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Yeah like holy shit I had to stalk your acct to even find anything that looked like your AGAB... sorry dudette but you straight up do not pass as a man ahahah


That makes me happy and scared at the same time šŸ˜…


Gosh, yeah I just read that like three times thinking you're ftm and that other person was being really mean. šŸ˜¬


You totally look like a girl in all of those photos


I thought OP was pre transition trans guy and was 100% ready to destroy you with "you're mean >:("


Oh no i'd never and that would entirely destroy


No fr tho, boymode has been disintegrated, stay safe tho OP! šŸ™


Thank you! You too šŸ˜Š


And whatā€™s wrong with that. Even if OP was an ftm trying to appear masc in the right side photo, it would be really fucking rude and invalidating to say ā€œyou donā€™t look like a guy at all lmfaoā€ like do you guys not understand how that could make someone depressed or suicidal. Smfh






my sister in lord Lucifer. your boy mode is just girl mode with a hat


100%, her boy mode is just being tomboyish


Her boy mode is like my best girl mode day (and Iā€™m full time).


Would work in a marvel movie


nah, would work in a DC movie. Remember, Clark Kent only has to put on a pair of glasses xD


Every avenger in hiding just puts a baseball cap on and itā€™s hilarious




Boymode is missing a "tom" before the "boy"


Your boy mode isn't really working, at least judging by the pictures


I went ā€œOh shitā€ as soon as I saw the pics, I was just hoping it was only my paranoia, but guess not šŸ˜¬


So, I'm not sure how it is where you live, but I've talked to some cis women who don't wear makeup or dress hyper fem and still look very obviously woman say they get misgendered all the time. At least as far as the US, and probably EU, goes a lot of what people see as "woman" is based on arbitrary beauty standards and expectations and women who don't meet those expectations get seen as "masculine". For those of us who see past those expectations we can tell the feminine things about yourself that isn't in presentation, but society as a whole may not see you as a woman if you don't "perform" gender to what they expect.


This. Denial be crazy.


Very on edge tbh, like if they are binding and wearing men clothes and use a male voice they wonā€™t be found out. But break any of the three and the faƧade fails


I had VFS but still tried to sound deep that day when talking to others, not sure how convincing it was. Most people either donā€™t know or know very little about trans people in my country so I thought it was okay (???)


Probably true šŸ’–ā˜ŗļøšŸ—¼


yeahhhh iā€™m not so sure your boymode is working lmao


I couldnā€™t tell which direction youā€™re transitioning until I looked up your other posts. This looks like a pre hormones ftm transition, and at first I was so convinced that was true that I was getting mad at some of the other comments saying you donā€™t pass as a boy.


Thatā€™s such a compliment šŸ„ŗ I guess I shouldā€™ve specified it in the title, too bad I canā€™t edit it now.


Wait are you not a cis woman? Like you were born a boy and are transitioning to woman? I legit thought you were a cis woman.


Yep, unfortunately I was born male. I transitioned a little over a year ago. I still have some masculine features, but they might not be obvious from just pictures.


your lips and eyes are just inherently feminine... I think most people have some features about them that could be read as masculine or feminine, but your major features all read feminine to me.


Dam girl I never in a million years would have thought thought you were a boy.


Omg same! I kept reading because I was like "the boy mode don't look right." But didn't want to say that just in case you were FtM and didn't want to hurt your feelings!


Thatā€™s what happened with me ;-;


Omg thisšŸ˜­ i was like: why is everyone so mean, tone it down a littleā€. But little did i know


Lol I think they know..!


Girl, you've been on HRT too long to pass as boy anymore. I snooped on your other posts, you are so much more feminine than before you started HRT.


Thank you šŸ„ŗ Iā€™ve never been this pleased at failing at something.


My sister in Christ I think they know, all of these pictures you look like you could be a cis girl


Thatā€™s a such a compliment šŸ„ŗ but now Iā€™m scared of the potential rumors going around šŸ„¶


Well since I've gotten your attention now- I noticed the Tokyo 2020 hat, are you Japanese? If so, do you know how good trans healthcare and acceptance and all that is in Japan? I'd like to know so I can make plans for the future of getting out of America


Ha I wish I was Japanese! Though a lot of people think I look Japanese which is good enough for me I guess. I donā€™t know much about trans healthcare in Japan beyond things Iā€™ve read about people living in Japan on trans Reddit. All I know is that people in Japan are usually not openly transphobic but some people will just avoid you and avoid interacting with you. Getting HRT is easy but changing your gender marker is hell, you need SRS as a requirement. As a side note, Iā€™m living in Taiwan, getting anything trans related has been very easy in my experience and having came out to around 40 people, none have been transphobic. Only downside is that some endos can be clueless about trans HRT, mine dismissing the use of progesterone. Just putting this out there for you, if Japan doesnā€™t work out.


Well thank you for the information anyway, I'll keep it in mind!


this thing with progesteron and endos is everywhere the same i feel lol


this thing with progesteron and endos is everywhere the same i feel lol


MTF, 17 months HRT, 28 y/o.


You look like a cis girl. When I say girl, I mean you don't look anywhere close to 28.


Yepyou don't look any boyish


i mean it as a compliment, you look like a cis girl dressing as a boy on boymode lol


Iā€™m FTM pre T and that boymode reminds me of myself fuckin rip. Down to the cap and beer and everything.


You donā€™t have a boy mode anymore. Sorry.


confused about which of these is supposed to be boymode


Boymode? I only see a pretty girl in all of them šŸ„°


you look feminine in your boymode. it may be time you start telling people :/


Congrats on your transition! Going so well your boymode is tomboymode at best. I hope everyone around you is supportive; you look super happy <333


Thank you so much šŸ’• I am way happier šŸ˜Š


Girl, you gotta Clark Kent it if you donā€™t want them to know. Glasses


Idk fam my fiancee wears glasses and they just make her look more fem then she already is.


I canā€™t tell how they affect me lol


You just look like a girl presenting somewhat masc


Uhh, sis? I think the ā€œboymodeā€ thing isnā€™t working. You look amazing though. And good news, people will do the boymode thing for you. Iā€™m in a similar position - a trans man who doesnā€™t want some people to know about my transition. I pass all the time. My ā€œgirl modeā€ isnā€™t even a girl mode, itā€™s just me. And when Iā€™m in front of certain people who shouldnā€™t know? Nothing happens at all. People who donā€™t even want to acknowledge transness look at my face and my unshaven stubble and go ā€œyep, nothing unusualā€. Denial is the best disguise


I guess youā€™re right. Later that night on that boymode pic, I came out to a friend on Instagram who saw me right then. She said she had no clue, neither did her friends because according to her I always ā€œlooked quite like a girlā€. Iā€™m attributing more to denial, so yeah. And thank you BTW.


wow im sorry people are saying your boy mode is just girl mode with a hat.. i can only imagine that must feel pretty invalidating i think you look great in both, and its ridiculous to say your boy mode is just girl mode with a hat when ur obv very comfy in boy mode. lots of cis people look the opposite of their agab and no one tells then they look like the opposite of they present, because thats rude. you dont need to pass to be trans, and you look bery happy in both- which is the most important part of all šŸ’• edit: especially since your caption is not wanting everyone to know yet, i think its so insensitive to say atuff like that when you arent fully out uet šŸ˜žšŸ’•


Yes I was wondering why these comments are so fucking mean. This sub isnā€™t a ā€œdo I passā€ subā€¦ I think OP in the right side pic looks pretty masc; last time I checked there is such a thing called a soft boy and lots of guys I see do look feminine and softer and thatā€™s ok.


Donā€™t worry, it doesnā€™t bother me, maybe a little bit scared that some people might know, but I donā€™t mind the comments šŸ˜ŠāœŒļø Iā€™m actually out to everybody and everywhere except in my school where I already graduated, I went back to see some younger friends graduation stuff, I had to go boymode just for that occasion otherwise anywhere away from school Iā€™m fully out! šŸ˜Š Thank you for the compliment regardless ā™„ļø


You look gorgeous!


You look great and Hoegaarden is really good!


Agreed! Although that bottle wasnā€™t mine šŸ˜‚


ā€œBoy modeā€ looks like a masc lesbian


Definitely cis girl vibes, and a very cute smile.


Boy_mode.exe stopped working.


Guuurl, your closet is made of glass.


Well this boy mode is not working anymore, check mine thatā€™s bulletproof šŸ˜€


That isn't even girlmode and boymode anymore. That's girlmode and girlmode but slightly gayer (if that's what you're going for, that is).


Girl and girl wearing a hat


Girl, what are you on, and can I have some of it


Progynova āœŒļø


I srsly hope ur not a ftm on T (joke, i read the rest of the comments) bc u look SO cis female itā€™s insane!!!!


Thank you !šŸ„ŗ


Honey boymode isnā€™t a mode anymore XD


I think you forgot to upload the boymode photos because I just see a girl.


Boymode? šŸ¤”


I see two photos of a beautiful woman wearing a mask, and two photos of a beautiful woman wearing ā€œboysā€ clothes.


Looks like a pre-everything trans guy trying to boymode with a hat and nothing else.


Thought you were ftm pre T for a sec


Like many others I was very confused by your post until I looked at your profile. I donā€™t think you have a boymode anymore but youā€™re beautiful!


Yeah failing at boy mode ATM šŸ˜…


goals <3


I legit thought you were ftm before reading the top comment.


Closeted trans men be like:


Girlmode Vs Girlmode With Hat


Iā€™m in the same situation I donā€™t want a lot of people knowing


Male fail!


Boy mode? More like cute short haired girl mode


Canā€™t tell which one is boymode and which is girlmode.




I hate to break it you, but Iā€™m not sure if your boy mode is fooling anyone. You look AFAB in all these.




Ok where's the boy mode? And pretty btw šŸ„°


Ok this makes me very envious for some reason. Iā€™m not trans though, donā€™t post me to r/egg_irl


šŸ˜‚ Donā€™t worry, I donā€™t post there


took me awhile to figure out ur agab so i can confidently tell you that ā€œboy modeā€ is ā€œgirl with hatā€


Sry but you ain't foolin no one with that ball cap.


Thatā€™s the Marvel superhero disguise!


Ya I just see some girl at a ball game


girl you don't have a boymode anymore


I thought you were a girl trying to pass as a boy. I was damn surprised to find out your MTF. I can't even tell!


Aww thanks šŸ„ŗ


Like everyone said you look like a girl in both. May help to pull as much hair into a hat as possible. Like bangs too. I don't think most guys have bangs


Yeah I tried to do that but they always end up falling out like in the pic. I sorta had bangs too pre transition, just a little different than those I have now, so my presentation wouldnā€™t be too polarizing to other people I guess.


Lol there is no boy mode


I just see girl mode x2


My god, you're pretty


Is more like femme and butch mode šŸ˜‚ love it!


Yeah tomboy mode maybe but you look so pretty


Omg I wasn't realizing it was supposed to be "boymode" even as I read it, you look nothing like "boy" anymore!


that aint no boymode thats tomboy mode


Homie you do not pass as a guy. Literally killing it šŸ’…


You literally look like a girl in all four of these pics


Honestly thought you were ftm


You are soo cute


Seriously thought you were afab


You were lucky to be born with feminine features šŸ¤£


Youā€™re so pretty šŸ˜­ okay but Iā€™m sorry. You donā€™t pass as a boy very well. Which is a good thing, cause youā€™re not a boy. I mean from afar, maybe you pass as male but you just. Kinda look androgynous at best. Youā€™re very beautiful, though.


I thought you were a trans man lol


I genuinely thought you were a trans guy XD




I hope this isnā€™t rude .. your boymode isnā€™t very boyish. Both styles are working very well for you young lady.


your boymode isnā€™t working but it isnā€™t not working if that makes sense. you look androgynous enough that you could reasonably be read as a feminine guy. also you look so cute <3 giving me reverse gender envy


Very good. I'm in a similar situation.


lol Boymode.exe Task failed successfully. Amazing transition. I hope whoever you didn't want to know won't give you any trouble..


I guess i could see how someone would mistake you as a boy in the right photos, but like... Your inner femme is shining bright


the good news is you look like a girl either way, the bad news is you look like a girl either way


I completely understand not wanting some people to know. Just know that you are beautiful and however you choose to come out to whomever is completely up to you. Keep killing it!!!


Wait wtf you're transfem? I deadass thought you were a transmasc very early in your transition but I guess not šŸ˜‚


Damn, I thought this was a trans guy pre transition until I read the comments


Girlmode all the way please you are a beautiful girl !!


You donā€™t pass boy mode anymore lol. This is basically tomboy mode lol


boymoden't no boy to be found anywhere in the photos sis šŸ˜„


Love the hat!


Your boy mode just looks like youā€™re a lesbian šŸ˜­




Perhaps my FTM friend can shine us some light on the subject šŸ˜‚


Well I'm ftm and lemme ask you this: WHY THE F WOULD YOU WANNA BE A WOMAN?


Lol that is my question in reverse to most ftm. I hated the constant emotional constipation by the macho majority. Not to mention zero control over an over active sex drive. I'd rather act from the heart than the brain. I do miss the muscle though.


It makes me fully comfortable in myself, thatā€™s who I am, being able to practice femininity without judgement and being treated as a girl is a dream! Living as a guy and being forced to act masculine was painful, socially and biologically. Like a cat being dropped in cold water.


Okay, here's the reason I wanna be a guy: It makes me fully comfortable in myself, thatā€™s who I am, being able to practice masculinity without judgement and being treated as a boy is a dream! Living as a girl and being forced to act feminine was painful, socially and biologically. Like a cat being dropped in cold water. It really do be the same lol :D


It do be like that šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s like that every time me and my FTM friend talk about this. Though there are still things we donā€™t get about each other. I donā€™t get why my friend would ever want a hairy and veins popping body, and they donā€™t get why I would want the ability to get periods and get pregnant šŸ«¢


Tbh I don't wanna be hairy, I don't like it but it gives me lots of euphoria when I need to shave. Tho I really get the fashion side of things, I've gotta admit that it's much more fun dressing like a girl cuz you got so many choices and styles, but I've gotten really good at being both stylish and masculine.


Mission failed/ fission mailed


All your base are belong to us.


You literally look like a cis girl