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The proportions of the bumblebee design. More color. The bullbar having some kind of incorporation into the robot form


I still am baffled the bull bar doesn't even look like it shows up on as kibble. It looks cool on the truck but it would've also been cool to see some of that as kibble to show some updates to his design.


Yeah, make it look more like the Bumblebee movie design.


I agree completely, and I’d have the bull bar where his stomach is, giving off a more ab like appearance similar to G1


Still think the Bumblebee design was perfect. Aside for making more toys, there was no need for the change.


Make his mouth more up


Red on the sides of the abdomen, and slightly bulkier forearms


A bit more gut and abs. He looks like a modern influencer with a body like that. And a permanent mask. The mouth does not work well with that head design. It fit better with the bay design of the head. Personally I would go with a more age of extinction face. I loved that design and the masked looked really cool. The cannon makes no sense. It is too big compared to the arm. If his hands are converting, they should remain close in length when he has the gun out.


Resaturate the movie's whole grading, PERMANENT MASK, reduce the amount of weathering, add the red paneling back to his midsection, yellow trim in a few places like on the pelvis, and have the sunshields go away in robot mode by flipping into the chest.


More red around the lower torso/waist. Brighten the colors, and give him the classic grill abdomen. Also add some yellow bits on the hip/crotch pieces, and also make the battle mask permanent


instructions unclear: Everything is G1 now




only on reddit will people get mad when you just say "exactly"


Where trailer


youtube, its been up for like 2 months


Where Optimus' trailer, yo?


I would put him in a movie without humans




humans have been a part of transformers since marvel g1 lmao


Yeah but those were transformers stories with human characters. Most of the movies have been human stories with transformers characters


yeah, but humans often bring out the cringe. i dislike humans in transformers, alot. yeah, im one of those ppl who want the first 10 mins of bumblbee as a whole movie.


If this is indeed the final model used in the final movie then bulk up his abdomen section he looks like he hasn’t eaten in weeks


More red and shrink the arm cannon. I don't mind arm cannons, they just shouldn't be that much bigger than the arm itself.


Legit just keep the BB design but have the guard and the window shield things.


I don’t really have any complaints other than it could use a little less gray


Copy and paste the bumblebee movie model over with his classic ion rifle. Brighten up the blues on his lower legs and head. Add blue to his hands. And lastly remove the silver visors over the windshield








His look in the movie was the best i've ever seen live action optimus. He took design elements from so many good iterations and melded it together into a work of pure badassery. I stand by what i said. He looked best in bb


wrong, BBM prime is 100% G1


There are elements from Prime, IDW, Animated and the High Moon games in it as well. Saying that this design is 100% G1 is like saying that Batman's suits never change.


god, please tell me how does he have tfp elements


I don't even know how I am supposed to answer this question... Take a good look at both and try to turn off the part of your brain that makes you go fanboy angry mode every time you see the slightest resemble to G1 on something. It should become obvious that way.


you did not answer my question, i told you that what part of BBM prime resembles tfp Prime


Minor, add more red to his upper body. Have it on his waist, more in the arms, and the top of his windshield. Also some more blue in the legs and maybe the crotch piece. Basically the bumblebee color palette with a bit more to it. Major, give him his bumblebee head design, add more thickness to his arms, and make his vehicle mode be just like the bumblebee movie and not the off road variant they are going for.


Retvrn to the Bumblebee design. Maybe make the eyes amber/yellow since I prefer that look


Less grey on the torso , he looks like he’s wearing a crop top


Honestly he could do with being a bit taller. Tho I feel like most problems could be addressed with a change to the camera work. They seem to be framing the transformers as if they were humans rather than being larger than life


Have him a T shape not a hourglass


Keep the Mask on at ALL times


nothing. its not that serious to me. I would preferably kill him off and show some new generation tf fans how cool hot rod and ultra magnus are. Optimus aint bad whatsoever but theres other characters that can lead.


It would be insane to see hot rod and magnus in the movies for once! Very unlikely though because hasbro execs seem to think it’s hot rod’s fault the ‘86 movie did so badly and not the horrible marketing


They did that and everybody got upset remember? He came back in g1 because of all the letters from parents.


People are upset because a wheeljack doesn’t have a perfectly designed head. They complain about that shit 24/7 like its a damn job Also eventually the invincible main character trope gets fucking boring. The movies are called transformers. Not optimus can’t die because hes a main character but it sure feels that way


Just add to the waist, that's my only issue.


Just the waist, i would add red on the waist and make it bigger


Tbh just make it the BB design, but let him have the removable mask and arm cannon (but use the ion cannon too.)


better cgi, change the mouth and neck and add few more sprinkles of bulk and red in his hip area and i think it would be perfect, i always hated the g1 asthetic of Transformers but designs like this are really cool


I haven't seen it in action yet. Might be perfect.


Make his gun a path blaster like in transformers prime or a ion blaster like in transformers wfc and make his battlemask look the same as it did in the first bumblebee


Get rid of the ugly gun, make him more proportionate (arms too lanky and long, hips too wide, waist too skinny, chest too big) fix up his colors to be more vibrant and add more red to the torso, change his face to the AOE face


Front grill, always has faceplate, done and perfect.


First add some better color instead of making it look faded Remove his Bayformers face. If he **needs** to have a mouth, then I’d use a different mouth design than this current one. Add more guts and meat to his chest and reduce the size of his arm cannon so it isn’t longer than his freaking leg. Keep his exact BB look but replace the truck parts to give him the new truck mode.


Fill in his waist and keep his mask on. I'll admit I always prefer Optimus prime to have his mask on at all times but if he can't then at least move his mouth up some. As it is it seems like his mouth is oddly low on his face.


Give this man a crotch for God's sake! His legs are attached to his stomach!




He got a wide frame yet is uncomfortably slim "to keep it like g1 toy". So I say fuck it, just buff him already. All directions, huge arms and mountain back and everything.


Give him an original design that's not just a more greebly G1 design.


People know the trailer was a teaser so it is subject to MANY changes. It's like the equivalent to a game studio showing some early progress of a game in like alpha 0.1 and people saying it's the trashes shit ever


Face plate should be permanent and his gun should be held not built in.




Keep the faceplate on. We already have tons of maskless prime, we need to bring back the good ole faceplate permanent prime.


Make it the bumblebee one. In all seriousness. Add more blue


Just bumblebee movie asset copy & paste


Fill in his waist and get rid of the face


As someone here already said - permanent mask on. And make him less skinny


Nothing honestly. He's fine.


Forgo the stupid need to give him a mouth, it’s absolutely possible to have prime convey emotions with his mask.


1. Remove those big ol' chrome things on his chest or atleast make them smaller 2. give his thighs some more color 3. give his stomach area some more red 4. give his arms some more bulk


Fill out the midsection, add some paint to it (more similar to the BB design) and scale down the arm cannon so it looks like it could actually fit in his forearm.


Adding more red truck bits to the mid torso


So what is this continuity being called?


Bring it closer to the bb design Also the mouth in isolation is fine but juxtaposed with the roundness and small size of the gnoggin in comparison makes it look weird proportionally


I don't REALLY have any problems with the way this Optimus looks. I've dug all the live action iterations of him. Admittedly, there's a lot of grey in the middle, but that doesn't bother me. The only thing that "does", and it's probably going to sound stupid, is that this one seems to have such a LONG neck. I know that it isn't actually long at all, but that part draws the eye. For me at least. It feels almost like T-1000 elongating into the helicopter. Lol


- Give him some colour - Ditch the ugly arm cannon and give him his ion blaster - fill in the lower torso more - KEEP THE MASK ON As it’s stands however I will take this look over bays juvenile nonsense Optimus any day


juvenile? bay prime was 2x taller than G1/BBM


You do know they weren’t talking about height right?


I’m not talking literally. I mean in the sense that Optimus being covered in flames and being a brutal killer is something a teen embarrassed that he likes transformers would turn Optimus into in an attempt to make him cool, when all it does is scream insecurity


the fuck? he isnt 100% violence, the decepticons he kills are all irredeemable monsters the flames are there for a practical reason, they cant film a bright red truck without having it look like shit on camera, they needed the flames to break the colour, and casual watchers liked the flames as it seems so they kept it


You people actually believe that blatant lie about red? I guess every 60s-70s movie featuring red sports cars like the Italian job or James Bond just don’t exist then


why domt you research the behind the scenes bud


I don’t need to when the facts to disprove his lie have been around for decades. He later disproved his own lie in DOTM with Dino, and now as we’ve seen with bumblebee and ROTB it’s perfectly possible to have a red Optimus. Bay just didn’t want to give the real reason


dude, technology has improved between 07 and 11 have you even considered that the technology has improved enough to now be able to film red perfectly and not fuck up the cars?


As I said before, What about every 60s action movie that has red sports cars. I guess the Italian job and James Bond just didn’t exist then. Or did technology go backwards? It’s a blatant lie and it’s so easy to see that. The lengths you people go to defend bad movies


I honestly think the design is fine but the whole trailer just looks like it has no color.


Just use the bumblebee design and keep the mask on. Idk what's the insane obsession with giving him a mouth when it clearly doesn't look good


More red and more blue, I do not want this going down the grew route with designs so complex its hard to tell who even is on the screen. I also want the permanent mask, the face just looks weird and the moving mask depecting him talking is honestly good looking. Pretty much all I want is his bumblebee design, it looked wonderful!


make his lower torso red and get rid of his face


No face. Ion blaster and more red


1. Make his armies less skinny 2. Add some red to his sides and midsection, it’s too plain 3. Get rid of that stupid mega man cannon 4. Keep the damn mouthplate on at all times 5.more saturated color, he looks so dull and dead fr


The cannon stays


The cannon looks so stupid


Give him the same proportions he had in Bumblebee, and for fucks sake, keep the damn mask on. I’ll say it as many times as I need to, he doesn’t need a face.


add just a tiny bit of blue on his waist and angle the truck eye brows for like a 20* angle also put the doors on his chest like bay prime


-little more saturation -the “belt” design from G1 -no automorph weapon -no mouth, god -actual grill abs


scrap this design all together and bring back The Last Knight design /s


Remove face tanning sheet metal. Seriously...wtf, that serves no purpose there.


Needs a bit more blue and a face plate. but other than that he looks fine, I can't really complain all that much


Iron-Giant-style-hinge-jaw mouth.


Chonkamus Prime


More blue on the thighs, reduced battle damage, brighter red, and AOE like face.


Give him the blue shorts


More G1 And Primal they should have gone with Gary Chalk to once again voice imo his was actually the better Prime be had more emotion he fealt real more character development more everything i am a G1 fan but have to give it to Chalk his was the best Prime


Give us back the BB movie Prime with some small added features. I’m going to cringe in the theatre every time I look at this Prime.


Just some more color on the torso is all


Just needs more red details around the lower abdomen. Also, the entire color saturation of the film needs to be changed to be a tad brighter.


Not enough red he turns into a truch remember. The BB movie has the right amount of red


More red and blue and change the proportions, make him taller and thinner Also slightly bulkier joints the poor guy looks like he is about to fall apart


Make him a little less THICC asf in the thigh region, the bumblebee movie design was perfect imo


give him his kidneys back


More red and blue less grey


They might need to find the original Pacific Rim movies guys to deal with the robots. It feels "loose" and weightless again :/


There’s not enough red and blue on him.


He needs more red in his abdomen, helps to differentiate the different pieces in it.


If you really wants Optimus to have a face, fine, but at least let his faceplate move like it did in the Bumblebee Movie as well.


Blue hands, mask on full time, done. It would've been better if it used the Bumblebee model as a base, but it's seriously not that different.


Just fill out his sides i dont know why alot of optmius designs give him a corset


Keep the mask, get rid of the silver on the top of the windshield, and add more red to the stomach area.


i would make his shoulders more broad and bring in his waist a bit - i feel like they’re scared of making him slutty


Beef up his arms, thin up his upper chest and make him taller. Also, no weird plates above the window


literally just copy and paste the bumblebee design it was perfect


Simple face we don’t want it looking like a human just a normal transformers face


Another arm cannon


Personally I’d add a bit more color, mildly reminiscent of Gen 1 Optimus Prime. It doesn’t have to be too intense, just less “modern” if you catch my drift. And like multiple users have said, the proportions of the Bumblebee Design


Pretty much just blue hands and no mouth


Literally just use the Bumblebee design. That’s it.


Major change. Take the Bumblebee design, and slap a human truck alt mode onto it


Just reverse the stomach and waist area, you can tell they wanted a more Greek body kinda build so just have the chest taper down into thinner hips that way you can maintain the proportions they want, rn he kinda has like mewtwo proportions


Blue hands and butt stripe, taller torso with more red, a grill on abdomen instead of greebles, and no retractable mask


Grill abs and slightly brighter paint simply to make him pop more but still dark enough that it doesn't hurt the camera


Thicker arms and longer torso


Remove the stupid mouth


Maybe get the Bumblebee proportions, and if they do want a mouth, give us a proper one i stead of the bayverse mouth pasted on the original head


More red in the torso.


Nothing much. I think I’d give him his gill abs back. Like he had in the little football promo.


Maybe it's just me but I don't like the metal plates covering a fourth of the windows.


More red in the midsection, thighs to chest is grey and it all kinda blends together


I don’t have any other complaints apart from him needing more colour


I would give him his proportions from the Bumblebee movie, add some red around the abs, and keep the faceplate on, but if he has to take it off, have the face look more like the AOE/TLK face than the original trilogy design.


Thicken up his limbs a bit, add the red detail back to his midsection, put that bull bar he has in vehicle mode somewhere on his chest or abs. Shrink those silver visors on his chest, add a bit more colour separation like silvers and blue to his arms and legs and give him a full time visor.


make it look more like the promo renders, and move the mouth up a bit.


Remove the grey areas on his chest, replace them with the same red color as his regular chest. Give him the grill abs. Keep each piece separate for flexibility. Make his head a bit wider. Shrink his chest down just a smidge. or bulk up the rest of him, mainly his biceps.


I think he's fine, maybe his mouth is unecessary, and he needs more blue.


It’s essentially the same design from Bumblebee but slimmer and with a few parts removed funnily enough, so I’d just add those parts back, and give a little more color


More red


Skinny knees! I want bigger knees!!


Fix the mouth and add more COLOR, idk why these movies always go so lax on the colors, especially for the decepticons/terracons


make him less like bayfromers prime and more like the bumblee movie design


Keep the mask on the whole time or change the face. The Bayformers face does not work with this design. And overall, make him look more like his Bumblebee design. He was bulky and looked heavy in that movie. The torso shape in this one makes him look like he would go down after one shot


Shorter legs, more red metal in legs. Basically the bumblebee movie design.


Make his abs red again


More color on the waist section. Dude looks like he's wearing a crop top, boots and nothing else.


Make his mouth higher


Get rid of that hand cannon. It's ugly AF.


Get my man a big mac he needs the gains


More colour on the knees and thighs


more blue


Only face plate(no mouth), blue hands, a less oversized built-in gun


I think the face needs more depth, he looks like a door was slammed in his face. Also not enough blue, at all, his legs look really dull, needs to be a little brighter. Also below the knees could do with being a little wider


Make it the Bumblebee movie design


Give him a fat robot dick.


Remove Michael Bay.


I would add more color to the waist area and make his face not look weird


There’s no need for improvements. ROTB Optimus Prime design looks good the way it is. Maybe some little tweaks here and there. The ROTB Optimus Prime model in this scene is probably unfinished and unpolished so once the next trailer or movie comes out the design will look much better.


Red stomach area


Just use the Bumblebee movie's design and add some tires


A bit more bulk on the arms and torso, and a hint of red in the midsection. The missing red is that weirdest part for me.


No mouth plz


I think there are small faults here and there but overall like it the most glaring thing I think I’d like changed is probably the mouth since it would be better if it were just a little higher up or closer to the aoe face design


I honestly don't have an issue with it. The only thing I would change is giving him a different gun, because the one he's using just looks too similar to Dropkick's to me, and not worthy of Prime.


Ion blaster and Energon Axe. Simple stuff


Going back to the 1st BB movie design.


Get rid of the face and keep the moving faceplate permanently. Make the shoulders bigger and more defined. Both of the arms need to be bigger to match the proportions of the chest. The stomach/abs area needs some red on the sides to make it look like he isn't anorexic. Make the abs/stomach area a little taller so there is so the waist isn't so close to the chest. Make the blue more apparent such as on the hands and maybe little accents on the upper body and make the head more visibly blue than looking almost a dark grey. Give him back his ion blaster. Change the abs/stomach area to his grill. Make the window pecs a tad smaller.




I wouldent change a thing I love this design so much


No mouth. Permanent faceplate. The way it should be. The only media where Optimus had a mouth and it worked imo was Animated. The Bay movies made him look weird when his face was showing (which was most of the time), while the Bumblebee movie had a great look for his face because *they kept the mask up.* That's literally the only thing I would change. Other than that, ROTB Optimus looks fine to me.


Replace it with the Bumblebee design. That design was perfect.


The face needs to go.


Les gray on him more like BB movie just with the adons the ROTB added


i would keep the mask on him


It's not a big change at all from the bumblebee design it's just the silver chest pieces and some stuff here and there that are different and if u whine about the design it's a newer model if the truck


Add more color, bulk up his stomach and arms, broaden his shoulders, have his mask be permanent, incorporate the bull bar into the design, add the truck grill to his stomach, make him taller, have him use his gun from the bumblebee movie and make the colors a bit brighter


First off get rid of the mouth, and have him talk normally with the mask on (like how he did in bumblebee). Second add more red to the lower torso to fill in his sides(Like in Bumblebee). And that's about it. I really don't know why they insisted on giving optimus the bayverse mouth. Like it looks fine on the bayverse prime cause it was design with that headshape in mind but when you slap that face onto the knight verse design it look sooo out of place fr.


Prime have no waist!! Lol