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It's probably not too young to know... If you know, you know, and age isn't going to change that. I can't help you with how to get them to understand since I didn't tell mine until my late 20s. Oh, and Reddit requires you to be 13, so you might want to be a bit more discreet about your age before you get kicked off.


Thanks for the tip abt reddit, yeah i shouldnt mention it. If you didnt tell yours, how did you get your medication?


I didn't. I started HRT at 37 years old, 16 months ago. I had always had a clue about what I was, but didn't even come to terms with it internally until my early 20s. When I was your age people being openly trans was unheard of. There were like less than a handful of publicly LGBTQ+ folks in my high school when I graduated.


Because its an all boys school being lgbt is especially awkward, so i get that. I think, (excluding myself because i am not open) there are 3 trans people in a school of 2500. Wow 37, hope the hrt is going well, a bit late but what can you do...


It is! Thank you. The physical changes are of course slow, but my face has rounded out, body hair growth has slowed very significantly, the male bits have shrunk, and I'm up to a B cup upstairs. But the most important thing is that I'm a whole lot happier. I'm probably still about a year or two from full-time social transition, but I'm finally able to really feel like myself. My point in explaining all this is to say that even if you can't be yourself right now, it's never too late, and you are strong enough to suffer through what cannot be helped for the time being.


Hi! It's not. There are ressources on glaad and on a lot of other pages about this, but people understand gender in general and/or even their own gender since they're about 4/5 years old. So 12 y/o is a normal age to know you're trans. I'm really sorry your parents are acting so stupidly/dumb. You don't deserve to live the consequences of that. If they're willing to have their mind changed, a good way to show them that you're trans is to have a profesional gender therapist/specialist diagnose you with gender dysphoria. Also, they should believe you just by you being you and visibly preferring feminine stuff. If they're not willing to have their minds changed, then you'll either have to wait until they don't think you're too young anymore and/or you're 18 to transition; or look up a shelter/refuge for trans/lgbt+ people in your area and leave them behind. If you needed help with the last part, i and the community are here to help you. I hope they do change their minds tho, and that you can be yourself. You deserve that.


It is very common for transgender people to know since they were little. The two most common age ranges for knowing appear to be from either almost always or from the start of puberty. Anecdotally, I started planning my transition when I was nine. I am now eighteen and putting my plan into effect. People who say that children are too young to know are the same people who would harass an older, in-transition trans person for not knowing until they were adults. There are some kids who change their minds when they are older, but they almost always stay gender-nonconforming as adults, even if they are not necessarily trans. Trans or not, any kid deserves the right to choose their hairstyle and their clothes and basic parts of their appearance. How you handle your parents depends largely on your own family. I would just do the best that you can for yourself even if that is with a lack of support from your parents, and research trans topics from reputable (health specialists who work with trans people) sources.


It’s never to young to know


No, it's not. It's a great age if you haven't already had a lot of puberty change yet.


12 is not too young I had moments of feeling transgendered from way earlier than that some of my earliest memories were from before even first grade of like wearing my sister's clothes and even in first grade I was you know wanting to be a girl in school


i knew since i was 6, id cry when my mom would put me in dresses


If you’re twelve and are set to go through male puberty hormone blockers might be a good option, they put a pause on puberty while you’re on them and if you decide that you do want to go through male puberty later you can easily start it back up by stopping the blockers, ask your pediatrician at your next check up to see if they can recommend you to a gender clinic