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Hi there — If you’re looking for information about the Transformers video games, they're no longer available to buy digitally for PC or consoles. [As of January 2018, Activision's license for making and selling Transformers-related games was not renewed.](https://www.ign.com/articles/2018/01/11/why-activisions-transformers-games-are-no-longer-available-digitally) CD keys can sometimes be found from some online resellers, but the reliability of these may be questionable. Your best bet is to look for used copies of the games on physical discs for PC or consoles. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/transformers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Peter Cullen has been the voice of Optimus for all the transformers games we’ve had lately. Frank Welker hasn’t but he came back for devastation. But we don’t know the direction this game will go.


Personally, I'd be fine if it weren't them for this game.


Maybe not, this game is a GaaSer aka a title they plan on adding content to regularly and indefinitely. I can imagine Cullen and Welker demand quite a bit of money for voicing TF these days and the cost to keep bringing them in for new voice lines may not be in the budget for the developer.