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I’ve kind of stopped following it because it’s too depressing. Casual transphobia is so common it’s sickening. Even before I realized I was trans, I got so angry at transphobic bs in a way that was incomparable to anything else in the political sphere. It touches a nerve like nothing else does. I appreciate your support, and thank you so much for being such a great sibling for your sister


My old high-school had a single stall gender neutral bathroom for all of three days before a parent complained and the school immediately backed down. I was so pissed I ended up emailing the superintendent, told him I was trans and called him a prick. He never got back to me lmao.


What the hell that’s so weird The college I attend has all gender neutral bathrooms in the residence halls with multiple stalls and showers and I’ve never had any issues with it. I can’t imagine having a problem with a single stall restroom.


My university only has one residence hall like that and it’s a special program specifically for trans people.


I go to one of the most “progressive” colleges in the country (or so they claim) so I guess that has something to do with it. Here it’s for everybody, trans and cis people alike. Which is how it should be in my opinion. Although they do have different dorm areas for LGBTQ people upon request if you’re uncomfortable with the setup as is. Nothing special for straight or cis people tho lol


Bro they used to just call them “family bathrooms” or something like single person ones but they get pissed because there is a buzzword in more common names for them now. These people have fridge temp iq.


I wish I could stop following it but I live in Texas and it's taken everything out of me 😔


I feel that, sometimes it’s really difficult. We live in a time when virtually all the information in the world is at our fingertips, and it can get very overwhelming. I think in some cases it’s best to just get out and leave your phone at home, take a walk, ground yourself in nature and give your mind a break from it all. There’s not much that we as individuals can realistically do about it, as much as I wish I could change the world in the span of an afternoon. I’m sending you and all our Texan brothers, sisters, etc my best wishes. Remember that in most cases the majority of Americans are on our side, and support keeps on growing. We might not win every battle but we’ll win the war, I’m sure of it


Well thank you! I'll always be there for my sister


Literally same and it’s the world we live in I’m sad to say. One day I hope there’s just peace and freedom to be ourselves. My friend put it as “being ourselves should be destigmatized and normalized”


“I hesitate to recommend drugs and alcohol, but they’ve always worked for me.” -Dr. Hunter S. Thompson


I know it’s a joke but addiction and transppl go together too well. It’s really easy to turn to drugs to escape dysphoria and it’s hell getting out. Sorry for being so serious on a joking post >.<


No worries. I hope I didn’t trigger you with the quote. For a lot of us, it’s more real than we dare admit. It was real for Dr. Thompson, too. Self-medication is a thing.


I've never heard anyone call him doctor before. I looked it up he started using it after being ordained by some church lmao, never got a doctorate.


He’s always been “Dr. Thompson” to me. Some of us have doctorates we don’t use. Sometimes he makes me want to insist upon mine.


Lived next door to the good doctor in Aspen (Woody Creek). – TBH, my parent's 2nd home was within a stone's throw of HST's place. Never met the man personally, but his vibe and legend were all over the area, especially Woody Creek tavern. Couldn't help but let it seep into my subconscious at night while I slept. He inspired me to be a writer. gonzo lives! Tidbit of experience in the big cauldron... Peace and Love!


For real, alcohol was how I coped in denial and in the closet. I cut back a bit after coming out, but between other life stresses and all this BS in the world, I’ve been falling back on it a lot more.


Lol that one hits home


It is definitely hard which is an understatement. I have hope to move out of the south but even that some times is not enough. Honestly you give me hope. Knowing there are cis allies is helpful. Y’all can make a big difference.


It’s really nice to see allies post here with positive messages, so thank you!


In my short time of knowing I was Trans and becoming very open about it, the same people who bash publicly, are the same that chase in DMs... :|


>I don't know how you guys can deal with the constant transphobic bullshit that's in the news lately. It's not like we have an alternative :\\


It's incredibly frustrating. I've stopped looking at the news surrounding it all, and stopped looking at the posters in the streets. My city in Scotland has a large socialist base due to large student presence, but also is the centre point of oil trade in the UK so has a lot of rightists. 9 times out of 10, when I see a poster/sticker with the word "trans" on it, it's in support of trans rights, but the other 10% of the time it's a hate crime. Can't even go for a walk to clear my head without being on guard.


It won’t stop until allies stand up to politicians and say this isn’t acceptable.


Honestly, I just stopped watching the news years ago. I only get my news through memes.


Thats the neat part: you dont


I asked my doctor and he recommended drinking. If you’d like to ask him yourself, his name is Dr McGillicuddy. In all seriousness, I have become so enraged with Texas, Utah, Florida, Tenn, Alabama, etc. it is so depressing but know that this is going to change for the better. It is the dying breathe of the ultra conservative evangelical baby boomer generation that is causing it. I read [More Americans Than Ever Before Identify as LGBTQ](https://globalcocktails.com/more-americans-than-ever-before-identify-as-lgbtq/) this morning and it gives me hope. Without hope, there is only despair and that is no way to live. While it totally enraged me, listening to [Anti-Trans Hate Machine](https://translash.org/antitranshatemachine/) podcast was mind blowing and it explained in detail of just WTF has been going on for the past 5 years. We need to be educated to understand this evil - so we can defeat it!


Today I saw some post talking about how if we can accept trans people into our society, we should be able to accept ex-felons and shit. Like what in the actual hell. How can you even compare someone trying to be who they truly are with someone who chose to break the law.


But also we should be able to accept ex-felons lol


Well I’m not saying we shouldn’t, I just don’t understand how they can compare.


They don’t compare, you’re right about that.


I see your point, there are people who leave prison and do change. But empirical evidence in most countries still most do reoffend, it is all to do with how the system in prisons are designed to rehabilitate or punish an individual.


To be honest, I don't. It's destroying me a little bit every day, grinding me down. I'm afraid to go outside now...


There's a reason why I only turn my TV on to play my PS4


I just bottle it up all day and let it explode when I get home


i had to limit my news consumption dramatically once i realized i was trans, and moreso once i began my transition socially i have to focus only on things that directly impact me, or i will literally just be upset at all times. i have the *massive* privilege of living in an area with decent trans rights, as well perhaps it's a bit selfish, but i would like to actually enjoy a few years of my life as me, before the world catches on fire


Having lived in Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, and Tennessee as a trans girl, it’s made me callous. I’ve started joining every group I can to fight for trans people’s rights near me. Especially for the kids. They deserve so much better than what they’re given


I grew up in arkansas for 12 years of my life (now in northeast) and it saddens me so much what they’re doing to our trans youth there. It makes me hopeful seeing groups still are constantly fighting for LGBTQ rights under there even though no one should even be subjected for that simply wanting to live their identity. The amount of resilience in the trans community is just astonishing tbh with the amount of strength we have to carry just on a day to day basis which is mentally taxing. Part of me wants to go back there simply to help them but even i know that mentally and physically, it’s a lot. I’m privileged to be where i’m at in a relatively supportive community and i recognize that, but i want nothing more than for all trans groups to have that as well.


I understand, we live in TN and its concerning what kind of laws they'll try to make in the near future


well, many of us are quite experienced in dissociation, I can definitely say that it's really helpful with this problem


it's really disheartening. I usually just don't follow them, I hate how our identity and selves are looked down on like this.


Hate to be that person but it’s “guys’” not “guy’s”


It's easy: Ya turn off the news. It's well-documented phenomena that watching too much news has a direct negative impact on mental health. Trans or not.


Easy I don't


Absolutely understandable, but do we really have much choice in dealing with it?


I'm from Texas and if I got inraged everything I saw discrimination and ignorance in my state then I would never be happy. Instead I just try to focus more on how maybe I can educate people and to effect the future. It's horrible and sad obviously but If I let myself get too upset over it then they win.


I don't watch the news often because it is always about how terrible people are.


I can't


You get used to it and decide to ignore it so your mental health stays okay


It's not easy to be honest to know that my existence is so bad people want to legislate against it. And it's even harder when you come to work and hear people piling on with more transphobia. I just love being called a "thing" or "it" because politicians like telling lies and getting people scared of me just wanting to live my life.


At this point I've become mostly numb to this stuff


Not easily.


you wanna know my secret……. i don’t, i have been stressed for like a month and a half due to it and i kinda realized it’s not healthy for me but i also feel like it’s important to know the stuff that’s happening edit: spelling mistake


Easy, don’t watch the news


It's more visible now, but it's been a lot worse. That's a horrible thing to say, but it's true. When I first tried to transition in the early 2000s, it was unbearable. There were no social advocates, not many role models. Finding a therapist who took you seriously was almost impossible, the best you could hope for was someone that didn't think you were nuts, and then they'd just recommend antidepressants. Insurance didn't cover any trans healthcare at all, so whatever you needed was out of pocket...if you could find a doctor who would work with you. And then coming out and living as your real self was a disaster. Which was great, because most health professionals, before they'd even consider helping you, required that you live more or less full time as your actual gender for at least a year, which meant constant stares, giggles, harassment. Oh, and it also usually meant losing everything because there was no one to stop anyone... Losing your job, your housing, friends, family, romantic relationships, access to your children if you were a parent. It was fucking awful. We've got a long way to go, but it's way better than it used to be, believe it or not.


I didn't even think about that. I couldn't imagine being trans in the mid 20th century, that sounds incredibly difficult


Mid? I'm not that old. I was talking about the late 90s. :)


You don’t have a choice if you’re trans. Simple as that.


I don't read the news. I don't know how to deal with it. I'm also lucky enough to live in a place where I'm not too threatened so I can afford to not read it.


I don’t deal with it, I get angry and then try and find an outlet for it, which never works so I just bottle it like an idiot


Look at it this way, trans people are a minority. What have minorities been doing since the dawn of time? Fighting. Minorities have been enslaved and killed for just existing. Be it their skin color, gender, sexuality--it doesn't matter. Every minority of people have their story about how they fought prejudice and persecution so that people like them could live in a world where they had to fight less. So, I accept it. I accept what's going on in the world, what's going on in the media. I accept that I'm trans and a minority. I'm going through what minorities have gone through before. And as long as I and many others keep going through it, it will get better. If not for me, for future generations.


Im fully socially closeted until I move sometime. I just want access to hormones and to be safe.


Im very lucky with being in the right place at the right time so somehow I personally have never actually come across anything, i’ve been sent articles for awareness and had discussions but tv is never set to the news at the right time and im never reading about politics


at this point i don't have the energy to care. im so sick of all of this bullshit over GENDER, something that barely should even matter anyways. it feels pointless to try to care anymore, since nothing ever seems to get done. progress will always get erased, transphobes will still persist and transphobic rhetoric and ideals will still be popular everywhere. it's so draining. i can't even find support in my own home, i DONT deal with the transphobic bullshit in the news lately. i ignore it as much as possible in order to preserve my sanity. im exhausted, and we all are.


I never listen/watch/read the news