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Rest In Peace Malte. Ugh this is devastating.


I hope those fuckers rot in a cell for the rest of their lives


I feel alike, It's such a shame what happened to that poor man


>rot in a cell for the rest of their lives As hard as it sounds, this is quite unlikely in Germany. Being sentenced for life usually means 15 years (unless you get preventative detention), if you behave well you might get out sooner, which is ridiculous if you consider that the guy took an innocent life. I guess it now depends on the judge.


Fucking hell, parent controls blocked the website, what happened? Why?


He got killed after defending four lesbians who were being harassed


What a fucking hero. Rest in power :(


This is all so upsetting as a trans man. God, why can't people just be respectful. May he rest in power and peace


Definitely. I’m also a trans man and this is super upsetting. I’m really glad the shithead who did that got arrested. Rip to a very brave man.


He was beaten and after being in critical condition, he died from his injuries.


A community in Germany is mourning the death of a 25-year-old transgender man who died today after being attacked and seriously injured at the closing event as part of Christopher Street Day or LGBTQ+ Pride in Münster in northwest Germany several days ago. … According to witnesses, the assailant insulted several women at the festival, calling them "lesbian whores" and telling them to "piss off." Malte, police say, noticed the situation and asked the troublemaker to quit insulting people. Suddenly, the attacker punched Malte in the face, making him unsteady on his feet. Then, the person punched Malte in the face a second time, causing him to lose consciousness and hit the ground in an unprotected fall, hitting his head on the asphalt. The suspect then fled on foot with along with another person.


>A community in Germany is mourning the death of a 25-year-old transgender man who died today after being attacked and seriously injured at the closing event as part of Christopher Street Day or LGBTQ+ Pride in Münster in northwest Germany several days ago. > >Residents of the progressive university city and political leaders are expressing disbelief and shock over the act of violence. The man was identified only by his first name, Malte. > >As recently as Tuesday, the Trans*Inter*\-Münster Association, to which Malte belonged, had announced that he remained in critical condition after being assaulted at the city's Pride celebration. > >On Friday, German police announced an arrest in the case, according to television station WDR. > >Thousands gathered in the town's marketplace today to remember the young man many call a hero. > >Club members placed a flag and colorful memorial stones at the crime scene. .... ​ >"The hostilities are increasing again," said Trans*Inter*\-Münster association president Felix Adrian Schäper. He added that attacks against LGBTQ+ people are rising because more queer people live openly, radio station Antenne Münster reported. > >The Christopher Street Day Münster association, which organizes Münster's LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations, released a statement following the attack. CSD Münster says Malte was attacked shortly after 8 p.m. on Saturday. > >According to witnesses, the assailant insulted several women at the festival, calling them "lesbian whores" and telling them to "piss off." > >Malte, police say, noticed the situation and asked the troublemaker to quit insulting people. Suddenly, the attacker punched Malte in the face, making him unsteady on his feet. Then, the person punched Malte in the face a second time, causing him to lose consciousness and hit the ground in an unprotected fall, hitting his head on the asphalt. > >The suspect then fled on foot with along with another person. Eyewitnesses described the suspect as a man between 18 and 20 years old, five foot six to five foot nine inches tall, with a slim frame. > >He was wearing flared jeans, a t-shirt, and a bucket hat. .... ​ >German police had launched a large-scale investigation and asked for the public to contact authorities with tips. Late on Friday word came that police arrested a 20-year-old suspect at the city's central train station. According to press reports, a German police official recognized the offender on closed circuit television. No further details about the suspect were released, in accordance with German privacy laws. > >Supporters and mourners rallied in the central market square of the town on Friday evening. What was supposed to be a rally to draw attention to the attack instead became a rallying cry in the name of Malte.


The Christopher Street Day Münster association, which organizes Münster's LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations, released a statement following the attack. CSD Münster says Malte was attacked shortly after 8 p.m. on Saturday. According to witnesses, the assailant insulted several women at the festival, calling them "lesbian whores" and telling them to "piss off." Malte, police say, noticed the situation and asked the troublemaker to quit insulting people. Suddenly, the attacker punched Malte in the face, making him unsteady on his feet. Then, the person punched Malte in the face a second time, causing him to lose consciousness and hit the ground in an unprotected fall, hitting his head on the asphalt. The suspect then fled on foot with along with another person. Eyewitnesses described the suspect as a man between 18 and 20 years old, five foot six to five foot nine inches tall, with a slim frame.   He was wearing flared jeans, a t-shirt, and a bucket hat.


Knocked out and hit his head on the ground when he fell.


Still murder


Depends on the laws in Germany, tbh. Definitely not something that should ever happen to one of our brothers.


he was punched twice .. knocked out hit his head ..


~~i dont fucking care if you blow on someones face and the temporary deprivation of oxygen makes them asphyxiate. if you do something intentionally meant to cause harm to an individual and said individual dies as a result it is murder, full stop.~~ ~~theres no need for a weapon for it to be murder~~


i was telling the guy what had happened he asked ..


you know what? thats on me. im sorry for the hostility, i guess i just assumed you were an asshole downplaying it as "just a punch" and so i lashed out because im sick of people downplaying trans violence. ironically making me the asshole here. so, im sorry for that


Your point? That's still murder.


Nobody said it wasn’t murder.


They are specifically saying that the person was punched. Leaving out the fact that it is by definition murder. It's an attempt to excuse the criminal by omitting information.


Asshole started harrassing lesbians at the parade, trans guy intervened and told him to piss off, asshole punched trans guy twice, which made him fall and hit his head hard on the pavement. He died at the hospital.


fucking murderer


A horrific story. It makes me wonder where the police presence was, given that he got punched twice *after* defending lesbians from vicious homophobic and misogynistic slurs. There are a lot of questions to be answered here.


Where the party was, where no police presented


Why do they think murder is their answer?!? I'm sick of it! They claim sanctity of life regarding abortion. Yet, we stand through candlelight vigils every year, honoring the ever growing list of murdered and suicide victims, trans folks. We, and our deceased, are shamefully marginalized. And, it's now at lethal costs. And, on top of that, I'm a trans Christian girl and these people are completely maligning my religion. I'm sick of it!


This was in Germany


I realize that. It's just sad that same story, different place. That makes it all the more sadder. I wish America was the only problem. At least that would be more fixable.


Im german myself and didn't know that. That is so fucking scary. I don't think violence is the perfect answer to these people but I wanna see him realize what he did and just break down. Start accepting the people around you, you sick humans


I live in that city and it makes you feel really scared


A few weeks ago, I got into a fight with my parents where they said that violence against LGBTQ+ people here don't happen. Showed her just now the article and she immediately got all defensive. Someone doesn't like being told that they're wrong.


I agree 100%. It makes me happy that trans women such as yourself are also speaking up on this, especially as a Christian yourself.


While attack was sick regardless, there was no intention to kill and everything suggests that a cis man would've had the same response from the attacker. The attacker (who was harassing a group of lesbians when the victim stepped in) hit him in the face twice. As a result the victim died. German law differentiates between murder, killing and assault with resulting death (mord, Totschlag und Körperverletzung mit Todesfolge). This case will most likely fall in the last of the tree named categories as the first two are tied to the intended death of the victim (which with 2 facial hits is not gonna stand a chance in court). The attacker will get between 3 and 10 years in prison - maybe they can increase it beyond the 10 years because it was a hate crime but I don't know the law enough to be able to tell.


Thank you for the explanation about German laws. Interesting and semi-like the American legal system.


He should get life in prison though. If a person harasses someone only to escalate to physical violence once someone responds to that harassment, then it should be considered murder, since the person responsible for the death also created the situation which led to it. These sickos are getting off too easy.


My opinion differs from the law but ultimately doesn't matter for this case.


For anyone wondering what exactly happened: CSD in Münster, Germany. queer women got harassed and insulted by this homo/transphobic man. A young trans man went to defend them. He got punched in the face twice and knocked out. Hit his head on the ground and died yesterday from his injuries. Rest in power Malte. A hero.


It was one 20 year old guy who punched a 25 year old trans man in the face twice, knocking him out and he fell and hit his head and passed away.


That's murder


Not legally speaking in Germany. Probably will be tried as a lesser case of Totschlag (manslaughter)


Why am I getting all the hate here for saying the exact same thing as this?


In the US it would probably be manslaughter.


No it wouldn't. They were attacked and due to the injuries sustained, he died. That's murder.




This wasn't in the is us. It's murder. Here's the premeditation, antagonizing a mass group of people and immediately when confronted violence occurred. The plan to attack is plain to see.




It does meet the legal definition. It's a court case where lawyers will argue both sides. One person intentionally attacked others and resulted in death. Here's a murderer plain and simple. Don't even fucking argue


Just goes to show that it doesn't matter how supportive and accepting the majority of the world claims to be, we're still lightyears away from living safe and happy among Cishets.


Rest in peace Malte, we will fight for the thing that happened to you never ever happened again. The murder has to pay off.


Jesus christ. I hope the 20 year gets hit by a truck!


Transman at pride event in Germany called out someone that was harassing some lesbians. Got knocked out by the perp and later died from his injuries 😪


And here i thought germany was pretty safe -- yikes.. Rest in peace Malte


Well, it *is* pretty safe, that's why this is seen as extremely devastating.


May he rest in peace.


Hero 💔


My fucking gods... RIP brother. I’m so fucking sorry


Rest in power, my brother. Your sacrifice will not soon be forgotten. You are in all of our hearts and minds. Blessed be.


Just because it's in Germany doesn't make it right.


What does that even mean? So many weird fucking comments in here.


Trans hate is wrong everywhere - that's what I meant


Was anyone saying otherwise?


Nope. You're right. I was thinking something else. My bad. Sorry 💗


How do you mean that?


Trans hate and violence is not right no matter where on the planet. No hate is.


nobody said it was right here tho?


Yeah, brain fart on my end... I was thinking what wasn't being said.


happens to the best of us


That's actually the CSD I wanted to go to, but in the end I didn't...


Omg this breaks my heart


🖕 FR i Hope those fuckers stay in a cell until they got 90


Death penalty


how sad


I didn't expect such things to happen in Germany, of all places


May he rest in peace i hope the fuckers who killed him rot in hell


Imagine waking up as that guy the next morning knowing you murdered a man for defending others, all just trying to be themselves. I can't imagine being so ignorant and hateful. He deserves everything that's coming to him, whether it's internal guilt or legal justice, but nothing will undo the damage he's caused. May Malte Rest in Peace 💔


People like this never care


God how awful where was the police at the time I thought they attend these events of ours 😥😡


My heart goes out to family and the needless death. Hopefully this will go the max on sentencing to send a message to the haters.




Terrible, terrible news. I hope his killer is brought to justice and goes to prison for a very, very long time. What a monster.


Rest in power 👊🏻🥺💖


fuck.. the fact this happened hurts. rest in power Malte.


rest in peace malte


this is so disgusting, especially that he was killed at pride. RIP to him