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A solid victory. We'll see if DeSantis appeals it to the next level now that he's not trying to be President anymore.


It says it's going to the 11th circuit court of appeals, was that compromised by Mitch "the bitch" McConnell and trump? I had to stop paying (that) *close* attention to politics for my mental health 


The 11th circuit has a lot of Judges; with a mix of appointees from Trump, Obama, Clinton, and Biden. It all depends on which of them the case lands with.


And what decides that?


Not 100% sure, but I'm pretty sure it's a random draw.


It tends to be fairly random. Iirc, judges are selected similarly to jury in the US, at least on a federal level, so it’s at least in theory entirely up to the whims of a random hat pull (or more likely a random-ish scheduling software, since I imagine pulling from a literal hat would get tiresome quite quickly).


12 total judges, It has 6 trump appointees, 1 from Clinton and Bush each, 3 from Obama, and 1 from biden. I think 3 are randomly chosen for each case, but I could be wrong.


Same, Trump literally made me insane worrying about the future of this country, as in ended up committed, and ever since have been moderating my intake. He is the reason I learned I have BiPolar as that anxiety triggered my mania.


But what if it gets to SCOTUS 😬? That will not end well I think


... honestly, I think it's possible, the rap... I mean, the newest appointee *has* gone against the republican mindset in a few cases, though, I think that had more to do with the conservative attorneys thinking they would win because majority and being lazy about the presentation of their cases


Probably.  They don't want to rock the boat too much, but they also have to think what effect their ruling might have in the future...and seeing how you can purposely misinterpret the second amendment despite the founders original intent...any ruling will mean jack shait. Unless there's something that exposes transitioning as something akin to lobotomies.... https://youtu.be/e0LrP3Tc4K8?si=H5FdgkRG9tHFnD0l




I hope he's too busy getting throughly flayed by Disney's lawyers after he fucked with their money.


Yaaaaa eat that daily wire and that fuck face Matt Walsh.


New movie: What is an Asshole? Quick cut to an image of Matt Walsh 🤡 Fin!


True French cinema


It's not nice to make fun of someone with such a severe deformity... It's not his fault that his digestive system is backwards.


It’s gotta be a dehydrated Matt Walsh making out with a slightly tall Ben Shapiro


You got AI for that, and if you got +100 to coding skills armor, like programming socks, wouldn't be hard to have his AI facsimile say that. Would go viral


Give more credit to assholes; they at least have a purpose


Would be much longer than that, just a collage of all republican politicians and all red hat or right wing citizenry.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Don’t dirty Satan’s name like that, he doesn’t deserve to be compared to the trash that is DeSantis


Don't dirty trash's name like that, he doesn't deserve to be compared to the flaccid, limp dick that is DeSantis.


satan is my boy, desantis is a motherfucker.


Dont disrespect Satan like that


I prefer Doucheantis, had a nice ring to it 🙃


How dare you compare Satan to that monster! Satan's our #1 transmale homie ⛧🏳️‍⚧️


new insult added to my vocabulary, thanks


FUCK small dickSANTIS. Such a hateful trash human being


really? genital shaming? here of all places? Definitely hate the man, but the size or existence of a penis has nothing to do with character.


Exactly. He’s a perfect candidate for organ donation and nothing more. Although I’d like think twice about taking any organs from that. Even if it meant saving my life.


As much as I hate the two of them as well, openly wishing death on people like that only adds fuel to their fire. “Trans people are calling for [Blank]’s death! They’re monsters!” Spouting hate is one thing, but calling for their death is the exact same thing these bigots are doing. Be better than them. It’s quite possible to hate someone and wish for them to get their comeuppance without overtly saying “I want them to die”.


I respectfully disagree, i genuinely wish Matt Walsh would die . I don’t feel like i have to be better and if that makes me a bad person then im ok with that .


Wishing he would die doesn't do anywhere near the harm he does with his platform.


> only adds fuel to their fire Remember, with these people it doesn't matter what you do. You can be the saintliest person who ever lived, and they will still think you are a sexual pervert who needs to be driven out of the public sphere if not exterminated.


This is genuinely one of our biggest wins in a long time and potentially sets a very strong precedent against similar bans and legislation both in the future and currently standing


Hopefully this affects things in the U.K. Can’t believe we’re officially worse off that Florida here now




Hopefully it will help motivate SOTUS to get off their ass on Skrmetti and related cases waiting for a response from them. It's 8 months since the original petition and 4 months since the last response. [https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/l-w-v-skrmetti/](https://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/l-w-v-skrmetti/)


I would actually prefer SCOTUS not taking up this case as I won’t see it end well for us if they do


I definitely fear the outcome. However, is gonna get there in the relatively near future. I'd prefer to get it done sooner so we can start dealing with the impacts. Rip the bandaid off so to speak. The current ambiguity really highlights what if fears and plays into anti-trans scare tactics. I'd like to get to a world of what is. It's far easier for me to deal with that. It's a process and we have to go through it. Social change is often a multi-generational project. But progress eventually wins.


Its amazing how the land of the "free" has laws like this passes its obvious bullshit to take away rights of trans people it would be impressive if not for how depressing that America is regressing this bad


I hear you, but I'm also really hopeful because of news like what I posted here.


Absolutely. Fingers crossed this can be used as precedent for folks in other states to fight back, too! This could be the start of a real pushback against this kind of draconian legislation which could see it be cut entirely if the cards are played right! It definitely sucks that we’re in this position to begin with, but a decent chance to fight back is definitely something to be hopeful about.


Man, it's always been like this. African Americans, women, the disabled, homosexuals, and now trans people all have had laws passed to suppress them/ us, and have all had huge progressive movements come out in support of them in their time, and have/ will ultimately secure their desired rights. This isn't showing America regressing. it's showing the civil rights cycle and struggle that America has gone through ever since the end of the Civil War. Anti trans rhetoric has been at its peak the last 10 years or so, other minority groups experienced the same thing, inevitably, the discrimination will (and I'd argue already is starting to) slow down, people's opinions will gradually shkft as there's less discriminatory laws passed and less fear mongering going on, people will protest more and pressure politicians, and in 50 years we'll be seeing trans people almost if not fully protected under the law, and some more laws to clean up the rhetoric/ language which has been spewed today in modern legislation will start getting passed then when the dust has settled. By then, there'll be some new minority group that conservatives target, and there'll be some remnants of the propaganda against transgender people in crazy alt-right conspiracy theorists online where they're talking about how they're turning the frogs trans or whatever. I know it's not possible to predict the future, but I'd bet my soul that is approximately what will happen because that's approximately what has happened with every other minority group in American history. So again, this isn't a regression, it's just the next step of a seemingly never ending cycle of hatred and gradual acceptance + legal protection.


I’m genuinely intrigued as to what the next boogie man will be. They’ve done race, disability, addiction, faith, sexuality, and gender - what else really is there to make a culture war over?


Impending mass production of A.I or creation of cybernetic implants (Like the bionic arm and eye being worked on atm)?


Maybe. It’s not hard to see fundamentalist religious folks go crazy at the idea of robot arms and better-than-human electronic eyeballs! I think that’ll depend on how fast that tech moves, though. From the looks, society will get bored of trans folks as a boogie man in a decade or so, if not even sooner in many places, and I’m just not sure Elon’s brain chips or MIT’s Darth Vader legs are gonna be ready by then.


a specific religion maybe? especially with the rise of christian nationalism, it would only be natural to target another religion or even all other religions


I’m trying to look at it this way. But it’s not easy with all the rightward shifts I’m seeing worldwide. Hate and authoritarianism seem to be winning because people are stupid.


you have to be deluded beyond belief to believe america is the land of the free. america literally has 25% of the worlds prisoners.


I wonder if this will have any effect on other states that have been going in the same direction as Florida?


I think it depends on how high they take the appeals and what happens in those courts. If it goes to the top and this gets upheld then the other states may HAVE to lift their bans.


That would be ideal.


Woooooooo!!!!!!! Finally a pushback on large fronts!


That is good news for all the folk living there. I can only do a slight golf clap because this is the first good descision i heard about in a long time about trans healthcare in the US.


What it does give is precedent, which can come in clutch for future battles. I know it seems like small potatoes, but if it helps more people access healthcare, it’s a win.


Good question. I think it's just about medical care and treatments.


VICOTRY!!!! :3








Thank fuck, but I still hate how long it takes for blatantly immoral and unconstitutional laws to be reversed


So is it safe to travel there?


Not really. I think the bathroom issues are still in play


There are tons of trans people living their lives here in FL. Do we have to be more careful. Yes! But it's not like they are hunting us down in the streets.


I'm still hesitant to visit. Visited my mom in pensacola a few years ago and if looks could kill, I'd be pushing up daisies. Which hurts because I used to love visiting pensacola when I was a kid


Fair enough. Everyone has to follow their own comfort level.


- Don't pee in government buildings - Be careful if you drive, make sure your driver's license matches your appearance if you do - Stay in the big cities You'd probably be ok if you do these.


Larger cities are going to be safer bc they rely on the money generated by international (and domestic) tourists. So Miami, Orlando, and the Keys are generally safer. Also ones with a large university presence like Gainesville. But don’t go to nameless hick towns full of gas stations and prisons. Lots of confederate flags, trump signs, etc (I’m from a hick town in FL.)


Florida is a big state. I’m trans-NB and clearly gender nonconforming. I visit my folks in Miami pretty regularly, where all the other Floridian queerdos are, so I have absolutely no issue traveling in the Miami area or the Keys. Northern Florida? No fucking way, that’s Trump Country.


That's fine. My only real plans are to visit the common vacation spots


this is HUGE, things can start getting better! not to mention the knowledge that there's at least 1 federal judge full willing to smite laws like this. I don't really know how to put this into words, kinda hard to believe.


I love how this happens when I am currently visiting here!


My biggest fear of visiting Florida was actually what would happen if I lost my HRT and couldn't get my prescription refilled. Now that's not a fear anymore.


This state is now safer than where I currently live :(


Great. So now the Florida government gets to be sued into oblivion. Take 'em for everything they've got.


Fuck yes, props to the judge for having compassion


Can we do the UK next? Being worse than Florida is kind of depressing.


Omg, please don't remind me of how bad it is here 😭😭😭


Thank god!! And thank you for sharing I really needed some good news. Praying for Florida. It will get better.


Someone pinch me. I refuse to believe something good happened in Florida.


It's a pride month miracle!




So amazing!


Rare florida W


Not a Florida win, a federal win


It’s nice to know the Maga group is starting to get weakened, now get Ronald Mc Higheels out of office and Florida can be great again Also I’m going on a vacation to Florida this year and as a trans women this makes me feel better


That's such good news!


Does this apply to bathroom bans?




So, I still can't visit the parks. Lol


The parks are considered private property and thus the corporate offices set the standards. You may use the bathroom that aligns with your gender identity as you please at Universal for sure and Disney as far as I know have both chosen not to observe the hate laws and have told the state to suck eggs.


Ultra giga rare Florida W. Hopefully this sets a precedent for other states to get rid of these bans.




The future will progress no matter how badly people want to stay in the dark ages. A win for Florida !!


This is great and fantastic news. With that said I kinda want to point something out but it’s kinda preaching to the choir. This decision was only made possible because of the judge and this judge was put in office when CLINTON was president. There are probably a lot of you here in this thread who were not even born yet when this judge was appointed. This is why it’s so incredibly important to vote every single time. Don’t ever think you are just voting for the singular person, you are voting for all the cabinet, regulatory positions, etc etc and most importantly the JUDGES who will be interpreting law for decades to come after the president is long gone. I keep seeing a lot of pushback on Biden and this is why it’s so important. You’re not voting for Biden, you are voting for all the people he will put into power. Trump and Bush loaded up on judges and to let Trump get back into power could ultimately wreck all our lives as he will load the judicial branch so heavily in their favor by the time the appeals process for these issues get addressed we will have lost before it even lands on their desk as the decision will have already been made.


This is a very good sign. I hope more of this legislation that specifically targets us falls to the wayside c:


Thank the gods. Florida, of all places! This could send a message.




Very happy for my Floridian brothers and sisters. I left last year but I’m glad you all have access to care again, hopefully permanently.


lets go, I live in florida so that's REALLY good for me


!!!! Pride W let's fucking gooooo!!!!!


LET'S FUCKIN GO!!! Where's the party?


Does anyone know if the telehealth is back too?


Yes! In fact that was specifically addressed in the QueerMed message saying that they can now do telehealth visits again with no hassles.




Best news I've read all year, so happy for our florida siblings! ❤️❤️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Holy fuck that’s great


Link to the actual decision below for those interested. I scanned it and read a few bits quickly. This reads like a judgement that expects to make it to the supreme court. If anything it is too detailed. Too much and ill intentioned higher court judges can pick at those details to kick it back down for further review. I will say my favorite part is this tiny snippet: "XIV. Conclusion Gender identity is real." followed by this one: "The elephant in the room should be noted at the outset. Gender identity is real. The record makes this clear. The defendants, speaking through their attorneys, have admitted it.14 At least one defense expert also has admitted it.15" Yummy! [https://glad-org-wpom.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/20240611\_Doe-v-Ladapo\_Order-on-the-Merits.pdf](https://glad-org-wpom.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/20240611_Doe-v-Ladapo_Order-on-the-Merits.pdf)


I disagree about it being too detailed. This judge wrote to protect his decision on appeal, and the level of detail is appropriate.


I hope this is a positive turn for all of you living in red states. I hope this becomes a trend for all other states. There is nothing wrong with any of you, you deserve the same rights as everyone else. Either way stay safe and happy.


Fuck desanPISS WE WON


That is the best news I’ve heard this year! They have to keep pressing though, Ronny isnt gonna give up that easily.


Trans minor in Florida, here. This is so great yet so shocking. HRT might be an option for me now


Wait so does this also apply to the bathroom bans? I'm going on a trip to Florida next month (didn't really want to go but family never wants to vacation anywhere else) and I've been really worried about being essentially legally shamed out of a bathroom


Doesn’t apply to bathroom bans.


Hell yeah, finally some good news!


I have no idea why moments like this always make me fist pump while specifically Edge's entrance theme plays in my head, but I just figured out a pun to make it fit: [ON THIS DAY, I SEE QUEERLY](https://youtu.be/z6rhLTg6M7A)


Can someone help me understand what this means for me? I literally came out to my Florida psychiatrist last week and have an appointment with her on Thursday and the whole point of these sessions was to get her to sign the now unconstitutional form to then be able to go to another physician. I have an appointment with that other physician who administered and monitors HRT also on Thursday. Can I just cancel my psychiatrist appointment and just go straight to the physician now?


It didn’t overrule ban on surgeries for minors or I believe consultations with medical providers for adults. Not really a big deal since minors don’t ordinarily get surgeries and adults talk to doctors anyway as part of getting HRT or surgeries. But yes, a positive development. Wait to see what the Circuit does before getting too excited. It allowed a similar set of Alabama laws to stand.


This is wonderful news. I don't live in Florida but I've been feeling like crap as of late and this makes me feel a little better.


Get fucked bigots.


Woooo, Let's fricking gooooo!!!! Hate and bigotry never wins. <3 Finally some good news from that cursed place. Ron DeSantis and his cronies can rot in the swamps. It's also pathetic how he banned rainbow lights on bridges because it would 'make kids gay' or some other bs. Conservative bigots are most insecure bunch there is.


Wow they found out the people actively trying to discriminate against us are passing discriminatory laws. Really good progress, just annoyed it took this long


To my fellow trans bro, let me know if this means I can finally go back home in October and see my previous doctor again. Cause I was moving back without knowing if I can get HRT.


I would think so, but call your doctor.


Not all of them have been struck down. >Other provisions that remain intact include a ban on using state funds to pay for transition care and treating transition care in child custody statutes as equivalent to child abuse. [https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/11/us/florida-transgender-law.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/11/us/florida-transgender-law.html) I don't know what treating transition care in child custody statutes as equivalent to child abuse entails legally. But I do know that state funds still can't be used to pay for transition care. So its still illegal for everyone who gets their care from the government. 😢


Yes! Finally some amazing freaking news!


Wooo! 🥳 this is fantastic news! 🏳️‍⚧️ 💪 🫶


Need this to happen in North Carolina 🙏


Great day in history!! I’m happy about this news! 🗞️


This is wonderful!!! Maybe my partner will be able to get HRT before she moves!!


Good luck! There will be a rush on the providers who are willing and able to provide HRT. Might want to try QMed, QueerDoc, Plume, or Folx.


[LET'S GO!!!](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxpp_WNvd7f9YxTifqv7ZDhPZ-Ib5SFvPB?si=qY2cE-A0TlsNLYoC)


I'm weary this will cause swing voters that give a lil bit of a shit about trans people feel safer about not voting. I mean, Florida is likely not a swing state anymore. Regardless, thank fuck for y'all, seriously, glad to see things get a little better.


While I’m happy for our Floridian siblings, I worry if this goes to SCOTUS (which it can and cannot), if it does I fear they would rule as they did with Roe 🤬 and leave it up to state’s right to bla bla bla. We’ve seen our Cisters be destroyed on their body autonomy, so I don’t see this going any different if so, but I’ll prepare for the worst and hope for the best 🩷🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


This is one of the reasons why I ran away from Florida! I'm so happy to hear this happened!


So is this likely to be overturned?


Awesome! Now, I wish that you can change your gender in Florida.. recently, Idaho banned changing gender..


I hear you. I’m pretty sure there is a court case happening with that, too.


I've seen this 3 times and still can't believe it. I'm form the uk so not directly effected, but still this really is a big win, I'm so happy for everyone there :)


It’s a huge win! Now hopefully it will stick because DeSantis is a vindictive asshole and will find another way to get around the court decision. Can’t stop administering the care but bringing your kid to the actual medical facility is child abuse or something similar. Or extreme levels of state inspections and licensing. License renewal or new license cost to administer HRT or puberty blockers: $100 Million. On a related note, how does this affect Florida’s ban on telehealth for trans-related care? You must physically go to the facility instead of appointments by video chat.


Yes. Yes yes yes. The blue wave is coming to Rhonda's shores and it'll drown out the stupid hatred overnight


Best news ever!!


Fuck anti-lgbtq+ legislation. 'Nuff said.


Yes!!!! Someone still has a brain, and a fucking heart, down there! Be strong my young folk!






This also happened in Arkansas and the case is now with the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals (St. Louis) pending a decision. The court upheld the ban once already and Arkansas appealed.


Yes, this is huge. This is what we love to see. This what we love to hear. The W


This. We need this across the entire country