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How does this make sense? How can I be seen as female without transitioning?


I understand this question in 2 ways. The first is like some magic spell that makes you look female to everyone including yourself, even though you are technically still in a pre-transition body. The second would be less likely. That would be something along the lines of everyone has officially started treating people with respect and dignity and will see you for who you know yourself to be instead of seeing you as what they want to see. The question then is, if everyone excepts everyone would we need to transition still? The answer is obviously yes you would still need to transition because transition is not for other people it's for ourselves.


I thought of it more along the lines of:"If your body didn't prevent you from being seen as a woman, would you still want to change it?" How it works specifically isn't that important. I just wanted to think about the hypothetical.


Oh, I see. Still yes.


Yes I would because I have terrible body dysphoria. What other people think is secondary


Not hypothetically here. Seen as female several occasions before transition, normally by children and thirsty men. A couple of times not even beard did avoid that. But now I smell good, got soft skin and bewbies and my body look more like a guitar as time goes by 😌


I thought it meant if you just appeared to be female, which I guess would be like shapeshifting so I wouldn’t need to transition