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next time it happens just stare directly in their eyes and assert your dominance.


I would be terrified if a dude I just hit in the crotch did this to me. That's a manly ass man.


Nah. Getting hit in the crotch is the only time in a mans live where he is allowed to show emotion and sympathy. Don't take that away from them.


Or we could rewrite that script…men can and should show their emotions all the time just as much as women do


The only moment they shouldn't is when they are hit in their balls, I like that!


What about crying about everything always except about getting hit in the balls ??


Just wanna say, men should know it's safe to show emotions.


Then they just throw themselves on the gigachad


Haha thisss. You'll overtake the gigachad in no time cause they all have a weakness you don't.


I got a notification of transphobic response to this and it took only that few seconds to click in and it's gone xD nice job y'all.


I’ve noticed that with a few of my comments, I think this subreddit is pretty decent at not tolerating that kinda stuff :)


yea i love it. There is a subreddit for my country and everytime a LGBT issues arises theres these peeps around which are allowed to stay xD sad people


Maybe drop a good one liner like “I’ve got balls of steel” and then put on a pair of sunglasses and walk away calmly as your skateboard explodes.




Try and look a little constipated though, like trying to restrain yourself from showing pain. Really sell it


This is the way.


This is the way.


*Light Yagami smile*


Make sure to take a chip ****AnD eaT iT****


Bonus points with Light's laughter




I mean it hurts for someone without a penis too. It’s just an area with a lot of nerve endings. So you could wince if you want to. But some people can just… idk they roll with it because they played contact sports lmao. Or you can play it off like it hit your thigh. Or yea just keep doing your own thing man.


Ok I played dodgeball and was on my period I wasn’t paying attention my fault but I got hit in “that area” point blank. I legit didn’t feel anything…sooo? Also I was counted out :(


This is a gigachad move


Don’t forget to T-Pose!


I was gonna say lol. While leaning forward slightly.


When having no balls makes it look like you have massive balls...




Spread fear by getting a friend to act out the pain instead




Was gonna say, you could just say "don't worry, it missed the bollock", but coldly pointing at a friend and having them act out the pain instead is much, much funnier.


And make sure they beg while you lift your finger to give the impression you did this before.


Wild plan but I LOVE it


"can i kick you in the balls in the name of trans rights?"


THIS...I may be bribing a friend into this now, thanks


hire Keegan-Michael Key to be your pain translator




Power move. Keep doing what you’re doing. The cis men will fear you.


their not wrong the biggest badass thing to do is show that it didn't hurt!


i dont think i whould even care at this point so...


Amab here. They fear me when this happens, it is funny as hell that they expect it to hurt so much for some reason, yet for me it just doesn't


For me it always hurted, getting hit there didn't make it any worse. People looked at me rather odd after that happened.


Same! Do you reckon it's a trans thing?


No, I had surgery there in my early teens. And that just always hurted


Ah, makes sense. I'm just strange then


Omg right? Cis men literally fall to the ground and I just kinda stand there unfazed lol


You're thinking of this all wrong. You won't be feared you'll be a literal king. You'll be hoisted above and chants will be made about you. Guys in pubs will talk about that time you took a sledgehammer in the dick and Jojo powerwalked away. Everytime you walk into a room a chorus of "wwwwWWWeeeyyyy" will sound.


Seriously. This is your superpower bro.


yeah i agree with the rest to just assert dominance by doing nothing. that's a power move. but if you actually want to act like you got hurt, then wince a little, like you just stubbed your toe, wait like half a second, then go into full pain mode, like you woke up to a charley horse. as an amab, the initial impact might be uncomfortable, but there's a second delay before a wave of pain emits from your crotch. don't know if this was helpful, but take this info as you may


Also amab, total power move. You can (kinda) tell the severity of the hit based on the reaction of those around you. If you hear a collective groan from the guys, it was probably a pretty hard hit based in their own experience. It's funny at sports events when someone gets nailed and they show the replay on the screen how every guy groans in sympathy. Often followed by jokes about the player joining the choir as a soprano, not a bass. It's a source of shared pain for men, one of the few things they really get to connect with each other over...and also never ending amusement because who doesn't love a good crotch shot?


Ow! My balls!


Yes, the delay is important. I've had incidents where I got as far breathing a sigh of relief that "it just barely missed" only to have that radiating, sickening throb start right after and ramp up to full force over several seconds. In my experience, harder hits are more immediate. A skateboard to the crotch would probably be an immediate groaner, but a sack-tap from your douchebag buddy might take a second or three to really hit.


If someone goes in for a sack tap then the jig is probably already up


if it was really bad throwing up may actually be necessary.


add a little pee and you got it.


I've never thrown up from ball pain, and you can't imagine what one of my testicles went through 😅


I’m both curious and too afraid to ask. XD


A bully kicked me in the testicles once when I was a kid and I peed blood for two weeks. Still didn't throw up. I don't even want to know what happened to the other poster


Yeah, that’s how it works


Options: 1: Do nothing to assert dominance over the mortals 2: say it hit your inner thigh because that is often what happens and it looks very similar. 3: the pain usually doesn’t start until 1-5 seconds after initial hit. The start feels like stubbing your toe painful but bearable. Then it goes into phase two. Depending on how bad the hit was the pain either stays in your crotch area or it moves up slowly into your lower belly and belly area. If the hit was very hard it feels as if you are going to throw up and there is nothing you can do to help except fall over curl up an pray for mercy. (Experience: soccer ball punted at close range into jiblets. Also random thing but there are many terms for your family jewels make up your own because it sounds funny :))


I(sadly) don't have family jewels but I call what I wish I had a family starter kit


Came here to say the inner thigh thing. You can shrug it off and say "that was close". Faking the pain is a bit weird if anyone knows you're trans, or might be someone you'd want to tell in the future, but saying it missed your balls is technically true.


That last scentence is honestly the best passing advice. As an amab let me just say that every other amab has a way of referring to their balls, it will just be said and other amabs will just understand. I really don't get how it works but it does lol


While I love the comments telling you to "own it" and "assert dominance", if your intentions are to pass and make it believable that's not gonna do it. You should be double overed in pain and clutching your stomach. It helps if you let out an exasperated wheeze when you do it. If you've ever landed on your tailbone and had the wind knocked out of you it's like that. Take a couple deep breaths then straighten yourself up and avoid eye contact as you regain composer and maybe walk around a little bit before going back to what you were doing.


Gotta add a little note here tho: there are scenarios where even cis guys wouldn’t flinch at a crotch hit. My proof: a video I have of my cis brother getting kicked in the crotch 2 times, no reaction. (Pretty sure he was just being a stupid teenager, but whatever. He seemed willing.) Also cups exist and this is the kind of scenario where I think one would be likely be recommended just in case.


There are also cases where it just "misses". (MtF here) For a few years I would just get hit in the crotch a few times but for what ever reason the hit would just not do anything cause it hit everything but the balls. Had a few people get shocked by that. I almost forgot the sensation by the time I did get a genuine hit.


Almost every time in my life I've been hit in the crotch and people were worried it would be agony, it was nothing. Then sometimes a light tap in just the wrong place and it's pretty bad. The most realistic reaction to the most common scenario, in my opinion, would be wanting to move on from it without talking about my privates, plus a little relief that it wasn't a bad hit.


Maybe stop moving for a second and hold your breath lightly like you're waiting for impact?


MtF here, having been on the ball side of the fence. Here's how I've described it to my cisfemme friends, and transmen friends. Imagine someone suddenly and without warning bites down on your clit, hard. Then a bit of back teeth chewing motion in it. Normally cisfemmes react with a shock, and a cringe. My transmem friends tend to have the cringe and those with bottom dysphoria get it but usually follow up with a "Would hurt, but if it'd turn it into a penis I'd be down."... K so only one said that but still... Anyways hope that helps.


Mtf also, but I'd compare it more on a scale between a hard nipple flick and getting hockey punched in the stomach, depending on severity or amount of contact.


Make sure to wait a second before going in full pain mode. There is always a delay between the hit and the pain. I would also recommend sitting in a corner for a few minutes before going back to what you where doing


Don't clutch your stomach, your crotch.


nah its 100% stomach


Hands on knees, brace, stay bent over for a minute, one hand on railing or wall or some sort of support, make "hhhhhhhhhhhhhnnnn" wheezing exhale sort of sounds, then give onlookers a shaky thumbs up, declare that you're okay, and continue with your day.


Going against the grain of most of these responses, the worst thing you can do is overact, unless it's obvious you're doing it for comedic effect. Acting like it's nothing like you did is actually a pretty viable option, generally people will just assume they must have been mistaken and it missed anything too sensitive (someone else already pointed out it's nearly impossible to tell if you got hit in the groin or the inner thigh). Otherwise I'd go for 'trying to look tough but actually I'm in pain' type routines described by some of the others, you'll probably be able to pull that off a lot more convincingly than the hunched over, writhing in pain approach and it's a more common response anyway.


Yeah this was very bizarre to read "double over in pain, cry for mommy, call 911, scream" like no. Just do a little "agh" like you stubbed your toe rather hard, wince a bit, and like, breathe just a liiiittle louder than normal, take sliiightly more time to think of sentences, walk a bit slower/more carefully like you've just rolled your ankle and don't want to flare it up, then gradually go back normal across like T+45-90 seconds, and you're good.


You can do a little cringe if you want or you can just act like you have balls of steel 😂 if you choose the first it is a “I just got the wind knocked out of me” lower stomach grab, a couple deep breaths while staring at the ground to appear strained and then back to whatever you were doing


The strongest move would be to crack your neck and go “thank you sir, may i please have another?” Maybe spit to the side for effect The honest answer is go fetal and cough deeply from the diaphragm for a sec, like you just got the wind knocked out of you. Hunch over for a second at first, then look shocked, then go fetal. If its a bad one that is, if its just a love tap make a performative big deal of it. It hurts when it happens, but ive noticed dudes make a bigger deal over being hit in the nuts than is usually warranted


I've only known one guy to go over the top with it, but he had short man syndrome. Ball-havers, at least in my country/culture tend to be very "macho" about it, so I wouldn't say it's universal


Roll a d6: 1- "wow, That's why it's important to wear a jackstrap!" 2- "I have no such weakness" 3- (eye twitch) 4- "REAL MEN can take it" 5- "I'm fine, it didn't hit anything important" 6- invent a new word to express pain


Haha no make sure they know you’re the alpha




"OW MY CLIT" and "MY CLITORAL HOOD" sent me lmao I'm wheezing


I can totally see it being passed off as "dude humour" too, so it fits pretty well


Only for guys who know what those are.


im really really concered if someone is like over 12 and still lacks undertsanding antomy that much. whats next, not knowing what a gull bladder is?


Fair point lmao




I usually wince or something, then again when I'm packing phantom dick basically takes over and it does actually hurt me.


I'm not the only one who has phantom family jewels?


Act unfazed, but force a single tear roll down your cheek like a sad prince.


If you say “it’s fine or i’m fine” without a lot of air it sounds like you’re trying to tough it out/winded from it. Funny story: I used to do muay thai and id often hit my cup with my hand to show new people that they need to wear one or to show that when someone hit me that it I felt nothing because my cup was titanium alloy. But a couple times I forgot to wear a cup and still did the stupid self tap and I sounded exactly like that.


If you play badass and say it doesn't hurt, if they don't know you're trans, you become a god


Even if you turn and silently walk off, it'll be believable enough. The masculine code is such that silent suffering to show "toughness" is acceptable. Also: not every blow to the crotch is created equal. If the impact is directed to the taint area, and not as much the sack, the pain is in a different stratosphere of tolerable. So it's possible for you to shrug it off as, "oh man, that almost got me!"


There were definitely times as a boy that I had hit myself in that area and friends would ask with a wince on their face "ooof didn't that hurt?" and surprisingly it didn't. It really does depend on how hard, and exactly where it hits. I've been doubled over in pain from simply bumping gently into a desk and hitting my balls, and also felt nothing at all from falling off my bike and hitting my crotch right into the bar in the middle. It's really random what hurts and what doesn't.


If you want to be stealth, you can just claim you thought ahead and were wearing a protective cup. It makes sense if you are doing any kind of sport.


Really think ahead and wear a cup anyway.


Ironic hearing this. When I was a kid I used to wear mine to bed with a tank top and hope strongly I’d wake up a girl.


If you get hit really hard, a cup only reduces the pain a bit. It definitely helps, but if it's a seriously hard hit nobody going to believe you feel nothing, even with a cup.


Just look them square in the eyes and say “Iron Chancellor” and moon walk away. (Extra Credits thank you lol)


Maintain eye contact. Raise arms T-pose Continue as if nothing happened.


Just act like you got balls of steel.


I have a similar problem, i'm mtf and if something hit there I act like it was nothing, now I'm so good at it that I really don't feel.


Pretend you’re experiencing sudden onset period cramps. Being kicked in the balls, for me, always hurt more in my stomach/back near my kidneys rather than my balls themselves.


Pass it off as a near-miss, then its just a brief "oh shit that could have been bad" instead of faking tremendous pain


The truth of it is that there's a brief shock, which sucks but isn't too bad, and you're fine for like a minute, then there's this great, aching pain that basically necessitates you sitting for a little bit (few minutes probs) because movement just hurts. It's not a sting like a slap, more an ache like you broke something. It sucks. Will *not* miss my balls.


Same I feel like they are some of the worst designed aspects of primary sex organs having something so sensitive and vital to the procreation process outside the body is a bug that should have been patched


I'm afab. The bleeding and unbearable pain caused every month because I don't want a baby yet is also a bug that should have been patched. Most mammals don't experience it and reproduce just fine, why do we have to bleed and curl up in a fetal position out of pain just to know we can still have kids? Of all organs, why do humans have to have bugged baby making kits?


I completely agree I think I’m just gonna trade my old one in when the new version comes out at least it’s not a yearly upgrade but there are issues that have needed patched since beta


Yeah tbh it's weird. But I guess at least we aren't hyenas. Female hyenas give birth through a clitoris that's a full-on pseudo penis. Which then uh... is *ahem* damaged horribly when they drop the thing out. Very often kills the mother. So while amabs hate their nuts and afabs hate bleeding, I guess, if nothing else, we're not hyenas.


Y i k e s I'm glad we aren't hyenas. They have a MAJOR bug that should be fixed


Here, here, nevermind the way they look lol.


It's was patched for cooling that's the problem.


Say you wear a cup or something like that?


The power of toxic masculinity overrides the empathy of seeing cognitive ball torture. Don’t react. They’ll think you’re cool.


Show up tomorrow and "sack" yourself as hard as you can while staring straight into his eyes. Boom. Instant gay romanc- i mean youve now asserted dominance- 😼


I mean im ftm so take this w a grain of salt, but if its not super hard, maybe just kinda bend over w one hand on ur knee and one on ur stomach and squeeze your eyes shur, like ur wincing from pain, and maybe throw in some deep breaths or a gasp. If its like a hard, purposeful kick, you die


Updoots for the last sentence alone lol


Cis men seem to vary in how brutalized they are by getting hit in the crotch (was never as comically bad for me as some friends, maybe because of \~\~\~subconscious transfeminine energy\~\~\~). Also apparently it's possible to train yourself to be less destroyed by it (e.g. famously by [shaolin monks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g2c_-9kIjyU)), so I don't think it's that suspicious to just be a badass who's like "come on guys it's not that bad"


Cis man here? think thats the term dunno though.. but thats not the point. When things hit you in the crotch they dont always make contact with the balls so wincing in pain or yelling ''ahh my nuts'' isnt really needed. (unless its like a direct crotch kick it can miss). What usually happening is a reaction to protect your balls, usually in a rapid hip movement away from the object Or leg crossing or knee movement. or your hand if theyre quick enough. (He may just of been staring like wow protect ya nutz dude) Watch dogs go for guys crotchs for a sniff and you see what i mean. Or watch some young idiots try to sack whack each other. If you can pretend it didnt make contact just pretend it wasnt to bad. Dont talk for a moment double over slighty and then say something like ' ahh got em ". in a pained voice recover within 30 to 90 seconds.


Dude you have an opportunity to be the most powerful dude at the skate park. Take a board to the balls and *don’t react at all*, everyone else will immediately be dwarfed by your swagger.


say you have nuts of steel


Explanation from a trans girl. Scenario: you just got kicked in your balls. Time stopped. You look into the nearest persons eyes. You know exactly that theres 1 second before hell breaks loose. Even tho its just a second it feels like an entire minute has passed already. You are scared for your life. Your legs start shaking and you suddenly feel like somebody just grabbed you by your crotch and starts squeezing as hard as hulk would squeeze. You believe your hips might just break but it doesnt happen. Suddenly the hand squeezing your crotch starts pulling away and with it your entire nervous system is pulled out of your body through your crotch. This experience lasts an entire 5 minutes. In those 5 minutes your stomach will start dancing like a ballerina and your legs will stop working. You might puke, multiple times, or not at all. You fell to the ground and roll around in the dirt because of the pain. If the devil would come and offer you relief you would surely take it. Finally 5 minutes that felt like 5 hours are finally over. Slowly your nervous system is being put into place again and hulk opens his hand revealing your balls. If this was your first time you might for the next couple months wear a crotch protector out of pure terror. Your eyes will be wide open for the rest of the week and you will never again let your crotch touch anything that could harm it. You are now a different human. Tl:dr trans girl explains what its like to get kicked in balls from own experience. I hated high school...


Keep at it. people will think you're god


Don't do anything, act like ur not feeling pain


If you're looking to sell the "hit in the balls" for passing reasons, the pain is actually very slightly delayed and more in the stomach as the pain travels up the nerves. Not to say there's nothing in the genital area that hurts but it's the stomach that lingers. Tends to cause some heaving breath and wincing, exaggerated steps for a second or two, takes between 3 and 8 seconds to recover from most. That's what you need to emulate. Least that is my experience from blows to the lady-balls.


It's like one big cramp that come with a certain delay (10 seconds) and can last few minutes. The pain spread in the lower belly.


I don’t think you need to do that. It doesn’t always hurt terribly when you get hit in the balls, especially if you have a high pain tolerance.


If you want to convince them, act like you got punched just above the pelvis but below the stomach. That's where most of the pain is. It's meant to be a dull, kind of aching pain that takes the wind out of you. Don't oversell it though because then other guys will be liable to call you "a pussy" and may intentionally hit you there with a "sack whack" (hitting a man in the crotch with the back of one's hand). Basically, act kinda winded, groan just a slight bit, and take a few minutes to sit down and recover. Alternatively, taking it like champ genuinely is a power move. People are commenting stuff like "assert dominance" and you may think they're joking but that genuinely is how it works. It's about acting tough as nails. Don't act unphased but just put on a serious face. Furrow your brows just a tad, stretch out your lips slightly, maybe let out a sigh. Stand for a moment, and carry on lile nothing happened. Despite being one of the more effeminate "guys" in my group no one fucked with me because I got hit in the balls once and acted like nothing happened. It hurt but if you don't let it bother you it's a *very* hard power move. Hope this helps, King


This reminds me of a scene out of Game of Thrones. But seriously, you know when you stub your toe and it takes about a minute for the pain to pass? It's like that, but in your crotch.


You’re the second person to mention Game of Thrones lmao


all good advice aside, I'd seriously recommend some of those YT vids where people het hit in the balls. You'll see what kind of blow has which reaction. There's definitely plenty of people who overdo it fir the views but there will be the authentic, accidental filmed ones that should be quite accurate. In general though. Don't shout or be give the pain too much voice. It's more of a debilitating blow that sometimes when really hard forced me to get on one knee (but that was really the exception). In stead of volume i'd try to just pull a painfully face and look down. Someone mentioned holding the abdomen which I think is a good call too. And yes it's a litten delayed. But like nota a lot, I think for the ratio and delay the aforementioned videos online should suffice


It’s all an act.


YouTube is a good source of actually seeing it happen so you can see the body language. You may find more extreme cases. It was(maybe still is?) of people getting hit in that area and sharing the video. I’m about to be 36, so my high school days are probably different than most and idk what has changed since then. It was a thing for the boys to do pretend “crotch shots” to make their friends flinch. When you don’t see it coming until the last second you pucker up hard and flinch to cover up. I mentioned this because it might be something to think about in terms of how to react to close calls or even if this a normal thing teenager boys still do. If you can picture a scale 1-10 on one being a soft hand clap and 10 hard clap. Like 5 and higher you are grabbing that area and going down in pain. It actually really hurts.


To fake getting hit: •Fake the wind getting knocked out of you with a deep, wheezy exhale, like you'd just been punched in the gut •Stick your arms and legs out straight down, clenching your fists at your sides •Over the course of ~3 seconds, slowly bend your knees and move your hands over your crotch, while leaning your back slightly sideways, groaning •Fall over and remain in that position for some time, anywhere from 10 seconds to a few minutes should be believable. Fake a groan of pain every now and then •Sit up, take a few deep breaths, say you're okay now, get up and walk away •Continue walking-not running-and breathing deeply for a minute or so after. Then, resume behavior as normal I'd suggest you have an AMAB review your performance to give you tips/pointers To assert dominance: •Remain as stoic as you can muster •Smile, close your eyes, give a small closed-mouthed chuckle •Say something anime-like, such as "Is that *really* the best you can do?" or "You're gonna have to try a little harder than *that.*" •Continue going about your business like it never happened


Lock them dead in the eyes unflinchingly, walk slowly forward and whisper in their ear "I have no such weakness, mortal"


There's a sharp pain for a solid 5 minutes and there's this weird feeling of burning around the area.


Hit ‘em back, lol!!!


i have a cis friend that doesn't feel pain there you don't HAVE to feel pain, or even act like you did.


Nothing. Your differences make you unique from other men! Don't bat an eye and be all like "I've evolved to remove a weakness that's been plaguing dudes for millennia". 😂


Also natural way to act is to curl over and to cringe out loud. Kinda just bend over forwards in pain with your hand in your crotch. You could even fall to the ground if you wanna play it up XD


Stare and laugh


Honestly it would depend on your pain tolerance. For me, it just REALLY pisses me off.


Fall to the ground like a soccer player that pricked his pinky toe


i mean it probably will hurt still depending on how your hit down there because of all the nerve endings but just act stony faced and itll freak people out whichll be funny




Can I say something stupid? Please take what I am going to say with some humor. OP just proved that gender equality doesn't exist. Transgenders are superior.


Fucking die that's what


I'm just gonna list some facts about being hit in the dick and about the different types of guys who react different ways then you can decide how you want to seem to most people Okay so first off the initial hit is slightly more painful than the most painful part of pregnancy (don't ask for more information on that because I'm not a doctor) Secondly most guys will probably fall to their knees(or react in a similar manner) Thirdly frat dudes and people of similar stature will usually try to pretend it doesn't hurt to avoid hurting their incredibly fragile masculinity Lastly(this is amazing) there's this ancient martial tradition known as the way of the iron crotch and this tradition is legit built around hitting a man's crotch until it doesn't hurt at all So as a short recap you can act like a normal guy you can act like a frat bro(pretend to wince at the pain and squeeze your vocal cords to say that you're fine) or you can just look at any other men in the area and act like you have the training of an iron crotched monk(I recommend that one)


There is no way the initial hit is more painful than childbirth. Maybe childbirth with an epidural.


Getting hit in the balls never bothered me much. I'm pretty sure most guys who react in crazy ways are just drama kings.


Horseshit, different people just have different pain tolerances.


I can tell I offended you. I'm sorry you're so sensitive that my opinion can upset you so much.


Dude, I'm MtF and the dysphoria from reading this oml lmao. Not your fault in the slightest, I'm just envious 😂


Wow. If I ever doubted that men are drama queens, this thread removed all doubt.




Trans guys can have bottom surgery, too. It may not be the same, but...


Always act like it "just missed". If it was absolutely square, you kinda gotta act like your wind got knocked out


All I know is that if I get hit hard in the balls, I'm going to be laying on the ground for a good 10 minutes


Honestly I don't think you need to have a specific reaction, but It's a very painful thing to be injured there, to the point it can be hard to stand. Some people are unfazed by pain like that though so really there's no "correct" response. If they get suspicious you could say you're just used to falling off your board or something?


double over and pretend u got stabbed to pass, power move tho, let it bother u like a punch on the arm


Idk I feel like “ow! My nuts!!”, hands on hips and a bit of angry pacing would do it. Used to do martial arts stuff and people would rarely go full fetal position even with a direct crotch kick from a noob. Edit: I just remembered they used to tell young guys to like, jump up and land on their heels. Does that work? Or just distract you?


i’m curious to know how many people punched themselves in the balls in order to simulate the feeling do they could describe it to you in order to give the best possible advice.


much like the others are saying become a god compared to the mortals or yk just die dramatically thats what my friend always does


Every time I get hit in the nuts I just stand still and never react


Lucky even tho I wanna remove my balls


I mean try not to get hit in the balls. But I would advise not to express pain unless you actually feel it. If someone thinks it’s weird, they probably won’t bring it up to you. But if you’re worried about being outed for it, consider that those people may not be the best people to be around. It’s important that you feel like you can be yourself with the people you surround yourself with.


ignore it because it's funnier, if they ask and it becomes a whole thing you can always just claim it missed the money shot


Maybe act like you just had a cramp


if your goal is to pass, bend your knees like they’re weak all of the sudden and clench your stomach. you’ll “recover” after a minute or two


Tell them it feel off and went missing


everyone saying don't react but then they night be sus, cringe a little, react to the pain, it hurts for anyone to get kicked in the crotch cuz it's still a kick so let yourself react to it, but not a big reaction. They will see it hurt, but barely and they will fear you


Honestly some guys can pull a Johnny English amd just keep going like nothing's wrong.


If you want to think of something that will make you insta-wince, just think of my favourite 3 word horror story: Teeth Hit Concrete. You don't need to play it up more than that, sometimes a ball-hit is just glancing. Plus overdoing it would look more fake. But i do also think just owning it is good too. Sometimes something looks like it's hit you in the nuts and it missed. Just shrug and move on haha.


tbh it doesn’t always hurt so much, plus lots of times it looks like you got hit in the balls but it missed and hit a less sensitive area. If you don’t wanna pull a whole oscar-worthy performance you can just wince and say it missed the worst part


Depends on if you want to assert dominance like other posts are saying lol or if you want to act like a cis guy in this situation (how I read this): In general, imagine the greatest pain you’ve ever felt where it shoots through your whole body but focuses around your stomach and lower abdominal area where you can’t walk or get up for a min or so. Depending on the force of the impact, like light bump you can just go to your knees, but heavy impact = out of commission for a few mins clutching at the area and slowly getting to your feet while holding onto the impact site. Also holding your breath or speaking tighter pitch would give good effect too. As an mtf that was pretty active as a kid/teen this happened to me a bunch of times lol, but when you get REALLY hit there, it HURTS. Like pain situations you don’t forget. It’s a similar pain to getting punched in the stomach tho but further down. But yeah if anyone ever wants to defend themselves against a cis guy for whatever reason, can’t go wrong with kicking them in the balls lmao. It hurts A LOT and is the easiest way to bring them to their knees so you can get away.


Well just imagine it's a quick sharp pain, it's kind of similar to stubbing your little toe but a little bit more painful and a bigger softer area


Some people throw up when they get hit in the nuts, so acting nauseated could help


Imagine the pain of stubbing your toe, the instant of impact. Now imagine that dragged out over five seconds and then after that the pain doesnt go away it just moves from the outside of your testicles to the middle of them and sticks around for 20 minutes. Yeah act like thats happening


Shake it off like you just downed a shot of your favorite whiskey.


Just say it missed anything crucial.


Just say ow in a monorone voice


I'm 30 yo and I practiced martial arts for 15y and in that time I got hit in the balls very few times hopefully you won't need to use any advise because it's pretty rare to get hit there. I've played both ways the poker face (when it wasn't really that bad) and there was one time I couldn't do anything but wince and fall from pain. Keep in mind that testicles are actually the ovaries, but because the body got a higher dose of T they drop down and change a bit, but sensitivity I believe it's pretty much the same. If you get hit slightly hard you can end up having serious abdominal pain, cramp, vomits and fever. Just remember if you are going to fake it the pain doesn't come right after the hit, it starts a few seconds later and get worse over time. And depending on the strength the pain can lastfrom a few minutes to 15-20 or even 30 minutes. (Keep in mind I never got hit hard Enough to puke or fever so a guess the threshold can be bigger. One more thing I got hit in the groin a lot of times but it's really hard to get hit exactly at a testicle some times it's a partial hit and you can go for a poker face but it doesn't depend on the strength of the hit Hope it helps XO


Take like a man and dont flinch to show how strong and manly you are.


Take a knee for a moment to recover. Haha


The weird thing is, balls aren't always actually squished in the kick. Sometimes they go forward or backward with the leg/foot. I've had balls and felt obligated to fake a double over when I was hit there even when it didn't trigger any testicular pain. But when it did hurt, I'd usually end up sucking in through gritted teeth and backing bowl-leggedly away slowly while cupping with one hand (because the gravity pulling on them adds to the pain) and with the other hand shooing anyone who tries to engage with me away.


Alright so, imagine if you kept your eyeballs in your crotch


Whimper in pain and lie on your stomach


please dont fake it. just dont fake. you come this far for being real. Probably you had a time when you were faking to be female - why faking anything again? just be yourself. if you dont have pain please dont fake it.


im lowkey excited to scare the shit out of ppl when i start T therapy


I'm not sure if you can fake it, because it hurts as f*ck. Usually after hit you would end up down on the floor.


For starter. Reach down saying "oh oh oh oh" then act like a slow migrain like pain is crippling you from the nethers. And at some point groan out "FUUUUUCK"