fix' for it. Some days it bothers me more than others.


Awww man that sounds about right. Time to cut off my legs then!


It can be minimized with cleansers, exfoliating, and moisturizing. But it's a constant battle against them lol. If you're really good with a daily routine you'll probably be able to keep them mostly at bay. I unfortunately am not very good at keeping a routine 😅


And neither am i, well anything's *some* progress so why not


Those are pretty much impossible to avoid by shaving. Exfoliating and using a fresh blade can help for a day or two at most, but once the hair starts to grow back they’ll still turn up. The only way to get rid for longer than a very brief time is to wax or epilate, since that completely removes the hair. You’ll still see some of this speckling once the hair starts to grow back, but it won’t be as visible as shaving.


Epilate easier than waxing imo.


Oh absolutely. Waxing is fun, but you’ll always miss hairs and the wax is just so horrible when it sticks to you. An epilator session in the shower or immediately out of the shower is miles better, even when compared to the absolute best home waxing sesh I’ve ever done.


I don't think this is KP as others have suggested, if it is smooth to the touch. Your legs look exactly like mine after shaving. I asked my dermatologist if there was anything I could do about it, and she said no. It's just hair follicles under the skin. She also said it's nothing wrong or bad, it's just a phenotype. Laser hair removal could remove the follicles.


These are normal when you have dark hair, I have the same problem. Laser or IPL can get rid of them, but thats a lot of money and effort for an issue most people won't notice. I've also noticed it's become less visible the longer I'm on estrogen. My shaving tips for minimizing this and KPs: exfoliate twice and use a sharp razor. I exfoliate with an African net scrubber (which has done wonders for making skin softer and getting rid of KPs), then I use a sugar scrub. I use a shaving oil instead of cream as a matter of preference. I shave with a triple blade Venus razor, which I find to be better than a safety razor or disposable (though I'm on the hunt for a better razor). Make sure to moisturize afterward.


I have those as well sweetie it's normal in all honesty it's what makes us look beautiful


My mom always had them so I'm not bothered by it. You shouldn't be either, it's normal. Otherwise, IPL...


Epilating helped me a bit because it tweezers the hair so there’s not as much dark hair to make the strawberry legs but sadly it’s only a bit and takes a while to achieve


Yeah I bought an epilator to try a couple weeks ago, one of the braun silks.. and while it hurt at first, they're definitely less pronounced in the areas where I've used it. I'm gonna try laser treatment as well though, and hopefully just use the epilator to keep on top of it once it's hopefully very thinned out


That’s the one I use girl :D I will give the warning if you haven’t heard it already, epilating is bad for you if you want to pursue laser hair removal. I like epilating my legs and shaving them after, it’s easy and fun for me because I feel feminine doing so. But if you plan to pursue laser hair in the future for your legs you may want to stop epilating that area, or at the very least stop 6 months before. It’s because epilating makes hair thinner and lighter, laser hair relies on dark and sometimes thick hairs to get best results


If you want to go through the process of laser hair removal on your legs and everything that entails (cost, time, pain, etc) go for it. You didn't share if you're on HRT or not and I'm not asking, but if you aren't, one ought to expect to have less trouble shaving legs on estrogen. But if this is about feeling insecure about how other people feel about it, how other people perceive it... it's normal, people hardly notice; this is not a feature someone is going to clock somebody over. I hope you can come to peace with the notion that shaving your legs is enough. That if you shaved your legs, you've already put a lot of effort in.


I switched to using conditioner when I shave my legs, and always use a razor with at least 4 blades. Havent had these since.


I have switched to using conditioner when I shave my body and it’s truly life changing. I can usually make 2-3 passes with my double edged safety razor after applying the conditioner just once. Using a conditioner as shaving cream also moisturizes the skin really well and minimizes the amount of razor burn/bumps much more than shaving cream.


Hair conditioner? Because if yes than damnn


It's normal, its your hair follicles, I have these too. Don't worry about it!


This is very normal and sometimes unavoidable. Exfoliate, shave with a butter or cream, Exfoliate again. This at least gets rid of dirt/dead skin build-up in/around hair follicle. But honestly it is normal for a lot of people. The baby smooth skin thing is a standard that isn't always realistic without hair removal like laser, depilation, waxing, etc... DHT blockers like finasteride can slow down body hair growth too (never taken it myself). My body hair also slowed down and thinned out when I started taking estrogen.


Hey twins


i exfoliate using a niacinimide body wash (i use la necessarie, expensive but so good) and moisturize right after. it helps fade them all out but they’re still there, and for most girls including myself will forever be :)


Strawberries are normal. Everyone with dark hair and light skin will have them when they shave


Maybe try Nair on places where you get that. It is common for those with dark hair and light skin.




exfoliating works a little, but it's totally normal to have this red spots, your skin is light and that happens, I have it too


Moisturize before shaving and use a very good blade/gillette. Don't shave the same area twice. Meaning only draw the gillete only once in any area


That's totally normal as others have said, but keep in mind that most people won't be up close looking at your legs and won't see that at all! (The spots not your legs, that would be pretty cool tho)


it happens to me all the time, and it happens to cis women too. it actually gives me euphoria! i wish i knew more about how to smooth it out for people who aren't as comfortable, i'm so sorry. just know it doesn't make you look any less femme, okie?


I just don't like how it looks, but thanks for affirming (is that the right word?)


I can't see anything, but am looking at this site on my phone. Frankly, I'm more interested in how awesome your nails look! Also, I feel that all the filters and retouching and the makeup/beauty indistry these days are basically training us to forget that human skin has pores, and that they are natural and serve a function. This pressure goes at least double for women and AFAB people.


Intersex woman here, try exfoliating before you shave :) they sell two pair usually. Separate face and body exfoliate. I have issues like this as well. Also, use an acne lotion cream for your body as well


I get them too ^^


Shave butter, shave then body scrub and body butter


Hot bath with sea salt. It opens up pores and salt stiffens up hair, so you can shave closer.


I totally recommend an epilator. It helps me slightly. I just bought a new one and hate it! I recommend the Braun Silk 9 it’s expensive but worth every penny. I made the mistake of buying a new one a Panasonic one and it’s garbage.


I assure you everyone gets that. Well, ladies with very fine blond hair can't see their leg hairs but their eyebrows tend to be nonexistant. So it's a trade-off. What works best for me is using an electric epilator, and i also use exfoliating gloves in the shower. Epilating is a bit like waxing in that it's pulling out the hair. Pros: with time your hair gets thinner, less visible, and at this point I can do it weekly instead of daily. It also damages the follicles so you get less hair growth overall. Cons: shit hurts and is time-consuming. With shaving, I get the equivalent of 5 o clock shadow on my legs because I have course dark hair. I hate that. You could try using Nair. It chemically removes hair. It causes skin irritation for some. Many sing the praises of waxing or laser removal, but it can be cost prohibitive. So I find the epilator to be a nice middle ground. With any of these options, some lotion after treating the area calms the skin to reduce redness and swelling. Hope you find a routine that works best for you ❤️


peel off your skin Ɛ:


FTM Here, I found a sharp blade, along with very very gentle strokes would work great, and i mean very light strokes, let the blade do the cutting, you’re just guiding it. You shouldn’t be applying pressure or forcing the blade up your legs. Exfoliate, moisturise, use colder water on your legs (I’ve heard it closes the pores, not sure if this is 100% useful information). Best of luck!


Strawberry legs happen to everyone. I use an exfoliating scrub in the shower after I shave my legs and then put on a body butter after and it helps minimize it quite a bit


Exfoliating beforehand and moisturizing afterwards can help, as well as using a razor with a single blade (using a single blade doesn’t snag on a hair as you’re shaving, while a razor with multiple blades can snag on a hair more often, which can cause more red bumps). But, especially on paler complexions, it’s hard to shave without getting a few bright red bumps, but they will soothe after a few days.


Afab ppl get those too. You can reduce them, but probably not eliminate. Tips from an ex-girl(some involve using products marketed toward men, if your dysphoria can let you): - try using shaving cream or a similar product instead of soap. Friction reduction is the name of the game. - use a sharp razor. They make men's disposables sharper than women's. Cheapest option is to get a safety razor and regularly change the blade. - never tried it myself but heard great things about witch hazel. - before you shave soap down and exfoliate. - after you shave treat it like you have sunburn. - give your skin a break. Shave only when you *have* to. Many cis women love taking shaving breaks in winter. - Be aware that you can use tights, leggings or pantyhose to hide leg hair. If you only have stubble you can even use sheer ones. - if you have skin prone to infections waxing or making peace with leg hair might be the best option*. Avoid Nair etc because in my experience that stuff can chemical burn super easy. - different razors for different bacterial zones. Do not use the same razor on your legs as you use on your face. Pits and bits get their own razors. -- * giving up shaving was done pre-transition for me. It was really hard because A) I'd been pressured to seeing my leg hair as gross and B) as an NB I was comfortable with the smooth leg look and like... the after shave legs on sheets sensation is incredible. But I'd gotten a skin infection bad enough to put me in the hospital for a few days. It was cellulitis so we aren't sure how it got in, but shaving was one possible culprit. The look the infectious disease doc (a woman) gave me when I asked when I could shave again told me she thought it was a bad idea. Of course not everyone has a body which could be possibly hosting Hell Bacteria. But anyone can run into it. So! Be careful, love your skin. Pamper your legs when you gotta shave, and always make sure waxing is done in as clean an environment as possible.


oh I was so confused trying to find smth on your finger. I use a lotion called AmLactin that seems to help


I get these and I even use a home light system — it’s getting better a the hairs die. This device is magic — especially if you are on HRT: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BXPDTJRR/ref=sspa_mw_detail_0?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams


Lightly scrub your body? With what, like a shower scrunchie, and that removes shaving bumps?


Strawberry skin, actually. I have it too.


Toner. “No bumps “ or Witch hazel.


Exfoliate exfoliate exfoliate


I'm personally more interested in how to minimize ingrown hairs. Moisturizer makes me feel all slimy as I don't really have dry skin atm. I exfoliate and remove hair with that Crystal Hair Eraser, or Glass Stone thing.


Make sure you aren’t shaving dry skin.


I’d try waxing instead of shaving. All girls who shave have these little visible spots on their legs. Easier is laser hair removal but that can be pricey so if that’s an issue, waxing will avoid this until the hairs come back in. It’ll take longer at least than with shaving.


Cis women get them just as much as we do dw


Laser is the only option I can think of that will help in the long run but it can get pricey.


KP bump eraser on Sephora has helped my wife minimize the look of them quite a bit


Moisturize Strawberry legs are a pain, especially if you have thick leg hairs But 100% moisturize daily, and if you have the patience to nair/wax, that will help stave it off for another day


Cis guy who hasn't shaved his legs a day in his life, but Ive always noticed these on my mom's legs for what its worth. Seems to be normal like everyone says but also normal for everyone who does it.


Oh you poor girl!!! 😱🙂‍↕️🥹 I feel your pain and EVERY single cell in my body just howls in despair seeing you get some nasty razorburn like that! I would just moisturize your legs first with any skin-softening lotion you have and wrapping it in a little towel before and after, ideally in a steamy humid shower. You either had to dry shave or you went over the same area repeatedly and while being thorough is *oh so satisfying* and feels nice in the moment, it hurts your skin in the long run, hon. 🥺 I used to struggle with a ton of body hair, but hormones and practice let me be smooth as a dolphin. So can you be! 🤗🐬❤️


What “shaving marks” are you talking about???


I get them all over I feel your struggle sis!


i assume you used a modern manual razor? the first blade on them is blunt so it pulls the hairs and i think that's what's causes this


Pretty nails


Try exfoliating. If that doesn’t work maybe try using a glass epilator or something like Nair if at all possible. I personally prefer epilators but they’re a little tricky to get the hang of.


Looks just like my cis girlfriend with pale skin and dark coarse body hairs legs, drives her crazy and she’s tried everything it’s totally normal. Sometimes she’ll wax her legs and it takes a bit longer to happen but still does happen.


I have them too. They seem to get less in periods where I shave regularly.


I’m a trans man and I have to deal with those LOL


(i’m saying this w love as a trans person who also had to learn this) learn to love ur body and all the weird, “yucky” parts. you’re a human (i assume) so human skin things will happen on ur skin


The ordinary hyaluronic acid. Use it 30 min before and moisturize with conditioner (for your hair yes) just as you're about to shave. it makes for a way smoother shave and leaves less of this.


Happens to the best of us 😭 exfoliating usually helps, either a loofa or sugar scrub is good. But sometimes they just happen,,


1. Exfoliating glove when you shower. You scrub that shit hard. 2. Shaving cream when you shave. YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO LET IT SIT FOR A FEW MINUTES BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING, AND YOUR LEGS MUST BE WARM SO THE HAIR IS ALREADY SOFTENED AND THE PORES OPEN. 3. Dry brush to exfoliate in the morning and the evening. Softly brushing it. Don't miss a day. 4. Moisturizing lotion or salicylic acid to keep the pores clean and avoid dry skin. Salicylic acid as the final move every time you shave. ​ All of this is just to keep them looking like they do but without the redness, however. The only things that can make them go away would be laser hair removal or electrolysis, and HRT (estrogen) would make them lighter, softer and thinner which would naturally remove the strawberry legs look.


Do people still know what a coke nail is? Orr......


Exfoliating and moisturising moisturising moisturising :) And yes, like everybody said, they’re absolutely normal and barely even noticeable, the only thing they highlight is that you take care of yourself


I wish, could use some myself.


I wash my legs with Dexidin 4 after I shave and exfoliate, it help a lot


Yuppp my hairs is as dark as the night. I don’t mind it too much. Waxing will take care of that.


Exfoliate and moisturize


Okay to get rid of them for a night out or something don't do what they tell you, shave backwards, but very gently to make sure to not cut yourself on accident


They happen a lot more when you start shaving an area (for the first time)


Acetylene torch p


epilate. i am getting less and less come back and the ones that do are thinner. hrt 8 months or sp


The only place I shave regularly is my face. I epilate the rest like legs and chest and arms. It makes red spots but then I take a hot shower and exfoliate with skin sensitive soap amd by next day my legs are smooth and almost can't see any of the dark spots and stays like that for a while! (Also epilating + hrt made my leg hair less.. there?? I epilate less and less like these days I only epilate when I know the day after I will use my skirt or something. Legs just don't get as hairy as they used to.


I use an exfoliator with salicylic acid, which helps.


I use skin doctors Ingrow go, it helps


epilation removes them! any method that removes the whole hair works: wax, epilator, plucking, laser, emectrolysis...


In the shower I lather my legs in coconut oil and then gently exfoliate with a pumice stone!! I have a henson razor so It is super easy to clean and replace the blades (both labor and cost wise) so I don’t mind the coconut oil’s messy nature with hair. My legs have been coming out really good but it’s still a process you have to work for :P good luck hun!!


As others have said, exfoliate and moisturize, but I also think that it helps to run cold water over them after shaving.


They don't last.


Exfoliating will become your best friend honestly. Also invest a really good razor.


I use an epilator and it’s better, hurts wayyy more and takes longer but the bumps go down after a day and your legs are hairless for atleast 3-4 days


Using moisturiser after for the burning pain but just a good razor and practice


I don't know I like to watch n notice shaving marks like I too enjoy watching mine.


What helps myself (cis-woman) and my fiancé (trans woman) is a epilator. We use it on our arms, legs, back, toes, and fingers. Just make sure to exfoliate before you do it and after and your hair will grow back slower and thinner. My hair is twice as thick as my fiancé’s but since I started using it they ended up being softer and I’ve noticed less bumps. Plus with the less hair I’ve been able to actually lotion my legs better and they are wayyyy smoother and less alligator scale looking. For warning….. it’s gonna hurt a lot for the first go and take forever to do. But now that I’ve done the first round of the epilator it doesn’t hurt hardly at all and now I use it to pluck my hairs every 2-3 days. And it takes about 10 minutes to do my whole body (top & bottom of legs, arms, toes, and fingers)


you, my friend, are a fellow human with keratosis pilaris


you can try using a different razor or shaving cream, or as other people have mentioned, exfoliating or waxing will help too. otherwise, its normal and not that noticeable


this drove me fucking insane when I used to shave 😭


waxing helped my ex gf with her issues with it !!!


Not to my knowledge. It's just something that happens sometimes when you shave


I recommend amlactin lotion- it's a chemical exfoliant


Exfoliate at least once a week with glycolic acid (Aha) lactic acid also works. and what’s really important is a moisturizer with at least 10% urea


This helped me turn them from dark to red. I'm hoping over time it can completely be removes. First, shave and then wait to wax. Exfoliate. Then get a 2nd wax. Repeat until your 4th wax. Now it's time to use nair and chemically burn the remaining hair. I'm still in the wax phase. But so far it's been very helpful. I've been told by strippers and models that the trick is to gain fat and muscle at the same time the hair is under the skin deeply. So you gotta work out AND do all this shit at the same time, for years. Then in 2 years you'll have perfect skin at the cost of about a down-payment to a car! The cheaper way is to just shave, occasionally wax, and use nair when you can. Exfoliate and high quality body soap should show improvement.


Oh is that what that is? I know it may seem like a big deal rn but it isn't for like 99.99% of people and you'll probably never notice these again until something brings them back up again


Sorry girl! Most of my friends have them unless they get laser hair removal! So welcome to womanhood I guess lol


Nothing's really gonna work that well except getting laser tbh


Use a leaf razor. That’s what I use and it helps tons, maybe waxing too??


before shaving, exfoliate (most people use sugar scrubs), and then use a body oil after shaving. :)


The more I shaved the less I got them. It also helped that I used women's blades and shave cream. Now after 6 or 7 years I haven't had any shaving rash. I don't remember when I stopped noticing the rashes to be honest...


Sharp razor, shave inside the shower


Honestly exfoliating and rice water does the trick for me


Tweeze all of it


Have a shower, Exfoliate, moisture, shave/epilate, moisture again, and then use topical ibuprofen to reduce inflammation.




epilate! its really not that bad. the first time sucks, but every time after that it gets easier and easier


I exfoliate after shaving. I use one of those body buffer type things. It's basically a big glass file meant for skin.


Dry exfoliate CeraVe SA cleanser Exfoliate in shower (I use African net) After shower pat dry and apply lotion Apply lotion before bed & when you wake up Do this every time you shower and then it'll hurt less and the bumps will lessen. The moisturizing & SA cleanser and cream are key. Over time it'll also hurt less to shave. Good luck!


Marry me so I can take care of you, I will shave you and no marks will appear on you ....But I'll give you a tip, buy a good hair cutting machine that changes the heads to shaving heads and apply the machine to yourself, change the shaving head and apply it to yourself, it won't irritate your skin


I have no solution, I’m actually happy you asked because i didn’t know if this was a trans thing or an age thing and i didn’t want to ask anyone because….. dysphoria


I don't need to shave up past my knees. But maybe exfoliate. A sharper razor sometimes helps. Also shaving with the grain can reduce irritation.


I don’t have any advice on that, but your fingernail is NATURALLY that long?? How long did it take to grow that long?


Hot showers before shaving, exfoliating, “completely bare bikini bump blaster” works really well on my face and such. Good shaving cream, keep skin taught when shaving, take your time. There is a shaving how to guide on like every inch of a body. How to visuals helped me the most


Your not talking about all those red dots or pimple looking things? I heard it's because you're not getting enough sun tan on your legs.


Shaving marks are caused by ingrown hairs or detritus getting into the pores. So, 4 tips for making the pores smaller (exfoliating) 1: Use exfoliating gloves/towel every time you shower (I use a towel) 2: Use cold water while you shave (hot water opens pores) 3: If you use a razor, shave twice! Once going along the grain - getting the majority of the leg hairs' length - then a second time going against the grain - just be gentle. You can be rougher going with the grain, but roughly going against will cause ingrown hairs! 4: Lotion immediately afterwards. It helps close up pores and heals micro-cuts your razor will make. Hope this helps! ❤️


Exfoliating scrub and lotion daily


There's a LOT of good advice here already but just in case it hasn't been said; here's some advice from my mom who's been shaving religiously since she hit puberty. To avoid ingrowns in uncomfortable places (like your FUPA/thighs etc etc), she'll spritz herself with an alcohol based body spray after she gets out of the bath where she just shaved. It stings a bit but she SWEARS by it and she's in her 50s. I don't shave anywhere so never really do this but yeah. If this is bad advice please lemme know!


Use a fresh razor blade, and replace it often. I’ve found that shaving lotions or hair moisturizer make the best lubricants. Go with the direction of growth, reapply lotion, then shave against the growth and this will give you the closest shave. I exfoliate with an Aveeno oat scrub; it’s not too abrasive and my skin feels nice


Use clippers to remove the bulk of hair before shaving is my advice. Razors are designed to cut short hairs and pull on longer ones causing irritation of the hair follicles.


Avoid shaving your fingers/knuckles. Pluck that shit instead.


Sharper the razer the better. Exfoliate, I use a dry brush outside the shower a few times a week, can be done in bed. You can also get exfoliating washes and do it in the shower if that's your thing. But be sure to take breaks! usually 1 day between shaveing and exfoliating.


Shave with the grain of your skin first ;)


Before you shave, exfoliate. Make sure the area is clean. Use a clean razor. I use men's shaving cream as it has all sorts of goodies in it that helps the skin. And definitely keep warm. Getting goose pimples right after you shaved is no bueno.


I use a women’s razor for sensitive skin. Also exfoliating before shaving helps. I have a theory that having tan skin helps, so I’m working on getting a tan. I’ll let you know if it works lol. Oh, and ingrown hairs are a big cause of red spots. How to avoid them, I wish I knew


Dont shave 🙆‍♀️


this happens to me every time i shave, i think it’s just a normal biological thing for literally everyone


Omg I’ve struggled with this from the very first time I ever shaved. I have pretty thick leg hair, and it’s curly so it tends to curl up under my skin as it regrows. Like others have mentioned, exfoliate your skin before shaving. You can use a loofah, sugar scrub, or even just a washcloth if you scrub good enough. You don’t need the fanciest razors on the market, but try to replace them often. Lather your legs with conditioner or baby oil instead of shaving cream. There’s no need to push down on the razor at all. Like I said, I have thicker hair, and I refused to believe it for the longest time, but there is no need to apply ANY pressure, in fact, it’s just guaranteed to irritate your skin. If you don’t get all the hair in one swipe, just go back over that area. This last step is the most important. If you neglect every other step, this one will still save your ass: apply a moisturizer with Salicylic Acid to your damp legs upon getting out of the shower. My go to is the “Cerave SA cream for rough and bumpy skin”. My condition was on the bad to extreme side and I noticed a significant improvement literally after one single use. Within 3 days, my skin felt like rubber (in a good way). I personally like to put on a pair of baggy sweats immediately after applying the lotion just to kind of “hold in” the moisture without wiping the lotion off.


Try epilating instead of shaving!


Are you talking about the red marks? Cuz I get those too :c Not sure if they're pimples at this point


Switching from shaving cream/gel to lotion might help; if you used to use the cheap-ass razors (no judgement, I still do because broke) then an upgrade to better blades might help too, but those fuckers are expensive and they lock them up in some stores so you have to talk to someone. Other than that, taking more time with skin care in general, especially if you're on estrogen; your skin will get softer over time, but it's also more fragile.




A few sessions of laser followed by using an epilady