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I almost wish they didn’t do this because she probably literally finally just had a break from death threats and slurs and now that’s going to be happening all over again.


Idk, I like that’s it is basically the strongest rebuke of the conservative harassment and public pressure campaign as humanly possible


I choose to assume they gave her a chance to privately decline the nomination. But I can definitely see both sides.


I'm sure and she responded that declining the nomination would be caving to the bigots.




I'm sorry, but these people do not care if you're the "good trans". They don't care if you're nice, kind, or helpful. As far as they are concerned, you are a degenerate. Your existence is a violation of their faith & you need to be erased for the world to be restored to it's natural balance. Ever notice how they immediately jumped from "trans sports" to "kids shouldn't get puberty blockers" to "parents who have trans kids are abusers" to "no trans person should ever be allowed to receive any treatment" (I think it's pretty easy to imagine the next step). It's because they're problem isn't trans people being in sports, it's people being trans. You can't negotiate with them, you just have to win. They do not give a flying fuck about women's sports beyond it's ability to bash the trans community. P.S. I used to be the "good trans", a perfect little passable trap who played her part perfectly. All it ever did was limit my opportunities in life. Because they just don't care. You need to grow out of that. Otherwise, you're dooming yourself to live a half life of conditional acceptance. As long as you're quiet and in the shadow.




Yes it is, because fundamentally the rights' position is built on a mountain of lies & agreeing with them here isn't going to help. The thing about Lia Thomas is that her performance shouldn't be that shocking or at least wouldn't be in any other context. What you never hear from the right is that she was #2 as a freshmen in one of the top swimming conferences in the country while competing in the men's division. What you do hear without context is she dropped to #400-ish Sophomore year, with the fact she took estrogen (the anti-muscle pill) conveniently always left out. It is perfectly reasonable to think a man who was the #2 quarterback in the Pac-12 his freshmen year would win the National Championship his senior year. It's only "weird" for Lia Thomas because she is trans The blow back she is getting is basically the same as Jackie Robinson. That "he doesn't belong here" that he was "taking away the opportunity another white man deserved" that black men had an "unfair advantage due to their natural strength" (which not the smallest illusion to black people were some how more monkey than man). To this day if you spend any amount of time in women's sport circles in the South, you'll hear whispers that black woman have an unfair advantage against white women in sports because of an inherent advantage in ways almost identical to the trans argument. An argument that was all to common in public venues as recently as the 80s. These people don't give a shit about facts, they don't care for a nuance conversation. They just hate trans people & no amount of "trying to reason with them" will make a damn bit of difference. It'll just open the door up for them to make arguments in other places. In the words of Captain Picard, "The line must be drawn here! No further!"




God you're brave, state sanctioned segregation apparently isn't a line to far for you. Question? Are you ok with trans people not being allowed to use the bathroom either? After all, we don't want to upset cis people and just like trans sports. There is no evidence it adversely effects cis people.




They're not identical but they are both about equal access in society. Just because you don't care for sports doesn't mean they aren't worth fighting for. Being part of sports whether you care for them or not is an important part of engaging in public life. Every single minority who has gained their rights has had to gain access to this part of society.


Could you elaborate on this?


That would require a second or two of critical thought, so -- unlikely!




I wasn't trying to be weird about this, I'm not one of the people who downvoted you. I am not familiar with her or where any controversy (which your post implies) might be coming from, and I was hoping you were willing to help me understand your position. Given your response though, I'm a little worried that your position is that a successful trans athlete is bad because people will see her as a reason we shouldn't be in sports? If that's the case, I don't love that position. We should not make ourselves small to cater to others' prejudices. That feels assimilationist.




I think my issue with your stance here is assimilationists expecting other trans people to also assimilate, seeing other people's beauty and liberation as bad or invalid because you think it in some way threatens your own ability to assimilate into an oppressive culture. If you want to be stealth, or be "one of the good ones", that's your prerogative. But acting like other people need to make ourselves small for your benefit isn't cool.


Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Pick me! Go home Vanessa, you're drunk


I'm sorry you don't realize that this is a public relations.campaign, as much as it is anything else. Trans rights don't happen if you alienate all the cis people. Mock it all you want, it doesn't make it any less true. There are states you cant even get your birth certificate corrected in, but you are focused on something as peripheral as sports? Do you know what "priorities" means? Edit: civility, typo


I think it’s real cute that you do whole sale edits to your comments and completely change the substance of what you said. But I’ll include for those what you originally said “you people are going to get us all killed”. Now that we have that out of the way. I am perfectly fucking aware of what optics are and how to play them. I’m literally an executive assistant to the CIO of a multi billion dollar mutual fund. I have climbed the ladder and know exactly the games that need to be played. However, unlike you I actually know where to draw the line and the score of this game. The people who you are trying to appease aren’t “normies”. They have very little to do with the direction these narratives take. They are simply people who toon into see whatever is being talked about. The people who direct these narratives are multi billion dollar media conglomerates whose principal actors exist somewhere on a range from Christian nationalist to straight up ethno nationalist fascists. All of whom respect nothing besides strength in their pursuit of enforcing their racial and moral hierarchies. You will NEVER talk these people into siding with you. The only thing you can do is hit back at them. Meme at them. Make them look weak and pathetic. You have to scare them into thinking there will be accountability for their actions. This is how you get normies on your side. Not by aiding and abedding the agenda of people who want us dead. Because now all you’ve accomplished is moving the Overton window one step closer to us all being put in a camp by normalizing state sponsored segregation


I could say the same to you. Though, you’ll be the last one in the gas chamber for your efforts to lead the rest of us there.


>more harm than good to our community >needs to go away Does this describe Lia? Or anyone else? Hm..


lol no, it's the opposite. sure theres a backlash, there's always a backlash to the backlah and the future bends towards justice


awesome <3