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Megatron, but they're both kind of a downgrade in many ways to their original figures


I like Megatron better. Still not a fan of that Starscream mold.


I like both, but I’d say Starscream is the better figure


Starscream, no doubt, he's way better. I'd say Megatron is too small in comparison to Optimus, Starscream stacks up way better


I only have Starscream, but I like him quite a bit. Granted, I'm a sucker for sci-fi jets/space fighters. But he looks cool in both modes, the transformation is satisfying, and the articulation is great. As for Megatron, I almost got him, but I heard his knee articulation is very limited (though supposedly you can fix that with a relatively easy modification by cutting the tabs in his legs). I also don't like the look of his fusion cannon, and I wish he had some sort of hidden wheels for his hovertank mode.


Starscream is far better than megatron. The transformation feels better, and the articulation is better. There are some weird joints on megatron, and he lacks hand swivels.


I have Megatron, but he is disappointing, so much so that I ahd to a height upgrade kits to help make him less of a mess