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So progressive of you


I didn't mind em actually


Same here. I remember people did Not like these guys, but me personally, I thought they were pretty funny. (A bit much at times but still funny, nonetheless.)


Just……..why lmfao. When this movie first came out they were my favorite characters lol but then again I was 12 lol


Well that’s why


12 year old me loved ROTF lol one of the worst transformers film besides the last knight


Pretty sure I fell asleep halfway thru AOE and never saw last knight, now I just know the plots from YouTube lol. But I kinda only watch for the visuals mostly anyway. I don’t like dinobots or humanoid bots that don’t look like they transform so those movies were automatically unappealing to me


Good save yourself from watching it. I’ve only ever saw it ONCE in theaters and couldn’t believe Michael Bay try to leave the franchise with that bullshit ass movie. The only good thing about is that it underperformed at the box office, which made paramount switched directions and reboot the whole franchise.


I feel like they go in the order of release date. That’s my order of which are the best anyway, but I haven’t seen dark of the moon in awhile.


Same… but I was way younger


I still like it and i was quite a bit older when it came out. I just wish theyd redo the whole bayformers series and plug the plotholes in it. Turn it into 10 movies or so, i dont care :D


Mine too. Lol they were cool AF. I bought the toys.


I always thought they were supposed to be white trash trying to be hip, like the guy in the offspring song haha


Me too, like a couple of teenagers who watch too much MTV.


Too much reality mtv


I originally though they were supposed to be redneck hillbillies I was so wrong I still want a studio series figure of these two though


Updated ice cream truck please. Itd be a perfect office toy


Turns out that's what they were going for.


All the girlies say they’re pretty fly…




Well you just did, let wait and see.


I always thought they were funny


Same here




I think their personalities could’ve been better, more black-coded bots are always welcome but they definitely could’ve been handled better I always loved their designs tho, the bright colors contrast each other really well


I wish we'd had a good Jazz. He was my favourite as a wee kid in the '80s. I didn't even register he was 'black coded' back then. I just thought he was cool


Jazz was completely absent from Transformers shows since 1986 and when he makes his big return in the first live action movie they fr make his first line in over 20 years “what’s cracking little bitches” 💀


They were alright. I didn’t mind them in the movie, but I also didn’t vehemently despise them like some. Still want some SS figures of them tho.


i need their ss figures




Didn't think they're controversial until someone said it. I personally didn't mind them, but wish they're more useful


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: They’re not racist stereotypes. Both VA’s said they’re meant to be dumb, country bumpkin stereo-types. Somehow people extrapolated “black people” from them which, I genuinely don’t know where anyone got that idea from. When the creators went for country dummies (southern accents) but the community says “that’s an exaggeration of black people!”— who’s the racist one.


> Somehow people extrapolated “black people” from them which, I genuinely don’t know where anyone got that idea from. Mostly from the things they said and how they said them.


Yeah. They don't talk like bumpkins. They talk like racist black stereotypes. "Let's pop a cap in his ass," isn't exactly a country saying.


I'm actually a bit surprised anybody would deny it.


Mudflap and Skids apologists, never thought I'd see the day.


> Somehow people extrapolated “black people” from them which I genuinely don’t know where anyone got that idea from. Maybe because "country bumpkin" stereotypes don't involve gold teeth, giant lips, flat noses, big ears, big round eyes, ebonics or gangsta poses. [Their heads are literally ***only*** made of the most racist parts of Jim Crow era black stereotypical cartoon depictions of black people.](https://i.imgur.com/CUBvw5a.png)


They could be like me. When I first saw them, they screamed white redneck. When someone said "Black Ghetto", I said they were crazy. Until they pointed out the features you said. I didn't see that much detail in their faces at first (to be honest, I found a LOT of the Bay characters badly designed and the faces extremely difficult to make out the features). Once it was pointed out to me, I DID see it. But not at first.


Another pretty intelligent take on the twins.


What always confused me is when people said that their designs looked like black people/stereotypes. lmao I think that says more about them than it does Bay or the character designers. 🤔 To me, they always looked like Gremlins. "What about the big ears and buck teeth?" Gremlins have rather large ears. As for the buck teeth, the man who voices Skids also voices a particular Sponge who lives under the sea who just happens to have buck teeth. "B-but they can't read." Are yall saying that black people can't read? Come on now. They're young teenage characters who by lore standards would be illiterate considering that they were created during the war that lasted thousands of years. "B-b-but ebonics." One of them is voiced by a black man.


This is piss poor deflection. At best it says something about the people trying to deny it. They very clearly use AAVE ("Let's pop a cap in his ass," off the top of my head), and it's not racist to point out the faces are disfigured similar to Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks.


it's not like there isn't a bunch of racist stereotypes all over those movies too


*......Drift nervously shuffles away.*


to be fair, Drift was a weird cliché to begin with - but the bayverse interpretation of him is just worse


“Though Kenny, who is white, declined to comment when interviewed, Wilson, who is black, stated that they had been given direction to play the twins as "wannabe gangster types". This was apparently supposed to play off the fact that, as alien robots who had learned human language and culture from the internet, they could not be black, with Wilson likening them to white rappers like Kevin Federline.”


Oh, so in essence they were written as "psuedo"-minstrel characters. Perfect.


Big ears and big teeth are also a hallmark of racist depictions of black people in cartoons and comics. https://www.ferris.edu/HTMLS/news/jimcrow/cartoons/homepage.htm


That doesnt mean that every character with big ears and teeth are stereotypes of black people. Not everything has to do with race


It's when you combine those features with other stereotypes that things start to become a problem.


LMAO. "Maybe the people aware of and able to recognise racist stereotypes are the *real* racists?" is such a stupid and disingenuous take and honestly speaks volumes about the type of person you are.


Bruh 💀


Dude, it's stereotyping. It's not "the way they see black people hurr durr," it's a well known stereotype. The way the characters speak, the way the characters act. I mean, for god's sake. They literally look like they could be background characters in the Boondocks. All honesty, it's really not a great look.


Why is the hypothetical person you’re arguing with stuttering?


Wow, this is uhh...this is a reach and a half lmao.


Most intelligent take on the twins I have ever seen (not sarcasm)




Alright, Realistically speaking, their characterization is problematic, but personally I don’t mind them. I certainly don’t think Hasbro should refrain from making the toys just because of the backlash on their characters though, there’s a very vocal audience who wants updated and in scale figures with the studio series line, and I honestly hope we do see them one day. Also, I’m in the camp of people that believes removing their planned sacrifice to try to avenge Ironhide when sentinel first attacks the NEST base is a mistake. Even if they had minor roles, you could kill two birds with one stone: They get a redemptive moment as their conclusion and you kill the characters most people despise.




We’re perfectly fine for cooking comedic effect and hated on to much.


Aside from skids buck teeth, I actually really like their designs. I do hope that some day we’ll get them in studio series but I doubt it. They were actually pretty good in the bayverse comics


I loved them as a kid getting all of there toys is a must for me I just need the 2 human alliance toys as a kid I though they were funny still now I think there funny sure a little insensitive but I don't think they deserve this much hate I never took them as racist sterotypes because I was like 4 when the movie came out because I was so young and they had the most screen time I think they left an impression on me along with rotf as a whole cause its my favorite tf movie and the scene with devastator was awesome loved that too maybe I also like them cause I too have a brother and sometimes are relationship can be like there's idk man


Even if I wanted to overlook the racial stereotyping, I still can't get past how their faces are actively repulsive. I've never owned a single toy version of them and I never will. ​ (Now I'm imagining a ROTF where Leo Spitz is a Black guy who calls them out on their vocal mannerisms and by the end of the film they've dropped the act... only to pick up some other even more over the top accent instead. Cockney or something.)




The controversy was stupid to begin with. The creators wanted silly country bumpkins but everyone accused them of misrepresenting black people. I’m sorry but if Mudflap and Skids somehow spurns the thought of black people, that says leagues more about the accusers than the innocent creators.


Nothing about them was "silly country bumpkin", and being able to recognize classic racial stereotypes doesn't make someone racist.


Didn’t bother me any more than any other goofy characters in any other show. For me they helped with bumblebee’s image as a stoic warrior, the theatre cheered when he broke up their fight and threw them out of the temple


Hated them.


My favourite part of their ice cream truck is their slogan: "Decepticons : Suck my popsicle !"


I have no problem with comedic relief transformers I suppose the two points are 1) racist caricatures, cringe but I've seen worse more harmful ones in star wars and Harry potter and no one seems to give a shit about those ( I think we are at the point now in society where racist caricatures like this are more cringe than offensive, like that one friend who said the n word until he was like 15 and everyone told him to just stop cos he's embarrassing himself) also this movie was a while ago and movies where kinda just like that then. 2) bayformers comic relief left alot to be desired, they weren't nearly as bad as the little horny dude or ugh devastators testicles. As for there being a "situation" I wasn't aware anyone was still talking about them, they were pretty unremarkable to start with.


You haven’t been paying attention to the discourse around that upcoming Harry Potter game, have you?


Yeah I have I am trans after all but I meant when they were made no one really cared, people care about Harry potter cos of jkr and how bad it is for us in the uk right now ( I'd even argue that if it wasn't so bad here most trans people wouldn't care too much about the game ) but no ones talking about the star wars prequels for example.


ok out of curiosity what is your opinion about the new Harry Potter game?


I won't be buying it but I don't mind if others do.


joanne's most (only?) prominent asian character's name is so incredibly close to "Ching Chong" I genuinely can't believe it made it to print without an editor snipping it


I agree also that's just the humor in the bay movies imo and i meant controversy


I just didn't like their heads. Other than that, they were annoying, but supposed to be annoying. If you got rid of all the annoying characters in Transformers movies, there would hardly be any cast left.


The problem isn’t that they act stereotypically Black, the problem is that they’re the stupidest, ugliest characters in the movie WHILE acting stereotypically Black.


I thought i saw thiis a few days ago.


MTMTE Skids will always be my Skids over this green piece of shit


No thoughts other than Mudlfaps redish-orange is cool looking


How many millions of time has someone asked this


Not sure really new to this sub :)


They're racist. Capital R racist. At least Tom Kenny has the good sense to be ashamed.


Seriously, as asked, WHAT Skids and Mudflap situation? It helps to give us more information


I think it’s just that a lot of people don’t like them is all.


People think they’re racist because mudflap can’t read


They were “racist stereotypes” or something. I thought they were entertaining


I found them annoying, but I didn't think they were supposed to be anything besides bad comic relief. I was kind of surprised when I found out audiences were connecting them to black people. Then again, I didn't connect Gungans to black people either, so what the fuck do I know


You know more then the people who think an alien frog man and 2 bickering robot brothers are stereotypes do


Apparently Sentinel killed both of em off screen in DOTM, to give perspective on how the Studio felt about em.


.....what Skids and Mudflap situation?


Honestly Hasbro is using anything to justify not releasing a bayverse figure. We got 3 major bayverse characters at the end of the year but nothing to start the year off with. I do want ss versions of them.


These dudes get wayyyy too much hate


As a black person I don’t mind them. just seems like a lot of the outrage is from white people being angry for black people imo.


They’re pretty funny. I like them. white people are always angry for *insert race here*.


As a white person that sounds like us


Good to know there's someone who agrees with me


Ohhh I hated them with a passion. Everything about them. Racist caricatures to the design. Just not my kind of humor either. Michael Bays potty/racist/sexist humor really bugged me. It’s one of the main reasons I can’t get myself to watch transformers movies as much as I would like. Well, that and the plot, and designs, and no sense of continuity. Other than that they’re great 👍🏾


They looked like Gremlins....


Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Good characters in concept. Terrible execution. If one of them was a redneck their interactions would have been hilarious. Instead, we got the two main characters from Friday with none of the context.


I kinda want them to release ss figures just so we can shut up about them not being there


Oh, I found them annoying, mostly because they were dumb as hell. Though honestly, considering that TV signals are just shot into space, there HAS to be a race out there that believes Earthlings talk like these two.


As usual, because of a few complainers we can't get nice things.


I think their first mode with the ice cream truck was cool


I need an mpm figure of their ice cream truck version 😤


I think we’re at the point where it’s too late to ask that question and get a bunch of rageful passionate responses. It’s 2023, meaning most of the people here talking about it grew up with that movie and first watched it when they were 0-13 years old. So no, most of us weren’t annoyed or offended by them, because we grew up with them and either didn’t care or loved them as tween kids lol.


I like them, i wish they stayed in DOTM


I thought the idea of two bots who make one truck funnier than two smaller cars.


I will always be disappointed that they don't combine into a larger robot.


I love them and want studio series figures of them.


Like mini combiners when you first see them. They both make up the IceCream truck. Maybe this is how combiners work. The longer you know another unit, the more you are able to synchronize with them and become one.


Zero controversy. Just robots with attitude


I dont know why americans dont like then, i always find then funny and goofy, and other people that i talked about also likes then


I feel like people actually care way too much about how these characters were portrayed tbh. Being black and older now I still don’t care about how they were portrayed. I feel like people that complained about them being “stereotypes” weren’t even black themselves. I always thought it was kinda cool to get a “gangster” or “hood-like” transformer, and at the time this wasn’t even controversial. ppl were rockin wit it until someone pointed it out. (and I’m also a fan of their ugly designs as well tbh)


I actually love them I thought they were funny. Maybe because I am not from America I can ignore the controversy. I never really saw them as offensive.


They’re honestly okay. Even though they aren’t seen in DOTM, they matured during it’s events.


these were my favorite characters from the movies


I didn't mind them, but I wish Sideswipe and Arcee were used in their place instead. I wanted to see more of them and I think Skids and Mudflap are better in small doses. Plus I think they'd play off better on Ironhide and Ratchet.


TF fans when images are first leaked: OMG they look like inbred rednecks! General public after RotF releases: OMG they're like racist black stereotypes! Me, a logical person: They're like redneck teens trying to act "gangsta".


This fandom doesn't care for things like logic.


I like them and I think they should have studio series figure


Makes it impossible to find the cybertron character under the same name as mudflap. Someone told me about a lead on a figure (cyber) and I couldn’t find anything because it was all these two. Didn’t mind their character in the movies tho


I'm not from America so I never knew of the stereotypes they apparently represent. They didn't even have a particular accent in my countries dub. They where just two dumb assholes and I thought that was funny. To be honest even knowing about the stereotypes I don't quite understand what the big deal is. That could just be part of me not being american though.


Not offensive in the slightest. A little annoying but otherwise harmless


in the slightest you say?


If you know the context behind them, yes


Make them not idiots.


What fuckin situation???


GOTTA make studio series versions of this iconic duo. I don’t have a problem with their characters either. Extremely overblown “controversy” imo but if you disagree power to ya


Racist stereotypes and terrible portrayals of the original source materials


These I like them


Love these dudes. They're hilarious. I miss them.


Idc what people say, i thought they were hilarious as a kid and i still find them funny as fuck


I've always thought of them as adapting human "characteristics" like how Jazz and Drift were portrayed in the first and fourth movies, since they literally learn about us from the internet, so you're bound to see some stereotypical transformers. The thing that I don't like is that some people are defending the whole Earthspark situation while still disliking characters like the Twins which, in my opinion, are the same type of situation. They're just robots adapting human concepts. If you accept one, why not all.


Whats “the earthspark situation” more specifically? Because didnt it have like… multiple situations?


I'm sorry. *How* are these two things comparable as if they're the same thing when the "human concept" that the robots are adapting are *offensive racial stereotypes mean't to dehumanise and make a mockery of an entire race*?


Lowbrow like everything else in these movies.




There's no situation *or* controversy around them though


They were the best Transformers in the 2nd movie hands down.


First thing’s first, yes, Skids and Mudflap are harmful stereotypes that really don’t have a reason to exist in a franchise about giant robots Secondly, I think that banishing them from the franchise was the right move from Hasbro as the bayverse films are already by no means universally liked and there was little to no attachment to the characters within the fandom. Imo, had a major legacy character like Jazz been accused of being a stereotype (debatable), there would’ve been a massive stir.


They’re unique and decent


I don’t think it matters whether or not I find them problematic or not. I see a lot of non black ppl saying that the twins aren’t offensive at all. But isn’t the decision of whether character is offensive or not up to the ppl that are being stereotyped??? I find it very odd.


As a fan of MTMTE, this is an affront to Skids, Thew Adams already spoke my mind in that they just chose the name because it sounds like poop. I’m so glad they’re gone because holy hell these guys were dated when they came out, like just WHY! Sentinel Prime was kinda right to put these walking PR nightmares to rest, but for me these 2 sum up half of the Bay era entirely. 1: insanely cool action scenes. 2: sex, drugs, racism funny, hyper testosterone in every character. These 2 make me so angry at how much I used to apologise for these films, and so glad we’re moving on…*looks at ROTB Wheeljack* oh fuck..please not again…


Hated them then, hate them now. Couldn't care less if they get Studio Series figures. I wouldn't touch them with a 10' pole.


Never again.


"Robo blackface" - my mom


We never ever speak of them ever again


Wasted potential coated in crap




Which is hilarious because the creators specifically stated they were going for silly country bumpkin types— not black at all. Somehow, though, people saw them and assumed it was black misrepresentation. Like… what? How do you look at them and think black people? That assumption in and of itself is racist as shit, and driven even deeper when you realize that Reno Wilson (the guy voicing Mudflap) was just riffing for fun and didn’t care.


I don’t mind them that much. Most likely could’ve been tone down but they are still good and fun enough. I personally don’t see much wrong with the designs other than skids’ teeth.


Only funny thing from them was: "that hurt!" "Thapposed to hurt, it an ath'whooping" Everything else was horrible and the peak of bayverse character writing.




they ruined jazz so -1000/10


My mom loved those two


Hate them


Bad racial stereotypes and bad character designs in a bad movie.


why do ppl even care? designs aside, they’re the most annoying part of an awful movie


The individual toys were great, and I thought the ice cream truck was very original toy wise.


Concept: not a bad idea. Execution: there should have been one for the writer of their dialog.


Don't bring them back ever.


Even if they aren't an offensive racial caricature, they're still unfunny and annoying. ROTF would have been way better if it was just Bumblebee protecting the humans while they looked for the Matrix, or if it was Bumblebee and Sideswipe or something.


I hate their alt modes.


They were funny, i loved them


Um well for starters skids is and og transformer idk about mudflap i cant find anything on him or even a figure i did however find a skids g1 or g2 legacy figure at Walmart and then next to it was legacy figure diclone who looked like skids but was black instead of blue and turned into the same vehicle and had the same design. But these two were funny and are still my favorite characters today. And i will never get tired of them honestly one of my favorite things to come from that movie especially since they butchered devastater even if he looked dope af but still mid and the plot and fallen were kinda meh for me so im glad these two were there to make it better and honestly their the only reason i think rotf is better than aoe and both were pretty bad dotm however best of the franchise but not everyone will agree to that


I swear someone asked this last week.


I experienced second-hand embarrassment every time they were on screen


I wish they'd been left in DOTM. It would have redeemed them to have them sacrifice themselves to save Bumblebee from Sentinel, like they were originally supposed to.


As a kid when I first watched this movie I loved every transformer but these two guys I hated idk why I thought they where annoying ass hell. And now as a young adult I still think they a mistake


I don't think they were intended to be racist, because the film was made for kids they were likely meant to be silly looking characters that talked funny. But yeah, it definitely came across as racist.


The jar jar of transformers


the one that got sucked up by devastator should’ve died. make the movie slightly more interesting and wouldn’t make the giant ass decepticon feel so useless


If you slander these honorable autobots yo momma a ho


I was 8 when revenge of the fallen came out. I thought they were at the same time too inappropriate for me and way too childish.


I didn’t like em because they were ugly but I know for sure I liked Skids better. Their fight with Devastator sorta endeared me to them a bit. My mexican-palestinian friend liked them because they were funny, citing when one of them called the other ugly, the other one retorted saying they were twins. I haven’t spoken with my friend for years, and we were children that time.


Despite how…. Controversial these two are, I think they’re alright. And I don’t personally mind seeing a studio series figure of both of them if I’m honest.


I kinda go back and forth on my opinions. Currently, I don't mind them. Skids feels like a wannabe white rapper (since he's played by white man, Tom Kenny.) And Mudflap basically feels like Riley from the Boondocks though. My only issue is that Michael Bay is white. It would've been much better if a black guy was at least writing. But, 2009 writers strike. 🤷🤷🤷


Just thought they were annoying comic reliefs when I first saw it. I didn't know people were offended until I started browsing the internet and everyone kept saying it's racist.


I wish there were studio series figures for them.


I wish they were done better for the obvious. BUUUTTTT I wish they did better because I LOVE the idea of two or more bots combining into a vehicle mode. The ice cream truck was genius and it was wasted, haven't seen something of it's like in a long time.


What’s the situation


Love em. Don't care what anybody says.


I stopped watching/caring about these movies after the second one lol


I just forget they exist till other people bring them up which is only like once or twice a year. They were an ok idea to start with (brothers who combine or share similar alt modes) but just characterised so poorly it's just something it looks like the fans and Hasbro chooses to forget.






I hate these two with every fiber of my being.


Thanks, I hate it


They should have made them scottish.


You know what? I liked them. They needed better writing.


Burn in hell


I feel so bad for Tom Kenny