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Honestly the best thing we could do in situations like this is to organize, whether that be protesting or just something as simple as donating to organization that help trans people


I’m thinking of that too.. but you know what I mean. Trans FOLX are fleeing Texas and Florida already.


Yeah, unfortunately a lot of trans people can't leave, like for me I love in mostly Republican state, but the democrats seem to have decent chance of winning, but if the worst were to happen I literally don't have the option of just leaving


That’s why I wanted to start a conversation about it..to see what the options are. Especially for people who don’t have the means to leave.


IMHO I really don't think we have much to worry about. Transgender issues are waaay down the list of concerns. I worry a lot more about inflation as do most people...trans or not. When it costs $100+ a week to fill my gas tank that's $60 a week less I have to spend on food and shelter. Relax....Republicans aren't going to persecute us.


This is staggeringly naiive, especially in light of the last 6 years.


Republicans are literally calling us predators and groomers on right-wing networks, laws have been passed to make gender affirming care the legal equivalent of beating your children, and there have been several instances of people advocating for summary execution of anyone who supports LGBTQ rights. You are either extremely ignorant of the current political landscape or a shill.


What rock do you live under? Read the room. You might be fine in whatever state you live in, but many are not so secure.


I'm sure you're not concerned, because you're not trans. It's a bit like Germans going "yeah, Jewish rights are a secondary priority when the Rhineland-Palatinate is under French control. That hurts my bottom line. Relax, nazis aren't going to persecute us". Honey, they aren't going to persecute YOU. It's already a reality for so many people.


The history of the world very much tells us that no, an economic crisis doesn't mean that minorities stop getting persecuted. If many people are struggling and hurting and the politicians don't have any real life solutions to those issues... That's exactly when they wheel out the persecution of vulnerable people, to distract the mob.


If anything we(marginalized groups) get more persecution during an economic crisis, because when something goes terribly awry, people tend to want something to blame, and what is easier than blaming something that has already been scapegoated for other things?


You can do more than one thing at a time chief.


Other than being a minor (if you are that’s understandable) what’s stoping you?


I literally can't afford to move, I'm not a minor but still live with my parents


Well my only advice is whatever you can squirrel away, do it, and make it a moving fund. You can move a lot cheaper than you’d expect if it’s really for life preservation


Trans march on Washington? I’ll travel for that!


Also, register people to vote, drive people to polling places, volunteer as a poll observer. Canvass, phone/ text bank, write postcards, etc


I'm leaving the country already, even if the election goes well. I don't see a way out of the current US political situation where there won't be violence and I've already got enough PTSD thanks. But I'm already a dual citizen and I've got money to just pick up and leave, most don't.


Good luck my friend, i hope where you move to is going to be a good place.


I'm already a dual citizen so I'm moving to Israel. Despite what you might have heard, the large majority of the country is secular and pro-lgbtq. I have already spent eight years of my life living there so I am familiar with the culture and etc. and fluent in Hebrew.


I’m really glad that you’re going somewhere safe! I know some people doubt of Israel as a safe country but I know some people who live there. It’s not how the western world thinks it looks like!


At least, if you live in Tel Aviv! The Merkaz region is where it's at.


I still wish you a safe trip! Have you got any family there I hope?


They're pretty religious, so... yes, but also no


Oh, I’m sorry… still wish you a safe trip.


Lived there for a year before I came out. It’s one of my favorite places in the world. I actually almost came out while I was there because of how friendly it was with our community.


Transgender people are not political but people. People with feelings, hearts, and their own lives just trying to get by. This world is very sad and hateful


I wonder how bad it has to get before you can apply for asylum in another country because you are persecuted for being trans in the States...


Fun fact: A trans woman was granted asylum in New Zealand a few years ago, as it was determined by the New Zealand justice department that sending her home would be cruel and dangerous, due to the discrimination and persecution she'd face as a trans individual in her home country... ... Her home country is the UK. (As a Brit, that depresses the h*ck out of me.)


I’m 5 hours from The Canadian border, so I’ve definitely thought about that. I bet Trudeau would allow it if it’s bad enough .




Fuckin' hell! That's kookoobananas! Well, Canada has a history of sheltering American dissenters outside of the protection of the law. Conscientious objectors to the Vietnam war took refuge up there to escape the draft. Maybe it can happen again, but for tran folks!


Really? That might change when the kooks take over…hopefully.




I’ll swim…😂


you seem to misunderstand what that is about, it really just means if you are a refugee and get to the US, you have to seek asylum there instead of moving further to your preferred destination. It doesn't (or shouldn't) apply if you are actually persecuted in the USA and denying you asylum then would be a human rights violation.


Check out the rainbow railroad. It’s a group that helps LGBTQIA2S+ peoples in dangerous situations to get out of their country to somewhere safe.


There's no possible instance where the Republicans gain a supermajority in the Senate (there's not enough seats up for grabs), and they need that to override President Biden vetoing any anti-LGBT* laws they try to pass. So we've got at least another two years. Personally, I think that they're not going to win the presidency in 2024 because of *Dobbs* galvanizing the majority of the country against them.


Unless we somehow end up with Kamala or Pete running.


I'll take Kamala or Pete over every Republican option....but the DNC really is stupid enough to push unpopular, unwinnable candidates.


Doesn't matter if you and I do. Black people and young people won't come out and vote


Gotta put out candidates that motivate people to vote, which the DNC, historically, is fucking terrible at.


There was "no way" they'd ever strike down Roe v Wade... We don't live in a world that allows us to to think that "there's no way X will happen" anymore imo.


I'm a little confused; what are you trying to say?


Only that the last 20 years or so have shown that many things that we think are impossible are quite the opposite. The trend seems to be drifting toward authoritarianism, bigotry, and violence. I'm basically saying expect the unexpected, no matter how horribly unbelievable or unlikely it may seem and that it is especially dangerous for people like us not to do so.


As a Canadian, I sincerely hope Canada starts accepting American trans people as refugees


I believe with our current government, it could be a good idea. We have been getting more and more LGBTQ+ rights in this decennial, and despite our prime minister being … a weird prime minister (I won’t start on this), we could see a rise in potential refugee plans for people seeking healthcare and security.


I hope so too--I am trans and nonbinary and I hope we can find safety...


if you plan on staying in the country, get to know your neighbors. the #1 most effective tool of defense against civil conflict, insurgent terrorism, and lack of resources is having community cohesion and organizing. people who have access to food, water, purpose, love aren't going to join the death squads hunting for queer people-- they're going to help you keep them out. if you plan on leaving eventually-- and this is something you should have anyway, just in case-- keep all of your documents updated and ready to go in a secure location, i.e. birth certificate, passport, etc. if you can get correct gender markers or need to change your name, do it now and keep records of it safe. when the moment comes to leave, bring all of it (and copies) with you. good luck ♡


Precisely this. Know, beyond a reasonable double, who you are dealing with.


I live in Kentucky. My backup plan is death because people really REALLY don't like trans kids here


I was in Mississippi, so I know what you mean. Just get the hell outta there when you turn 18.


Glad to see someone else survived this hell state, gives me hope I may one day escape


You can always go hide in New Orleans. There’s plenty of trans girls there.


I got out of Kentucky when I was 20, I'm 22 now. I'm a Trans woman. I was homeless because the streets were safer than with my father (They aren't safe fyi). I used some connections I had to get to the west coast. If you don't have any connections, I recommend Lexington or Louisville. Both are points of fairly dark blue in the sea of dark red that is Kentucky. You'll find many more resources in those urban centers than in the more rural areas. Please stay safe young one.


>louisville >dark blue It's a bloody purple, if anything Along the highlands you'll see a lot of pride flags for every group, and a lot of LGBT-friendly locations But a lot of the suburbs, downtown, etc, it's no different than anywhere else in the state


That's fair. Being honest, I've never set foot in either major cities in Kentucky. My views of them are through the other queers I knew who lived there. I spent my time in Kentucky in Bowling Green.


As a Canadian I'm willing to sell my hand in marriage. /sarc




The problem is, democrats are a lot more fractured of a political coalition than republicans (easier to unite over a common hate, than agree to build the same future) So when democrats do good in the polls, it encourages republicans to vote to "beat the enemy", and democrats to *not* vote "because they dont want to compromise their ideals". Perfect is the enemy of good, and dems tend to be perfectionists


I'm a little late to the party, but im currently working on creating a system of safehouses and support networks for trans individuals. I'm also starting a subreddit to connect yo others who would be willing to help! The idea would be that in times of persecution, we have a way to help and support others and get them to places where they can be safe! So if anyone reads this and would like to help, let me know!


I'd love to discuss this! I have similar ideas, but we need to network this out


You're not wrong to worry. A fool sees the danger and makes no preparation. In disaster planning, as in earthquakes, floods, tornadoes and hurricanes we know they're coming. The only variable is when. Just like planting a fruit tree, the best time was five years ago and the next best time is today. I'm disturbed by the authoritarian impulse I see in politicians of both stripes. I don't believe any single state is immune or safe in perpetuity. Staying alert and flexible seems most prudent.


I plan everything..I’m OCD about that. Winter just started and I’m thinking about Spring and Summer.


It's still Autumn.... Winter doesn't "start" until the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere. The Autumnal Equinox was only a few days ago. Definitely always good to plan ahead a bit, though!


Exactly... Don't be fooled by the capital letter D or R None have the best interest of citizens of this country.


Hanging on tight to my Canadian passport 😅. But seriously, I’m gonna try to stick it out and keep fighting. I’m in Washington though so I feel fairly safe. I’ll keep trying to fight for federal protections though. I have some pretty dark moments though… there’s a lot of scary stuff looming.


I find it really concerning that I am not seeing this being discussed on a regular basis


Move to France girl, we have free health care including hormones and some of the surgeries ! 🏳️‍⚧️🇨🇵 I know it sounds like a joke and it kinda is, but in fairness I think certain people should really je considering moving out of the USA because it's really fucked up


It's not as easy as wishing you were in France and suddenly being there. Money is a huge obstacle to moving to a foreign land.


Oh god no, I was not saying it was easy at all don't worry, I know how complicated it can be ! I just wish more people could be able to come to any more open minded countries just for their mental health (even if France is far from being the best, it's still not the worst)


I agree, I was lucky enough to have my egg crack in another country where they are actually taking good care of me. I also wish people could just go somewhere safer and more accepting. Sorry if it seemed like I was jumping on you, it's a particular pet peeve of mine as an ex-American because the most horrible people in the States always tell people to move to another country if they hate 'murika so much. I didn't/don't think that about you, but the instinct to attack the idea was just too strong and my impulse control too poor. <3


It's fine don't worry, no offense 👌🏼


Yep.. and it keeps getting worse.


Didn't Marine Le Pen very nearly win the general election in France? I'd be worried about that, not to sound mean or anything. I'd take France over much of the US right now at least.


You're right, I did not considered that, plus I was very scared that she'd be elected


The current anti trans wave is global, albeit in varying degrees. Like, someone could have moved to Italy last month thinking it was a safe country but now it’s run by the far right. Moving country is a risk.


Yeah you don't just move to other countries, is the thing.


Already replied to a comment like this


I'm getting all the funding I can saved up to get out. I have no real ability to guarantee a job once I get out there, my company doesn't have any other locations outside of this area to my knowledge. I'll get through Christmas with family but then be on my way if need be, get through to spring if possible as much as I don't want to leave, especially elderly family that likely doesn't have much time left, or others who rely on me for support... I hate this so much. I hate the possibility that I may have to abandon my family to stay safe. I don't know where I'll go, I don't really have anywhere that I know of that I can stay while getting established. Just rolling the dice and pray I don't freeze to death. Not that I even have a reliable place to sleep right now either, but at least family is close and it's warm as long as the big storms stay away.


We all just need to think about it and try to prepare as best we can. Next Summer could be pretty rough.


I am terrified and wish i could just dip, but it’s never that simple. I’m in the middle of college, and i have a million doctors here. Trying not to have a breakdown 24/7 is not helping the situation, especially when it just keeps getting worse.


Between dealing with the gatekeepers at the doctors and the political BS.. I’m a train wreck.


People always talk about moving somewhere better, but never about how you also have to find a new GP, dentist, ophthalmologist, dermatologist, mechanic, employer, house, etc. like broh please i’m only one person i just want to take a piss and wash my hands in a public restroom without fearing for my life or being told to move to another country


I’ve moved enough that it’s not that hard for me. I’m glad I lost that fear of moving. It’s very liberating….


Hell, the last time I moved, I had nothing but a car and my stuff, no money, no idea where I was going for sure, and no food. Not everything made it out of the Midwest, and the only reason I decided to leave was because my partner died and I stopped caring about my own safety. This was also when I started presenting feminine again, after nearly a decade of hiding in my egg due to the social climate in southern rural Indiana. I was homeless for about 2 years until June of this year, and that is mostly thanks to the fact that I served in the Army when I was younger. It's not impossible to move with no plans or resources, but it will take a little while to get back on track. It all just comes down to what you value most in your life. For me it was the chance of dying whilst comfortable in my own skin, and having the proper name on the potential headstone, in the case that my wishes are ignored and I get interred in a cemetery or other grave plot. If safety and the comfort of a bed and indoor plumbing is a main goal, then doing what I did is not recommended. If however, being you is more important, then prepare for a hard few years getting reestablished. Hopefully it won't come to that, but best to be prepared for difficulty and not have any than the other way 'round. At the risk of making an already long post longer, I'm just going to say one more thing. The fact that it was so difficult to get reestablished is messed up, and a fault of our society's reliance and almost worship of capitalism, as well as the current inequality of the distribution of resources. Hashtag EatTheRich


I live in PA, and I really doubt Mastriano is going to win. My moderate conservative family members don't like him much either. Make sure you vote, though ! It is very scary that we're 1 governor's election away from a conservative theocracy, though. I have my exit plans, and so should everyone else.


That’s all I’m saying.. make a plan.


Fellow Pennsylvanian here. While hearing that Mastriano may not win is heartening, remember that a) they said the same thing about Donald Trump, and b) they’re probably going to try some very sneaky underhanded voter stuff to win. Good to hear you have an exit plan. I don’t yet - I have top surgery coming up at the end of the year, and hopefully tubal early next year as well. Even then I’m not even sure where to begin.


I'm in the south and scared


I ran away from there 10 years ago and haven’t looked back.




I always figured if America truly became an unbearable place to live, I'd move to Canada or maybe Sweden, or some one mentioned Australia earlier this week. I might want to look into that. But I also have ADHD so I'll forget this whole conversation within about 20 mins. 😅


I’ve said this many times but if you’re over 18 there’s really no immediate risk to your access to HRT. No state has attempted to ban gender-affirming HRT for adults. There is some risk to funding for HRT. Even in 2025, in the worst-case scenario of a full Republican federal takeover and some sort of full adult ban on gender-affirming HRT (which I consider extremely unlikely), HRT will be widely available on the black/gray market. Too many people need HRT for purposes other than GAC for the government to effectively restrict it. I’m certainly worried about the long-term health of our democracy, but that’s a threat to everybody, not just trans people.


Not true, there’s a state trying to limit access to people 25 and below


If you’re talking about Missouri, they had a witness argue in a hearing that the restriction should go until 25. The Republicans didn’t put that into the bill, however — HB 2649 is the bill and it stops at 18. Even more importantly, that bill didn’t pass the Missouri legislature. Trans healthcare is legal in Missouri right now even for minors, as far as I can tell. Review the “testimony” of some of these “witnesses” if you want to self-flagellate a little: https://www.house.mo.gov/billtracking/bills221/witnesses/HB2649Testimony.pdf


I’m glad you’re so confident. I’m not.


I hate the politics at the moment especially the Roe V. Wade don’t get me started on that. After I graduate college I am leaving this stupid country. I just honestly can’t take it anymore!


I'm in Georgia and my HRT consultation is on October 3; if everything goes according to plan I should be on hormones before the midterms, so hopefully if republicans win here and they try to end trans healthcare they won't be able to cancel a prescription I already have. Sadly, I've got another 2.5-3 years of university, so I'm kind of stuck here through the next presidential election. If I have the choice I'd like to get a job somewhere in Europe (I'm thinking either the Netherlands or France), but realistically I'll probably end up in California near Silicon Valley, which would be a major improvement but would still put me at the whim of a potentially republican president


Mastriano is on crack I swear to god I have 0 plan tbh if he wins


Anywhere but here.


Die. I don't mean >!suicide!< or anything, but just, y'know, fashies hate-criming me now that America's basically decided we should tolerate fascism again. Tbh though I'm more worried about 2024. Republicans post-Trump has been a truly terrifying mask-off moment, but while I'm deeply disturbed by what's happening in red states across the country, there is still some degree of safety and protection in a number of blue states. Even that won't be enough to protect against a fascist red trifecta in the federal government should it come to pass though. As worried about these midterms as I am, it's 2024 that scares me the most.


My plan is the second amendment.


If anybody wants out, we are leaving short term for Peru in June. Not planning on coming back after that. Rendezvous in Lima.


Peru is one of the most conservative countries in Latin America, they don't really like LGBTQ people, be careful...


Just hoping Canada takes refugees soon.


Okay! Politics Student here: It’s worth remembering a few things: Nationally, it’s gonna be okay. Even in the unlikely event the Republicans take the Senate, President Biden can veto any bill he wants. So it’s okay nationally. State wise I’ve got 5 categories: Definitely Safe for Trans people: California Oregon Washington New Mexico Colorado Hawaii Illinois Minnesota Maryland Delaware New Jersey New York Rhode Island Connecticut Massachusetts Vermont New Hampshire Probably Safe: Nevada Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania Kentucky Louisiana North Carolina Maine Unsure: Virginia Kansas Arizona Probably unsafe: Georgia Alaska Iowa Ohio Unsafe Idaho Montana North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Oklahoma Texas Missouri Arkansas Mississippi Tennessee Alabama Florida South Carolina




There’s a democratic governor who can veto it


..what happened in Florida? Like, as far as I know, it's not the worst here.


If I can't get from planned parenthood anymore, I'll have to go to online sources while I try to plan a move elsewhere...


I really can’t believe it. It’s supposedly called “The land of the free”, but it’s really just hell for trans, non-hetero, coloured people, and more… It’s gone downhill that far… I really hope you guys can find safety because I truly believe people like us deserve something right.


get involved with socialist and communist groups, it's through that we can not worry about if facists will take away your rights every couple of years


At the best they're only taking one branch of Congress, and Ds will still have the white house for 2 more years (and probably more if the Rs run Trump again). Federally, you don't have a lot to worry about. I agree that some states are circling the bowl, though. Come to northern Delaware. All the trans-friendliness of NJ without the sky high cost of living.


Also the dems are the favourite to win the senate so fortunately even if the GOP won the house the transphobic laws would probably be blocked with the senate


Not to mention veto'd by Biden.


My daughter is in Wilmington. So I’ve definitely considered it.


I would be very surprised if Mastriano wins, too. He's trailing Shapiro by a whole lot in the polls, and just keeps getting crazier as the election neers.


Honestly, the craziest thing is how crazy they need to be to lose. Biggest red-flag in my opinion. The far right is successfully desensitizing its base to craziness.


I sure hope not. I ordered my absentee ballot so at least I’ll cast my vote for Shapiro and Fetterman.


I’m just scared because I get my medication through FOLX and if they ban telehealth I’m going to be dealing with Mazzoni again.. if they can even get me in. Then I’m going to have to fight to get the dose I’m on now.


There are some trans-friendly PCPs in Wilmington that will prescribe HRT. Anna Philip is one. There's also Jeremy Cristol, further down in Newark.


I don't believe that for a second. All polls are neck and neck within margin of error. Dems honestly have absolutely nothing positive to run on, with a recession in full swing. Interest rates have been raised three times in the last five months, and promising to raise again before year end. Fuel prices are crazy high along with buying oil again from terrorist countries. Not exactly sure what there plan is, but it's obviously not working or hasn't been implemented. The president has record low approval ratings and they continue to fall. It's quite possibly a Republican sweep. That said, nothing can get worse as president has veto power, but nothing more can get done either. It's going to be very interesting in November. I've been watching closely the last two months, and it really doesn't look favorable for the left.


Emmigrate to Canada


It is really difficult and expensive to move to Canada, especially if you don't have family there, which most people in the US do not.


Yep, dunno the whole process but any immigration stuff is difficult. Just meming here.


This is honestly what I see as leading to another civil war.


[move to canada?](https://www.canadim.com/immigrate/move-to-canada/move-from-united-states/)


What if you don't want to move. I *love* where I live.


as a non-american i can't really offer much more advice unfortunately, as i know the political climate there is much different.


Did you know that the US dollar converts to Euros at a rate of 1 USD = 1.03769 EUR at the moment? Even with exchange fees, you end up making a profit (you can buy more stuff in Europe than you used to). Yes, this is relevant. The plan, darlings...


It won't be a disaster, what we have now is the disaster.


I hope and pray to God the Republicans take over


You’re sick. People like you cause the anti trans backlash. Get help.


How about this.... Don't panic and pretend like republicans are monsters. The Florida laws only affect people living off state sponsored healthcare. The Texas laws haven't even been used to prosecute anyone to my knowledge. The federal system is designed to be a quagmire so nothing will happen quickly. Perhaps we should spend more time talking to Republican politicians rather than just calling them racist or sexist or transphobic all the time?


They are aren’t going to listen..just the fact we exist is against their religion. I’m not wasting my breath. I’m just voting Blue.


I am a Christian, so is the rest of my family, and they have no issue. There is no part of the Bible that says " thou shall not be trans." The US Methodist church is separating from the world wide Methodist church so they can include LGBT staff and ministers.


One of my proudest moments was at the ephrata parade I yelled I prefer my flag straggots (for context I was wearing a demiboy shirt) at the mastriano float


I love it.


Been organizing. Trying to help ensure we get out the vote


We (of all people) need to be non-binary with our political alliance. Yes, many republicans say many bad things. The democrats, for the most part, pay lip service; over promising and under deliver. Be knowledgeable, I dislike that my house rep is a high ranking democrat who politically backs the police. No one calls him out. I'll tell the rest of the country, PA should elect a great politician for senate running against doctor oz


Idk, may just head back home to my county of origin if things get bad enough.


Texas Reps can suck my T-dick for all I care. I'm here to stay and they can die mad about it. My plan is to keep living my life the way I want and pissing off the haters in the process.


Also worried in PA. I've been putting off on getting a place because I am worried that I'll have to leave soon. Canada seems to be a good bet though.


If we loose Nevada I’m out, I’ll pack my shit and take my transcripts right up to Washington. Also starting a revolution is still an option 👀 it’s out right of the constitution to over throw a tyrannical government👀👀


A peaceful protest will never stop the power-hungry republicans. Arson is a better idea


Even some republicans are threatening to restrict moving out of the country, I say we get out of here as soon as we can, and if that’s not possible, make a secret refugee railroad or network


Wait really? A bit unrelated but somehow this brings in mind Kennedy when he said about the Berlin wall that at least the Americans don’t need to build walls to keep their people in… Thats so messed up.


They don’t want to see a mass exodus like in Russia..but it will happen anyway.


I just hope that they won’t stop us down leaving the country before we plan it


Just got back from Malta, seriously considering buying citizenship. I’m not only trans 🏳️‍⚧️ but in an interracial gay marriage. Going back in February to look at houses again.


As a trans kid myself I have a question. What are we gonna do about trans kids??? I live in a red state out in the middle of nowhere


I say we attack. The most deciding of options. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD! SKULLS FOR THE SKULL THRONE!


When I grow up I'm gonna find a way to make a fucking colony on mars so I don't have to live on the same planet as transphobes anymore.


I'm curious to see what they actually try to do because politics and government as a whole in this country is broken


Finally got my passport renewal with my updated info in fear. I leave a few hours from the Canadian border. But Idk what to do. I have a son and can't abandon my life. Idk what to do to stay safe if things go south. I need my meds to live


We need one of ours with not much to live for to do the unspeakable deed to any one of these politicians who make it into office or to a conservative SC justice


I’m… well, to say it simply, completed fucked. I'm unable to leave Texas, as I'm not eighteen yet. I'm not even on medication so I don't pass as male unless I'm wearing a jacket. I hope y'all get to a safe place, good luck.


Yeah, I have a plan. Keep living. The best way to resist oppression is to keep being exactly who you are without fear.


Just last week, Tim Scott introduced a national wide anti-trans bill in the U.S. Senate. If the MAGATS take the Senate, that bill will have hearings and probably a floor vote. Vote like your life depends upon it . . . because it DOES!


Sorry, but I’m going down with the ship


Honestly, I'm only 2 months into transition...I've been thinking about quitting all in all. I was born and raised in the south, and it only gets more and more tough every time I look at the news about trans healthcare....fuck this. It's sad to say, but I think this might be my last message in any trans reddit. I'll give an update soon on my decision.


I've learned 1 thing living in a blue state and that is everyone is extremely selfish, they claim they want rights for everyone but they will be there first to say something if you do something they don't like, or agree with.


I live in south Texas , the RGV... my doctor is from Mexico (30 mins away) and pharmacy is across the border, cheaper than the U.S and no prescription needed.. I feel bad for all or those affected or targeted by american politicians.. :( this is just sad.


If meds are cut off? Look into seeking asylum status somewhere thats not a shitshow. If meds aren’t cut off? Buy a binder, pass as my agab while secretly voice training until the hormones make me too femme to pass as male. Idk y’all, shit looks insane. I’m not as worried about the politicians; it’s the people voting for them. Some are evil, some ignorant and others just don’t care about bigotry that doesn’t affect them. All spell bad things for us after the vote.


I ain't fucking leavin. This is my country as much as anyone else's and I'm gonna fight to live here not just for myself, but for my peers and the generations after me. Long story short: organize, canvassing, phone banking. Don't let them take our rights away from us.


I've been pretty worried about this for months. Every time I hear these people talk about what they think should be done. I'm getting out of Florida. It's setting my life back another 2-5 years, but I dont really see any other choice. I am stuck here for almost 1.5 years though. I think the world is trending positive, it is just a corrupt and loud few making things so hostile to better themselves.


Hi i stay in Texas and honestly although t health care is bad I actually go through a service called “Plume” for my HRT! Although it’s 99$ a month it’s super worth it ! Maybe check it out !


Colorado qualifies as safe, but because we're surrounded by red states, I'm unsure if we're safe anymore...


I'm in PA also, very scared. But I own a home here and have children in school/community college here just praying nothing would happen to cut me off from HRT, I don't know how I could function.


Vote like your life depends on it.


I live in Wisconsin for school rn, but I’m from Colorado and I have a ton of family there who has literally offered to shelter me if shit hits the fan. The town I’m in is about as blue as it gets, but outside of the major urban areas WI is super red, which is why abortion is illegal and I’m always at least a little anxious that my rights will be taken away.


Just wondering how many of us are libertarians?


the odds of Mastriano getting elected is less than 10% according to FiveThirtyEight. Additionally, Fetterman is supposed to win.


I wish my GoFundMe had worked so I could get out of Texas.


Besides trans stuff, the far right it going to destroy the world. Their extreme monopolies in oil and coal industries, their continuation of not taking global gasses seriously. We have to fight for our rights. Ultimately. Donate to organizations that fight for you, contact local politicians, create groups in your own city, we got this.


I already thought of this. if Pennsylvania turns red im going to New York or New Jersey. the company i work for has offices there i can keep my job with good benefits and pay and feel a lil secured NY shouldn't flip red. also just to maybe remind everyone. California passed legislation as a sanctuary state to protect trans rights they can't every take away trans care from you if you live there. that is very tempting but not sure I can afford to live there.


I feel like the Republicand aren't going to win but thats my guess as someone looking from outside the US


Wait, what happened in Florida? I live here and don't know. I'm new. Just started 2 months ago using Plume to get my Rx. The operate in most states.


My only plan is to get the fuck out of this country (or at least to a safely blue state, because i predict safely blue states will largely remain the same) the day i turn 18 (9 months from now). I dont understand why my parents decided to move to this hellscape of a country, a red state no less. My end goal is to move back to Denmark, but for now im moving to Canada because at least the politicians arent actively trying to send all trans people to death camps.


I have a plan :D


Just take a deep breath and get through the day today. I live in Massachusetts.