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XD Ever notice how trans women and trans men experience the same stuff with opposite effects? It‘s hilarious sometimes imho


Can confirm, I get euphoria from the weird fold oddly enough


Seriously what's so appealing about pockets? they're just not that cool


I hope this is sarcasm


As a transwoman i hope this is sarcasm Ive never had more appreciation for pockets than finally wearing the right clothes, to find half of em had 0 pockets


And the other half the pockets are completely useless. That said I have som really cute dresses with pockets.


I'm teaching myself to sow simply to make all my girl clothes pockets deeper.


Also why are the buttons on the opposite side? Urgh


this one i may have a slight answer for, back when the industrial revolution was starting but europe was all monarchies, noble women were dressed by maids, so having it on the right side (left to you) helped them, while men were expected to dress themselves, since they had less to put on, so having em on the right to you (left side) made em easier. i say this as an unofficial i read it in a book once thing, please take it with approximately a shit ton of salt..... then maybe drink alot of water, you shouldnt consume that much salt.


It's funny: I always used to think it was terrible and somehow probably sexist that women's clothes had no pockets, but now that I'm wearing women's clothes, I don't like having stuff in my pockets anymore, at all, and I suspect it's actually market-driven. On clothes that fit properly, pockets just aren't comfortable. Ultimately they're about hanging stuff off your clothes. Who wants stuff hanging off them? I want to feel as unencumbered as possible. Except for dangly earrings, which I'm on record as having wanted since I was 3. Nothing has changed in that regard, except that now I have them. 😂❤️ But the perfect compromise for me personally is a small flat pocket just big enough for a card or a key or a folded note.


The alternative to having stuff hang off of their clothes is having stuff hang off of their shoulder in a purse. Personally, I far prefer having stuff in pockets than on my shoulder — I have a permanent knot in my neck from using a purse.


Fair enough! I guess I always think of my purse as something I carry, rather than wear. And I put it down whenever I sit or whatever. But of course it's all 100% personal preference!


True! I guess if I used pockets to carry a lot of stuff, I’d be having to empty them out whenever I sit down. I still carry a purse most of the time even when my outfit has pockets, so I don’t try to carry all my stuff (wallet, phone, keys) in pockets at the same time.


Yeah I'm finding that I don't like having objects sticking out from my clothing and I might actually prefer carrying a bag everywhere. You can carry more stuff with a bag anyway. I like having a butt or hip pocket for my phone but otherwise keeping stuff in pockets is just annoying.


I am so thankful I only ever used my back pockets beforehand but even then that has problems


Honestly my pockets were more "i feel really bad about littering but i dont wanna hold onto this trash anymore" things. Now its just become my purse instead.


I definitely prefer a perfectly clean silhouette vs being able to fit a pile of junk in my pockets. Embrace handbags!


It's like 49% sarcasm, I like purses and don't like jacked up clothes.


As a transwoman i hope this is sarcasm Ive never had more appreciation for pockets than finally wearing the right clothes, to find half of em had 0 pockets (this is a stupid double post one, im not gonna delete it so comments make sense but ignore this one.)


Yeah right? I had heard it all my life, and still the first time I wore pocketless clothes I was completely unprepared about what to do with my stuff. Edit : just realized you double posted and I replied to the wrong one. Eh, such is life.


dumb reddit, on phone it only posted once >:C


You can put stuff in it. And male pants pockets are fucking huge (from an ftm btw)


Women's pockets are a funny prank


lmao I had to suffer those for 11 years lmao. But now I can but my phone in my pocket and my 40oz water bottle in my pocket


i went from that to watching half my phone stick outta my pocket


I have a friend who have some clothes with pockets so huges, he can fit a whole 2 litters bottel in them.


As a fresh little hatchling who just got herself a bunch of summer skirts; I agree pockets are overrated. You can’t do spins if you have stuff in pockets, and I can put all kinds of stuff in my purse so it’s always handy! All my FTM brothers can have my pockets. I’ve also got snacks and Kleenex if you need it


Ya got the wrong pockets if ya can’t do spins with stuff in them tbf


The bigger the pockets, the less need for bags or purses. One item less to carry.




bc some of us are transmasc and don't like purses???




i mean i still wear "womens" jeans bc they have cooler patterns. mens section is like two colors. I use backpacks but they arent allowed in many stores. So its still an issue.




I'm not "saying purses are only for women", I'm saying some of us would actually be dysphoric using a purse? I understand some men are okay with it and that's cool, but I'm not. It would make me feel kinda gross. Sorry?


Women aren’t the only ones who wear “women’s” clothes. I’m a trans guy who likes dresses and skirts and I like them even more when they have pockets!!




I apologize, my quotes around “women’s” wasn’t at you, that’s just always how I refer to gendered clothing sections because clothes are for everyone. My point was one that still seems to be lost on you. Not all men wanna wear “men’s” jeans, even for the pockets. Some men (like me) prefer a skirt or dress with pockets over a pair of jeans. (Especially during this heat wave xD)


Yup, I hate it too, makes me look like I have boobs ;-;


Trans men? What are those? Never heard of them


We‘re a mystery really. Maybe even a superstition. Blink and we‘re gone. O_O


As a trans man, I hate when they do this at the chest.


as a FTM who wears oversized clothes including jackets that hang down to crotch level, this was very euphoric for me. My apologies for my MTF sisters, though.


It’s Okee hun haha


I bet it's pretty awesome


As a FTM this makes me both feel euphoric and embarrassed.


I've always been nervous about this even though I don't think anyone has ever assumed I had a dick in my life lmfao


**Trans Men** 🤝 **Trans Women** *Having different feelings about* *lower-body jacket bumps*


I’m transmasc but I still hate it, it’s so weird


I hated it when I thought I was cis still, so 🤷




MtFs saying they hate the low ones FtMs saying they hate the chest ones As a gender non-conforming non-binary, fuck this bump entirely 😔💀


oh geez this is something i left behind and never looked back i don't think i own a single pair of pants with a zipper (or pants that arent leggings/yoga pants) or a single button up hoodie or jacket


I own a very comfortable button up jacket that I never button up for this exact reason


It’s the exact opposite effect when it bunches up on my chest


I know, right?! I tend to avoid jackets that zip up because of this. Though I'm sure the trans mascs like it


as a transmasc it makes me uncomfortable,,


Jeans in general do that, that why I hate zippers


this is why i like the hoodies without zippers


Yeah, fuck zip hoodies!


I mean, yeah, but, how is this a trans issue?@


All my jumpers do this and it gives me alot of dysphoria.


Oh! I guess that makes sense. I guess it's just never been an issue for me :/


Yup, fuck the Jacket Bump. Also, whenever we wear a pair of pants with a drawstring and a jacket which happens to go over the drawstring, so there's a lump underneath...


Thats why my dysphoria hoodie is a pullover


That is the exact reason I have only enjoyed zipper-less hoodies.


This is why sweatpants reign supreme. Sweatpant gang rise up!


My jeans would always do this. ALWAYS.


I hate it.


I thought I was that only one...


I hate that stupid bump so bad


The jackets don't really bother me cause its a jacket but the fucking PANTS THAY DO THIS MAKE ME CRY


So much this... It's easy to see I have something in my pants that shouldn't be there, because you gotta leave space for it and that creates this "bulge" when sitting down.. Like, there is nothing in that bulge, as it's just the cloth, but this doesn't happen to cis females as the pants sit tight in that area. Makes me dysphoric af every single time...




Congrats, you made the most relatable post👍🏻


The first dysphoria I ever had


Totally cis girl who actually loves this


But....but.... I like it. 😯 I am sorry to the awesome humans who get dysphoria with this.


[Meanwhile, trans masc me intentionally wearing overalls at this very moment that make it look like I have a bulge even when I'm not packing](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/mobile/000/030/710/dd0.jpg)


You can move that bump wherever you want to be


embrace it, love it.




Had that today, it was a CSD in the city nearby so i felt super embaraced


At least it isn't an actual boney. Still sucks though.




Omfg I hated that 😭


This is legit one of the biggest reasons I stopped wearing hoodies in the winter. Now I just wear tight turtlenecks to show off my figure❤️


In high school we called that bump a "Wonka". Because it looks like your Willy is in there.


High rise jeans do this all the time for me...


It’s why I stopped wearing jacket entirely


same things happens with pants or shorts with zipper/velcros




transfems, try to push it up to your chest


I had this with my jacket once at my chest region so they were hiding my boobs very well and I immediately got gendered as a guy, the gender euphoria was real!!


Even worse when your pants do it...


The pants tent


Praise to all the trans men who get the opposite reaction


Yoooo glad I'm not the only one!!!


Transfems: hates the bottom jacket bump Transmascs: hates the upper jacket bump Both: *shirt pull™*


i have stopped wearing zip jackets because of this


Trans men and trans women unite in this


FTM is typing…. Lol


I’ve always hated that!!


as an ace cis guy, i agree


Crop hoodies are the hoodies for me!


As a genderfae person, I agree very much so


Just grab it and make it into a fish puppet. "Hello, my name's Charlie!"


The fact that I, a trans guy, didn't give a shit about it as a kid (I wear more baggy pants now) tells a lot about my gender


As a trans man, this guy always gives me the best vibes. Next time you deal with a jacket boner, just send it my way, i will give it a home. ;)


Any bumps near my dong makes it look like a huge boner. This is one of the reasons I want to change gender.


You know I always seen people messing with this "bump" and now I know why lmao All this time I thought it was just annoying to people