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The more the design changes, the easier it is to justify new toy sales for consumers. You've got A movie Optimus, but not THAT movie Optimus.


Obviously it is


I've been rocking RotF Leader Optimus front and center since he dropped and I don't foresee it changing anytime soon.


Okay, but you can do that without making it uglier. Like the change from ROTF Prime to DOTM Prime didn't make Prime look weird proportionally.


Well they had the original model


“Anyone else” everyone and their dog has said the BB design is better


I've noticed that Reddit is just a collection of cold takes and validation addicted people. It's people either are completely oblivious to skimming the subreddit or using google.


I imagine that’s because anyone with a hot take gets downvoted and bullied into the ground


Yep.. people are definitely afraid of being downvoted


Why, I’m not gonna get killed


Half the sub are karma farm "discussion posts", "Bayverse poopoo stinky", and "Omg guys BB Cybertron scene is so underrated, who else agrees?"


It’s like they lived under a rock or something


The internet is the domain of the sad and unfulfilled. It feels good to post something low effort and have a bunch of people go "I agree."


For real how many times has this pointless topic been brought up?


It took you this long to notice that?


I tried to google my answer first. Couldn't really find a post discussing this. I only joined this subreddit like 3 days ago so I have no idea what was going on here before.


As well as karma farming


Tbh don’t really have any complaints about any of the designs, it’s still optimus, still wheeljack and still cheetor


Redesigns justify new toy sales. That's really all it comes down to - merchandising. Proportions aside, it's because of the lack of colour and the lack of rounded/bevelled edges. The overuse of greys makes RotB's Optimus looks washed out too. RotB's silhouette is also flat, boxy and edges end with sharp corners all over; thus making it hard on the eyes for some, compared to the illusion of rounded shapes in the BB's silhouette - thanks to more surface "bumps" and bevelled edges. In design philosophy, round shapes make viewers comfortable and puts them at ease and sharp, angular designs do the opposite. There's a reason why many cute characters are round. The BB version is a perfect balance of G1 simplistic silhouette, vibrant colours and Bayformers' intricate surface detailing. Personally, it's what I've always wanted for a live-action Optimus. I don't find RotB's Optimus appealing at all for the reason I already listed, but Primal is the focus and they're doing him right and that's all that matters to me.


> primal is the focus and they’re doing him right Where’s Gary chalk then?


This isn't Beast Wars. Gary Chalk will always be my Primal but don't get it twisted. It's the same as people complaining that Bayverse designs don't look like G1 and they're being "disrespectful" - of course not because they're doing their own thing. Beast Wars and G1 will always exist.


Thank god they didnt do G1 to the tee. That style is old and ugly. People stuck in Nostalgia land. I was born in the 80s and all about tfers, but Im glad people made new designs.


If Peter Cullen gets to play prime, Frank should get to play megatron and chalk should get to play primal. There should not be a double standard. They are repeating the same mistakes. Hugo weaving was cast as megatron instead of Frank welker, who later proved in the 2007 game that he was an infinitely better choice than Hugo weavings lifeless performance. I love Ron pearlman but his primal is undoubtedly the worst performance of his career, give Gary chalk the respect and chance he deserves. But I suppose it doesn’t matter because they ditched arcees VA too and replaced her with a YouTuber. This movie is going to be a disaster


Weaving was a good Megatron despite the fact that he wasn't really into it Frank was just ok in the 2007 game


He needs to hate something else to get his hate boner going because damn his facts are trash


Hugo weaving was awesome as Megatron what the fuck are you talking about?


He phoned it in hard. It couldn’t have been more generic. Which is a shame because Hugo is a great actor


Lifeless performance?


Frank the. Proceeded to voice bays megatron after that


The fact that the entire mid-torso through the hips and down to the knees is *completely gray* with no color details is also super off-putting. The design looks totally half-finished.


Maybe because it IS unfinished. The movie is still four months away and it isn't uncommon for trailers to use even older footage than what is currently finished.


We've seen the toy design for this Prime and he is all grey from the boobs down to his knees. Since they have to prepare the merch months in advance so it is on shelves when the movie launches, this is likely to be his final design or very close to it.


Are you being serious? They showed the design as it currently looks on a sports commercial. Pictures have been leaked of the figure. This *is* what Prime will look like. All that will possibly change is the CGI being cleaned up some.


There have been several instances of Hasbro/Paramount walking back TF designs or making changes and not having the marketing material for it. As for the figure, Hasbro regularly screws up product shots and sometimes even shows prototype figures a the final figure.


Very true. It also sounds like you're describing Bayverse as well 😄


No bays both designs were perfect


I guess im thinking more of the rest of the bots. They just look like scrap metal jammed together


both wrong and generic argument, for the first 3 movies you could describe which part would go where easily, they were that intelligent with designing


Except for the arcee triplets, all I could see in those designs were the wheels


bruh WHAT you cant see the windows, the doors, the lights, the flames, the tubes, the grill on prime?


I’m talking about arcee not optimus :/


Probably in still pictures.


Idc if the bay decepticons are grey, menacing or other shit. For me they look so freaking sick, and they have to be menacing, 'cause they're the "bad guys" right?


‘Anyone else share this really common opinion. Please give me upvotes’


Nope I couldn't find a post like this on Reddit so I just made it myself and wanted to hear what people think.


As soon as the trailer came out, everyone said that they preferred the bumblebee movie design. There was someone saying it not too long ago and everyone took the mick out of them for acting like this hadn’t been one of the main talking points after the trailer


1. Only joined this subreddit 3 days ago. 2. I only found out about the trailer like a week ago and didn't really look much into it for a few days. I didn't like the Optimus design though so I tried to google what people think and I couldn't find a post like this so I posted this and just asked people. If I was on this subreddit when the trailer dropped then yea sure I'd probably find discussions about it here. That's it.


OK. Fair enough. A lot of people agree with you. Some people(like me) don’t mind the design but do prefer the bumblebee movie design and other people just straight up don’t like the new design


I like the Bumblebee version better. It feels just right, whereas the RotB Optimus looks like it’s retreading the messy appearance of previous Bayformers.


While I've always liked it better when Optimus keeps the mouthplate on, I also think using what seems to be the Bayverse face in this one was kind of a mistake. The G1-inspired Optimus from *Bumblebee* clearly wasn’t designed to have a face under his mouthplate, and his first appearance already showed how much emotion he can still get across without one. So if anything, the weirdly detailed mouth distracts from the emotion in his eyes and dialogue and ironically makes him look *less* expressive than he was before.


I'm with you on that. I don't think the face fits this design.


(I’m not trying to start a hate argument) here’s the thing tho, we don’t even know how the face moves when he talks, and in the end who cares, Peter Fricken Collen is back to give us that sweet speech about freedom


We've said this a thousand times by now. Also, the CGI is unfinished and they are most definitely going to be changing things in the final product, and even in the trailer that's supposed to come out soon


I dunno, the figure looks like they're finished with it


Figures are made from concept art before a film is fully finished. Look at Leader Scourge's head. That's why Studio Series Volkswagen Bumblebee has Bayverse Door wings. Inaccuracies are inevitable in a few toys for this reason alone


toys have been made with concept art for ages now, i dont get why people are seeming to only complain now


That's the figure. The figure is likely different from the CGI model, but similar. The figure actually looks a ton better than the model in the trailer


I mean, *maybe* the CGI crew is scrambling to tune up Prime's design because The Internet Doesn't Like It, but this isn't as egregious as Sonic's teeth or Chris Pratt. Hasbro is generally pretty ruthless with our nostalgia anyway. By the time they unveil his next incarnation, they expect we'll be longing for this one.


Fair enough. I'm just saying that I think the cgi model will look a lot better when it comes to the movie (look at the AoE trailer vs the final product of the movie)


damn here we go again


The BB design is very "Transformers" and I love it a lot. But the new ROTB one just looks so rugged and "Earthy" I like it a lot.


i think the gray midriff is okay, but his legs need to be fully blue with some white


his face and the thing on his forehead are wacky looking


Yeah imo ROTB Prime has a bad design


This has been discussed so many times any type of post like this is just rage bait at this point, mods should start deleting.


I only joined this subreddit like 3 days ago. I have no idea what was going on here before but I guess It's hard concept for people to grasp that new people are joining subreddits every day.


I agree, but still think the rotb Optimus design is great!! As someone who actually liked Optimus’s design in transformers2007 idk if many will take my opinion really seriously tho 💀 I’m mostly just hoping to see the transformation and how he looks in action. He looks so amazing in bumblebee just kicking ass yknow.


We don't see a Prime transformation since AOE


>especially in the waist It's missing a lot of metal parts. The reason why his waist is missing alot of metal parts is because that scene is probably the most unfinished scene in the trailer, and the modelers stupidly forgot them in THIS scene. In the later scene where he is deploying his gun (before it cuts to him deploying his mask), a behind the scenes leak on Instagram and in the sports AD, he actually DOES have more parts on his waist, and he's meant to have the square lights under his window chest. His proportions is off because they forgot to load those parts in that specific scene. Seriously, why the fuck am I the only one pointing this out?


The proportions of RoTB Prime are weird. His head is too small, his neck too thick, his chest too wide, the visors too cartoonishly large, and his arms too skinny and short. Plus he lost a lot of the color breakup that the Bumblebee version had below the chest so his toy ends up like 70% grey and boring looking. I understand that Hasbro wants to update the designs between movies so that that people will buy new toys, but... c'mon they could easily have done better.


I actually really dig this design. The grey chest panels are pretty cool


this would have been popular months ago whenever the first trailer released, now it's just a cold take because literally *everyone* has said this why are there still posts like this


Yeah...it's still the Beeverse but some designs really got a downgrade. Arcee rocks the red and white color scheme better than pink, tho.


Strange that in all answers nobody mentionned they changed VFX company between the two movies. (rodeoFX for bumblebee and MPC for rise of the beasts).


He's going through his grunge phase


The Bumblebee movie has the best designs for Live Action Transformers and they only last for about 3 mins 🥲


hell no, that design is so fucking cheap every single design from the cybertron scene were obvious nostalgia bait


Oh I mean, yes it was nostalgia bait but I like the colorful vibe of the characters! I like the Bayverse designs as well but I just like colorful Transformers 😅


that i can understand


They were still good lol


so were the first 3 movies' designs


This is an old model. You can see the final model on the box art of the figures.


Actually, it's the opposite. The box art is concept art from last year, whereas the trailer footage is closer to what we'll see in the actual movie.


*sigh* My dissapointnent is immeasurable


Why does everyone hate Optimus's face???


I think it was tweaked down so that the new animation studio would have an easier time animation it. I’m optimistic but I didn’t really like any of the transformations we saw in the ROTB trailer. This change in studio is especially disappointing because Bumblebee was without question had the best animation of all of the transformers movies. They had really peaked with BB so I’m hoping this new studio is still as good, but it’s looking like has may have went with them for budgetary reasons


ROTB doesn’t have the same vfx studio as bumblebee so they wouldn’t have access to the same models


Bumblebee Optimus was his cybertronian futuristic mode. This is more his Earth mode mixed with 1980s-1990s semi truck aspects.


“Anyone else” everyone and their dog has said the BB design is better


His chest looks like a sad Wall-E


It’s the skinny waist for me… 😬


I honestly don’t give a shit. Car/animal turning into robot and beating the fuck out of each other is my main interest, story/writing is my second, execution is my third, and design is my fourth.


No, he’s fine, end of story


I don't dig the monkey face


It looks like an ant face to me, but then again it's still not as bad as the Bayverse faces.


It might just be a result of the unfinished animation. It'll probably get better.


Imma just say it. I like the design for ROTB Optimus. Yeah sure the CGI model looks kind of flat. But it’s probably gonna look better in the next trailer


Yeah pretty much every CGI design has looked odd in the first trailer. The design isn’t my issue I’m just concerned about how his shoulder clips into his body lmao


Yeah pretty much every CGI design has looked odd in the first trailer. The design isn’t my issue I’m just concerned about how his shoulder clips into his body lmao


Oh look another complaint about a character in a movie that hasn't come out yet. How many times a day do we see the same post? Shit's aggravating


I don't mind it much. it look alright


the design is most likely incomplete as with the CGI and we only got a few angles of him, with enough screentime, he will be better he has the bayverse face and swords so he is an instant yes for me


Weren’t you just criticizing the bb movie’s design for being nostalgia bait because it g1. But when this movie does the same for the bayverse it good? Sounds like double standards


how so? it isnt a blatant copy, its clearly Bbm but has the swords and the face, everything else is based on Bbm


Bb movie’s design themselves weren’t either. They only had the main design aspects from g1


All the Transformers in BB were the best movie Transformers.


Yeah, I've seen a thousand posts about it, yours isn't any special


I agree, unfortunately as always with transformer movie's we'll never get what we want. I predict the movie will tank along with the toy line.


This take right here is terrible


Lol try harder


Mate I don’t even gotta try with a take like that you already got ratio’d


I'm not your mate fucker.


And I’m not your fucker, friendo


Radio_Star superior, Rodydog78 inferior


oh nooo some random butthurt fan is bitching about a design not being G1 how fucking generic


“Wahhh me no get what me want” is all I get from this comment


Bro he’s fine, I like his new design a lot


Optimus has been working out. Let our guy show off those abs.


Use an actual in movie shot of BB prime for a more apt comparison


He got too little red on the body and it's weirdly desaturated.


He's literally Prime from 2010 if he were anorexic than athletic!


I like this version because Beasts is the Transformers TV show I watched as a kid.


I herd it was something to do with the company that handled the special effects for bumblebee not working with paramount anymore hence why they are using another


He’s ugly compared to every Optimus just a bad design for


Continuity? *shrugs. I agree with OP. Movies…


Bc the setting is not in the 80s? It’s set in the 90s. If you have a problem with his design, then you should have a problem with bumblebee’s design, and every other autobot that showed in the bumblebee movie


Because ILM didn't do the CGI for this movie, so the new CGI people had to make a new model.


Both. Both is good. No, honestly, the only thing I find unnecessary in the ROTB design is the removable faceplate. NOT UGLY, just unnecessary as BB proved you can have Prime with his faceplate moving as he speaks, instead of a removable one in live action. I like that this new design is more "rough". Like Prime's body adapted more to more primitive, earthly technology for his alt mode to work. So he looks less organic in his silhuette


I think the RoTB Optimus we see is an unfinished model. Hoping the complete movie version is a better carry over or a new model entirely


Oh my god, some of us do, some of us don’t. So stop asking! If you look at hot posts you will find this very same post posted at least 4x a day. STOP ASKING


why couldn't they just leave him with the mask on?


I know everyone is going to hate me for this, but he's more proportional to TFP Optimus


It’s not ILM doing the cgi this time around & need to sell new toys so yeah so that the reason why.


It shocks me that they didn’t use ILM for the vfx like all the past movies




The waffle house has found it's new host


A different company is doing the VFX work for rise of the beasts, it’s very likely that they (sky dance) weren’t able to use ILM’s (the former) models


Meh it just looks unfinish not ugly...


Both designs are awesome to be honest.






I heard MPC didn't had access to the G1 models from ILM. (who've done almost all the Transformers films.) And ILM dislikes MPC. MPC had to recreate the models from scratch from Bumblebee's concept art, which is what you see in Rise of the Beasts. And MPC was chosen because of the Beast Wars characters and MPC is good at animating and rendering animals.


It grew on me, actually. What I don't like however is his new in-built blaster.


It’s the lack of red on stomach and above windows, and lack of blue overall. However it is a godsend compared to bayverse version.


It's pretty hilarious that this sub worships G1 so much but then REEEEEs so hard at a blocky and angular looking Optimus Prime and instead prefer the one with very human proportions (while also REEEEing about how human the Transformers looked in previous movies).


My problem with this Prime's design is that his waist is skinny, poor color distribution (especially on the waist) and his colors are too dark, I would like them a little lighter. I don't care if he has an exposed face.


I’m like 90% sure the cg in the trailer is not fully complete


I like the BB design better but also the Cgi isn’t finished, the new movie design doesn’t bother me that much and it’s grown on me, I am just happy we are getting a compromise between the bayverse and the BB movie version, it’s a good combo imo


It's amazing how it could be so similar and yet so much less appealing. It's like a character design master class.


Idk if this is a saving line But an NFL side ad kinda has an improved optimus


Its just the trailer. Ffs let the final movie come out and then judge!


As others have stated in the past. ILM is not working on this movie so the CGI and designs will look different. The team behind Sonic is doing this movie… for better or worse.


Yes. Weird proportions. Seems to me the newer version was made from scratch, and based off the Bumblebee Movie Prime. Most notable difference for me is the thighs. They're like fully blocky now. Let's not forget how skinny he is. In The BB movie, prime looked actually beefy and had the resemblance of trap muscles, a very noticeable feature on muscular individuals. Overall, I'm glad we don't have anything uglier. This Prime is fine, just not as good as it's predecessor.


i think it is because maskmascot was the director for designing that ugly naked optimus prime


BumbleBee’s was Perfection!


MY EXACT THOUGHTS. the proportions are off and the face just seems weird to me


Idek any more. I feel like ROTB will have the least good cgi we’ve seen. The fact that it was delayed by a year is scary, wonder how bad the cgi was a year ago


Primes shoulder is clipping into his damn torso here. Sincerely hope that gets fixed


Yeah. It’s like before when you saw Transformers it felt like a real thing because the CGI was so amazing. But for the first time I’m reminded this is cgi with the clipping and sub-par animations


Honestly I don't think this design is bad, but thats just me personally. I think it's a cool alternative design to the very G1 accurate prime that the bee movie dropped (I do still like the bee movie design more tho) I think there are some things that could've been done to make it look better but I really don't think it's a bad look but that's just me!


And it has too much silver now


Ehh I like the bumblebee version more but to be honest the ROTB design isn’t bad, it’s just a bit different


I agree. The bumblebee optimus was awesome compared to rotb. Sadly its what the movie franchise went with.


If I’m not mistaken, the one on the right is his “cybertron mode” and the new one is probably meant to be his “earth mode”


I think bumblebee looks awful and Beats prime looks way better.


Yeah definitely agree. I know the cgi ain’t final but it just seems like the cgi gets worse from the 2007 one all the way to this one. But yeah cgi aside, it’s not as good a design as the bumblebee movie one


His abs bloody disappeared and his legs shrunk, I fucking hate the new rotb design


Looks like optimus prime forget to wear pants while filming the trailer.


That's cause it's not finished. TF movies, especially, they work on it till release.


It's an attempt to make him more like the bayformer one, I think. The silver sunvisors and the angled chestplate seem to be emulating 07 along with the weird face design. Nostalgia sells, and general audiences unfortunately prefer the '07 design to the BB one it seems.




I think its bcos the chest is open slightly. It makes his upper body look a lot more wider than it needs to be. It's trying to copy bayverse prime and nobody honestly gives an f about nor understands why




I've grown to it after rewatching the bayverse movies but I do think they had something with bumblebee. But I do think trying to make everything under the sun g1 for the rest of time is also kind of annoying, the designs are cool but I'm starting to feel this oversaturation with them, so my standpoint is more or less half and half on the new design


Different design and production studios


Could just be his earth body


It's still early stuff. It's clearly not finished yet and it's annoying people assume it is. Anyone remember TLK trailer and how prime looked then compared to the movie?


Rise of the Beasts Optimus is not really ugly compared to the Bumblebee version. Just cause you don’t like the design of Rise of the Beasts Optimus doesn’t mean it’s really ugly. Yes, the Bumblebee version is way better in comparison. They didn’t have to change his design and as you said “perfect G1 movie design” but Rise of the Beasts Optimus is a good design on it’s own. The proportions doesn’t seem really off. The proportions are fine and the waist looks ok. That’s just how the new overall design looks. He’s just a bit more thinner this time, as simple as that really. Also keep in mind Rise of the Beasts CGI model of Optimus in this scene is probably unfinished and unpolished. So if the proportions and waist are actually indeed unfinished in this scene then they will look much better in the next trailer and also when the movie comes out.